High Performance Nursing

High Performance Nursing

A safe space for clinicians to achieve their highest potential.

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From ICU to Community Nursing – Caitlyn Moore’s Story

In this insightful episode of the High-Performance Nursing Podcast, Liam is joined by Caitlyn Moore, an early-career registered nurse passionate about community health nursing. Caitlyn shares her journey from working in the intensive care unit (ICU) to transitioning into community health nursing. Together, they explore the rewards and challenges of community nursing and discuss their shared passion for empowering early-career nurses.Key Discussion Points:Transition from ICU to Community Health Nursing:Caitlyn shares her personal journey and the motivations behind her move from the ICU to community health nursing.The differences in work environment and patient interaction between ICU and community health.How Caitlyn adapted to the new role and the skills she brought from her ICU experience.Rewards and Challenges of Community Nursing:The unique rewards of working in community health, including building long-term relationships with patients and providing holistic care.Challenges faced in community nursing, such as resource limitations and the need for creative problem-solving.Caitlyn's tips for overcoming these challenges and thriving in a community health setting.Empowering Early Career Nurses:The importance of mentorship in nursing careers and how it can shape the professional journey of early-career nurses.Caitlyn's involvement in the ACN Emerging Nurse Leader program and the benefits it offers for leadership development.Strategies for early-career nurses to seek out and engage with mentors.The Importance of Self-Care and Growth:Discussion on the critical need for self-care to prevent burnout and maintain passion in nursing.Practical self-care tips and strategies that Caitlyn and Liam use in their professional lives.The role of continuous learning and growth in achieving a fulfilling nursing career.Being Open to New Opportunities:Encouraging nurses to be open to new opportunities and not to be fixated on a linear career path.Caitlyn's experience with exploring different nursing roles and finding her passion in community health.The value of flexibility and adaptability in building a successful and satisfying nursing career.Guest Bio: Caitlyn Moore is an early-career registered nurse with a deep passion for community health nursing. Currently, in her third year of practice, she is in Stage 4 of the ACN Emerging Nurse Leader program. Caitlyn is dedicated to empowering early-career nurses and advocating for patient-centred care. Follow her journey on Instagram and TikTok @Nursinginaus, and on LinkedIn as Caitlyn Moore.Connect with Caitlyn Moore:Instagram: @NursinginausTikTok: @NursinginausLinkedIn: Caitlyn MooreRegister for NNF Next Gen Conference here5 Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅Join our Free Nurse Career Growth Hub and access our free nursing application, interview and career growth guides here!Join our Nurse Career Academy and work with us to help guarantee your next nursing role!Book a free Career Clarity Call with...
July 22, 2024

“Breathwork Saved My Life” With Nurse Turned Breath/NLP Coach Rachel Williams

In this episode of the High-Performance Nursing Podcast, host Liam Caswell welcomes Rachel Williams, a registered nurse with 23 years of experience who is now transitioning into the holistic space. Rachel shares her journey from experiencing burnout and job stress to finding healing through holistic practices, including breathwork and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). She discusses her passion for helping nurses and healthcare workers with burnout, stress, and trauma by regulating their nervous systems.Key Topics Discussed:Introduction to Rachel Williams:Rachel's career in nursing spanning 23 years.Transition from clinical nursing to holistic healing practices.Rachel's Nursing Journey:Challenges and experiences as a nurse, including instances of bullying and burnout.The impact of her father's passing on her mental health and career direction.Discovery of Holistic Healing:Introduction to breathwork through a serendipitous Instagram account.The transformative impact of breathwork and coaching on Rachel's life.Holistic Practices Explained:Different types of breathwork and their benefits.The importance of regulating the nervous system for personal and professional resilience.Impact of Trauma and Burnout:The connection between personal traumas and professional burnout.Strategies for dealing with burnout and dysregulated nervous systems.Incorporating Holistic Practices in Nursing:Rachel's role in teaching nursing students at the university level.The importance of addressing both personal and professional traumas for holistic healing.Advice for Nurses:Emphasizing self-care and the necessity of looking after oneself.Encouragement to explore holistic practices for managing stress and burnout.Final Thoughts:Rachel’s ongoing journey in holistic healing.The need for resilience and adaptability in nursing and healthcare.Quotes:"Burnout creeps up on you, and it's a short jump from burnout to depression and isolation.""Breathwork has helped me deal with past trauma and limiting beliefs, and I want others to experience the same healing."Resources Mentioned:Wim Hof MethodTransformational BreathingNeuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)Rachel's Instagram and contact information for breathwork coaching.Get in Touch With Rachel Williams: Breath as Medicine link free Masterclass July 27- Breathwork and Essential Oils for Health Care Workers and Healers a Clarity Call or Breath session
July 15, 2024

Delaying Your Graduate Nursing Year

Should you delay applying and interviewing for your graduate nursing year and first role?In this week's episode, I cover a topic that has been coming up a lot online: nurses choosing to delay commencing their careers upon graduating, which can sometimes leave them in a bit of a tricky situation when getting their first job. In this episode, I tackle why delaying might be a good idea, the cons of delaying your graduate year, and how to get support if you choose this approach. Either way, there is no right or wrong. Just make sure you decide what's best for you, knowing that you might be lucky or need to 10x your applications and interviews in the future. Conferences I mentioned include: ACIPCACN NNF5 Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅Join our Free Nurse Career Growth Hub and access our free nursing application, interview and career growth guides here!Join our Nurse Career Academy and work with us to help guarantee your next nursing role!Book a free Career Clarity Call with Liam to discuss your career situation!Join our private FB community and surround yourself with like-minded nurses!Check out our Youtube Channel for more nurse career support!
July 8, 2024

Nurse and Midwifery Health Program Australia with Mark Aitken

In this episode, I have the pleasure of chatting with the incredible Mark Aitken, a registered nurse with 40 years of diverse experience. Mark shares his journey from his early days to his current role as the Nurse Midwife Health Program Australia Implementation Deputy Director. Get ready for an episode packed with inspiration, practical tips, and heartfelt stories.Key Moments: Introduction & Welcome (00:00:02 - 00:00:12)I introduce the episode and welcome Mark Aitken.Mark expresses his excitement about sharing his journey and insights.Mark’s Nursing Journey (00:00:42 - 00:01:00)Mark recounts his transition into nursing, inspired by "The Young Doctors."Highlights of his extensive career, including various leadership roles.Understanding and Managing Burnout (00:09:07 - 00:10:05)Mark discusses the emotional labour in nursing and how it led to his experiences with burnout.Practical strategies for recognising and managing burnout.The Importance of Self-Care (00:13:14 - 00:14:13)Insights into Mark's self-care routines and the significance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.Tips on crafting a personal self-care plan.Mentorship and Career Growth (00:15:55 - 00:16:30)Mark shares the impact of mentorship on his career and offers advice for finding and being a good mentor.Encouragement to seize career opportunities and overcome imposter syndrome.Nurse Midwife Health Program Australia (00:32:32 - 00:33:00)Overview of the Nurse Midwife Health Program Australia and its role in supporting nurses and midwives.How the program addresses complex health and well-being issues.Notable Quotes:"The only reason a hurdle is in front of you is because you've allowed it to be there. If you can't go under, around, or over it, go through it.""It's vitally important that you realise if you're going to have a successful career, you prioritise your own health and well-being.""If somebody's asking you to do something, chances are it's because they've noticed something in you that they think would be perfect for the job."Connect with Us: Liam CaswellInstagram: @highperformancenursingWebsite: High-Performance NursingMark AitkenLinkedIn: Mark AitkenGet in touch with the NHMPA:Nurse Midwife Health Program AustraliaSubscribe for more nursing tips, career advice, and inspiring stories! Tune in for an episode full of laughter, learning, and loads of inspiration to elevate your nursing career!
July 1, 2024

Addressing Bullying in Nursing and Midwifery with Tammy Copley

DISCLAIMER - This episode may trigger listeners, please access support as required and stop listening if this is causing you mental/emotional distress. Please seek out professional support as listed below. The views of all guests are their own and not the views of HPN/Liam Caswell. In this deeply impactful episode of the High-Performance Nursing Podcast, host Liam Caswell welcomes back Tammy Copley, a passionate advocate against bullying in nursing and midwifery. Tammy shares her extensive experiences and insights into the pervasive issue of bullying within the profession, offering practical advice, emotional support, and hope for those affected.Key Topics Discussed:Tammy's Return to the Podcast:Recap of Tammy’s previous appearances and her continued dedication to addressing bullying.Introduction to the sensitive topic of bullying and a trigger warning for listeners.Defining Bullying in Nursing:Tammy’s definition of bullying and how it differs from reasonable management actions or personality conflicts.The sustained, repeated, and harmful nature of bullying.Impact of Bullying on Mental Health:The severe mental health consequences of bullying include anxiety, depression, and even suicide.Personal stories shared by Tammy and Liam highlight the emotional toll of bullying.Understanding the Nurse Bully:Insights into the mindset of bullies and their own emotional struggles.Discussion on how bullying reflects the bully’s insecurities and low self-esteem.Navigating Bullying Situations:Strategies for recognizing and responding to bullying.The importance of seeking help and support from trusted sources.Criminal Aspects of Bullying:When bullying escalates to criminal behavior, such as physical assault or harassment.The necessity of involving legal authorities in extreme cases.Support Systems and Resources:The role of unions, professional bodies, and support groups in combating bullying.Encouragement to utilize available resources for mental health support.Positive Outcomes and Growth:Success stories of individuals who have overcome bullying and reinvented themselves.Examples of nurses who have found new career paths or transformed their professional lives.Tammy’s Passion and Advocacy:Tammy’s personal experiences with bullying and her unwavering commitment to support others.The importance of speaking out and advocating for a safer work environment.Notable Quotes:"Bullying is sustained, repeated harassment meant to harm, and it does harm.""The bullies actually have really low self-esteem. They don't feel good about themselves, so they pick on other people and make their lives a living hell.""There are a lot of success stories. It helps people to be braver and bolder and move on to a better workplace or reinvent themselves."Join Liam Caswell and Tammy Copley in this eye-opening discussion about bullying in nursing and midwifery. Gain valuable insights, learn effective strategies to combat bullying, and discover the support available to help you navigate challenging situations. If you or someone you know is experiencing bullying, please reach out for help and support.Links and Resources:Tammy Copley's Facebook Group: Nurses and Midwives
June 24, 2024

Embracing Your Authentic Individuality with Shauna Wilson

In this powerful and heartfelt episode of the High-Performance Nursing Podcast, host Liam Caswell sits down with the remarkable Shauna Wilson, a nurse and author from Brisbane, Queensland. Shauna shares her inspiring journey of overcoming adversity, embracing her true identity, transitioning from male to female, stepping into her amazing power, and advocating for change within the healthcare system as a transgender woman. Key Topics Discussed:Shauna's Early Life and Military Background:Born on a military base in Victoria, Shauna's early years involved moving around due to her father's military career.Her brief stint in the military, facing challenges like bullying and bastardization, and ultimately leaving due to these harsh experiences.Struggles with Gender Identity:Shauna's lifelong struggle with gender dysphoria and the difficulties she faced growing up biologically identified as male.The impact of societal expectations and her attempts to conform to male-dominated roles, including working in corrections and the truck industry.Personal and Professional Transformation:Shauna's journey back to the military, her personal battles with depression, and her eventual decision to transition.The impact of coming out to her wife and family, leading to significant personal and professional changes.Healthcare Experiences and Advocacy:Shauna’s transition into nursing and her dedication to improving the healthcare system for transgender individuals.Her experiences with discriminatory policies, such as blood donation restrictions, and her relentless advocacy for change.Public Speaking and Education:Shauna’s role as a speaker at various nursing forums and her efforts to educate healthcare professionals about transgender issues.The importance of diversity and inclusion in nursing education and practice.Shauna’s Book:The inspiration and process behind writing her book, “You Say Different, I Say Individual: My Journey to Transition and Become Me.”The impact she hopes her story will have on others, particularly in fostering understanding and acceptance.Notable Quotes:"I’ve never been one to be a victim. I don't allow hurdles to be put in front of me. If something is there, it's because I've allowed it to be there.""The only reason a hurdle is in front of you is because you've allowed it to be there. If you can't go under, around, or over it, go through it.""People come to me when they're in pain and need my help. That's when I connect with them, not when they're demanding it."Tune in to this enlightening episode to hear Shauna's full story and learn about her incredible journey of resilience and advocacy. Don't miss her insights on how we can create a more inclusive and compassionate healthcare environment. Be sure to grab a copy of her book to dive deeper into her experiences and wisdom.Links and Resources:Shauna’s Book: You Say Different, I Say IndividualConnect with Shauna HereHigh-Performance Nursing Podcast
June 17, 2024

Empowering Nurses through Clinical Supervision with Tammy Pilton-Pluck

In this episode, I interview Tammy Pilton-Pluck, an accomplished nurse with over 20 years of diverse international nursing experience. Tammy shares her journey from an unexpected start in nursing to founding Intrepid Professional Development, where she empowers nurses globally. They delve into career resilience, personal growth, and the importance of clinical supervision and supportive environments in nursing.Key Moments:00:00:02 - IntroductionLiam welcomes Tammy Pilton-Pluck to the podcast, highlighting her extensive nursing background.00:00:54 - Behind the ScenesDiscussing the support Tammy provides to nurses and the importance of behind-the-scenes conversations.00:01:08 - Tammy’s Diverse Nursing BackgroundTammy’s journey through various nursing specialties, from phlebotomy to palliative care.00:03:16 - Beginning in NursingTammy shares how a personal experience in her church community led her to nursing.00:05:56 - Career Challenges and Palliative CareTammy’s move to palliative care and how it shaped her perspective on life and nursing.00:07:26 - 30 Seconds of CourageTammy explains her life motto of “30 seconds of courage” and how it has driven her career decisions.00:13:16 - Importance of Exit StrategiesDiscussing why every healthcare professional should have an exit strategy for continuous growth and avoiding burnout.00:20:22 - Appraisals and Self-ReflectionTammy emphasizes the need for self-appraisals and preparing for professional growth discussions.00:32:34 - Professional Nurse Advocacy (PNA)Introduction to PNA and its role in providing psychological safety and professional support for nurses.00:41:52 - Restorative Clinical SupervisionTammy discusses the importance of non-managerial, confidential supervision for nurses to discuss challenges and successes.00:57:03 - Launching Intrepid Professional DevelopmentTammy’s motivation and journey in starting her business to support nurses’ professional development.Listen to the full episode to gain insights into Tammy’s remarkable nursing journey, the concept of 30 seconds of courage, and the essential strategies for building a resilient and fulfilling nursing career.For more episodes and resources, visit High Performance Nursing Podcast.Connect with Tammy here. Listen to the IPD podcast here!
June 10, 2024

Nurse Chill: Lighting the Way in Nursing with Sue Murphy

This weeks guest Sue Murphy, known as Nurse Chill, brings a wealth of experience from over 35 years in nursing, having started in the 1980s. Her diverse career spans emergency nursing, ICU, and entrepreneurial endeavors, including property investment and hosting webinars. Proving there is nothing you CAN'T do as a nurse!We dive into:Overcoming Professional Challenges: Sue shares her journey through various nursing roles, her struggles in ICU, and her transition into property investment and entrepreneurship, highlighting the adaptability and resilience required in nursing.Addressing Systemic Issues: The conversation delves into systemic problems in healthcare, such as staffing shortages and the high stress levels that lead to nurse burnout. Sue emphasizes the need for systemic changes to improve conditions for nurses.Innovation in Nursing: Sue discusses her venture, Nurse Chill Lights, a product designed to improve visibility for nurses working night shifts. This innovation addresses a common problem and showcases how nurses can lead change through entrepreneurship.Episode Highlights:00:00-05:00 - Introduction of Sue Murphy and her background in nursing.05:01-15:00 - Discussion on systemic challenges in healthcare and Sue's experiences in various nursing roles.15:01-25:00 - Sue talks about her transition from nursing to entrepreneurship, focusing on the creation of Nurse Chill Lights.25:01-35:00 - Exploration of the impact of systemic issues on nurse wellbeing and the potential solutions through innovation and systemic change.35:01-End - Sue shares advice for nurses on coping with stress and the importance of innovation in nursing practice.Connect with Sue Here: Buy your Nurse Chill Lights HereOn IG Here. On TikTok Here. 5 Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅Join our Free Nurse Career Growth Hub and access our free nursing application, interview and career growth guides here!Join our Nurse Career Academy and work with us to help guarantee your next nursing role!Book a free Career Clarity Call with Liam to discuss your career situation!Join our private FB community and surround yourself with like-minded nurses!Check out our Youtube Channel for more nurse career support!
June 3, 2024

Mastering Money Mindset with Meaghan Jean Smith

Host: Liam CaswellGuest: Meaghan SmithEpisode Summary:In this insightful episode, Liam Caswell is joined by Meaghan Smith, a money mindset specialist and host of the Money Mindful Podcast. Together, they delve into the importance of cultivating a healthy relationship with money, understanding and overcoming money trauma, and actionable strategies for financial growth. This episode is packed with valuable advice for nurses and anyone looking to improve their financial wellbeing. Please note none of this episode is financial advice, please consult a financial expert for this. Key Moments:Introduction and Welcome (00:00:02 - 00:00:12)Liam introduces the episode and welcomes Meaghan Smith.Meaghan expresses her excitement about discussing money mindset.Meaghan’s Career Journey (00:00:42 - 00:01:00)Meaghan shares her transition from being a photographer to a money mindset specialist.The challenges she faced in her initial career and how they led her to her current path.Understanding Money Mindset (00:09:07 - 00:10:05)Discussion on the significance of money mindset and how it affects daily decisions and overall financial health.Meaghan explains how thoughts about money influence behavior and financial outcomes.Identifying and Healing Money Trauma (00:13:14 - 00:14:13)Meaghan talks about the impact of past experiences on current financial habits.Steps to recognize and heal from money trauma to foster a healthier financial relationship.Practical Holistic Wealth Mindset (00:15:55 - 00:16:30)Actionable tips for nurses to enhance their money health and security.The importance of money wealth literacy and ongoing self-education.Building a Wealthy Mindset (00:32:32 - 00:33:00)Techniques for shifting from a scarcity to an abundance mindset.Meaghan’s insights on setting money goals and aligning actions to achieve them.Connect with Us:Liam Caswell:Instagram: @highperformancenursingWebsite: High Performance NursingMeaghan Jean Smith:Instagram: @meaghanjsmithWebsite: Meaghan J. Smith Upcoming Event:Money Mindset Masterclass With Meaghan (This is not an affiliate link)Date: 19th June 2024 10am AEDTDuration: 90 minutesFee: $37Description: 3 Steps to change your relationship with Money Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅Join our Free Nurse Career Growth Hub and access our free nursing application, interview and career growth guides here!Join our Nurse Career Academy and work with us to help guarantee your next nursing role!Book a free Career Clarity Call with Liam to discuss your career situation!
May 27, 2024

Global Nursing Networks and Impact With Belinda Abbott

In this episode, Liam welcomed Belinda Abbott, a nurse lecturer at the University of Canberra and a highly accomplished nurse with extensive experience across various settings and roles. Liam highlighted Belynda's impressive career achievements and her commitment to nursing and nurse coaching. Belynda shared her experiences of "boundary crossing," transitioning between different areas of nursing, and how this has prepared her to guide and mentor others. She also discussed her recent move to academia and the challenges and rewards of this new chapter in her career. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of embracing change and pursuing one's passions, even in the face of imposter syndrome and career uncertainties.Chapter 1: Introduction & WelcomeTimestamp: 00:00:02.840 - 00:00:33.780Chapter 2: Belinda's Background and CareerTimestamp: 00:00:34.170 - 00:02:13.149Chapter 3: Addressing Imposter SyndromeTimestamp: 00:02:13.280 - 00:04:02.550Chapter 4: Transitioning Careers and MentorshipTimestamp: 00:04:02.963 - 00:06:22.620Chapter 5: The Value of NetworkingTimestamp: 00:06:23.220 - 00:10:11.080Chapter 6: Overcoming Career ChallengesTimestamp: 00:10:11.411 - 00:15:22.480Chapter 7: Coaching and Mentoring in NursingTimestamp: 00:15:26.210 - 00:18:01.179Chapter 8: Closing Remarks and Future DirectionsTimestamp: 00:18:01.180 - 00:59:48.859Connect with Belynda Jane AboottInstagram: @belynda_janeLinkedin Belynda Abbott5 Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅Join our Free Nurse Career Growth Hub and access our free nursing application, interview and career growth guides here!Join our Nurse Career Academy and work with us to help guarantee your next nursing role!Book a free Career Clarity Call with Liam to discuss your career situation!Join our private FB community and surround yourself with like-minded nurses!Check out our Youtube Channel for more nurse career support!
May 20, 2024

No one wants to hire me – Ask Liam

This week, I dive deep into a DM I received from a nurse who had a unique hiring experience with a panel and is having a really tough time. I share my thoughts on how to deal with such situations and actionable tips and strategies to help us take ownership of our brain in such situations! You are 100% hireable, for the right organisation, when your thinking and actions align. Enjoy! 5 Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅Join our Free Nurse Career Growth Hub and access our free nursing application, interview and career growth guides here!Join our Nurse Career Academy and work with us to help guarantee your next nursing role!Book a free Career Clarity Call with Liam to discuss your career situation!Join our private FB community and surround yourself with like-minded nurses!Check out our Youtube Channel for more nurse career support!
May 13, 2024

Personal vs Professional Development with Dani Potter

Episode Summary:In this insightful episode of the High Performance Nursing Podcast, host Liam Caswell welcomes Danielle Potter, a dedicated nursing student facilitator with extensive experience in med-surg and public health. Danielle shares her journey through various nursing roles, her pivot towards personal development, and offers valuable tips for both personal and professional growth in the nursing field.Guest: Danielle Potter, Nursing Student Facilitator and CoachLocation: Gold Coast, AustraliaKey Points Discussed:Introduction to Danielle PotterBackground in med-surg and public health.Extensive experience in rural and regional nursing.Transition from clinical roles to education and personal development.Journey Through NursingStarting in rural New South Wales and the influence of family expectations.Diverse experiences across different hospital departments.Shift towards education and student facilitation.Importance of Personal DevelopmentHow personal challenges and 2020 disruptions shifted Danielle’s career trajectory.Emphasis on personal growth alongside professional skills.Introduction to NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and its impact on her nursing practice.Educational Philosophy and Student FacilitationApproach to educating nursing students.The significance of creating a supportive and engaging learning environment.Tips for new nurses and students to foster curiosity and resilience.Balancing Personal and Professional LifeStrategies for maintaining well-being in high-stress nursing roles.The critical role of self-care and recognizing signs of burnout.Utilizing personal development tools to enhance professional capabilities.Advice for Nursing Students and New GraduatesImportance of curiosity and continuous learning.Building a strong foundation in both technical skills and emotional intelligence.Navigating the transition from student to professional nurse with confidence.Closing Thoughts:Danielle Potter emphasizes the interconnectedness of personal and professional development. She advocates for a holistic approach to nursing education, where personal well-being and professional excellence are equally prioritized. This episode is a must-listen for nursing professionals at any stage of their career, offering deep insights into growing and thriving in the demanding field of nursing.Resources Mentioned:NLP Techniques for Personal GrowthCourses and Workshops on Personal Development for NursesConnect with Danielle Potter:Instagram: @thenewnurse_mindset5 Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅Join our Free Nurse Career Growth Hub and access our free nursing application, interview and career growth guides here!Join our Nurse Career Academy and work with us to help guarantee your next nursing role!Book a free Career Clarity Call with Liam to discuss your career situation!Join our private FB community and surround yourself with like-minded nurses!
May 6, 2024

Spirituality and Nursing with Laura Wellham Turner

This week, we dive into connecting with Laura, a registered nurse with 20 years of experience, and discuss her career journey, the development of self-regulation and self-awareness, and the challenges of nursing in the UK and Australia. We also explored the impact of their work on their mental health, the importance of self-care, debriefing, and the integration of spirituality in nursing. We dive deep into "intraprenuership", spirituality, promotions, emotions and so much more. This is an episode not to miss! Connect with Laura here.Listen to the amazing Turns Out Shes a Witch Podcast Here! 5 Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅Join our Free Nurse Career Growth Hub and access our free nursing application, interview and career growth guides here!Join our Nurse Career Academy and work with us to help guarantee your next nursing role!Book a free Career Clarity Call with Liam to discuss your career situation!Join our private FB community and surround yourself with like-minded nurses!Check out our Youtube Channel for more nurse career support!
April 29, 2024

Nurse Coaching and Nurse Prenuership with MIchelle Gordon

Have you ever considered building your own nursing coaching/mentoring business to make money online? Well, today, Michelle Gordon and I dive into the beginnings of our businesses, sharing our lessons learned to get your business juices flowing so you can see what it is possible for you to start making money online in 2024! We share the raw reality of building a nurse coaching business and the lessons learnt along the way!Loved this episode and want to riff your ideas? Get in touch via IG @highperformancenursing Connect with Michelle here! 5 Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅Join our Free Nurse Career Growth Hub and access our free nursing application, interview and career growth guides here!Join our private FB community to surround yourself with like minded nurses!Check out our Youtube Channel for more nurse career support!Nurse Coaching, NursePrenuership, Coach, Online Nurse Business
April 22, 2024

Ask Liam Anything – Live Q and A – Applications, Interviews and Career Growth

I went live on IG to answer our amazing HPN communities answers about Applications, Interviews and Confidence. I share my top tips for Application and Interview success. Not following us on IG? Follow @highperformancenursing for your chance to get free live coaching support next time! 5 Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅Join our Free Nurse Career Growth Hub and access our free nursing application, interview and career growth guides here!Join our Nurse Career Academy and work with us to help guarantee your next nursing role!Book a free Career Clarity Call with Liam to discuss your career situation!Join our private FB community to surround yourself with like minded nurses!Check out our Youtube Channel for more nurse career support!
April 15, 2024

Rebirth and Refresh – Lessons from losing it all.

Everything in my world right now is pointing towards a rebirth and a refresh, have you experienced this energy of late?If so, you are not alone. I am seriously exploring how to better serve all of you, in a way that feels more aligned and authentic to me, sharing what I love to do most, use my skills, knowledge and experience gained to help you grow your career and your nurse led online business. This is a vulnerable share from me, and I would love to hear from you if anything resonated @highperformancenursing. Liam
April 8, 2024

How to Answer Strengths and Weakness Interview Questions as a Nurse

In nursing interviews, one question that often catches candidates off guard is about strengths and weaknesses. While it may seem like a simple question, it holds significant weight in the decision-making process.In this episode, we're going to discuss a common interview question we all have heard before: "Can you tell us about your strengths and weaknesses as a nurse?" Now, this question is all about self-awareness, so don't be scared of it!I'm going to walk you through a neat little approach to tackle it head-on. Stick to this approach, and trust me, you'll shine in your interviews by showing not just your self-awareness, but also your dedication to always improving.Key takeaways:01:38 The intention behind asking the question is to assess self-awareness02:09 Common mistakes in answering the question with generic and vague responses02:44 Approach to preparing for the question: start with weaknesses and finish with strengths03:19 Choose a weakness that is not essential for the role or show improvement in a weakness04:43 Example of weakness and how it has been addressed or improved05:13 Example of weakness for a clinical nurse educator position06:18 Example of weakness for a nurse manager position07:44 Importance of providing proof for strengths and using specific examples09:11 Example of a strength for a new graduate nurse10:36 Example of a strength for a registered nurse moving into a senior role11:43 Leveraging strengths as a leader12:28 Strength in teaching and education14:36 Weakness in time management16:21 Strength in building rapport17:50 Importance of preparing for strengths and weaknesses question5 Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅Join our Free Nurse Career Growth Hub and access our free nursing application, interview and career growth guides here!Join our Nurse Career Academy and work with us to help guarantee your next nursing role!Book a free Career Clarity Call with Liam to discuss your career situation!Join our private FB community to surround yourself with like minded nurses!Check out our Youtube Channel for more nurse career support!strengths and weaknesses as a nurse, how to answer strengths and weaknesses question in nursing interview, self-awareness in nursing, preparing for nursing interview, weakness in medication administration, weakness in public speaking, weakness in time management, strength in research and literature review, strength in team culture and connectedness, strength in leadership, strength in teaching and adult learning principles, weakness in time management, strength in building rapport, preparing for nursing interview
March 25, 2024

Choosing Your Graduate Nursing Speciality

Are you a nursing student about to graduate and feeling overwhelmed by the question of what your dream nursing role looks like? Do you find yourself lacking clarity and unsure of where to start? If so, you're not alone. Many new graduates struggle with this dilemma.In this episode, we're going to tackle a concern that's all too common - the uncertainty of what to do with a dream graduate nursing role. Just a quick reminder, it's totally okay to feel unsure! The graduate year is all about exploration and discovery.I've got a few practical tips up my sleeve for finding your own interests and passions within nursing. Think back to your past experiences, trust your gut instincts, and don't hesitate to seek some wisdom from others. Remember, it's an amazing opportunity to collect precious experiences and make well-informed choices about your future career. So, let's jump right in, shall we?Key takeaways:00:00 Introduction to the topic of not knowing what to do in a graduate nursing role00:40 It's okay to not know and explore during your graduate year01:58 Being open to all options creates more opportunities02:55 Reflecting on past experiences to identify preferences06:05 Tuning into gut instincts and listening to your body08:22 Accepting that it's okay to not have all the answers09:41 Seeking wisdom from others while filtering through personal needs10:40 Taking aligned action to move closer to goals as a graduate nurse10:40 Taking action is more important than overthinking11:00 Reflecting on past experiences to make informed decisions11:32 Embracing the reality that nothing is perfect11:56 Having multiple options is beneficial for a nursing career12:33 Joining the Nurse Growth Hub for guidance and support13:07 Encouragement to explore and create a bright nursing future5 Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅Join our Free Nurse Career Growth Hub and access our free nursing application, interview and career growth guides here!Join our Nurse Career Academy and work with us to help guarantee your next nursing role!Book a free Career Clarity Call with Liam to discuss your career situation!Join our private FB community to surround yourself with like minded nurses!Check out our Youtube Channel for more nurse career support!
March 18, 2024

Job Rejection or Redirection?

Rejection is one of the inevitable parts of our human experience, both in our personal lives and careers. What can and should we do to grow and thrive in the face of rejection?In this episode, we're going to chat about something we all face from time to time - job rejection. It's so important to remember that rejection is just a regular part of our lives, both on a personal and professional level. Now, it's really key that we don't point fingers - at ourselves or the system. I've got some handy tips to share on how to handle job rejection, like keeping an eye on your self-talk, working on any skills you need to improve, and more!Key takeaways:01:04 Importance of preparing for rejection and understanding its inevitability03:17 Three reasons for job rejection: not the right fit, not the best seller, pre-selection04:29 Dealing with rejection at the resume stage and treating it as a learning opportunity05:35 Persistence and the importance of not giving up after rejection08:05 Importance of learning how to sell oneself and communicate skills effectively10:19 Importance of selling and making it easy for employers to choose you13:39 The need for self-confidence and self-marketing in interviews17:35 Filling the gaps and seeking resources for improvement18:37 Celebrate your achievements and gain perspective19:35 Regulate your nervous system and avoid dysregulated decisions21:58 Finding someone to regulate your nervous system after rejection23:49 Reflect on your past self and acknowledge your progress24:07 Choose positive, achievement-focused thoughts over negative ones25:30 Rejection is often a redirection, be open to new opportunitiesWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
March 11, 2024

HR is NOT Your Friend

Navigating challenging situations in the workplace can be incredibly stressful, especially when it involves HR. These situations often require an understanding of company policy and interpersonal dynamics, which can add an additional layer of difficulty.In this episode, we’ll talk about HR and why it is not always a nurse's friend. Drawing from my experience as a nurse unit manager, I’ll share some insights and advice for nurses navigating difficult situations within their careers. I will go through the importance of finding support, both personally and professionally, and give you important points in documenting and following the necessary processes.Key takeaways:00:00:23 Importance of finding support outside of HR00:01:32 Consideration of seeking legal advice or union support00:02:06 Importance of documenting every step in the process00:03:24 HR may not act in your best interest00:06:00 How important it is to document incidents and reflections for personal records00:10:15 Meet requirements and give HR what they need00:11:08 Ask if a meeting is formal and document everything00:13:08 Keep your eyes and ears open for any red flags00:18:20 Support new grads and be aware of their learning curve00:21:18 HR is not always on your side, seek additional support00:21:40 These experiences do not define your worth or future00:22:37 Emphasizing the potential for growth and resilience after adversity00:23:13 Importance of learning to work through discomfort and challenges.00:23:51 Disadvantages of befriending HRWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
March 4, 2024

How to Land Your Grad in 2024

Are you a nursing student about to graduate in 2024? Are you feeling overwhelmed and unsure about how to secure your first nursing job?In this episode, I’ll be sharing how to land a graduate nursing role in 2024. We’ll talk about valuable tips and strategies for preparing your resume, finding references, and deciding on the type of job you want. We’ll emphasize on the importance of applying for multiple jobs to increase your chances of success and gain valuable interview experience.Key takeaways:02:08 Announcement of the Nurse Growth Hub03:15 Overview of the resources available in the Nurse Growth Hub04:55 Ways in reviewing and improving your resume07:49 Advice for standing out in the application process08:10 The impact of a well-crafted resume on the selection process10:37 Importance of having cohesive and professional application documents11:51 Start finding references early to avoid last-minute issues12:58 Thinking ahead and deciding on the type of nursing job you want15:24 Advantage of applying for multiple jobs to give yourself more opportunities18:16 Using less preferred jobs as practice and confidence boost21:03 Four things you can do to kickstart your application process22:13 Benefits of joining Nurse Career Academy for application, interview, and landing supportWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
February 26, 2024

Why You won’t Give Yourself Permission to Apply

Are you a nurse who has been sitting on the sidelines, curious about career options and how to leverage your nursing skills to create a career that works for you? If so, it's time to give yourself permission to explore and apply for new opportunities.In this episode of the High Performance Nursing Podcast, we’ll talk about the importance of giving yourself permission to apply and the role that stress plays in holding us back. By understanding our stress levels and finding ways to regulate them, we can create a nursing career that aligns with our goals and aspirations.Key takeaways:01:10 Need for a trigger or event to stimulate action in nursing careers03:01 Giving oneself permission to explore different pathways04:11 Changing by design or by disaster06:24 Two states of stress: hyper and hypo10:43 Importance of understanding physiology and making changes to manage stress12:46 Comparing chronic stress and chronic fatigue13:29 The consequences of not addressing chronic stress17:18 The impact of stress on decision-making and capacity for change18:04 The stress experienced by nursing students and graduates20:40 Normalizing stress and raising awareness of stress levels21:41 Spend more time in homeostasis for better nursing career.Want to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
February 19, 2024

Comparison as a nurse – My thoughts

In the age of social media, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparison. We see our colleagues posting about their love for nursing, their energy, and their positive experiences, and we can't help but wonder, "What's wrong with me?”In this episode, we’ll address the issue of comparison in nursing careers. With the prevalence of energetic and positive nurses online, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and questioning one's nursing career. However, it is okay to not feel the same level of happiness and fulfillment as others in the profession and we should accept our reality and stop comparing ourselves to others. By creating space for self-reflection and engaging in activities that bring joy, nurses can begin to move towards a more fulfilling nursing career.Key takeaways:0:00:17 Feeling disconnected and comparing oneself to others0:01:19 It's okay to not feel the same way about nursing0:02:37 Accepting that everyone's reality is different0:04:16 Nursing is not always rainbows and sunshine0:05:44 Nervous system dysregulation and burnout0:06:14 Stop comparing and acknowledge where you're atWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
February 12, 2024

Confidence vs Self Confidence

Confidence vs. Self ConfidenceIn this episode, I dig into confidence vs. self-confidence, a common issue among us nurses, is believing we are not confident enough to do something. I started by separating confidence and self-confidence into external and internal factors, where confidence is seen as an external validation and self-confidence comes from within.Three main factors contribute to self-confidence: trusting yourself at all times, being open to experiencing any emotion, and your thoughts about yourself.There is also a misconception that confidence comes from being competent in something, and it clarifies that confidence comes from repetition, but self-confidence comes from within.Self-confidence is not arrogance but rather trust in oneself, willingness to experience both positive and negative emotions, and managing thoughts about oneself.This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to build their self-confidence. I provide insightful and practical tips on cultivating self-confidence, which is essential for success in any career or aspect of life.Key takeaways:03:28 - Confidence and self-confidence a common issues among people.04:48 - External and internal factors.06:54 - Three main factors of self-confidence08:10 - Self-confidence is not arrogance09:43 - Overcoming misconceptions15:53 - The importance of self-confidence18:53 - Self-confidence is your ticket to your dream jobThanks for listening!Loved the episode? Leave us a review!Want to dive deeper into this episode and search for something particular? Use our AI to search here!5 Ways we can support you in your nursing career ✅Join our Free Nurse Career Growth Hub and access our free nursing application, interview and career growth guides here!Join our Nurse Career Academy and work with us to help guarantee your next nursing role!Book a free Career Clarity Call with Liam to discuss your career situation!Join our private FB community to surround yourself with like minded nurses!Check out our Youtube Channel for more nurse career support!Looking for awesome comfy Scrubs? ❤️ We are so grateful to BizCare for sponsoring the High Performance Nursing Podcast!Click here to snag some scrubs! PS: this is NOT an affiliate link, meaning I do not make money if you use this link and the upside? You get AWESOME scrubs!
February 5, 2024

Bad Nursing Advice

As nurses, we often seek advice from our peers, family, and friends when it comes to our careers. However, not all advice is created equal, and following bad advice can have detrimental effects on our mental, emotional, and professional well-being.In this episode, we will talk about the 5 Bad Nursing Advice that nurses must take into consideration. One of them is that switching jobs isn't a negative aspect, but a chance for nurses to explore and discover what truly fits their aspirations. The goal of this episode is to empower you, the nurses, to chart your own career journey, free from the constraints of outdated advice.Key takeaways:01:15 The Truth About Job Hopping05:10 Time in a Job Equals Experience11:51 Challenging Traditional Career Advice13:49 Breaking the Belief That Experience is Necessary15:58 Encouraging Flexibility and Opportunity in Nursing Career Paths18:14 Dismissing the Requirement to Meet Every Job Description20:09 Leveraging Personal Experience for Job Applications in Desired Specialties24:04 Don't Let Fear of Rejection Stop You from Applying for a Job24:42 Apply for Multiple Graduate Positions to Have More Options25:08 Never Assume You Have a Job Offer until it's Official29:10 Challenging the Norm in Nursing and HealthcareWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
January 29, 2024

Who not how – achieving your 2024 goals!

In this episode, I explore the concept of "who not how" and how it can help nurses achieve their goals. Instead of focusing on how to achieve a goal, it is more effective to find the right person or resource to help you reach that goal. I’m sharing my examples and stories to illustrate the power of finding the right "who" and leveraging their expertise.This concept is inspired by the book "Who Not How?" by Dr. Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan. The book's central idea is finding the right individuals to help you reach your goals. Once you find the right "who" – a mentor, coach, or colleague – they can guide you, provide accountability, and help you uncover the "how".Focusing less on the "how" and more on the "who" can be a game-changer in achieving goals, especially for nurses. It helps us leverage collective expertise, regulate our mindset, and accelerate our progress. So, as you set your sights on your goals for 2024, consider looking for your "who" to help uncover the "how".Key takeaways:03:30 The Book "Who Not How" by Dr. Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan04:38 Using the "Who Not How" Mindset in a Leadership Role08:26 Impact of Disconnection in the Nursing Community10:49 Achieving Goals through Neuroplasticity and Accountability12:07 The Importance of Finding the Right Support in Nursing14:46 Leveraging Collective Expertise to Achieve Nursing Goals22:47 Holding Yourself Accountable and Having a Future-Focused Vision in Nursing24:22 Success Story of Helping a Nurse Transition to a Work-From-Home Position26:00 Leveraging Someone's Expertise to Save Time and Achieve Goals28:56 Personal Example of Leveraging Someone's Expertise to Save Time29:57 Importance of Finding the Right "Who" in Nursing Careers and LeadershipWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
January 22, 2024

Set Systems, Not Goals in 2024

In this episode, I delve into the profound importance of goal setting, not just within the realm of nursing but in life as a whole. I explore the emotional toll that unmet goals can exact and stress the critical significance of setting clear, meaningful objectives driven by a strong personal "why."You will learn: Why goals matter and why you don't achieve themMy 2024 Success BlueprintReverse engineering your goalsApplying the CTFAR Model to My Goals (example)Creating systems to help you achieve your goals. Building Belief in Achieving your GoalsTaking Action, creating a new pattern and Sharing your goals!I offer you a glimpse into the exciting content coming your way in 2024. Join me in spreading the message by sharing the podcast with others, and I encourage you to actively engage and provide feedback. Stay tuned for more empowering episodes on the High Performance Nursing Podcast!
January 15, 2024

New Year – New Nursing Speciality? (REPLAY)

To kick start 2024 - we are repurposing our most listened-to episode of 2023 to get you in the mindset for a career change!In the nursing profession, many of us reach a crossroads where we contemplate changing specialties. The allure of new challenges, personal growth, and professional development can be strong, yet doubts and uncertainties often hold us back. In this episode, we delve into the topic of changing nursing career specialties, exploring the reasons that hinder us from taking the leap and how to overcome them. So, if you're contemplating a switch, listen and discover how to embrace change and unlock new possibilities in your nursing career.Key takeaways:02:48 - Exploring the Limiting Beliefs06:44 - Challenging the Status Quo09:07 - Embracing Curiosity13:13 - Analyzing the Fear17:15 - Shaping Your Experience17:58 - Why experience and qualifications don't matterWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇📲 Book a call with Liam📸 Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.➡️ Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).🎙️ Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!Listen to the HPN podcast everywhere including:Ask your Alexa of google home - Play High Performance Nursing with Liam Caswell.Listen here on Spotify.Listen here on Apple PodcastWatch and listen here on Youtube!
January 8, 2024

Why you need a side hustle in 2024…

Are you a nurse looking to make some money online and pursue your entrepreneurial dreams? Today, I am diving into the world of entrepreneurs and the importance of having a side hustle. In this episode, I explored the reasons why every nurse should consider starting a side hustle in 2024. So, if this resonates with you, stick around as we uncover the incredible opportunities that await you. As a nursepreneur, the impact you can make goes beyond the confines of a traditional nursing career. I encourage nurses to tap into their unique selling points and life experiences to offer coaching, support, and valuable services to people who need them. I shared inspiring stories of how nursepreneurs are transforming their careers, working with celebrities, and creating opportunities that allow them to prioritize their passion while earning a significant income.One of the standout benefits of having a side hustle as a nursepreneur is the freedom it offers. My personal experience of working from various locations around the world emphasizes the flexibility of setting my own schedule. Whether it's walking away from the monotonous routine of a traditional nursing job or working from anywhere at any time, nursepreneurs have the opportunity to design a lifestyle that aligns with their dreams and goals. By betting on ourselves and investing in our own growth, we nurses can tap into the abundance that awaits us.Key takeaways:00:10 Why Every Nurse Should Consider a Side Hustle00:30 The Journey of Starting a Nursing Business01:11 The Challenges and Rewards of Nursepreneurship01:45 The Potential of Making Money Online as a Nurse05:11 The Power of Leveraging Your Unique Selling Point09:01 The Possibility of Replacing Your Full-Time Income12:26 The Freedom and Impact of Nursepreneurship15:10 The Personal Transformation Through Entrepreneurship18:43 Closing Thoughts and Invitation to Start a Side HustleWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
December 25, 2023

Normalising Transition Shock

In this episode, I explore 'transition shock' and strategies to conquer it, addressing the challenges of transitioning to new roles or careers. Facing the fear of starting over can hinder progress. To thrive amidst these changes, I emphasized the importance of embracing change and nurturing resilience.Transition shock encompasses a spectrum of emotions experienced during significant life or career shifts—excitement, confidence, self-doubt, and anxiety. Normalizing this experience is crucial. Feeling underconfident during new challenges is a typical phase, not a reflection of personal shortcomings. Transitioning requires patience, practice, and time.Navigating transition shock involves a mindset shift. It's about embracing the emotional whirlwind, reframing negative thoughts, and building confidence and competence. Remember, transition shock is a natural part of the process. Embracing change with resilience and trust in my abilities is key to fostering a fulfilling nursing career filled with growth.Key takeaways:00:54 Understanding Transition Shock in Nursing01:04 The Fear of Being a Beginner Again01:39 The Journey of Our Graduates02:37 Navigating Nervousness and Self-Doubt06:38 Reframing Thoughts for a Positive Transition10:55 The Dunning Kruger Effect and Transition Shock15:22 Building Resilience and Navigating Change16:45 Conclusion: Normalizing Transition and Embracing the JourneyWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
December 18, 2023

Why you should be on LinkedIn

In this episode, discover how LinkedIn can revolutionize your nursing career in 2024. LinkedIn, often dubbed the professional Facebook, is a robust platform fostering meaningful connections and opportunities for growth. Unlike social media platforms, it's a space focused on professional engagement and networking.Uncover the unique advantages of LinkedIn - from networking with industry experts to exploring diverse career paths. It's a hub where you can establish your professional brand. Your LinkedIn profile acts as your virtual resume, crucial for showcasing your skills and expertise to potential employers.Join me in leveraging LinkedIn for a year of substantial professional advancement. Need guidance on optimizing your profile? Share your link, and I'll provide tailored advice. Let's tap into the vast potential LinkedIn offers for nursing careers in 2024, unlocking a realm of untapped opportunities.Key takeaways:00:53 Personal Experiences and Future Plans01:44 Introducing LinkedIn as a Tool for Nurses02:10 Understanding LinkedIn and Its Features03:04 Building Your Professional Brand on LinkedIn04:11 Job Search Strategies on LinkedIn05:28 Leveraging Recruiters on LinkedIn06:08 Active Participation and Networking on LinkedIn07:43 The Power of Applying for Jobs on LinkedIn09:14 The LinkedIn Community and Its Benefits10:10 Final Thoughts and Encouragement for LinkedIn UseWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grade? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
December 11, 2023

Release the How

In this episode, I emphasized the value of embracing flexible career paths rather than fixating on meticulously laid out plans. I delve into the prevalent sentiment among healthcare professionals, including myself, of feeling the need to tightly control career outcomes, which often leads to unnecessary stress and worry. Drawing from my own experiences and insights gleaned from successful professionals, I highlight the nonlinear nature of success in nursing and the futility of trying to micromanage every aspect of our journey. Instead, I urge listeners to cultivate resilience and adaptability, empowering themselves to navigate discomfort and change while centering on an internal locus of control—managing our thoughts, emotions, and actions.Throughout the discussion, I underscore the significance of remaining open to diverse opportunities that align with our evolving personal and professional needs. I stress the importance of being receptive to change and varying pathways, recognizing that a rigid approach seldom aligns with the dynamic nature of our careers. I advocate for a mindset that embraces uncertainty and seeks growth through embracing diverse opportunities.The crucial role resilience plays in our pursuit of fulfilling careers and lives. It emphasizes that developing comfort in discomfort is pivotal, serving as a prerequisite for achieving our aspirations. By fostering resilience and a willingness to adapt, we can chart our course towards our dream careers while navigating the unpredictable nature of our professional journeys.Key takeaways:01:29 The Illusion of Control and the Importance of Flexibility03:01 The Power of Diverse Experiences: A Case Study04:55 The Pitfalls of Linear Thinking in Career Progression05:30 Embracing Change and the Grief Process07:27 The Role of Discomfort in Achieving Goals08:25 The Importance of Critical Thinking and Emotional Resilience09:18 Creating Your Own Path and Embracing Opportunities10:36 The Role of Emotions in Pursuing Your Goals13:56 The Power of Failure and Rejection in Personal Growth14:47 Conclusion: Discomfort as the Currency of Your DreamsWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
December 4, 2023

Losing Clinical Skills

In our careers, we often feel hesitant to explore new paths, fearing a loss of hard-earned skills. However, skill evolution is a natural part of our journey. In this episode, I talked about how our brains adapt and learn and how we can confidently navigate career changes while building upon existing expertise.The common fear many have about losing their clinical skills when expanding their career in nursing or switching to a different industry. Noting the incredible adaptability of the human brain, I emphasized the power of neuroplasticity and the capacity to learn and apply new skills while retaining previously acquired expertise. Personal anecdotes are shared to affirm reassurance in career transitions, rejecting the notion of skill loss in favor of the concept of skill evolution. Skill evolution is integral to our career journey. Embrace the idea that skills continually evolve. Adopt an "I'll figure it out" mindset, shift perspectives, and confidently unlock your full potential amid career changes.Key takeaways:00:56 The Fear of Losing Clinical Skills03:20 Understanding Neuroplasticity04:43 Personal Experiences with Neuroplasticity10:01 The Power of 'I'll Figure It Out' Mindset15:12 Building Confidence in Our Nervous System18:48 The Importance of Self Confidence21:21 Real Life Example of Fight or Flight Response24:48 Conclusion: Skill Evolution, Not LossWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
November 27, 2023

Are you a people pleaser?

As nurses, we often find ourselves going above and beyond to meet the needs of our patients and provide exceptional care. One behavioral pattern that is deeply ingrained in the nursing profession is people pleasing. We strive to make others happy, gain their approval, and avoid conflict. But have you ever stopped to reflect on the true essence of people-pleasing? In this episode, I dive deep into the intricacies of people pleasing in nursing and explore its pros and cons. Join me on this journey of self-reflection and boundary-setting as I unravel the power of people-pleasing in our profession.By embracing self-regulation and setting healthy boundaries, we can navigate the world of people-pleasing with intention and cultivate a nursing career that encompasses both exceptional care and personal fulfillment. Let us embrace the power of people pleasing while staying true to ourselves, fostering growth, and creating a harmonious and empathetic nursing environment. Together, we can redefine people pleasing as a multi-faceted skill that enhances patient care and nurtures our own well-being.Key takeaways:01:41 - Understanding People Pleasing: Definition and Traits03:27 - The Role of People Pleasing in Nursing04:21 - The Positive Side of People Pleasing in Nursing05:32 - People Pleasing as a Safety Mechanism06:43 - The Negative Side of People Pleasing in Nursing13:01 - People Pleasing and Its Impact on Career Progression21:59 - Finding Balance27:00 - Creating Safety and Self-Regulation in People Pleasing29:23 - Conclusion and Final ThoughtsWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
November 20, 2023

How to get off a Graduate Merit List

How to get off a Graduate Merit List In today's episode, I'm exploring a pivotal topic for all the graduate nurses out there – navigating life on a merit list. Witnessing the remarkable success of many who've utilized our guide to secure their dream jobs and embark on their nursing careers, we recognize the unique challenges faced by those currently on merit lists. Our aim is to ensure you capitalize on every opportunity available during this waiting period. While waiting, don't sit idly; take control! Learn how to reach out to hiring managers, clarify your position, and explore networking opportunities. I shared success stories and tips to empower you in this uncertain period. Remember, your journey doesn't end with a grad program – explore various paths and create opportunities for yourself. Stay tuned for more as we provide valuable insights, practical tips, and uplifting success stories to empower you through this crucial phase of your nursing journey.Key takeaways:01:40 - What to do when you've been merit listed?03:48 - Proven Strategies to Navigate Merit Lists and Secure Your Dream Nursing Job07:13 - Transforming Merit List Challenges into Nursing Career Opportunities09:16 - Why Applying for Multiple Opportunities Is Your Secret Weapon10:48 - Creating Your Path Beyond Grad Programs13:55 - Taking Charge of Your Career and Landing Your Dream JobWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
November 13, 2023

Under-earning as a Nurse

In today's episode, my focus is on a major issue affecting our earning potential: underselling ourselves. Despite our skills and accomplishments, many nurses struggle to express their true value due to fear of coming off as overconfident. It's crucial to distinguish between self-assuredness and arrogance while recognizing and communicating your expertise, achievements, and experience for professional growth.This habit of underselling creates a self-fulfilling prophecy, hindering our opportunities in nursing careers by dwelling on our perceived inadequacies. To combat this, we need to deeply explore our career narratives, understand our worth, and reshape our perceptions of our capabilities.The roots of this underselling behavior lie in deep-seated beliefs and past experiences. Not addressing these can stall professional growth and earning potential. Although not an easy fix, investing in recognizing your worth brings real changes in your career trajectory. By ending the underselling cycle and actively pursuing opportunities that match your value, you can unlock the income and opportunities you truly deserve. Let's remember that nurses' worth merits acknowledgment, paving the way for opportunities that reflect our actual value. Key takeaways:02:30 - Underselling Leads to Underearning04:55 - Self-Reflection and Overcoming Underselling15:58 - The Impact of Trauma on Nursing Careers19:17 - Shifting Mindsets for Career Advancement20:06 - Seeking Opportunities and Embracing Abundance21:20 - Recognizing Worth and Pursuing MoreWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
November 6, 2023

RFDS Flight Nursing with Emily Wilson

In the world of healthcare, some careers stand out as truly exceptional. The role of a flight nurse with the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) is undoubtedly one of them. Join us as we dive into the world of aeromedical nursing, exploring the challenges and considerations for nurses who dream of soaring the skies to provide life-saving care.In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with an experienced RFDS nurse, Emily, who shared her insights and experiences regarding the challenges and considerations for those looking to pursue a career in the aeromedical field.Emily suggests that having clear goals and breaking them down into smaller, achievable milestones is key. Creating a career roadmap can help you stay focused and motivated. Goals may include gaining specific clinical experience, pursuing further education, or seeking guidance from those already in the field.While the road to success can be long and filled with challenges, it's important to remain focused on your goals, seek guidance, and find a balance between the adrenaline-driven moments and everyday acts of care. With dedication and a solid plan, anyone can embark on this extraordinary career journey.Key takeaways: 01:56 - Emily Wilson's Nursing Journey05:46 - Navigating Nursing Transitions and Pursuing RFDS Dreams 08:46 - Personal Growth and Professional Transition11:40 - The Power of Soft Skills in Nursing13:12 - Pathways to Becoming an RFDS Nurse16:37 - A Day in the Life of an RFDS Flight Nurse21:22 - Diverse Cases and Challenges in RFDS 23:39 - RFDS Primary Health and Outreach Efforts 27:12 - Discovering the Power of Micro-Moments in Nursing33:10 - Challenges and Considerations for Aspiring RFDS Nurses37:14 - Emily's Final ThoughtsConnect with Emily:LinkedIn - to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!Mentioned in this episode:GCLP Round 2
October 30, 2023

Non Clinical Careers with Beth Montano

Are you a nurse feeling the urge to explore non-clinical, non-bedside roles but struggling with self-doubt and uncertainty? In this insightful episode, we delve into the fascinating journey of Beth, a nurse who embarked on a remarkable career path that took her from the bedside to remote care coordination across Australia. Beth's story is a testament to the power of proactively seeking diverse nursing career options and believing in your own capabilities.Beth's journey serves as an inspiring example of how nurses can forge diverse and fulfilling career paths by believing in their abilities and embracing change. If you're considering a transition, this episode is a valuable resource that provides insights, encouragement, and practical strategies to help you navigate the path with confidence and self-belief.Remember, your nursing career is an ever-evolving journey, and the possibilities are endless. Embrace the change, trust in your capabilities, and embark on your unique path with confidence.Key takeaways:01:26 - Beth's Nursing Odyssey: From Grad Year to Fully Remote Nursing10:48 - Exploring Non-Clinical Nursing15:15 - Unlocking Your Potential Beyond Bedside26:57 - The Power of Self-Belief in Transitioning from Clinical to Non-Clinical Careers47:11 - Learn more about Beth's amazing workConnect with BethInstagram - - to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
October 23, 2023

Palliative Care Nursing With Rachel Bilton-Simek

Today, we're honored to feature Rachel Bilton, whose unique nursing approach has earned praise from the Canberra community. Rachel's passion for palliative care shines as she emphasizes the importance of creating a safe and caring environment during end-of-life journeys. Learn how her nursing skills, beyond clinical expertise, play a crucial role in alleviating suffering through small, thoughtful gestures.Rachel also shared her insights into potential career shifts, her dedication to nursing's unique opportunities, and her strategies for addressing patient fears during end of life. Ready to elevate your nursing practice? Share this inspiring episode featuring Rachel Bilton with your colleagues, and let's empower more nurses to thrive on their own terms. Key takeaways:04:53 - Exploring Unplanned Endings and Surprising Bonds in Oncology for Improved Patient Care13:16 - Single Mother Prioritizes Childcare Over Employment19:34 - Specific list led to unexpected autonomy.23:51 - Positive feedback, unique services, unlikely clients.27:07 - Graduate qualifications in Australia are expensive.31:54 - Amazing presenter in palliative care.38:07 - Nursing builds clinical and mental capacity.39:28 - Building, hyperstimulation, frazzled, sloppy, unique role in palliative care.44:26 - Nursing: relieving suffering and bringing happiness.49:58 - Basic things matter. Connect with Rachel📩 [email protected] to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!Mentioned in this episode:BizCare Link Q4 2023
October 16, 2023

Opportunistic Nursing Job Offers

Have you ever wondered how some nurses seem to effortlessly climb the career ladder while others remain stuck in the same roles for years? The secret lies in being opportunistic and actively seeking out opportunities that can propel your nursing career forward. In this episode, I explored the concept of opportunism and how you can harness its power to achieve your career goals.In the world of nursing, being opportunistic can lead to a fulfilling and dynamic career. Don't let fear or uncertainty hold you back. Remember, simplicity doesn't always equate to ease. Embrace the discomfort, ask the questions, and witness the opportunities that unfold.Key takeaways:2:00 - Dreaming Without Limits4:30 - Overcoming "I Don't Know" 7:15 - The Power of Being Opportunistic 10:45 - The Art of Asking 14:30 - Personal Growth Through Opportunities Want to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇📲 Book a call with Liam📸 Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.➡️ Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).🎙️ Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!Listen to the HPN podcast everywhere including:Ask your Alexa of google home - Play High Performance Nursing with Liam Caswell.Listen here on Spotify.Listen here on Apple PodcastWatch and listen here on Youtube!
October 9, 2023

Changing Nursing Career Specialties

In the nursing profession, many of us reach a crossroads where we contemplate changing specialties. The allure of new challenges, personal growth, and professional development can be strong, yet doubts and uncertainties often hold us back. In this episode, we delve into the topic of changing nursing career specialties, exploring the reasons that hinder us from taking the leap and how to overcome them. So, if you're contemplating a switch, listen and discover how to embrace change and unlock new possibilities in your nursing career.Key takeaways:02:48 - Exploring the Limiting Beliefs06:44 - Challenging the Status Quo09:07 - Embracing Curiosity13:13 - Analyzing the Fear17:15 - Shaping Your Experience17:58 - Why experience and qualifications don't matterWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇📲 Book a call with Liam📸 Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.➡️ Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).🎙️ Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
October 2, 2023

From Busy to Bored

In today's episode, we dive deep into the topic of boredom and its often underestimated power. We explored the idea of sitting with boredom, questioning why it is seen as a problem, and embracing the space it creates for curiosity and personal reflection. I also shared my own theory on the subject, shedding light on the societal norm of busyness that often prevents us from truly connecting with ourselves. I shared stories from my experience as a clinician, where chronic stress and trauma have become the norm, but the importance of self-care and creating space for boredom still remains. As we unravel the connection between boredom, resilience, and personal growth, join us in rediscovering the value of embracing these moments of stillness and reevaluating our relationship with busyness.Key takeaways:01:41 - Self-care is essential; prioritize your well-being05:30 - Boredom is not always a problem.12:06 - Busy-ness vs. stress conditioning.13:44 - Understanding our dysregulated nature leads to self-care.19:34 - Embrace boredom, find brilliance in empty space.24:51 - High stress career leads to burnout and trauma.28:19 - Normalize boredom, feel emotions, avoid burnout.33:21 - Promote homeostasis and compassion in our culture.38:11 - Invest in personal development for better health.39:16 - Building mental and emotional capacity is crucial for success.Want to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
September 25, 2023

I won an award… Here’s what I learnt

I won an award and I want to tell you all about it, my lessons and learnings on the way to building my business and serving 400+ nurses!Key takeaways:09:38 - Embrace emotions, suffer less, live authentically.12:04 - Experiencing life and finding clarity.19:37 - Dysregulation hampers careers and overall well-being.25:38 - Self-transforming mind29:28 - Emotional regulation is crucial for leadership and teamwork.37:10 - Importance of feeling on a journey to the goal.47:47 - Feelings matter on the path to success.52:53 - Money = freedom. Create wealth to inspire others.54:58 - Clinicians finding inspiration, empowering grads, reinventing nurses, resonating content, truth-telling, impactful nursing industry.59:36 - Embrace feelings to create desired life, career.Want to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download Our Free Job Application Guide Here!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇☎️ Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
September 18, 2023

Reclaiming Your Power in Nursing

In this podcast, I discuss the concept of reclaiming your power as a nurse and living on your own terms. I highlight how our inner critic can sabotage us and how traditional nursing practices may no longer be relevant in today's changing world. I emphasize the importance of seeking clarity from within ourselves rather than relying on external sources. Throughout the podcast, I introduce a tool called the CTFAR coaching framework, which helps us understand the connection between our thoughts, feelings, actions, and results. By applying this tool, we can take control of our thinking and create positive change in our lives.Key Takeaways:01:16 Nursing on Your Own Terms02:25 Challenging Conditioning in Healthcare03:34 The Power of Interrupting Neural Pathways06:19 The CTFAR Coaching Framework08:45 The Influence of Thoughts on Feelings and Actions11:25 Choosing to Think and Act13:08 The Importance of Self-AwarenessWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Didn't land your grad? Want to guarantee yourself a job? Join GCLP round 2 here!Download our free resume guide and CV template here:Download our Free Interview Guide Here!Join our Interview Success Course Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
September 11, 2023

3. Building a Successful Career in the Cosmetic Injection Field: Expert Advice from Michelle Mexted

Today we dive into the fascinating world of the cosmetic injecting industry, but this time from a recruitment perspective. Before COVID, this industry was booming, with a surge in demand for procedures like lip injections. But how has the landscape changed since then? How do you get an injectable job? Where do you start? What do employers really want? All this and MORE covered in this fabulous episode!Our guest, Michelle, is a recruitment expert with nearly two decades of experience in the recruitment field. She'll shed light on the challenges and opportunities in the aesthetics and cosmetics industry, and share valuable insights on building a successful career in this rapidly growing field.Stay tuned as we explore the world of aesthetic recruitment, the role of a recruitment consultant, and what it takes to stand out in this competitive job market. Let's unlock your hidden potential and discover the keys to high performance in the nursing industry. Don't miss this empowering episode of High Performance Nursing!TIMESTAMPS00:00:19 Michelle has decades of recruitment experience and is the founder of Aesthetics Recruitment Australia.00:03:58 Summary: Body language, preparation, and value to employer.00:09:05 Recruiters connect employers with suitable candidates.00:12:42 Nurses have untapped potential, need encouragement.00:17:21 Communication, listening, reading people, questioning, writing, sales, negotiation, resilience, organization.00:21:57 Beauty industry booming pre-COVID, declined post-COVID.00:27:24 Nurses face challenges finding jobs in aesthetics.00:32:23 Understanding your "why" is crucial. Being a cosmetic injector requires articulating your passion, education, connections, and commitment. Flexibility and taking less desirable conditions initially are necessary. It's hard work with risks and sales targets, and there's a disconnect between nurses and clinic staff.00:37:38 Knowing your "why" makes a difference.00:41:31 Balancing work at hospital and injecting cosmetically00:46:31 Some employers can't hire certain professionals.00:48:14 Your compelling "why" is crucial before spending.Connect with Michelle and get in touch about Cosmetic Roles Michelle your CV at [email protected] WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!Listen to the HPN podcast everywhere including:Ask your Alexa of google home - Play High Performance Nursing with Liam Caswell.
September 4, 2023

Cosmetic Nursing with Lorna Zelenak (RN/Cosmetic Nurse/Nurseprenuer)

Today, we have a special guest joining us, Lorna , a nursepreneur who has found success in the world of aesthetic nursing. Lorna will be sharing her journey as a nursepreneur, the challenges she faced in attracting clients, and how she overcame impostor syndrome to pursue her goals. She'll also shed light on the day-to-day life of a cosmetic nurse, the shortage of nurses in both the nursing and cosmetics industries, and the importance of changing the mentality of the industry to support and educate younger nurses. Lorna will debunk myths about the industry, discuss the pros and cons, and provide valuable insights for aspiring cosmetic nurses. So, if you're interested in the world of aesthetic nursing and want to learn from a seasoned professional, stay tuned for this exciting episode of High Performance Nursing!TIME STAMPS:00:03:15 Starting as a nurse, I transitioned to the injectables business.00:11:27 Opportunities in nursing are diverse and abundant.00:16:49 Starting slow, learning, building clientele over time.00:20:43 Nursepreneur journey involves impostor syndrome and self-validation. Cosmetic nursing explained, day-to-day activities.00:25:39 Bachelor of Nursing, diploma, or enrolled nurses can become cosmetic nurses in Australia. Longer courses offer structured learning, while shorter ones require prior knowledge. Enrolled nurses face stricter regulations. Pathways include opening a business or working for a clinic.00:30:55 Investing in yourself is incredibly important.00:32:59 Pros/Cons/Myths00:38:45 Cosmetic nursing and impostor syndrome in industry.00:42:08 Cosmetics, opinions, generations, phones, experience, rules.00:47:38 Find a trusted mentor, do your research, gain hands-on experience, enjoy the journey, enhance people's beauty, create change.00:51:16 Starting an online business is messy but worth it.Connect with Lorna Here: On IGCosmetic Injectables by LornaConnect with Liam Here: WebsiteFull Show Notes
August 28, 2023

What to do if you didn’t land a grad nursing program

Welcome back to the High-Performance Nursing podcast! In today's episode, we'll be addressing a situation that many aspiring nurses may face - not getting accepted into their desired graduate nursing program. We dive right into the topic by discussing the importance of managing your mind when you receive that disappointing email. Liam emphasizes the need to allow yourself to feel the emotions and thoughts that arise, but also highlights the fact that you have control over how you respond and react to the situation. Additionally, troubleshooting is another key component in moving forward. Liam shares tips on identifying where in the application process you may need to focus on, whether it's your application itself or your interview performance. With Liam's expert advice and guidance, you'll be empowered to redesign your applications and improve your interview skills. This episode promises to provide invaluable insights for those who may be feeling discouraged and uncertain about their nursing career path. Stay tuned for practical strategies and encouragement as we explore what to do when you don't land your grad nursing program. Let's dive in!Want to join our GCLP Round 2 - join here - its 100% risk free!Leave us a testimonial here if we have helped in any way!
August 23, 2023

Nurses are Coaches With Vicky Boateng (Executive Nurse Coach and ICU Trauma RN)

Welcome to another insightful episode! In today's discussion, we had the privilege of sitting down with Vicky Boateng, a dedicated critical care ICU Registered Nurse who wears multiple hats - not only as a healthcare professional but also as a certified executive coach. In the high-stakes world of nursing, where physical and mental challenges abound, we've shed light on the paramount significance of establishing mental health practices. We've also discussed how nurses are akin to coaches in their own right. We drew parallels between the skills nurses utilize in their patient care roles and those employed by coaches in guiding individuals to reach their potential. This episode is not to be missed!TIMESTAMPS00:01:35 - Vicky's Journey from Being a Nurse to Being An Executive Coach 00:04:02 - The Importance of Setting Your Mental Health Practices 11:30 - Every Nurse is a Coach 19:09 - The Effects of Having Good Mental Health Practices29:50 - You Can Create Your Own Safe Space 31:52 - Everybody Needs Help 33:08 - How Having A Coach Can Help Support You39:44 - How Self-Awareness Can Help You Enjoy Your Work Again CONNECT WITH VICKYFollow and get in touch on IG @vicboatWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Join our Graduate Career Launch Program today and SAVE $$ and claim your limited-time bonuses and guarantees!Download our Free Interview Guide Here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!Listen to the HPN podcast everywhere including:Ask your Alexa of google home - Play High Performance Nursing with Liam Caswell.Listen here on Spotify.Listen here on Apple PodcastWatch and listen here on Youtube!
August 21, 2023

Graduate Nurse Panel Red Flags 🚩

In today's episode, we're diving into the world of graduate panel interviews. Join me as we uncover the red flags to watch out for during the application and interview process, and how to make informed decisions about your dream job. Whether you're a recent graduate or a seasoned nurse, this episode will provide valuable insights that can set you up for success. So sit back, relax, and get ready to uncover the red flags in our Graduate Panel Red Flags episode. Let's get started!TIMESTAMPS00:00:55 Grad Nurse podcast helps with job rejections.00:04:50 Respectful interview behavior is crucial. Beware red flags like eye-rolling or rushing.00:09:35 Teach critical thinking to make job decisions.00:10:23 Use culture, treatment, and information to decide.Join our GCLP here!
August 16, 2023

My thoughts on Post Graduate Nursing Study

To study or not to study a postgraduate nursing qualification is a question many of you have and today I want to give you some things to think about! I have a few post-grad certs and quals so I felt a pull to share with you some key considerations when choosing your first or next (I see you high performing certificate collectors ;) ) qualification!Key takeaways:[00:02:34] Postgraduate nursing study.[00:04:19] Building a nursing career.[00:09:59] Nursing qualifications and job applications.[00:15:02] Choosing a passion-driven degree.[00:18:02] Do the hard modules first and overcoming challenges[00:21:33] Work-life balance and burnout.[00:25:22] Asking for career advice.[00:28:08] Nursing job requirements and possibilities.CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?Book a call 👇Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!Listen to the HPN podcast everywhere including:Ask your Alexa of google home - Play High Performance Nursing with Liam Caswell.Listen here on Spotify.Listen here on Apple PodcastWatch and listen here on Youtube!
August 14, 2023

How I would prepare for a graduate nursing interview

HOW I WOULD PREPARE FOR GRADUATE NURSING INTERVIEWS! In this episode of the High Performance Nursing Podcast, host Liam Caswell discusses how to prepare for nursing interviews. He encourages listeners to take a moment to be proud of themselves for landing an interview and then dives into the importance of research and preparation. Liam shares valuable tips and insights on how to tackle graduate nursing interview preparation, providing practical advice for success. Tune in to discover how to take control of your nursing career and achieve your goals.Timestamps![00:01:06] Be proud of yourself.[00:05:13] Three types of interview questions.[00:08:20] Clinical hypothetical scenarios.[00:10:14] Clinical hypothetical scenarios.[00:14:08] Managing Your Mind.[00:16:39] Roller coaster of nursing.[00:20:36] Questions for the panel.[00:23:05] Nursing career decision-making.[00:25:14] Celebrating self and success.For more info click the link below!
August 2, 2023

Nursing Burnout

In this weeks episode I discuss the concept of high-performance nursing and the susceptibility to burnout that comes with it. I share my personal experiences and reflections on how being a high performer can lead to overdelivering and overperforming, ultimately resulting in burnout.I emphasize the importance of acknowledging and gifting ourselves the space to prevent and manage burnout. I also highlight the need to honor our energy, allow ourselves to experience the full spectrum of human emotions, and create space for self-care. Instead of trying to burnout-proof our careers, what if we learned the valuable life skill of learning to manage our mind, feel our feelings, and identifying burnout early to optimise our self-care. Get the full show notes here!
July 31, 2023

Normalizing the Jitters: Embracing Nerves and Anxiety in Interviews

On this episode of High Performance Nursing, host Liam Caswell explores the topic of normalizing nerves in interviews. He delves into the experience of feeling a wide range of emotions, such as excitement, nervousness, fear, and anxiety, drawing parallels to the roller coaster of emotions experienced at a theme park. Liam emphasizes the impact of our thoughts on our physical state and highlights the importance of recognizing that external events do not dictate our thoughts and feelings. He unravels the subconscious brain's role in seeking safety and the power in choosing new thoughts that reduce nerves and anxiety. Liam includes practical tips for managing interview nerves, such as reframing physical symptoms as normal and engaging in positive self-talk. Throughout the episode, he stresses the importance of normalizing and accepting all emotions during interviews and in life, and provides guidance on rewriting our inner narrative for a more empowering and confident mindset. Join Liam on this insightful episode as he shares strategies to navigate interview nerves and excel in your career as a graduate nurse.TIME STAMPS[00:00:32] Terrifying thoughts while at theme park rides.[00:05:49] Challenge beliefs about the capability for interview success.[00:10:24] Coaching unleashes confidence; normalize nerves, rewrite thoughts.[00:13:23] Normalize mistakes and deliver your best interview.[00:16:44] Helping people, affordable pricing, join us.YOU GOT THIS!Access the full show notes and links here!
July 26, 2023

Advancing your Nursing Career

On this episode of High Performance Nursing, host Liam Caswell dives into the topic of transitioning and advancing your nursing career specifically from RN/RM on the floor to RN Level 2, Clinical Nurse, Clinical Nurse Specialist. Liam dives into the four key aspects of a senior nursing portfolio and how you can start today so when your job is posted you are ready!Timestamps!00:00:39 Promotion from RN to CN team leader, with advice for career progression.00:04:52 I transitioned from acute medicine to primary heath and then to nurse unit manager without following a traditional career path.00:07:00 Consider where you can educate others and build an education portfolio. This can be done through informal or formal training sessions.00:10:27 Be the person who drives change in your career, especially in the CNC, NUM, Anum, Adon fields. Find a problem area in quality and safety, even if it's small.00:12:49 Save money for the hospital, advance in your career, improve care quality and safety, lead a project, gather data, create an education plan, implement new strategies, formalize through a QIP pathway.00:16:50 They want growth, clinical expertise, and going beyond the basics. Put in effort, improve quality and safety, stand out in applications. Seek leadership and management opportunities.00:20:42 Networking led to being considered for nursery manager. Proved capability to nurse unit manager and ADON. Internal hiring is preferable in nursing.00:24:36 Be honest and proactive in job opportunities to build your career.Applying for 2023/24 grads - join here!This episode is sponsored by Bizcare!Thank you to BizCare For Sponsoring the HPN podcast!For more information about Bizcare and access to their amazing range of healthcare workwear - click here!Download our FREE Interview guide here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to work with Liam and the team to land your next role?Book a call 👇Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
July 24, 2023

Graduate Application/Interview Q and A (Replay)

In this live coaching call on Instagram, I provided essential guidance to 2023 nursing graduates seeking assistance with their graduate nursing applications and interview preparations. Throughout the session, I covered a wide range of topics, including applications, interviews, buzzwords, how to answer interview questions, and more! I also delved into interview strategies, emphasizing the significance of conducting thorough research, practicing mock interviews, and confidently addressing behavioral and situational questions.Join me in this empowering live Q and A/coaching call where I share insights, practical tips, and words of encouragement to help nursing graduates navigate the complexities of the graduate nursing application process and interviews. Whether you're a recent graduate or an experienced nurse seeking career advancement, this episode offers valuable guidance to support you on your path to success.
July 19, 2023

The Power Of Self Investment – Lessons from NursePrenuership

In this episode titled "The Power of Self-Investment as a Nurseprenuer," I share the transformative impact of investing in yourself within your career and your nursing business. I define self-investment and highlight its significance in fostering personal and professional growth. Helping you to discover strategies to unlock your potential, leverage strengths, and embrace continuous learning and skill development. Building a supportive network of like-minded individuals and embracing failure and adaptability are key elements we discuss. Any money invested in your brain is worthwhile and 100% your responsibility to source the return!
July 18, 2023

Graduate Nurse Interview Success

In this episode, we are thrilled to announce the release of two valuable resources for graduate nurses. We have developed a free interview guide that steps you through the key interview steps you need to know to thrive in your graduate nursing interviews!We also have launched an interview success course to assist graduates in their job search and interview preparation. If you are prepping for your 2023/24 graduate nurse interviews, these resources are for you!Download our free interview guide here!JOIN OUR GRAD NURSE INTERVIEW SUCCESS COURSE HERE!Applying for 2023/24 grads - join here!This episode is sponsored by Bizcare!Thank you to BizCare For Sponsoring the HPN podcast!For more information about Bizcare and access to their amazing range of healthcare workwear - click here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?Book a call 👇Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!Listen to the HPN podcast everywhere including:Ask your Alexa of google home - Play High Performance Nursing with Liam Caswell.Listen here on Spotify.Listen here on Apple PodcastWatch and listen here on Youtube!
July 12, 2023

Nursing in the Gap or the Gain

In this episode of the High-Performance Nursing Podcast, we explore the Gap and Gain and how you can apply this simple yet effective mindset tool to your life and career as a nurse! This episode is simple, short and sweet but in its application, it packs a punch and might just get you unstuck!
July 10, 2023

How to Write Grad Nurse Cover Letters

In today's episode, we'll explore the strategies and tips to craft an exceptional cover letter for graduate nursing positions. Join Liam as we discuss the importance of a well-written cover letter, its purpose in the nursing job application process, and how to create a standout cover letter that helps you secure your dream graduate nursing role.Episode Breakdown:Importance of a Well-Written Cover LetterUnderstanding the Purpose of a Graduate Nursing Cover LetterResearching the Institution and PositionStructuring Your Cover LetterAdding a Personal TouchDos and Don'ts of Graduate Nursing Cover LettersEditing and ProofreadingCrafting a compelling cover letter is a valuable skill that can help you make a lasting impression and land your desired graduate nursing position. By researching the institution, structuring your letter effectively, and showcasing your qualifications, you'll be well on your way to writing an outstanding cover letter that sets you apart from the competition. Applying for 2023/24 grads - join here!This episode is sponsored by Bizcare!Thank you to BizCare For Sponsoring the HPN podcast!For more information about Bizcare and access to their amazing range of healthcare workwear - click here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?Book a call 👇Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!Listen to the HPN podcast everywhere including:Ask your Alexa of google home - Play High Performance Nursing with Liam Caswell.Listen here on Spotify.Listen here on Apple PodcastWatch and listen here on Youtube!
July 5, 2023

Collecting Evidence to Shift Your Mindset

In this episode of the High Performance Nursing Podcast, titled "Collecting Evidence to Shift Your Mindset," Liam records from Bonnie Scotland and expresses gratitude for the support and positive feedback from listeners. The episode delves into the crucial aspect of collecting evidence in one's nursing career to foster a shift in mindset. Liam highlights the tendency to focus on negative self-talk and the failure to acknowledge one's accomplishments. Listeners will gain insights on challenging negative beliefs and stepping out of their comfort zones to collect evidence that supports their growth and success. The impact of self-talk on nursing careers is explored, emphasizing the need for self-compassion and kindness toward oneself. Drawing from personal experiences, Liam encourages listeners to identify the stories they tell themselves and offers guidance on shifting perspectives and collecting positive evidence. The episode also touches upon embracing the highs and lows of the nursing profession, accepting oneself, and managing negative thoughts. Listeners will walk away with practical tips and inspiration to cultivate a positive and empowering mindset in their nursing careers.If this episode has raised anything for you, please feel free to reach out to Liam to chat further. Applying for 2023/24 grads - join here! This episode is sponsored by Bizcare!Thank you to BizCare For Sponsoring the HPN podcast!For more information about Bizcare and access to their amazing range of healthcare workwear - click here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?Book a call 👇Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!Listen to the HPN podcast everywhere including:Ask your Alexa of google home - Play High Performance Nursing with Liam Caswell.Listen here on Spotify.Listen here on Apple PodcastWatch and listen here on Youtube!
July 3, 2023

How to Write Selection Criteria as a Grad

Join me as I break down how to write your selection criteria responses for NSW health, using Q2 as an example. This was originally recorded and posted on IG as a video, to see it , follow us @highperformancenursing. If you are looking for last-minute support with SC writing, we would love to support you in the GCLP. Join here!
June 29, 2023

Forensic/Correctional Nursing with Dr Lesley Barr

Ready to explore correctional nurse?In this episode, Dr. Lesley Barr, an expert in correctional/forensic nursing, joins us to explore the unique challenges and rewards of this specialized practice. We delve into the responsibilities of correctional/forensic nurses in assessing and caring for individuals within the criminal justice system, including inmates, detainees, and those with mental health issues. Dr. Barr discusses the importance of maintaining personal safety, managing complex mental health issues, and promoting rehabilitation and health equity for inmates. Lesley also provides insights into career opportunities and professional development in this field, encouraging listeners to support initiatives that improve healthcare within the criminal justice system.Join us for an insightful conversation as we unravel the intricacies of correctional/forensic nursing with Dr. Lesley Barr, gaining a deeper understanding of the impact nurses can have in this challenging and transformative field.We would love to hear your takeaways from this episode!!Connect with Dr Lesley Barr's research here!
June 26, 2023

The Secret to NAILING graduate nurse interviews

Hey there, welcome to another exciting episode of "High Performance Nursing"! Today, I want to share with you the absolute best thing I ever learned about interviews. Seriously, it changed my life, and I know it's going to change yours too! So buckle up because we're about to dive into the incredible world of interview notes.Let me tell you, interview notes are a game-changer! Picture this: you walk into an interview, all nervous and worried that you'll forget everything you wanted to say. Sound familiar? Well, guess what? It happens to the best of us! But here's the secret sauce: interview notes. They're like your secret weapon against those pesky mind blanks caused by the fight-or-flight response. By taking notes and preparing ahead of time, you'll have all your best examples and themes right at your fingertips.Now, you might be wondering, "How exactly do I use these magical notes?" Well, let me break it down for you. When you create your interview notes, you're essentially creating a safety net for yourself. They're a brain dump of all your top-notch examples and ideas, so you can practice and polish your responses before the big day. Think of it as a teleprompter, guiding you back on track when you need a little nudge. And here's the best part: it's not cheating! It's a tool to help you shine and show the interview panel just how prepared and dedicated you are.But hold on, I know you might be thinking, "Hey, what if the panel doesn't like me using notes?" Fair question! While it's rare for panels to object, I've got a solution for that too. If they ask you to put your notes away, don't fret. Just keep them discreetly under the table and rely on the work you've already done. The beauty lies in the fact that you've already practiced and internalized your examples, so your brain is fresh and ready to deliver. And honestly, if an organization doesn't appreciate your preparedness and dedication, do you really want to work for them?If you're as excited about interview notes as I am, then I've got something incredible for you. Join us in the Graduate Confidence and Leadership Program (GCLP), where we dive deep into creating killer interview notes and mastering the entire interview process. We've helped over 400 nurses land their dream jobs, and we can't wait to support you too! Oh, and did I mention it's 100% risk-free? Yeah, you heard that right. We work with you until you succeed.So don't miss out on this opportunity to take your interview game to the next level. Check out the show notes to join the GCLP and let's make your dream job a reality. Trust me, it's the best investment you'll ever make. See you on the other side of success, my friend!Join the GCLP here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!Listen to the HPN podcast everywhere including:Ask your Alexa of google home - Play High Performance Nursing with Liam Caswell.
June 21, 2023

My Nursepreneurship Journey

Ep 122: My NursePreneurship Journey Welcome to "My NursePreneurship Journey," Where I am diving into the exciting world of nursepreneurship and exploring the endless possibilities that await you as an online nursepreneur.I am sharing my story, in hopes I inspire you to start yours!Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a successful nursepreneur? Are you curious about the different avenues available to you for making money from the comfort of your own home? Look no further, because we've got you covered!In response to your requests on Instagram, I am giving you a BTS look into how I got started and how you can too! But this podcast is not just about me—it's about you! We want to hear from you, our incredible listeners. Reach out and let us know what insights you gain from each episode. Your feedback is invaluable as we continue to bring you more inspiring content in this space.We are all about empowering nurses to live their best lives and achieve financial freedom through their careers and their businesses too! We believe that you can make as much money as you desire, all while maintaining control over your own terms.Let's dive in!
June 19, 2023

Graduate Resume Mistakes You Are Probably Making – Grad Nurse Success Series

One common mistake is creating task-oriented resumes, listing activities without emphasizing achievements. While this approach might work for some AI-based applications, it falls short when competing for highly sought-after nursing positions. To make your application shine, we need to transform tasks into achievements that effectively communicate your skillset and make you an ideal candidate.As the competition for nursing programs and jobs intensifies, it becomes crucial to showcase your uniqueness and stand out from the crowd. Many generic, vague, and cookie-cutter resumes end up in the rejection pile within seconds. In this episode, we will be discussing an essential aspect of your application: achievements and tasks in your resume. So, let's explore the power of your documents and how to transform them into incredible applications that land you your dream job.Key takeaways:01:36 - Importance of a unique resume03:20 - Coaching and discovering the uniqueness04:31 - Importance of well-crafted documents05:27 - Achievements and tasks in the application process07:23 - Professional work experience and clinical placements11:02 - Elevating tasks into achievements14:05 - Progressing through the career in reverse chronological orderWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Join our Graduate Career Launch Program today and SAVE $$ and claim your limited time bonuses and guarantees!Download our free resume guide and CV template here:
June 14, 2023

Call The Manager

In today's episode, we're diving into an essential yet often overlooked step in the job application process: calling the manager. Many of you have been reaching out about applying for jobs, and I want to emphasize the importance of connecting with the hiring manager before submitting your application. Let's explore why this step is crucial and how it can help you make informed decisions about your career path.In today's highly competitive job market, distinguishing yourself from other applicants is crucial, and one strategic move that can set you apart is reaching out to the hiring manager directly. By making that phone call, you open the door to valuable insights, the opportunity to customize your application materials, the chance to establish rapport, and the ability to make well-informed decisions. Don't let fear or hesitation hold you back—instead, seize the initiative and connect with the manager before submitting your application. Remember, a simple phone call can be a game-changer in your job search journey. I invite you to listen to the full episode for more tips and guidance on navigating the job market successfully. Wishing you the best of luck!Key takeaways:00:43 - The Importance of Calling the Manager01:43 - How to Find the Manager's Contact03:31 - Benefits of Calling the Manager09:43 - Building Rapport and Gaining Certainty11:41 - Embracing the Call the Manager ProcessThis episode is sponsored by Bizcare!Thank you to BizCare For Sponsoring the HPN podcast!For more information about Bizcare and access to their amazing range of healthcare workwear - click here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?Book a call 👇Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
June 13, 2023

3 Graduate Interview Question Types You Need to Know – Grad Nurse Success Series

Embarking on a nursing career can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, especially when it comes to acing your interviews. The interview process often involves a wide range of questions, leaving many graduate nurses feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to respond effectively.In this episode of the Graduate Nurse Success Series podcast, I dive into the three different types of questions that you can expect during your interview, providing valuable insights to help you prepare and succeed.If you're seeking comprehensive guidance on these interview techniques and want to delve deeper into mastering the art of interviewing as a graduate nurse, consider joining the Graduate Career Launch Program (GCLP). The GCLP offers invaluable resources and personalized support to help you succeed in securing your desired graduate nursing position. Don't wait until the last minute—invest in your future and take the next step toward achieving your career goals.Key takeaways:03:32 - The List-Style Questions04:51 - Behavioral STAR-Based Questions08:36 - Hypothetical Scenario QuestionsWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Join our Graduate Career Launch Program today and SAVE $$ and claim your limited time bonuses and guarantees!Going it alone?You must explore our graduate nurse career hub
June 7, 2023

Holistic Nurse Wellbeing with Ana Vavrek

In this episode, I had the privilege of interviewing Ana Vavrek, a passionate Registered Nurse, Holistic Wellbeing Coach, and the visionary behind the Huddle Nurse Network. Ana shared her personal experience with burnout and how it sparked a transformative journey towards holistic wellbeing and self-discovery. Through her coaching and workshops, Ana empowers nurses to navigate burnout, find balance, and thrive in their profession.Ana delves into her nursing career, providing valuable insights into the challenges and rewards of being a nurse. With her wealth of experience, she offers practical advice and guidance to fellow healthcare professionals. She also describes her work in primary healthcare, highlighting the importance of nurturing children's well-being and building trusting relationships. We also explored the concept of burnout as a catalyst for personal growth and spiritual awakening. She encourages listeners to see burnout as an opportunity for positive change and a chance to realign with one's values and purpose.Join us in this inspiring podcast episode as Ana Vavrek takes us on a journey from burnout to success. Her wisdom and guidance provide nurses and healthcare professionals with the tools they need to avoid burnout, foster holistic wellbeing, and create fulfilling careers.Key takeaways:03:00 - Know more about Ana Vavrek’s nursing career09:11 - Valuable advice from an Experienced and Inspiring Individual10:54 - From Unexpected Beginnings to Fulfilling Pathways13:41 - A Day in a Life in Primary Healthcare17:31 - Nurturing Children's Wellbeing and Building Trust19:14 - Embracing the Gifts of Burnout22:49 - The Path to Self-Awareness and Growth39:24 - Unveiling the Path to Holistic Wellbeing46:55 - How to connect with Ana VavrekConnect with Ana Vavrek:Follow her on Instagram - and Follow Ana Vavrek’s Holistic Wellbeing Coach Facebook Page: Join here Facebook group: The Huddle Nurse Network This episode is sponsored by Bizcare!Thank you to BizCare For Sponsoring the HPN podcast!For more information about Bizcare and access to their amazing range of healthcare workwear - click here!Please note this link is not an affiliate link.CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?👇Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
June 5, 2023

Graduate Nursing Interviews – Grad Nurse Success Series

Welcome to another episode of Graduate Nurse Series Success, where I share insights and strategies to help you ace your graduate nursing interviews. In this live session on Instagram, I've answered some questions from my followers.Receiving an interview offer is a reason to celebrate because it means you've already made a positive impression with your application. Remember, nursing panels don't invite just anyone, so when you get that notification, remind yourself that you're already 70% of the way there.If you're seeking comprehensive guidance and support throughout your graduate nursing journey, I highly recommend joining the Graduate Career Launch Program. We offer expert assistance in note preparation, example tailoring, and interview strategies to significantly increase your chances of success.To learn more about the specific questions asked by my followers in this live session, I invite you to listen to the full episode. It's packed with valuable information that will further enhance your interview preparation.Key takeaways:01:46 - Celebrating the Interview Offer and The Interview Process from Start to Finish04:22 - The Importance of Preparation09:43 - How do you not forget everything you've ever done on placement on the spot? Will you do that? 14:33 - What type of scenarios might they ask us about? 15:14 - Two types of scenarios in the interview17:36 - Is having a portfolio important?20:24 - Maximizing Opportunities and Strategies in Post-Interview Phase25:22 - What are your favorite questions to ask the panel?32:38 - Is there anything to be careful of with group interviews? 34:53 - Any tips not to go blank in the interview?39:23 - Is it okay to ask the panel to rephrase the question? 41:54 - Is it okay to bring a notepad and jot down parts of the question?46:58 - Are there questions along the lines of what policy of the healthcare facility aligns with our values potentially?47:49 - Do you use the STAR framework in your program? 50:50 - How long is an interview typically?Want to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Join our Graduate Career Launch Program today and SAVE $$ and claim your limited time bonuses and guarantees!Going it alone?You must explore our graduate nurse career hub
May 31, 2023

Career Planning for Nurses 2023

In this episode, we dive into the world of career planning and challenge the traditional notion of following a precise path. Join me as I explore the beauty of embracing a "hot mess" career, where detours, uncertainties, and diverse roles can lead to personal and professional growth. I also talked about the Four P Approach to career planning, a simple and effective method that anyone can use to navigate their professional journey.You will also learn about the inspiring story of a nurse with 30 years of experience who believed she lacked opportunities for growth. Discover how she used the Four P Approach to uncover her true capabilities, passions, and a multitude of career pathways. By giving herself permission to plan, she overcame limiting beliefs and successfully pursued a higher-level nursing position.As you listen to this episode I encouraged you to reflect on one insight that you can apply to your own career planning. Career plans are not set in stone and should be intentionally created to serve individual aspirations. Ultimately, my goal in this episode is to empower nurses to take charge of their careers, think critically about what they want to create, and embrace a modern approach to career planning that aligns with their values and goals.Key takeaways:02:16 - What does career planning means?11:55 - The Four P Approach to Career Planning12:04 - Step One: Perceptions - Analyzing internal thoughts and beliefs.12:42 - Step Two: Passions - Identifying activities that bring energy and fulfillment.14:17 - Step Three: Pathways - Thinking beyond traditional options and embracing new possibilities.15:25 - Step Four: Permission to Plan - Developing an informed and intentional career strategy.15:54 - Case Study: Jane's TransformationThis episode is sponsored by Bizcare!Thank you to BizCare For Sponsoring the HPN podcast!For more information about Bizcare and access to their amazing range of healthcare workwear - click here!CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHINGWant to discuss your situation with Liam?Book a call 👇Book a call with LiamFollow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted).Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
May 29, 2023

Failing as a Grad Nurse – Grad Nurse Success Series

In this episode, I explored the concept of "failing ahead of time" and shed light on how it hinders success in the nursing profession. I encourage you to shift your mindset and choose to succeed ahead of time, ultimately finding peace, self-compassion, and empowerment throughout your nursing journey.Instead of dwelling on failure, I suggest actively choosing to succeed ahead of time. By recognizing the brain's inclination to seek comfort and safety, you can break free from the cycle of negative thoughts and find harmony in the present moment.Raise your energy and approach challenges with a positive mindset. By doing so, graduate nurses can overcome the fear of failure and tap into their true potential.Self-compassion is key—treating ourselves with kindness and understanding as we navigate the nursing profession.So, if you're a graduate nurse struggling with the fear of failure or seeking guidance on your journey, remember to choose success ahead of time. Embrace a positive mindset, challenge negative thoughts, and consider joining the GCLP for comprehensive support. Your nursing career is filled with immense potential, and with the right mindset and support, you can achieve greatness and make a difference in the lives of others.Key takeaways:00:47 Importance of understanding failing ahead of time as a graduate nurse03:01 Choosing to succeed ahead of time and finding peace during the waiting period04:31 Negative effects of indulging in failing ahead of time and external perspectives06:41 Choosing to enjoy the experience and not dwelling on negativity08:02 Raising awareness of thoughts and not rushing into decisions09:51 Empowering oneself and tackling challenges11:29 Options and benefits of joining the GCLPWant to land your graduate nursing role with ease?Join our Graduate Career Launch Program today and SAVE $$ and claim your limited time bonuses and guarantees!Going it alone?You must explore our graduate nurse career hub
May 24, 2023

Performance Management Advice for Nurses and Nurse Managers – We can do better. 

Discover actionable advice for nurses and nurse managers on navigating performance management in the healthcare industry. In a thought-provoking episode, I shared personal experiences and highlighted the importance of support, training, and a fair approach for better outcomes.  Learn about the pitfalls of inadequate training, the significance of rapport and a safe environment, and the need to avoid personal attacks.  In this episode, I also questioned the severity of consequences for mistakes and advocated for a more supportive and reasonable approach. Whether you're a new graduate or an experienced nurse, find guidance on handling performance management with clarity, seeking external support, and actively engaging in the process.  Emphasizing the value of support and investment in team members, I encourage healthcare professionals to create an environment conducive to growth and development. Let's strive for improved performance management in nursing by implementing these valuable insights. Key takeaways: 02:07 - Liam’s personal experiences and disappointment with how people are being treated. 21:02 - Common mistakes and issues in healthcare 21:54 - Advice to the person that’s being performance managed 22:54 - Acknowledge that you are a human who nurses 25:17 - Gather all the information, get help 26:50 - Get support, and collect evidence of what you think is true 28:31 - Clarifying the performance management plan 30:46 - Taking notes and engaging in the process CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Want to discuss your situation with Liam? Book a call 👇 Book a call with Liam Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
May 22, 2023

How to stand out as an aspiring graduate nurse – Grad Success Series 

Join me, your virtual graduate coordinator, guide and online nurse unit manager, as I simplify the process of standing out as a graduate nurse in this episode.  Learn how to embrace your uniqueness and overcome self-doubt by applying the ABC formula.  Discover strategies to speak the language of your desired nursing specialty, effectively brand yourself, and build self-confidence. Don't miss out on this actionable advice to make a lasting impression and excel in your nursing career. Tune in now and unlock your potential as a standout graduate nurse. Key takeaways: 01:12 - Embrace Your Uniqueness and Stand Out 02:22 - Mastering the ABC Framework 04: 19 - Master Your Personal Brand 05:20 - Unleashing the Power of Self-Confidence 08:58 - Allowing Yourself to Experience the Spectrum of Emotion 11:40 - Have Your Own Back Want to land your graduate nursing role with ease? Join our Graduate Career Launch Program today and SAVE $$ and claim your limited time bonuses and guarantees! Going it alone? You must explore our graduate nurse career hub
May 17, 2023

Nurse Academia and Research with Jed Montayre

Join me on this latest episode as I dive into the captivating journey of Jed Montayre. In this episode, I had the honor of speaking with Jed, an esteemed clinician, associate professor, and director of the Center of Evidence-Based Practice for Healthcare Policy at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Discover the remarkable career path Jed has forged and the invaluable contributions he has made to the nursing field, in particular aged care and healthy aging. Jed's story encompasses the transformation from clinical practice to academia, where he started as an emergency nurse, relishing the dynamic nature of acute care. Transitioning to medical-surgical nursing, he fostered deeper connections with patients during extended periods of care. Fueled by his passion for research and the desire to enhance nursing practice, Jed embarked on an academic journey, pursuing a Ph.D. and embracing teaching roles across different universities. Jed's Ph.D. experience was both challenging and rewarding, contributing valuable insights to nursing knowledge. He emphasizes the multitude of pathways that a Ph.D. can open within nursing, including academia, research, policy development, and leadership roles. Jed Montayre's inspiring career journey from clinical practice to becoming an associate professor and renowned nurse researcher serves as an inspiration to aspiring nurses. His unwavering commitment to gerontology and nursing research has significantly influenced the field, while his dedication to enhancing healthcare for aging populations is truly commendable. Jed's story is a reminder that with passion, hard work, and a lifelong commitment to learning, nurses can leave a lasting mark on the lives of others. Don't miss this captivating episode, available now for your listening pleasure! Key takeaways: 03:16 - Jed’s Career Story 05:58 - From Clinical Practice to Academia 09:08 - The Path to Gerontology and Research 10:28 - The PhD Experience and Beyond 14:18 - Exploring Pathways from a PhD in Nursing to Improving Clinical Practice 15:56 - Exploring the Value of Research in Aging 21:37 - Promoting Healthy Aging 25:01 - Surprising Discoveries 29:42 - What is like to be a Nurse Academic and Researcher 32:14 - Nursing Challenges 35:07 - Advice for Clinicians Embarking on a Research Journey Connect with Jed Montayre: Email: [email protected] Twitter:  LinkedIn: Instagram: Check out his works here:  Join Gerontology Alliance of Nurses Australia here! CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Book a call with Liam Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
May 15, 2023

Graduate Nurse Application Q and A (2) – Grad Success Series

In this episode, I dive into a live coaching session, offering free guidance and support for nurses at all stages of their careers. Whether a graduate nurse or a seasoned professional asked their burning questions and explore various aspects of building a successful nursing career. I emphasize the importance of making thoughtful career choices and caution against simply pursuing opportunities because you can. Through this episode, I empower nurses to give themselves permission to choose what feels right for them. I reminded my viewers that there's no one-size-fits-all solution or external authority that can determine the best career decisions. Instead, each nurse has the power to assess their own motivations and make choices that resonate with their true desires. Join me in this insightful coaching session as I share wisdom and prompt nurses to reflect on their career paths, encouraging them to make decisions that align with their values and aspirations. Key takeaways: 02:12 - Navigating Career Decisions with Purpose 04:20 - Submitting our application early when applications open may be in our best interest. 05:58 - What to do after graduating from nursing? 10:21 - Advice on writing applications surrounding a specific area of nursing 16:44 - Reaching out to NUMs 20:29 - Text boxes in your CV. 24:32 - Cover letters, good format. 26:29 - Notifications for program acceptances 29:21 - The seven questions. Want to land your graduate nursing role with ease? You must explore our graduate nurse career hub Join our Graduate Career Launch Program today and SAVE $$ and claim your limited time bonuses and guarantees!
May 10, 2023

Nursing Career Passport 

In this thought-provoking podcast, I challenge the notion that nursing success is solely determined by years of experience. I talked about the importance of valuing diverse experiences that shape a nurse's career, and I urge everyone to embrace a broader perspective.  With a passion for debunking ingrained beliefs and encouraging intentional thinking, I explored the idea that everyone's path is unique and predetermined. Rather than engaging in divisive conversations pitting young nurses against their more experienced counterparts, I advocate for acknowledging and valuing the diverse range of experiences that shape a nurse's career. Through the concept of the "Nursing Career Passport," I encourage you to reflect on your own journeys and value every aspect of your professional and personal growth. Whether it's one minute or a million, every experience, and every stamp collected in the passport, holds value and contributes to one's nursing success. I urge you not to let external opinions or social media debates dictate your career paths but rather to embrace your unique stories and pursue your goals with confidence. Key takeaways: 03:36 - Setting the Stage: The Debate on Experience 05:22 - Challenging Biases and Perspectives 08:21- Embracing Individual Paths 12:24 - Rethinking Job Requirements and Promotions 13:29 - Overcoming Ego and Supporting Each Other 14:12 - Embracing the Nursing Success Passport Book a call with Liam CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
May 8, 2023

Mature Aged Student Nurses – Grad Success Series

In the nursing industry, there is a common misconception that being a mature-aged candidate is a disadvantage when applying for jobs. However, in this episode, I challenged this belief and highlighted the advantages of being a seasoned human in the nursing industry. I addressed the myths surrounding age and experience in the field, arguing that ageism is not prevalent in the industry. Instead, I emphasized the value of life and career experience for mature-aged job applicants.  In conclusion, the nursing industry needs to shift its perception of mature-aged candidates and recognize the unique strengths and skills they bring to the table. Make sure to listen to the full episode as I offer valuable insights and perspectives on how to harness life experience and maturity as a superpower in the nursing career. Key takeaways: 02:42 - Addressing the Myth of Being "Too Old" 06:14 - It is your Superpower 07:19 - Transferability of your Skills 11:55 - Moving Forward as a Mature, Seasoned Human Being 15:22 - How to Sell Your Skillset and Stand Out as a Mature Job Seeker Want to land your graduate nursing role with ease? You must explore our graduate nurse career hub Join our Graduate Career Launch Program today and SAVE $$ and claim your limited time bonuses and guarantees!
May 3, 2023

Patient Advocacy with Kate Hoskin

Kate is an experienced emergency nurse and patient advocate with a passion for helping patients navigate the healthcare system.  With over 15 years of experience in both public and private acute care settings, she has developed a keen awareness and understanding of how our health system operates and how to help patients find their way on their healthcare journey. Kate empowers patients to recognize inferior care and ask for better, as well as helps people understand where bias and other agendas might be impacting the advice they receive from the healthcare providers and hopefully inspire other healthcare professionals to return their focus to patient centred care. In this episode, Kate also talks about the importance of being human in nursing and patient advocacy and how this human connection can improve the patient experience. Additionally, Kate shares her experience of starting a business while returning to bedside nursing and the lessons she learned along the way. Overall, this episode is a great listen for anyone in the healthcare industry or anyone considering a career in nursing. Kate's story provides insight into the challenges and opportunities that come with navigating different roles and organizations in nursing, and the importance of patient advocacy and human connection in providing quality care. Key takeaways: 02:32 - Learn about Kate’s career story 12:01 - Finding Contentment and Purpose 14:13 - Navigating Thoughts and Feelings When Leaving a Job 19:40 - What was it like starting in a private graduate program as a grad? 22:01 - What is the secret to sustaining and building a career in ED? 25:00 - Importance of being human in nursing and patient advocacy. 32:24 - The Importance of Human Connection in Patient Care: Why Knowing Your Patient Matters 36:52 - Bringing Business to Life 42:45 - Advice for Starting a Business While Returning to Bedside Nursing Connect with Kate Hoskin Follow her on Instagram -  Follow her on Facebook - To learn more about her services, visit her website -  CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Book a call with Liam Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
May 1, 2023

Prevention VS Cure – Grad Success Series 

In today's episode, I discussed the importance of prevention being better than cure when it comes to job hunting as a graduate nurse. Graduates who seek help and explore their options ahead of time have a better chance of succeeding in landing a job compared to those who leave everything to the last minute. From my experience, it is harder to bounce back from not succeeding in job applications, and it can negatively affect your confidence and self concept before you even start your career. Investing in oneself and seeking help can lead to success in job hunting as a graduate nurse. Key takeaways: 1:11 - Importance of exploring options early for a successful nursing career 01:42 - Comparison between early applicants and those who leave things to the last minute 02:51 - Challenges faced by those who apply alone and fail to succeed 04:56 - Applying for 2023 applications 7:47 - Importance of taking preventive measures for a successful nursing career Want to land your graduate nursing role with ease? You must explore our graduate nurse career hub Join our Graduate Career Launch Program today and SAVE $$ and claim your limited time bonuses and guarantees!
April 26, 2023

Basic vs Advanced Nursing 

In this episode, I discussed a topic that might seem controversial at first: being basic. I delve into the importance of getting back to the basics of nursing and how it can actually make you an advanced practitioner. Through personal stories and insights, I shared how poor execution of basics can impact both patients and healthcare professionals.  This topic is especially close to my heart as I reflect on the recent passing of my uncle and the conversations we had about nursing. I urge every clinician to prioritize meeting the basic needs of patients every day and remind you that without the basics, everything else is worthless.  Key takeaways: 01:18 - Liam’s uncle's experience of inadequate basic nursing care toward the end of his life  04:04 - Basic human needs 05:53 - Basic needs of patients every day 14:36 - Improve your patient satisfaction 16:42 - How basics can make nurses more advanced practitioners Book a call with Liam CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! Listen to the HPN podcast everywhere including: Ask your Alexa of google home - Play High Performance Nursing with Liam Caswell. Listen here on Spotify. Listen here on Apple Podcast Watch and listen here on Youtube!
April 24, 2023

2023 Graduate Nurse Q and A LIVE – Grad Success Series

Join me in this exciting episode where I went live on Instagram and discussed valuable insights about graduate nursing programs, nursing careers, and life. I answered several questions from the audience, including whether entry-level jobs are worth considering instead of graduate nursing programs, how to manage nervousness and overwhelm during placement weeks, and dealing with feeling unprepared for the job. In addition, I touched on imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and the importance of balancing nursing relationships, life, and career during the graduate year.  This episode offers excellent advice for graduate nursing students navigating their programs and looking to succeed in their careers. If you're a nursing student eager to get ahead in the nursing profession, this is a must-listen. Key takeaways: 02:08 - Graduate nursing program or entry-level job? Which one do you think is more essential? 04:09 - Feeling overwhelmed 07:54 - How to nurse on your own terms 09:23 - Imposter syndrome  11:45 - Use that past version of you to propel you forward. 16:54 - How can you get back to outpatients? 18:38 - Tips to retain medication knowledge 21:20 - What is stopping you from applying for an outpatient position as an RN? 22:06 - Feeling unprepared for the job in so many ways 28:15 - Doubts and managing your doubts 30:25 - Most important thing Liam learned from grad year  Want graduate nursing support? You must explore our graduate nurse career hub Free shit. Blogs. Access to our industry-leading grad application programs and more all live here! Check it out now!
April 19, 2023

The Imperfect Clinician

The Imperfect Clinician In today's society, we are often encouraged to strive for perfection in all aspects of our lives, including our careers. This pressure to be perfect can lead to unrealistic expectations and can contribute to burnout. In this episode, I invite you to embrace imperfection in nursing and in life. I discussed how perfectionism could be harmful and how striving for perfection can lead to unrealistic expectations.  The beauty of life lies in imperfection, and embracing the ebb and flow of the human experience is what makes it valuable. Acknowledge and accept imperfection, and stop expecting perfection from themselves and others. Key takeaways: 00:43 - Striving for perfection and expectations 01:30 - Accepting the imperfection in life 02:25 - The concept of B minus work 04:37 - Imperfection is the beauty of life 05:11 - Acknowledging and accepting imperfection Book a call with Liam CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
April 17, 2023

Self Doubt as a Graduate Nurse – Grad Success Series

Self Doubt as a Graduate Nurse - Grad Success Series Self-doubt is a self-created emotion.  Self-doubt comes from our thoughts about ourselves, which we have practiced believing more than we have practiced positive affirmations about ourselves. External factors such as grades, job rejections, or negative feedback from others do not create self-doubt for us, as they are outside of our control.  Our thoughts generate our feelings, and the self-doubt we feel stems from our negative thoughts about ourselves. We have power over ourselves and our thoughts, and I encourage you to practice positive affirmations to combat self-doubt.  Remember, others cannot create how we feel, and it is up to us to take charge of our thoughts and emotions. Key takeaways: 00:54 What is self-doubt? 02:40 We have power over ourselves and our thoughts. 03:46 Our thoughts generate our feelings, including self-doubt. 07:07 External factors do not create self-doubt 09:36 Conclusion and the importance of understanding the role of our thoughts in generating self-doubt. Want graduate nursing support? You must explore our graduate nurse career hub - Free shit. Blogs. Access to our industry-leading grad application programs and more all live here! Check it out now!
April 12, 2023

How to be Happy as a Nurse

In this insightful episode, the focus is on the often-overlooked topic of happiness in nursing.  As healthcare providers, it's easy to forget to prioritize our happiness as we care for our patient's well-being. I delve into 5 common ways nurses inadvertently outsource their happiness and offer 5 valuable strategies for internalizing it.  By exploring what happiness means to each individual and recognizing where we may seek it in the wrong places, clinicians can take meaningful steps toward a more fulfilling personal and professional life.  Take advantage of this thought-provoking discussion that will inspire you to reflect on your own happiness journey. Key Takeaways: 12:10 - Buying material possessions 13:26 - Outsource happiness to food 14:50 - Consuming drugs and alcohol 16:52 - Seek validation from others 18:25 - Outsourcing happiness in social media 19:39 - You can consult other people, but generate and drop on your wisdom 20:48 - Understanding and accepting yourself 22:10 - Developing emotional flexibility, emotional intelligence, and emotional fitness.  25:46 - Embracing the human experience 26:53 - The Importance of setting and monitoring goals in life Book a call with Liam CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career.(You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
April 10, 2023

Nursing on your terms as a Graduate Nurse – Grad Nursing Success Series

Welcome to another episode of the Grad Nursing Success Series. In this latest episode, I talked about nursing on your own terms. As a graduate nurse, it's easy to follow traditional nursing pathways, but it's important to remember that you have the power to create your own unique path. I want to remind you that failure is a natural part of the learning process, and I encourage graduate nurses nursing on their own terms to embrace it and not let it discourage them from pursuing their dreams and goals. This episode is packed with valuable advice and takeaways for graduate nurses looking to forge their own paths in the nursing profession. Listen to learn how to create a fulfilling and successful nursing career tailored to you. Key takeaways: 03:04 - Network and connection 05:15 - Create opportunities for yourself 07:08 - Importance of having a professional brand 09:57 - You must embrace as a nurse on your terms graduate nurse is your ability to fail WAYS IN WHICH I CAN HELP YOU LAND YOUR FIRST GRADUATE ROLE: For FREE: Check out our Graduate Nurse Resource Hub here! Ready to get ALL the support and guarantee yourself a grad? Join our 2023 GCLP Intake here!
April 5, 2023

10 Lessons from 100 Episodes

10 lessons from 100 episodes The High Performance Nursing Podcast has reached its 100th episode, and I am excited to share the lessons we learned from our guests in the journey from zero to 100.  I also highlighted the importance of acknowledging successes and achievements, as well as celebrating them, no matter how small they are.  In honour of this occasion, I shared my top 10 lessons learned from the incredible guests I interviewed on this podcast. I promise to continue providing valuable content and wisdom for listeners to apply in their lives and careers. Key takeaways: 13:01 - Self-mastery and self-care are not optional. 16:53 - Befriend yourself  22:52 - You are not your career. 26:14 - You create what you think. 32:54 - Life is 50-50. 37:40 - People, project what they don't process. 44:13 - High performance, like you and I, we're multi-passionate. 48:55 - Your brain is your best ROI 52:49 - Failure leads to more success. 55:53 - Unlearning Book a call with Liam CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career.(You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
April 3, 2023

International Graduate Nurse Tips and Tricks – Grad Nursing Success Series

International Graduate Nurse Tips and Tricks - Grad Nursing Success Series Are you a graduate international nurse? Do you dream of landing your dream job in nursing but feel limited by negative comments from peers about the unique challenges you face as an international graduate? If so, this episode is for you! In this episode, I offered practical advice and encouragement to help international graduate nurses achieve their nursing goals. From dispelling myths about job options to sharing success stories of other international graduate nurses who have landed their dream jobs. I also talked about the unique challenges that international graduate nurses face, such as language barriers and cultural differences, and how to overcome them. Plus, you will learn what to avoid when looking for a job and how to craft unique applications that showcase your strengths. So, if you're a graduate international nurse looking to land your dream job, this episode is a must-listen. Don't miss out on the valuable insights and tips that can help you achieve your nursing goals. Tune in now and start taking steps towards your dream job! Key takeaways: 03:09 - What options are available to you? 04:57 - How do you stand out? 05:20 - The unique challenges that you're gonna face and a success story of an international graduate nurse 13:35 - What not to do as an international graduate nurse WAYS IN WHICH I CAN HELP YOU LAND YOUR FIRST GRADUATE ROLE: Get your FREE Graduate Nurse Application Guide here! Click here to Join my private Facebook Community for Australian Students and Graduate Nurses (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Join the 2023 GCLP intake and guarantee your graduate role!
March 29, 2023

10 ways to stay stuck in your nursing career

10 ways to stay stuck in your nursing career In this episode, I explored the 10 ways in which nurses stay stuck in their careers. Drawing from my own experiences, I highlighted some common patterns that may hinder professional growth and satisfaction. By being mindful of these 10 ways in which nurses may get stuck in their careers,I encourage you to take proactive steps toward professional fulfillment and growth. Make today the day you choose to get unstuck. Key takeaways: 01:12 - Believe you have absolutely no options 02:01 - Tolerate bad management 02:59 - Overwork yourself 05:57 - Always allow yourself to be overlooked 09:27 - Blame everyone else for why you're there 11:45 - Assume that your manager knows exactly what you want 12:58 - Wait for your turn 14:35 - What should be vs. what actually is 15:42 - Remove all aspects of play in your life 17:32 - Prioritizing the needs of others more than your own Use code HPN100 to receive a 10% discount.  Please note that this code is only valid until Friday 31st March 2023. Join the GCLP Here and claim your 10% off Join the ASP Here and claim your 10% off Book a call with Liam CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career.(You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
March 27, 2023

Applying for graduate nurse speciality programs – Grad Nursing Success Series

Looking to stand out from the crowd in specialty program pathways? In this new episode, I shared valuable insights on the importance of tailoring your application to the job you are applying for and implementing the tips and tricks outlined in the Graduate Career Launch Program.  Join me as I discuss how to erase negative thoughts and prove that you are the perfect fit for the specialty program, regardless of whether or not you have experience in the field. Don't miss out on this must-listen episode, where you'll learn how to create a successful nursing career that's perfect for you. Key takeaways: 01:30 - The importance of standing out in the application process. 02:26 - Successful applicant from Graduate Career Launch Program. 03:26 - The panel's criteria for selecting candidates for specialty programs 04:11 - Emphasis on creating one's nursing career on their own terms  WAYS IN WHICH I CAN HELP YOU LAND YOUR FIRST GRADUATE ROLE: Get your FREE Graduate Nurse Application Guide here! Click here to Join my private Facebook Community for Australian Students and Graduate Nurses (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Join the 2023 GCLP intake and guarantee your graduate role!
March 22, 2023

Should I apply for graduate programs – Grad Success Series

Should I apply for graduate programs - Grad Success Series Welcome to the Graduate Nurse Success Series, a new podcast episode series on High Performance Nursing. If you're a graduate nurse or a third-year nursing student, then this is the series for you. In each episode, I will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed in your nursing career. These episodes are packed with value and will cover everything you need to know about landing your dream graduate role, whether that's in a graduate program, international nurse specialty program, or nursing on your terms. Each episode is tailored specifically to your needs as a graduate nurse. In this first episode, we're discussing the different career options available to graduate nurses. You'll learn about the four key pathways and how to identify the one that's right for you. So sit back, relax, and get ready to take some notes. And don't forget to share this series with your fellow nursing peers who may benefit from this valuable information. Key takeaways: 02:48 - The Pros and Cons of Nursing Graduate Programs in Australia 10:49 - Debunking Myths About Nurse Graduate Programs 12:25 - Don't Discount Your Previous Career Experience 15:04 - Applying for Competitive Jobs and Graduate Programs Get your FREE Graduate Nurse Application Guide here! Book a call with Liam CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career.(You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
March 16, 2023

Nursing when you don’t want to nurse anymore

Nursing when you don't want to nurse anymore In today's episode, we dive deep into a topic that so many nurses can relate to “Nursing when you don't want to nurse anymore”. Whether you're feeling burnt out, disillusioned, or just unsure if nursing is the right path for you, this episode is a safe space to explore those feelings and gain some insight into what options are available to you.  I have talked about creating the life you want, and I shared my personal experience of leaving a well-paying job to pursue my dreams. I encourage you to embrace discomfort and intentionally practice beliefs that align with your desired outcomes. It is our responsibility to create the life, career, and relationships we desire. If you're a nurse and want to explore what nursing outside of nursing looks like, It's time to cut through your own bullshit and create the life you deserve. Key takeaways: 4:04 - Self Awareness 6:17 - Self-leadership 7:50 - Breaking Free from the Golden Handcuffs 14:12 - Self-belief Book a call with Liam Lean more about Application Support Program CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career.(You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
March 13, 2023

I’m ashamed to be a nurse…

In this episode, I dive into the topic of shame in nursing. As a nurse myself, I share my personal experience of feeling shame and discuss the importance of addressing basic foundations in nursing and critical analysis skills to prevent harm to patients. This episode is my personal experience of the current state of healthcare and I don't have the answers. But what I do know, is that we can and must do better. It's crucial for nurses to reflect on their experiences and feelings of shame and address these emotions head-on. By doing so, we improve patient care and prevent further harm. Join me as I explore this important topic and share strategies for developing a culture of open communication and continuous improvement in nursing. Key takeaways: 00:35 - Prioritizing basic care 03:52 - Deep sense of shame (my personal story) 09:07 - Negligence in healthcare 17:53 - The results that we create for our patients 19:07 - Basic foundations of nursing Book a call with Liam CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career.(You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
March 6, 2023

Nursing from Your Future Self

Nursing from Your Future Self  Today, we explore the topic of self-love and how it can be particularly challenging for nurses who may have negative thoughts about their current nursing career and life situation. I talked about the importance of acknowledging that there was a version of oneself in the past who was excited about where you are now. By focusing on this positive perspective, you can begin to love and appreciate yourself more in the present. Self-love and compassion is an essential component of overall well-being, and it can be particularly crucial for those working in high-stress professions like nursing. The pressure to provide compassionate care to patients while also managing personal and professional responsibilities can take a toll on a nurse's mental and emotional health. This episode provides an inspiring and insightful perspective on the importance of self-love in nursing and beyond. By recognizing and embracing the positive aspects of our current situation, we can cultivate greater self-love, acceptance, and contentment in our lives. So, start connecting more with your past, present and future self and share this podcast with others to help them thrive in their careers as well. Key takeaways: 01:35 - Using your past self to empower your present and future nursing career 06:09 - Shift your perspective 07:00 - Living from your future self 07:59 - How to create the reality you want 12:48 - The power of positive thinking 15:27 - Liam’s final message Lean more about Application Support Program Book a call with Liam CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career.(You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
February 27, 2023

My nursing story

My nursing story Today I wanted to share my journey as a nurse and how I got to where I am today. Everyone's career path is different, and it's important to explore what is possible for yourself.  Nursing was not my first choice, but I found my passion for it. I talked about my experience as a young nurse and the emotional turmoil I faced.  Throughout the episode, you will learn about cultural challenges and overcoming burnout. I also talked about my transition from one position to another. I hope my story inspires all aspiring nurses and medical professionals. I believe my vulnerability and honesty help normalize the nursing experience and encourage you to explore your own career paths.  Key takeaways: 02:27 - How Liam’s nursing career started 04:50 - Journey of a young nurse 08:34 - Job in London after finishing a nursing degree 11:07 - Emotional Turmoil 13:16 - Getting a postgraduate certification 18:15 - ICU career 24:53 - Starting Over and Facing Cultural Challenges in Canberra 26:53 - Battling Burnout 28:18 - From ICU Nurse to Advanced Life Support Coordinator 32:34 - Leadership in Medical Education 37:41 - Transforming Medical Education 43:30 - Overcoming Job Rejection  47:35 - Embracing Change 52:37 - Final message Lean more about Application Support Program Book a call with Liam  CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
February 20, 2023

How to Land a Promotion

In this episode, we're discussing how to land a nursing promotion and how to set yourself up for success in the future. One of the main challenges people face when trying to get a promotion is not setting themselves up ahead of time for that role. To overcome this challenge, I recommend working from your future self or planning from your future self. The idea is to think about what your future nursing self would do differently to set up for success. Consider what actions your future self would take to succeed in landing the promotion. I have provided 5 steps to help you set yourself up for success in the future. By adopting this approach and following these steps, you can increase your chances of successfully obtaining a nursing promotion. Key takeaways: 05:28 - Clinical experience 05:38 - Leadership: How you can create opportunities for yourself to lead 06:58 - Education 09:15 - Quality Improvement 14:12 - Network 19:01 - Applying with confidence Join the GCLP now! CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
February 13, 2023

Confidence vs Self Confidence

Confidence vs. Self Confidence In this episode, I dig into confidence vs. self-confidence, a common issue among us nurses, is believing we are not confident enough to do something. I started by separating confidence and self-confidence into external and internal factors, where confidence is seen as an external validation and self-confidence comes from within. Three main factors contribute to self-confidence: trusting yourself at all times, being open to experiencing any emotion, and your thoughts about yourself. There is also a misconception that confidence comes from being competent in something, and it clarifies that confidence comes from repetition, but self-confidence comes from within. Self-confidence is not arrogance but rather trust in oneself, willingness to experience both positive and negative emotions, and managing thoughts about oneself. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to build their self-confidence. I provide insightful and practical tips on cultivating self-confidence, which is essential for success in any career or aspect of life. Key takeaways: 03:28 - Confidence and self-confidence a common issues among people. 04:48 - External and internal factors. 06:54 - Three main factors of self-confidence 08:10 - Self-confidence is not arrogance 09:43 - Overcoming misconceptions 15:53 - The importance of self-confidence 18:53 - Self-confidence is your ticket to your dream job Book a call with Liam to unlock the power of self-confidence and transform your nursing career. Join the GCLP waitlist now! CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
February 6, 2023

Re-humanizing Healthcare with Dr Hannah Royster

Re-humanizing Healthcare Dr Hannah Royster is a doctor on a mission to shine a light on the challenges faced by medical officers at all levels - after all, burnout is not only a nursing phenomenon. As a fellow high performer and staunch nursing advocate, Hannah's story is both inspiring and deeply worrying for the future of medicine. Burnout is not exclusive to nursing, and in this episode, we seek to share a perspective, often unheard. There are so many lessons from this episode that can be applied to ANY clinician's career. Hannah is a proud author of "InTurn," a book she has published shining a light on what it's like being a medical intern from a fictional perspective based on her real-life experiences. I strongly advocate you purchase her book here! Please note this is not an affiliate link. Please note we talk about suicide in this episode. Please be warned. If you need support/help, you can contact: Key takeaways: 00:17 Meet Dr. Hannah Grace Royster 03:14 Navigating Adversity 05:57 Dr. Royster as an Intern 07:50 The Medical World Journey  15:29 Dealing with and Overcoming Burnout 21:50 Dr. Royster Shares Experience with Suicidal Acts in the Medical Field 26:28 Rehumanizing Nurses and Doctors 30:11 Introducing: In Turn by H. G Royster 34:23 Advise to Nurses in approaching doctors Connect with Hannah Grace Royster Get her book here - (not an affiliate link) Her Facebook - Instagram - CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
January 30, 2023

How To Get Shit Done?

How’s your planning with that impossible goal that we discussed last week? Have you laid it all out, all the things that you’re going to do to achieve that impossible goal? In this episode, I discussed 3 essential keys to achieve your goals. First, is intentional thinking. Prep ourselves to be that person that you want to be. Fake it to make it, right? Second, I will share with you how to plan it out. From macro to microsteps or reverse and have the calendar as your best friend. And lastly, feelings. Yes, feelings. Learn that feelings are normal and you need to feel it, respect it, and lean with it because you are human.  To sum it up, doing these 3, and respecting these will help you achieve emotional flexibility which is one concept that will help you with that impossible goal.  Let’s discuss further in the episode. Hear it out. Let me know your thoughts.  Key takeaways: 1:39 How to get shit done? 3:17 Intentional Thinking 8:47 Break it down 11:08 Why your brain hates planning 15:37 Obey the Calendar 18:01 Emotions and goals 22:57 Fight the resistance CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
January 23, 2023

Pathways, Plannings & Possibilities in your nursing career

Pathways, Plannings & Possibilities in your nursing career Are you stuck in self imposed career prison? Are you stuck in a pathway you cant escape? Are you worried that your plans are going awry in your career? Maybe your lacking clarity around whats possible for you? Today, we dive into explore the 3 P's of your career, getting curious about what it shows up like for you and how you might want to reset and reorientate! Regardless of whether you have a plan or not, this episode will invoke some deep thought about where to with your nursing pathways, possibilities and planning - maybe, just maybe you will take your career into your own hands and create your own path! Remember, you can always start over again, we don't fail unless we quit. Key takeaways: 05:48 Pathways: Clarity or Self Imprisonment? 08:00 F*ck Pathways - You Do You 09:54 Plan but with Flexibility and Adaptability 13:14 Questioned plans may provide you new possibilities 18:19 Explore whats possible for you! 22:25 Mind drama express! 23:47 Lean In to 3Ps CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
January 16, 2023

Achieving the Impossible

It is a new year! Time for new goals! Let’s take time to reflect on what we have done in 2022 and what we want to achieve this new year.  In 2022, I embarked on a great journey. Although I faced setbacks and challenges as I started a new life in Paris, I was able to overcome them all and accomplish my impossible goals. That's what I want to share with you - how to achieve the seemingly impossible. It's important to understand that setbacks and challenges are a natural part of being human, and it's okay to experience them. Remember, resistance to the goal should never be a reason why you don't pursue it. The only way that a goal is impossible for you to achieve is when you quit. Set your goals with me. Enjoy our first podcast for the year! Key Takeaways: 03:04 - Starting from scratch 06:40 - Brain BS vs. Goals 12:55 - Making and achieving an impossible goal  17:13 - Satisfaction in reaching the impossible 23:44 - What is future you gonna thank yourself for? 30:12 - Embrace the human experience  CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
January 9, 2023

Getting Stuck in 2023

We’re finally down to our final episode this year! What better way to cap this year than with a quick but meaningful discussion about being stuck, especially as we welcome the new year 2023? Nursing as a profession can be a quite a challenging experience for many of us, and sometimes, many of us would find ourselves getting stuck in this career. In this episode, I talk about ways to get unstuck in whatever situation you’re in.  By mapping our ideas and thoughts and filtering what’s real and what’s noise, we can find ourselves getting unstuck. We also must realize that we must live our lives to the fullest by exploring what’s possible for us! If you’re feeling stuck in the nursing career, worry no more! This episode is perfect for you! Key Takeaways: 5:09 - Being stuck in the nursing career 6:33 - Exploring your thoughts 8:56 - Getting curious about what’s possible 14:58 - Embracing the whole human experience 19:12 - Offering value to the world Ready to get unstuck in 2023? Email [email protected] to start a chat about how we can help you! CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Join the HPN membership waitlist Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
December 26, 2022

Leadership Interview with Liam & Hannah Sawyer

I genuinely believe that each nurse has the potential to become a leader. It’s all about knowing what you want, building a path, finding support, and going for it a hundred percent!  I wanted to repurpose this episode on HPN, as I felt there was alot of value for our amazing HPN audience! In this episode, I joined the Breakthrough Nurse Coach and Mentor Hannah Sawyer as a guest in her podcast BeQueen Yourself! We talked about some of my experiences as a nurse, particularly in my leadership role as a nurse unit manager.  We tackled the importance of needing support in our careers through nursing coaches. As nurses progress to leadership positions, we face a unique set of challenges that we are not necessarily taught to handle. We also discussed the changes that should happen in the healthcare culture and my thoughts on being a nursepreneur! If you are considering becoming a nurse leader or are in that position right now, this episode is perfect for you! Key Takeaways:  1:22 - Queen Moment 2:33 - Introducing Liam 7:48 - Knowing your next move 9:45 - Why nurses need a coach 14:54 - Being a nurse unit manager 22:43 - Changes needed in healthcare culture 29:18 - Main advice for starting nurses 31:33 - Thoughts on nursepreneurship 36:48 - About High Performance Nursing 39:12 - Last words of wisdom Connect with Hannah Sawyer Visit her website -  Follow her on Facebook- Follow her on Instagram -  CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Join the HPN membership waitlist Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
December 19, 2022

Nursing Director to Life Coach with Eva Storey Coaching

When we have industry senior leaders leaving healthcare and changing careers to coaching, we have to get curious about it! Eva Storey did just that! With an impressive span of international senior director positions and a wealth of knowledge and experience, Eva made the leap. In this episode, we meet the founder of Eva Storey Coaching and the host of the Real Nurse Story Podcast, Eva Storey!  Eva has over 39 years of international nursing experience and has worked from being a clinician to becoming director of nursing and general manager in multiple healthcare institutions. Eva shares her journey and experience with us, particularly the principles and values she embodied to achieve success. We learn how to be prepared to grab opportunities to further your career even if sometimes you haven’t figured out the “how” yet. Eva relates to us the power of mentorship and coaching and how it changed her life and enabled her to find herself on the path to moving forward. We are so excited to have someone as experienced and energetic as Eva join us and give us wisdom and insights on navigating our way in our chosen nursing career! If you’re starting as a nursing graduate or believe you’re in a position to move forward in your nursing career, this episode is for you! Key Takeaways:  0:20 - Introducing Eva Storey 12:05 - Achieving without the How 15:00 - The Power of Mentorship 19:10 - Nursing Lack of Support 24:05 - Director of Nursing Experience 32:10 - Healthcare Leadership Coaching 41:05 - How Coaching Changed Your Life 51:15 - How to fix nursing culture and leadership? 51:55 - Advice to Younger Self 52:45 - What Are You Celebrating this Year? Connect with Eva Storey Visit her website - Follow her on Facebook- CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Join the HPN membership waitlist Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!  
December 12, 2022

Burnout with Dex Randall

We, nurses, are no strangers to burnout! It may even feel like it's an inevitable part of our jobs as clinicians and caregivers. However, over the years, I have discovered that you can manage burnout and, in time, even harness it to help you find what you truly what to do in your career and come out to the other end of burnout with a whole new perspective. Dex Randall, expert Burnout Coach, life coach, and certified master life coach, joins us in this episode to talk all about understanding the signs of impending burnout and recognizing if you’re in burnout! In our discussion, we discuss our predispositions and how internal and external forces contribute to burnout. The goal is to transform from burnout to buoyancy and even beyond to achieve success and be passionate about your chosen profession. Understanding how burnout works and recognizing the stigma that goes along with it is essential.  If you think you may be experiencing burnout right now, feeling exhausted, having trouble sleeping due to work and what's going on in your mind, or being overworked and overwhelmed, this episode is especially for you!  Key takeaways: 0:35 – Introducing Dex Randall 1:40 – What is Burnout and Who Gets It? 3:50 – Signs of an impending burnout 5:20 – Recognizing if you’re in burnout 6:55 – Doing more doesn’t fix issues 8:00 – External world issues 10:25 – Preventing and Curing Burnout 15:30 – Managing Thoughts and Emotions 18:00 – Burnout to Buoyancy 20:25 – Impact of the stories you tell 23:00 – Burnout in men and women 25:00 – Managing the stigma  29:15 – Experiencing burnout after overcoming it Connect with Dex Randall Visit his website -  Follow him on Instagram - CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Join the HPN membership waitlist Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
December 5, 2022

NursePrenuership With Catie Harris

As a proud Nursepreneur myself, let me be the first to say that there's a whole wide world out there in the business world for nurses such as us! And who better to tell us all about it than the person who has inspired thousands of nurses to find their passions and build businesses around them, the founder of, Catie Harris! In this episode, Catie shares her story with us, from her early struggles to her making significant waves in the nursepreneurship scene and changing lives. We'll learn the role failure plays in our journeys and how consistency can help us achieve our goals. Nursepreneurship is a game changer for many nurses who may feel stuck in their careers as clinicians with little to no option to change. If you're dreaming of something bigger and want to explore the wonders of business as a nursepreneur, this episode is for you! Key Takeaways: 0:43 - Introducing Catie Harris 5:25 - Getting Degrees and Certificates 8:55 - How Nursepreneurs Started 10:25 - Importance of failure in the journey 12:15 - Consistency is key 12:55 - What gets you through tough days? 14:05 - What is nursepreneurship all about? 18:45 - Working to make an impact 20:00 - Areas of growth to focus on Nursepreneurs 22:55 - Types of nursepreneurship areas 26:32 - Mindset about money blocks 29:00 - Importance of Mentorship and Coaching 31:05 - Navigating uncapped income and impact 32:30 - Top tips for kickstarting a business Connect with Catie Harris Facebook - Instagram - Youtube - Pinterest -   Interested in coaching to help you explore your business idea? Book a 15 min call with Liam!   CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!  
November 28, 2022

RN to CEO with Jason Penberthy

You often hear me talking about how your nursing career is a license to create a career on your terms. Our guest for this episode, Jason Penberthy is an example of whats possible, he started working as an RN. Fast forward to today, he is a successful General Manager, CEO, and Director of Nursing within the New South Wales private healthcare sector. In this episode, we’ll learn about Jason’s journey from his experience as an RN, taking on various roles to build up his skills to prepare him to become a senior executive. Jason shares his tips and advice for moving up the ladder. We’ll see the importance of maintaining a grounded connection between executives and RNs that can bolster communication and transparency. If you have your sights on becoming a nursing executive, from RN to CEO, then this episode is perfect for you! Key Takeaways: 00:45 - Introducing Jason Penberthy 02:30 - The journey from RN to GM and CEO  03:00 - Bullying in the workplace  9:08 - Developing your management style 10:10 - Graduate program misconceptions 18:30 - Connections between executives and RNs  23:55 - Tips and advice for moving up the ladder  26:20 - Setting up RNs for success  30:28 - Impact of COVID on healthcare culture  36:15 - Non-clinical challenges nurses face  40:45 - Performance Management as a CEO 47:15 - How to build a leadership career? 51:55 - Importance of consistency  Are you a senior healthcare leader who is burntout, lacking support and unsure how much longer you can survive in your role? I work with NUMs/Leaders throughout the country to navigate the challenges this role present on a personal and professional level. You can book a call below to chat about your situation and we can make a plan to get you moving forward!   Book a 15 min call with Liam! CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Join the HPN membership waitlist Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
November 21, 2022

Lessons from Being a Nurse Unit Manager

Working as a nurse unit manager was a huge adventure for me! I think that it’s a unique leadership position that has a lot of capacity to positively influence change in our teams and our patients' lives. In this episode, I will share my thoughts and ideas about being a nurse unit manager based on my personal experience. For me, it has been quite a learning experience, and it has definitely shaped how I function as a nurse coach to this day. I’m going to tell you about the power of our team’s collective thoughts, the value of believing in our ability as a leader, and how it can impact the results in our ward. If you are wondering what it feels like to be a nurse unit manager, or if you’re a nurse unit manager yourself, this episode is definitely for you!  Key Takeaways: 1:58 - Working as a nurse unit manager  4:33 - It’s not better there than here  5:40 - Blind Leading the Blind 7:22 - Healthcare and its lack of technology 9:10 - People Pleasing 11:15 - Your mindset matters  12:33 - The importance of your belief in your ability as a leader  14:25 - The value of sharing thoughts about the ward  15:58 - Impact of our thoughts as a team  17:40 - Growth vs loneliness 20:47 - Setting up boundaries as a NUM  21:55 - Knowing your low, middle, and top performers  23:36 - Circle of influence and circle of concern  27:57 - Having your own back! Interested in how coaching can help and support you as a NUM? I work with NUMs/Leaders throughout the country to navigate the challenges this role present on a personal and professional level. You can book a call below to chat about your situation and we can make a plan to get you moving forward! Book a 15 min call with Liam! CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Join the HPN membership waitlist Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
November 14, 2022

Nursing Career Success with Rory and Beth

Today we are joined by the amazing Rory Tanner and Beth Montano on the podcast to talk all things, nursing career success, myths and everything in between. Find out about the reality behind popular myths in the nursing system. As you listen to our experiences, you’ll realize how much control you have in deciding what you want to do with your life and nursing career.  With the right mindset, vision, and support, you’ll be setting yourself to run your own race!  Key Takeaways: 01:13 Why did you choose nursing?  08:20 What was your ultimate impossible goal?  10:05 The importance of knowing what you want  10:45 The reality behind getting new roles in nursing  11:45 Gaining new skills when you do something else  12:40 The myth of the graduate nurse program  14:30 The value of getting longer placements   16:55 Join our graduate career launch program   18:05 Not getting your pick in grad programs   20:05 The importance of students asking questions during the interview process   21:00 How to have a vision of where you want to go to  22:35 The importance of running your own race   24:10 Adjusting your mindset when getting bad placements  28:20 What is the missing piece that needs to be taught to nurses?  29:40 The importance of going down your path intentionally  31:00 Having personality testing and career coaching 33:30 Find support for yourself  36:15 What you love about the type of nursing that you do and why   42:35 Anything is possible  Connect with Beth Montano Instagram - Website -    Connect with Rory Tanner Instagram -  Website -    Check out our GCLP program here! Book a 15 min call with Liam!   CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
November 7, 2022

Didn’t Land a Grad Role – What Next?

As nurses, we have been conditioned to focus on landing the dream graduate role. In reality, whether you get initially rejected or not in landing your dream grad role doesn’t really matter! In this episode, I will tell you why you have the power to control what happens to your nursing career. I have five tried and tested things you should do when you don’t land a graduate nursing role. We’ll talk about how to focus your head on the game, improve your approach, and be in the right mindset. I’ll tell you the success stories of nurses who applied these things and were met with astonishing success. If you are feeling lost after getting that rejection email and are trying to find out how to go about your nursing career after losing your dream graduate role, then this episode is specifically for you! Key Takeaways: 0:40 - Reading an excellent review 1:40 - It really doesn’t matter! 2:45 - I’m giving you permission. 3:05 - Do not listen to the primitive brain’s stories 5:40 - Get feedback so you know how to change - 9:00 - Up-level your approach 12:08 - Be conscious of your mindset when getting rejected 13:50 - Applicants getting their dream grads 15:45 - Gift yourself the opportunity to create roles 17:05 - What happens if you don’t run with it or get the support 17:55 - The thing about rejection and fear 18:50 - The difference of doing this with us 21:00 - About our GCLP Book a 15 min call with Liam! Learn more about GCLP CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
October 31, 2022

Heart Place Hospital with Jacqui O’Connor

Do you believe we should first heal our healers before they do any healing? That’s definitely what HeartPlace Hospital founder Nurse Jacqui O’Connor believes! She’s leading a movement of hospicing and feminizing our health and education system. There is a need for us to start caring for our carers. Nurse Jacqui is taking the massive opportunity to heal frontliners and work on providing them regular energy support. Her work continually challenges the norms and takes giant steps to improve how we do things as nurses. In this episode, we learn more about Nurse Jacqui’s journey and her ideas on having safe havens, giving future carers space to be creative, and ultimately reclaiming our wisdom so we can advocate for a life that best suits us. If you have witnessed the rampant victim mentality within the nursing industry and are searching for a hopeful safe haven led by someone with the right experience, then this episode is perfect for you! Key Takeaways: 0:45 Introducing Jacqui O’Conner 1:50 Nurse Jacqui’s journey 6:40 Seeing burnout with the people you work with. 8:40 The movement of hospicing the system 12:00 The importance of healing our healers 13:15 Feminizing our health and education system 14:05 The importance of safe havens 15:10 Work with high vibin’ people! 18:05 Let’s celebrate our future carers and give them space to be creative 18:40 Challenging the norms and being the example 19:50 The power of self-confidence 20:55 What makes your belief unshakable? 25:30 Witnessing and supporting victim mentality 26:50 Advocating for a life that best suits me 28:50 Reclaiming your personal wisdom 31:30 The wonder of following your intuition 32:33 The vision of frontliners having regular energy support 34:00 The prolonged state of stress in our system 35:15 Understanding sacred wisdom 36:13 Creating change from this chaos 37:00 The need to document what we do 39:00 What do you do in Heart Place Hospital? Connect with Jacqui O’ Connor Visit her website Follow her on Instagram CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam. Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
October 24, 2022

Putting Science into the Art of Nursing

When it comes to nursing education, nothing really beats having access to a nurse Educator like Rob Timmings with over 35 years of diverse nursing experience and a passion for all things science! Imagine sipping a Margherita on a cruise ship, whilst filling gaps in your clinical knowledge? Its possible with ECT4 Health! Nursing Educator Rob Timmings shares his wealth of experience with us this week as we explore what it means to be a good nurse educator, learn to stay in your lane of expertise, and leverage your passion in what you do to achieve success. Rob is the Founder of ECT4health, providing nursing education online, in person and on vacation! This episode is perfect for you if you are a nurse seeking an exciting hands-on, in-person nurse education to complement your job onshore of offshore! Key takeaways: Introducing Rob Timmings – 0:30 What makes a good nurse educator? – 6:00   Knowing your topic as an educator? – 8:35 Importance of staying in your lane – 10:35 Nurse educators as leaders – 11:38 The biggest gap in the nursing – 13:26 Understanding the rules and the why behind the tasks and policies – 14:52 We want to care for our patients – 18:36 Top tips in nursing education – 19:30 How the ECT4Health started – 24:45 Main insights as a Nursepreneur – 30:00 ECT4Health Courses and Offers – 33:00 Final messages of wisdom - 39:00 Connect with Rob Timmings Visit his website Follow him on Facebook   CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
October 17, 2022

Story Vs Fact – Nursing Your Mind

Considering the overwhelming nature of our career as nurses, it’s normal to have a mind full of competing stories and thoughts, sometimes, its really hard to see what is story and what is fact! If you are feeling like your brain has you running round in circles, good news your human! It just so happens that our primitive brains are wired to entertain these thoughts without them being factual truth! I believe we need to learn how to assess our thoughts and differentiate which ones are facts and which ones are simply stories we tell ourselves that we have practiced believing are true despite evidence to the contrary. In this episode, I discuss how our brain works and how we must actively distinguish facts from stories to take back our power and manage our mind for life and career success! If you find yourself continually battling thoughts that are harmful to your mental health as you go about your nursing career, this episode is definitely for you!  As always, if you need mental health support, please reach out to the appropriate services and get the help you need! Key Takeaways: Importance of self-coaching - 0:53 Becoming an observer of thoughts - 2:15 How to assess fact vs. story - 3:22 Thoughts causing negative mindset - 4:00 Know that there’s a choice - 5:45 Leaning into positive thoughts - 7:10 Creating new beliefs - 8:05 Free yourself from your primitive brain’s thoughts - 9:05 Take back your power - 10:20 The facts - 10:50 Understanding your brain - 12:00 Rewrite past stories - 13:00 How I manage my mind - 14:07 CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Want to dive deeper into this work and connect with other like minded high performance nurses - join our HPN membership waitlist here to be notified of our next intake! Check out our website here -
October 10, 2022

From Burnout to Abundance with Michelle Gordon

Burnout and overwhelm have almost always been a certainty in the nursing industry. Despite our training to care for our patients, we aren’t necessarily equipped to deal with and manage burnout as a nurse. We are joined in this week’s episode by the wonderful nurse Michelle Gordon, founder of the Health and Happiness Formula and the Healthy Happy Nurse! We talked about her fantastic experience exploring oneself, developing self-awareness, and navigating through burnout and overwhelm. Finding the path to freeing ourselves from burnout and overwhelm takes a lot of work and seeking out the support of people we can trust. The result is being able to create a life you love aligned with your goals, dreams, and desires. If you feel stuck in a rut or perhaps even sometimes find yourself drowning in anxiety, and you want to start the journey to being free from burnout and overwhelm- this episode is perfect for you!  00:46 - Introducing Michelle Gordon 03:20 - Insights about moving around and exploring new things 05:45 - Day in life as an Emergency Nurse 13:00 - Importance of being free from burnout 17:35 - The story behind the passion for addressing burnout 21:10 - Importance of awareness of your burnout 23:20 - Helping people from burnout and overwhelm 29:40 - Working with your past to figure out your future 33:10 - What is Abundance? 35:25 - The power of manifestation Connect with Michelle Gordon Visit her website Follow her on Instagram CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
October 3, 2022

Be a part of the Change- Introducing the HPN Membership

THE TIME HAS COME, for us to introduce you to the HPN Membership. A digital community for nurses to receive life and career coaching, community and all the personal growth and development! It’s time to nurse on your terms! I would like to personally invite you to join our groundbreaking HPN Membership.  The membership is simple, get all the support, coaching, guidance you need to thrive in your life as a human and in your career as a nurse.  Imagine what could be possible for you within your life and career, if you have the coaching to overcome all the challenges that life and nursing throws our way!  UNSTOPPABLE.  You never need to go through anything alone again.  Our HPN goal for every nurse and midwife globally is to help you transform your mindset and transform your life!  Our Waitlist for VIP founding member rates and discounts is open now and closes Friday 30th Sept 22.  THIS IS A GLOBAL MEMBERSHIP – ALL WELCOME!  Lets be part of the change required in healthcare.  Key Takeaways: 1:18 Introducing the HPN Membership  1:44 The goal of the membership 3:50 About High Performance Nursing Membership 4:38 Who is this perfect for? 6:51 The Nursepreneurship Academy! 7:55 Peer Support 9:30 All the support 12:14 What is the cure for the nursing industry's problem? 13:02 What can you expect from the membership? 15:58 Got goals? Let us help you 17:07 Our Nurse Career and Life Zones 19:00 You are your best ROI 20:13 WHAT YOU GET! 24:57 How YOU will transform.  28:00 FOUNDING MEMBER DISCOUNTS! CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Join the HPN Membership Waitlist! For early bird founding entry and for life and career transformations. 
September 29, 2022

Become a Nursing Creator with Harriet Mary

Who said there’s no room for creativity in a nurse’s career? Many people don’t realize that nursing can be an excellent springboard to unleash your potential to be a creator! In this week’s episode of High-Performance Nursing, we are joined by the fascinating Harriet Mary as we discuss her journey in being a creator and how nurses can leverage today’s technology to be creators themselves if they’re willing to exit their comfort zone and start doing things you never thought were possible for you!  In today’s world, there are many opportunities to take control of your nursing narrative and make an impact in your career. We talk about how investing in yourself will unleash your true calling and potential!  If you are a nurse who thinks it may be time for a significant shift and perhaps explore your options in becoming a nursing creator, this episode is definitely for you! Key takeaways: Introducing Harriet Mary - 00:31 Knowing when you're out of alignment - 2:40 3 questions to ask yourself if you’re feeling lost in your path - 5:27 The importance of living up to your potential - 12:55 Understanding how your brain works - 16:29 The power of affirmations - 18:48 Getting started to entrepreneurship - 22:17 What’s it like being an online creator - 26:22 It’s all about value creation - 29:10 Starting to talk about money - 30:35 Finding fulfillment by taking care of yourself - 31:58 The wonders of setting massive or impossible goals - 36:50 What it really means when people say no - 42:30 Harriet and Liam’s impossible goals - 45:00 Connect with Harriet Mary Follow her on Instagram  Join The Modern-day Nurse Community  CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! Join the HPN Membership Waitlist! 
September 26, 2022

Meet our Career Success Coach Anj Di Falco

Contrary to popular belief, your career as a nurse is not as predictable as you may think. In this episode with Career Success Coach Anj Di Falco, we draw inspiration from her path from being an EN, transitioning to RN, and now working as a coach within our GCLP and ASP programs!  Anj joined our CCAP program in Jan 2022 feeling stuck and misaligned in her nursing career, unsure where to go next. With over 16 years’ experience, she worked with me to find her career why, learn how to self-coach and started seeing massive shifts in her life and her career, as a result of the CCAP program.  Fast forward 8 months and Anj now works as a career success coach within all of our programs, sharing her amazing experience with our nursing clients – all 16 years of it!! I wanted to introduce you to Anj so that you could see how amazing she is and how valuable her insights, support and coaching may be for you!  Together we are committed to helping all nurses thrive within their careers and this is only the beginning of us building our nurse coach empire!  Make sure you reach out to Anj via the email below and tell her what you learnt in the podcast!  We will see you in coaching!  Key takeaways: Introducing Anj Di Falco and her nursing journey - 00:40  Learnings and challenges as an agency EN - 04:00 Accepting a transformational role and experiencing positive impact in the workplace - 07:22 What was it like transitioning from EN to RN - 09:20 Breaking the rules - Views in doing a graduate program - 12:10 Feeling stuck and moving on to CCAP - 13:53 Applying coaching in the everyday life - 17:01 Fast forward to working as a coach and joining LCC - 19:36 What should people hear to consider coaching - 23:03 What are the benefits when people come to coaching? - 25:49 Anj’s Career Why - life by design - 28:01 Connect with Anj Di Falco [email protected] CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! Join the HPN Membership Waitlist! 
September 19, 2022

Nursing Careers On your Terms with Beth Montano

It’s astonishing how many nurses feel anxious about the very thought of not working bedside. Some have assumed nursing as a singular defining identity that limits them from seeing all other opportunities in this industry. In this episode, I join the inspiring Beth Montano in The Autonomic Mind podcast to discuss our experiences in nursing outside the tradition clinical career paths! We explore the importance of raising self-awareness and discovering your identity as more than just being a nurse. I share my story of embarking on non-clinical roles and finding extraordinary opportunities that surprisingly brought more earnings which is opposite to what most people assume. So if you’re a nurse who feels there’s more to life outside working bedside, this episode is definitely for you! Enjoy! Key takeaways:  Importance of building life experience - 1:21 Limitless opportunities for nurses beyond the bedside - 6:10 How do you start when leaving the bedside? - 11:40 Dealing with the pay cut - 13:40 How do you get new roles? - 18:11 Choosing not to fail ahead of time - 20:35 Importance of having years of clinical experience - 28:07 CONNECT WITH BETH MONTANO Connect with Beth on Instagram Check out Beth’s website here  CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
September 12, 2022

Nurse Wellbeing Mission with Nathan Illman

Working as a nurse and midwife in the modern healthcare system is certainly a challenge, typically because as clinicians, we are ill-equipped to thrive within the complex system that is healthcare! This week in High Performance Nursing, we’ll discuss with Clinical Psychologist and Founder of the Nurse Wellbeing Mission, Nathan Illman, the value of self-care, well-being, and our shared vision for organizational support for nurses and midwives. Caring for our mental health, having an encouraging workplace, and building a robust culture are some of the few steps we can take to ensure that our nurses can perform at their best! Nathan shares his top tips as a nurse and midwife ally, drawing from his lived experience in the system as both a clinical peer and a family member. Nathan was inspired by the amazing work that nurses and midwives do, kickstarting his desire to use his psychology and coaching skills to positively influence the system!  Ultimately, the goal is not to become the best worker out there, but to be the best version of yourself as a human first, nurse second. It’s time to dig deep and understand that those who deliver care must also experience care, even from themselves. All this and more in this exciting discussion! Tune in and enjoy the conversation. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Realizing the challenges for nurses (5:00) The why behind having little support (12:05) Importance of putting yourself first (16:38) How to start taking care of yourself (21:30) The value of seeking help through therapy (32:00) Nurse Wellbeing Mission and Vision (40:05) Connect with Nathan Illman Visit his website -  CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career," where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
September 5, 2022

Coaching For Healthcare with Gail Carmody

In the healthcare industry, coaching is becoming an increasingly popular way to improve employee productivity and morale. One-on-one or small group coaching is increasingly being used to help identify and achieve personal and professional goals. In this week's episode of High Performance Nursing, I have a fascinating conversation with Gail Carmody, who is a nurse and a coach for healthcare professionals. Gail shares her insights on what coaching is, how it can benefit nurses and healthcare professionals, and how to get started with coaching in your own career. Gail also discusses the importance of self-care for nurses and how coaching can help nurses to find balance in their lives. As Gail points out, coaching is not just about performance improvement; it's also about helping nurses to lead happier and healthier lives. If you're interested in learning more about coaching, or if you're simply looking for some inspiration to help you improve your own life and career, I hope you enjoy this conversation with Gail Carmody. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: How to build a career from RN to CEO (01:42) Hospital training vs. university training (12:05) The day-to-day life of a nursing director (16:36) The necessity of work-life balance (21:56) Gail’s transition journey into coaching(26:19) The difference between coaching and mentoring (31:44) What is coaching for healthcare? (37:49) Medicine vs. nursing (40:15) QUOTES:  “People that come to me know they want to change, but they're not quite sure how.” -Gail Carmody (32:12) “I think coaching is a very underutilised and an unknown entity in healthcare.” -Gail Carmody (32:22) “A lot of us try to build a relationship with the career and the identity of being a nurse, but we don't build a relationship with ourselves.” -Liam Caswell (37:03) CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
August 29, 2022

Managing Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever felt like you're not good enough, that you're a fraud and that someone will find out sooner or later? If so, then you may be experiencing imposter syndrome. While it's normal to have doubts at times, if you're struggling with imposter syndrome chronically, it can be really damaging to your self-esteem and career.  In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing, I dive into what imposter syndrome is and how you can manage it. I’ll give you some tips on how to deal with it when it comes up, and how to prevent it from holding you back. While imposter syndrome is commonly associated with high-achieving individuals, it can affect anyone. It’s especially common in women and minorities, it can make them feel they have to work twice as hard to prove themselves. If you're struggling with imposter syndrome and how to move past it this episode is for you! WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: What does imposter syndrome look like? (02:36) Are there benefits of imposter syndrome? (06:33) the power of your thoughts (14:37) Reframing the mind (17:11) How coaching can help (19:10) CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
August 22, 2022

Self Coaching for Nurses

Nurses are some of the busiest people on the planet. Between managing patient care and dealing with paperwork, there’s precious little time for self-care. However, if you want to be your best both at work and at home, it’s important to take some time for yourself.  In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing, I am sharing with you the importance of self-coaching for nurses and how it can improve the industry. While self-coaching may seem like a daunting task, it’s actually quite simple.  Personally, I am a big fan of self-coaching. I find that it helps me to stay focused and motivated, both at work and in my personal life. Self-coaching also allows me to reflect on my achievements and learn from my mistakes.  As nurses, we are constantly bombarded with tasks and responsibilities. It can be easy to get bogged down and feel like you’re just going through the motions. However, by taking a step back and coaching yourself, you can gain a new perspective on your work.  If you’re interested in learning more about self-coaching, check out this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: How can self-coaching help the nursing industry (01:14) The benefits of coaching (03:37) Steps to self-coaching (08:01) The self-coaching model (10:42) Finding the facts in a situation (13:19) The power of self-coaching (18:32) CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
August 15, 2022

Dealing With Uncertainty as a Nurse

If there's one thing that nurses have to deal with on a daily basis, it's uncertainty. From patients who may be suddenly deteriorating to doctors who constantly change their orders. Nurses are constantly having to adapt and respond to new situations.  In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing, I am sharing with you how to deal with uncertainties as a nurse. While dealing with uncertainty can sometimes be challenging, it's also what makes nursing so interesting and rewarding. Uncertainty is a fact of life, and it's something that we all have to deal with on a daily basis. Whether it's uncertainty about our health, our relationships, or our future, it's always there.  While some people may find uncertainty to be stressful, I actually find it to be exciting. I see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. After all, if we never faced any challenges or uncertainties, life would be pretty boring, wouldn't it? So how do we deal with uncertainty, especially as a nurse? Tune in to find out! WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: What is uncertainty? (00:25) Recognising that life is always uncertain (04:18) The circle of concern (06:37) The circle of influence (11:00) The importance of planning ahead of time (15:58) Becoming the watcher of your thoughts (20:12) CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
August 8, 2022

Why Should You Consider Professional Branding?

When you think about professional branding, what comes to mind? Maybe you think about the big brands like Nike, Apple, or Walmart. And while those brands definitely have impressive branding strategies, professional branding is about so much more than just advertising. In fact, professional branding can be a huge asset for your career.  In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing, I am sharing with you reasons why you should consider professional branding. After all, creating your own personal brand can help you become more successful, both personally and professionally. I will also be sharing with you some simple steps that you can take to begin branding yourself professionally. With these insights and tips, you will be on your way to becoming a high-performing nurse and building a brand that will help you succeed in your career. Personally, I have found that professional branding has helped me in many ways throughout my career. I have been able to use my personal brand to create opportunities, build relationships, and advance in my career. I believe that if you are intentional about creating your own professional brand, it can be a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals. So, tune in to this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing to learn more about professional branding and how it can help you in your career! WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: What is a professional brand? (01:29) Benefits of creating a professional brand (03:36) How to create a professional brand (08:49) Liam’s secret insights and tips when creating a professional brand (10:29) QUOTES:  “We need to make sure that whatever your application is, it's uniquely tailored and specific to you and what you want to put out into the world.” -Liam Caswell (03:11) “Some of the most expensive things in life are just simple, clean, and aesthetically pleasing to the consumer.” -Liam Caswell (09:52) “Time is the critical thing that you must invest to make sure that you deliver a high-quality professional brand when you're applying for your next role.” -Liam Caswell (15:50) CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
August 1, 2022

Stop Judging Your Burnout

We all know that feeling. That sense of being overwhelmed and completely drained. Burnout Is a common occurrence in high-stress clinical careers, but it's important not to judge yourself harshly for experiencing it.  In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing, I am sharing with you reasons why you should not be judging your burnout, after all it’s literally inevitable in the industry. What if we stopped trying to judge and avoid it and we prepared for it? What if we could prep ahead of time and when we did experience it, accept that it's part of this line of work. I will also provide some tips for managing your burnout so that you can get back on track and continue to be the amazing nurse that you are! In my opinion, Experiencing burnout is inevitable based on how we are trained, how the industry is set up and how we currently operate. All of those things are external to us, so how can we take back control during burnout - we can start by being gentle and compassionate with ourselves. Burnout for me was one of the most pivotal moments in my nursing life, if took from me, whilst also giving so much to me.  What if you decided today was the day you stopped judging your burnout? How would your life be different? What goodness has burnout given you? This episode dives into all of that and more!  PS: If you are experiencing burnout I want you to know that you got this! Be kind and gentle with yourself!  WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Why you should not judge your burnout (04:44) What has burnout given you? (06:44) Handling burnout correctly (11:51) CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
July 25, 2022

All Paths Lead to Rome – Busting Nursing Career Myths

In the world of nursing, there are a lot of unfounded career myths floating around, and it's hard to know what's true and what's not.  In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing, I am debunking career myths that might be holding you back from achieving your goals. These myths are based on my 11 years+ experience as a nurse, a leader and a career coach, as well as from conversations from coaching hundreds of nurses. Career myths can be insidious because they can seep into your subconscious and shape the way you think about yourself and your ability to succeed. Once you identify the myths that might be affecting you, it's much easier to move past them and achieve your goals. So, what are some of the most common career myths? Listen to the episode to find out! WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Do you really have to stick to one job? (02:46) How can your mindset help you reach your goals? (07:15) Creating a system that influences people (14:15) Finding your people (18:59) Learning how to coach yourself (21:15) CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
July 18, 2022

Psychological Safety In The Workplace with Liam Caswell On The Happy Nurse Podcast

We've all heard of the saying, "There's safety in numbers." But what about when it comes to the workplace? How can you create a psychologically safe environment in your office?  This week’s episode of High Performance Nursing is from an interview by Elaina Mullery from The Happy Nurse Podcast. Elaina is a nurse who's on a mission to reduce burnout among healthcare professionals and is the founder of Happy Nurse. In our conversation, we emphasised the importance of setting a space for psychological safety in the workplace. We also discussed why you should keep reinventing yourself and how you can avoid burnout as much as possible.  Creating a psychologically safe environment can be challenging but it's important to remember that it's not impossible. If you're interested in learning more about how to create a psychologically safe environment in your workplace, tune in to this week's episode.  WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: How to set a strong “why” (05:03) Taking failure as a learning experience (12:28) Why should you establish psychological safety in healthcare (17:38) The importance of self-awareness and self-compassion (26:24) How to avoid burnout (31:29) How to keep reinventing yourself (34:11) CONNECT WITH ELAINA MULLERY Connect with me on Instagram and Facebook Connect with me on LinkedIn Subscribe to my Youtube channel CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
July 11, 2022

Wound Care and Entrepreneurship with Donna Nair

Although most people consider wounds to be a negative thing, they are actually a necessary part of the healing process. By providing good wound care, you can speed up the healing process and minimize the chances of infection or other complications.  In this episode of High Performance Nursing, I had a lesson-filled conversation with Donna Nair. Donna is an advanced practice nurse with 20 years of wound care experience and has completed accredited lymphedema training as well.  In our conversation, we take a look at the different types of wounds, how to properly care for them, and some of the common complications that can occur. We also discuss when it might be time to seek professional help and some of the innovative treatments that are available today.  So whether you’re a nurse who wants to brush up on your wound care knowledge or someone who is caring for a loved one with a wound, this episode is for you. Listen now to learn more about wound care! WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Who is Donna Nair? (00:45) Donna’s nursing journey (01:50) How to improve your wound care skills (08:09) Nursing fundamentals to focus on (13:15) Teaching patients about self-care (17:45)  How to care for a wound properly? (22:49) What is Lymphedema? (27:57) Reducing pressure injuries and maintaining skin integrity (31:08) How are data collected used in the healthcare industry? (33:41) Weight Neutral Care (36:32) Donna’s greatest lessons (45:12) CONNECT WITH DONNA NAIR Connect with Donna on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.  Visit her website here. CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
July 4, 2022

The Male Midwife with Liam Jackson

Like many other professions, midwifery has a history of being predominantly female. But there are a growing number of men who are choosing to become midwives. So what is it that attracts men to this career? And what are the challenges they face?  In this week's episode of High-Performance Nursing, I have an engaging conversation with Liam Jackson. Liam is a pediatric complex care specialist with a master's in pediatric nursing and mental health.  We take a look at the growing trend of male midwives and explore some of the reasons why they choose this career. He also speaks about the hard part of the job plus the numerous rewards of this career.  This is an episode that will resonate with anyone who's ever been interested in midwifery or anyone who's considering a career in this rewarding field. Let's dive in! WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Liam’s nursing journey (03:20) How Liam ends up becoming a midwife (07:46) Handling rejections when applying for a job (10:37) Preparing to get the job you want (15:49) Being a male midwife (21:16) Is experience necessary to do something you never tried before? (29:19) Does gender matter in midwifery? (30:53) The increase of male healthcare providers (35:40) Liam’s advice to male healthcare providers (40:03) Rapid-fire questions with Liam (43:03) CONNECT WITH LIAM JACKSON Connect with Liam on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.  Visit his website here. CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
June 27, 2022

Last Chance to Join the Graduate Career Launch Program

Looking for an edge in your job search? Are you a recent graduate? Are you having a hard time finding a job that matches your qualifications? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the Graduate Career Launch Program is for you!  The Graduate Career Launch Program (GCLP) is an intensive program that provides the skills and connections you need to start your career. You’ll learn how to network, build a personal brand, and land your dream job, plus you’ll get exclusive access to resources from top industry professionals.  This program is the perfect way to get your career started on the right foot. Listen to this episode to know more about The Graduate Career Launch Program and take advantage of this unique opportunity! WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Intro to Liam’s Graduate Career Launch Program (00:58) Who can join the program? (01:22) What is the GCLP composed of? (03:21) How can this program help you make more? (06:49) GCLP’s graduate stories (10:27) Who is a good fit for the program? (13:16) The benefit of joining a group session (20:19) When can you join the program? (21:06) GCLP’s payment plans (22:09) What can the program guarantee you? 24:24) What do you get from the program? (26:23) How to join the program (30:39) RESOURCES: Graduate Career Launch Program QUOTES:  “So my graduate career launch program does exactly what it says on the tin, it launches your career, it gets you into your first nursing role, whether that is in within the traditional route through the graduate program pathway, or whether you want to explore non-traditional routes.” -Liam Caswell (01:03) “Your thoughts create your results.” -Liam Caswell (05:36) “If you're not paying acute attention to what your brain is offering you, what thoughts are coming up for you, then you are doing yourself a disservice.” -Liam Caswell (05:21) CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
June 21, 2022

Pop Your Career, Life and Your Business With Bec McFarland

It sounds a little weird, right? Popping your career, life and business. But what if it were possible? What if you could just snap your fingers and have everything you ever wanted in those areas? Well, it's not quite that easy. However, there are some things you can do to help make your dreams a reality. In this week's episode of High Performance Nursing, I have a fascinating conversation with Bec McFarland. Bec is a career and business coach and is the owner of Pop! Your Career. She is also a DISC advanced accredited consultant and facilitator, NLP Master Practitioner, and decile practitioner. Bec shares what "popping" your career, life, and business means, what it is all about and how it relates to being intentional and taking action.  So many of us go through life on autopilot, not really knowing what we want or how to get it. If want to know how to “pop” your career, life, and business, have a listen to this episode to jumpstart your way to making your dreams a reality. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Bec’s career journey (02:08) Finding your top value and purpose (04:11) How to overcome the barriers that are stopping your career growth (11:44) The importance of giving yourself the space to explore (18:46) The truth about “dream jobs” (20:13) How to deal with conflict like a pro (31:06) Bec’s Pop Your Career business (32:41) Increasing your tolerance to failure (40:44) The bravest thing Bec has done in her business (46:05) Rapid-fire questions with Bec (51:37) CONNECT WITH BEC MCFARLAND Connect with Bec on her website Connect with Bec on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
June 20, 2022

Paediatric Nursing and Healing the Healer with Jemima Jane

There is something special about paediatric nursing. It is often said that nurses who care for children are the healers of the Healer. Why is this? What sets paediatric nursing apart from other areas of nursing? In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing, I have a wonderful conversation with Jemima Jane. Jemima has been a paediatric nurse for years and has navigated through the nursing world with flying colours. Jemima shares her insights on what it takes to be a great paediatric nurse and what sets paediatric nursing apart. She also offers some tips on how to make the most of your career in this field. Jemima’s passion for paediatric nursing is evident, and I know you will enjoy this conversation as much as I did. So if you are interested in paediatric nursing, or if you are a nurse who cares for children, this episode is for you! WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Jemima’s journey (02:08) A day in the life of a paediatric nurse (09:19) Holding more space as a clinician (12:47) Listening to understand (14:37) Inner child, according to Jemima (15:59) Creating psychological safety for yourself (22:03) Finding the positives of burnout (23:53) Failing to succeed (26:17) Caring for yourself consistently (28:26) Staying true to yourself (31:55) The emotional challenges of being a nurse (34:33) Jemima’s message to the nursing community (42:52) CONNECT WITH JEMIMA JANE Connect with Jemima on Instagram CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL COACHING  Follow @highperformancenursing on Instagram for the latest career and leadership coaching from Liam.  Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips and strategies to thrive within your career. All new joins receive my Career freebies that have helped hundreds of nurses succeed in their careers! (You must answer all questions to be admitted). Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!
June 13, 2022

How to Land Your Dream Graduate Position

Are you nearing the end of your nursing degree and feeling anxious about your future? Don't worry, you're not alone. A lot of students feel overwhelmed when it comes to finding their dream job after graduation. But don't fret, there are plenty of ways to make the process a little less daunting. In this week’s episode of High-Performance Nursing, I am answering one of the most asked questions to me - how do you land your dream graduate position? Landing in your dream graduate position is often a combination of both luck and hard work.  Sometimes, you can land your dream job just by being in the right place at the right time. But more often than not, it takes a little bit of extra effort to make your dream a reality. After all, if you don’t put in the work, someone else will.  If you are currently in your final year of nursing school and feeling lost about what to do next, this episode is for you! I am sharing my pillars on how to land your dream graduate job.  WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Does your academic background define where you are headed? (02:22) How to master the skills required to achieve your dream role (03:20) Boosting your self-confidence (05:12) “Selling” yourself (06:10) Mastering self-coaching (06:40) Choosing to believe what is possible for you (11:40) The importance of presenting yourself correctly (15:25) How to properly prepare for an interview (23:06) The STAR technique (29:37) The outcome does not define your worth concept (31:29) RESOURCES: Graduate Career Launch Program CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
June 6, 2022

Nursing the Human Spirit With Sarah Morse

Are you one of the few fortunate people whose profession became their passion? In the world of nursing, care is not just about the sick, nursing the human spirit is also a significant duty that nurses heed. However, not all nurses will be ready to embark on life-changing journeys. These are often filled with uncomfortable situations and the first-hand experience of impoverished medical management.  In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing, I have a wonderful conversation with Sarah Morse. She has over 20 years of experience as a Registered Nurse and a champion of Humanitarian actions. She is also a highly sought-after motivational speaker who inspires a culture of courage in the workplace. Her deep commitment to nursing has led her to experience working in countries with deprived healthcare systems. These enlightening encounters made her realize that not everyone in the world is given the same privilege she enjoys.  In her journey filled with humanitarian efforts, Sarah learned valuable insights and acknowledged the fact that her nursing career isn’t confined within hospital walls. She’s capable of giving care and nursing the human spirit wherever in the world she may be.  Sarah’s nursing career gave her awareness of what other people are going through, and discover her true self. If you want to know more about where your nursing profession can take you, this episode is for you. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Sarah's journey from being a nurse to a professional speaker (02:04) The biggest learnings from humanitarian experiences (08:00) Advice for nurses who want to venture into humanitarian works (13:05) What does it take to be a professional speaker? (14:49) The importance of showing up for yourself (19:20) Being intentional with developing workplace culture (22:37) What's needed to resolve workplace issues? (30:58) Psychological Safety in the workplace and within the self (38:21) CONNECT WITH SARAH MORSE Connect with Sarah on her website Connect with Sarah on LinkedIn and Facebook Watch her YouTube videos here CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram JOIN MY COACHING TEAM We are inviting applications from aspiring clinical coaches who have a passion for coaching, supporting, and transforming the lives and careers of clinicians across the globe. For more information on the Career Success Coach role click here PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
May 30, 2022

You Are Worthy

Most of us are guilty of not recognizing our own worth. It’s our human nature to think that a sense of worthiness is only possible when we have more things and accomplishments. However, I’m here to prove that you are worthy right here, right now.  In this episode of High Performance Nursing, I decided to record a random talk session about feeling worthy. Have you ever had the feeling of needing to outsource your worthiness for it to be valid? I had been in situations like this when I don’t feel worthy unless I acquire certain achievements under my name. In my nursing career, I realized that our worthiness is available regardless of the circumstances we’re in. We define our own worth, it’s never dependent on how other people see us. Give yourself the permission to immerse in worthiness no matter how the world makes you feel. Keep in mind that you will never achieve your goals from a place of emptiness. You need to empower yourself and make the decision to feel worthy. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Why do we outsource our worth? (00:55) The negative effects of setting conditions to worthiness (02:27) How does coaching help us realize worthiness? (04:15) The value of reminding yourself that you’re worthy (05:55) QUOTES:  "The only reason that you are not worthy in your mind is because of the thoughts you're choosing to think." -Liam Caswell (02:13) "The only person that can define your worth is you." -Liam Caswell (02:51) "I want to empower you to start seeing that you are 100% worthy right here, right now. There ain't nothing missing." -Liam Caswell (02:55) CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram JOIN MY COACHING TEAM We are inviting applications from aspiring clinical coaches who have a passion for coaching, supporting, and transforming the lives and careers of clinicians across the globe. For more information on the Career Success Coach role click here PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
May 23, 2022

The Impacts Of Bullying Within The Healthcare Profession With Tammy Copley

We see bullying in various forms and in different parts of our society. We may think that bullying can only be seen in schools, but it’s rampant even in workplaces. Today, we’ll be speaking about the impacts of bullying within the healthcare profession with Tammy Copley. She’s been a long-time advocate of stopping bullying in the health industry hence the creation of  Nurses and Midwives Against Bullying Australia.  In this week’s episode of the High Performance Nursing, I welcome back the amazing Tammy Copley. The last time we had her on the show, Tammy explained the bullying and harassment nursing pandemic.  Now, she gives an in-depth discussion of what bullying is all about, it’s impacts, how is it reinforced and how can nurses get out of it.  Although bullying can be deeply embedded in one’s work culture, it’s still possible to eradicate it. Tammy leads this possibility by showcasing her own bullying experience and what she did to put an end to it.  WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: The similarities between Domestic Violence, Bullying and Coercive Control (02:45) How can nurses get out of the bullying? (11:17) Why bullying is all about projection (19:10) How does competition reinforce bullying (22:20) The value of being open to self-coaching and self-leadership (27:25) Why it's important to learn the Code of Conduct (29:30) Tammy's experience of being bullied as a manager (32:27) Liam's bullying experience in his career (35:49) Self-care and self-compassion (38:12) What are you running that no longer serves you? (39:42) Tammy's tips for nurses experiencing domestic violence or bullying (43:35) RESOURCES: The bullying and harassment nursing pandemic with Tammy Copley  DoctorRamani Brené Brown CONNECT WITH TAMMY COPLEY Connect with Tammy on LinkedIn Learn more about Nurses and Midwives Against Bullying Australia here and Nursing and Midwifery Advocacy Solutions here. Check out the YouTube Channel of Nurses and Midwives Against Bullying Australia here. CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
May 18, 2022

Building Wealth While Knowing Your Worth with Lauren Bell

There's no question that we all want to be wealthy. But how do you go about building wealth while knowing your worth? It can be tricky, but it's definitely not impossible.  In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing, I have a fascinating conversation with Lauren Bell, a registered nurse who is also a consciousness coach, helping healthcare professionals in building wealth while knowing their self-worth. According to Lauren, one of the main things that get in the way of healthcare professionals achieving wealth is their own self-worth. She explains that a lot of healthcare professionals have been taught to be "givers" and not "takers." As a result, they often have a hard time asking for what they're worth or charging what they're worth. If you are a healthcare professional who wants to build wealth but doesn't know where to start, this episode is for you! You will learn how to shift your mindset around wealth and begin taking actionable steps towards building the life you want. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: All about Lauren Bell (00:27) Lauren’s career vision (01:37) Evolving as a leader (04:18) Pivoting through various paths (09:17) Negotiating your salary (15:08) Making more money (21:16) Making money versus being happy (26:10) Building wealth outside of your profession (28:10) The benefits of outsourcing (30:31) Bringing more abundance in the clinical life (32:09) Why should you plan ahead of time? (36:19) The mindset consciousness perspective (40:59) Preceptorship supervision within the workforce (47:31) Honoring emotions (53:37) Rapid-fire questions with Lauren (59:25) CONNECT WITH LAUREN BELL Connect with Lauren on Facebook. Visit her website here. CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
May 16, 2022

Reclaim Your Power with Hannah Sawyer

So, you're thinking about changing your career? That's a big decision! But what if you're not sure what you want to do? Or maybe you've been at your job for a while and you’re starting to feel stuck? It's okay - it's normal to feel this way. A lot can change over the course of ten years, or even five.  In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing, I have a fascinating conversation with Hannah Sawyer, a registered nurse who ventured into becoming a master mindset coach. So, what’s with the change? According to Hannah, changing careers isn't a bad thing. But you've got to make sure that you can handle the changes that come with it. After all, it takes time and effort to switch professions, not to mention the investment of your money, time, and energy. If you've got a nagging feeling that it's time for a change, then this is the episode for you. Listen as Hannah shares her own journey to find an inspiring career, and how she came up with the decision to change hers. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: All about Hannah (00:53) Hannah’s journey from being a nurse to becoming a master mindset coach (02:14) Creating a compelling career (04:54) Navigating identity and career shift (06:44) Handling emotions when stepping into a new space (12:29) The importance of self-coaching (19:39) Dealing with burnout (22:23) Setting boundaries (30:45) Realities of nurse partnership (37:39) Hannah’s take on money issues (46:35) Running an online business (50:27) Investing in yourself (53:18) Rapid-fire questions with Hannah Sawyer (56:53) CONNECT WITH HANNAH SAWYER Connect with Hannah on Instagram. Connect with Hannah on Facebook. Visit her website here. CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
May 9, 2022

Bet On Yourself And Recognise Your Success

A lot of people tend to stop themselves from pursuing a big goal. We constantly hold back because of imposter syndrome and the fear of failure.  With podcasting, I’ve realised that failing can be a beautiful thing. It may be hard, but I’ve always been determined to push myself to experience the highs and the lows.  As we celebrate the 50th episode of the High Performance Nursing, I decided to record a solo episode to celebrate this milestone. A year ago, I never thought that I’d be able to publish this many episodes, but here we are. Through this episode, I encourage you to bet on yourself and recognise your success. You may have had small wins and think that they’re not substantial, but in these little triumphs we become more empowered and believe that we’re amazing beings capable of achieving whatever we want.  Remember that the only block stopping you from getting what you want is you, so step into your greatness, take massive messy strategic action and don’t be afraid to fail.  WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Why we need to stop, breathe, and reflect (01:05) The dangers of imposter syndrome (02:02) Bet on yourself and do whatever you want (03:25) Why failing is a beautiful thing (04:30) Liam’s goals for the HPN podcast (06:00) The importance of self-care (06:25) CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
May 2, 2022

From Lifeguard To Nursepreneur With Rory Tanner

Are you feeling stuck in your career? Are you looking for a change, but don't know where to start? Don't worry, you're not alone. Making a career change can be scary, but it's also an exciting adventure.  In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing, I have a fascinating conversation with Rory Tanner, a lifeguard turned nurse and educator. Rory owns multiple education businesses and is very passionate about ADHD, personal development, mindset, psychology, technology & software. According to Rory, focusing on what you like and what you want is very important, especially when jumping from one career to another. It’s also essential to have a clear picture of what you want to achieve. Once you know what you want, the next step is finding a tribe or community that can help support your journey. After all,  making a career change is not just about acquiring new skills, but it's also about mindset, personal development, and relationships. If you're feeling stuck in your career, or if you're considering making a change, I hope this conversation with Rory Tanner inspires you to take that leap of faith. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Rory’s journey from being a lifeguard to being a nurse (02:09) Working in a private hospital vs. working in a public hospital (09:03) Do you really need to know your destiny after graduation? (16:26) The importance of creating a personal brand identity (17:47) Rory’s tips on finding what you really want to do (19:05) Taking control of your life (23:21) What makes coaching a powerful career (25:24) Being a Xenos educator (27:23) Rory’s vision for his business (30:40) Helping people with ADHD (38:15) The importance of self-care (47:47) CONNECT WITH RORY TANNER Connect with Rory on Instagram and LinkedIn.  Visit his website here.  CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
April 25, 2022

Cardiac Nursing with Georgia Sibley

Think you have the toughest job in nursing? Cardiac nurses would beg to differ. Dealing with heart patients and their myriad issues takes a special kind of nurse – one who is skilled, knowledgeable, and unflappable.  In this week’s episode of High-Performance Nursing, I have a fascinating conversation with Georgia Sibley, a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Cardiology. Georgia thinks that in order to give the greatest clinical treatment and ensure patient safety, nurses must acquire a thorough awareness of their patients' condition. According to her,  cardiac nursing is not for the faint of heart. It’s a demanding, high-pressure job that requires split-second decision-making. But it’s also incredibly rewarding, as you have the opportunity to make a real difference in people’s lives – sometimes even saving them. So if you’re interested in learning more about what it takes to be a successful cardiac nurse, or you’re just curious about the field of cardiology, tune in to this episode! WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Georgia's nursing journey up to this point (02:15) Why is she so passionate to learn more (06:58) The process of building her nursing career (10:48) What does a day in a life look like for ANUMs? (17:30) What it's like to hold a senior leadership role at a young age? (25:18) Georgia's vision for the Nurse Sibs platform (32:50) What does Georgia want to share with high-performance nurses? (44:00) Georgia's advice for people who think they need to have a niche (47:15) CONNECT WITH GEORGIA SIBLEY Visit Georgia’s website here Connect with Georgia on Facebook & Instagram CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
April 18, 2022

Self Care For Clinicians with Diana Page

Are you feeling run down? Burned out? Stressed? It's time for some self-care! Clinicians are notorious for putting themselves last, but we need to take care of ourselves if we want to be effective in our work.  In this week’s episode of High-Performance Nursing, I have a fascinating conversation with Diana Page, a burnout survivor turned burnout educator, Nurse/NP mentor, Neurology NP, self-care strategist, and mom of two toddlers. According to Diana, we need to think of self-care as an investment, not an expense. When we take care of ourselves, we are able to show up better for our patients, our families, and our communities. This is such an important topic, and I'm so glad Diana came on the show to share her wisdom. So, pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea, find a comfortable spot, and enjoy the show.  WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Diana's career (0:13) Diana’s thoughts on changing careers (2:15) Becoming an NP (6:15) Finding an autonomous senior career role (9:57) Diana's experience with burnout (13:43) Dealing with people with low failure tolerance (20:33) How to convince nurses to face their fears (24:02) Implementing boundaries in the nursing profession (28:53) How can nurses strategically reflect (34:54) PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
April 11, 2022

The Journey To Becoming A Midwife With Julie Blackburn

What does it take to become a midwife? A lot of hard work, dedication, and some natural talent. From the moment you start your training, you are on a journey that will test your resolve, time and time again.  There are many hours of studying and hands-on experience that is required before one can even be considered for the profession. But it is a journey well worth taking, as the job comes with a different sense of satisfaction.  In this week’s episode of High-Performance Nursing, I had an interesting conversation with Julie Blackburn, who brings a combined 30 years of expertise in these fields to her training sessions. Her main areas of interest include education, women's issues, fathers' involvement in pregnancy and delivery, family health, and preventing domestic abuse. According to Julie, being a midwife student is a lot like always trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together and figuring out what is going on with the patient. The skills required for the job are vast and diverse.  Becoming a midwife is not an easy task. It takes years of hard work and dedication to master the skills required for the job. But for those who are up for the challenge, the reward is great. The satisfaction that comes with helping to bring a new life into the world is truly unmatched. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: All about Julie Blackburn (2:11) Julie's career then and now (3:18) What it takes to travel and work at the same time (5:45) Having different roles (10:16) What Julie loves about being a midwife (15:15) Julie's advice to people who want to explore midwifery (20:13) A day in a life of a clinical facilitator (23:50) What causes students’ stress (27:03) Navigating students having a hard time on placement (29:55) Should students highly focus on their GPA to land their job? (37:37) Julie's current career (41:25) Julie’s most precious career moment (47:50) Best advice to nurses and midwives (48:25) Lesson and advice to students (48:48) CONNECT WITH JULIE BLACKBURN Connect with Julie on LinkedIn. Check out Julie’s website. CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
April 4, 2022

Eat With Freedom With Anti-Diet Dietician Cristina Capucci

What could be more liberating than enjoying a good meal without worrying about calories, carbs, or points?  For many people, eating without restrictions is a dream come true. And that's exactly what Cristina Capucci promises.  In this week’s episode of High-Performance Nursing, I had a fascinating conversation with Cristina Capucci, a Registered Dietitian with a Master of Health Science. She is an advocate for client-centered care, with her clients driving the decisions that work best for them.  Cristina chats about how the traditional dietitian role is shifting and how she is working to support her clients in their overall health and wellbeing, not just their weight. We discuss how Cristina uses a non-diet approach with her clients, which is based on the Health at Every Size (HAES®) principles.  We also dive into intuitive eating, a method that allows you to listen to your body and eat based on your hunger and fullness signals. If you’re looking for a more holistic approach to nutrition, or if you’re curious about how to make peace with food, I think you’ll enjoy this conversation with Cristina Capucci. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Cristina's journey (1:39) Why Cristina became a dietician (4:56) What it’s like being a dietician (9:45) Challenges dieticians are facing in the hospital (14:29) What is an anti-diet dietician? (18:56) Being an intuitive eater (23:09) Nutritional tips from Cristina (31:05) Using food to cope up (35:22) Cristina's coaching program (40:04) Eating with freedom (46:23) CONNECT WITH CRISTINA CAPUCCI Connect with Cristina on Instagram. CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
March 28, 2022

6 Steps Framework To Get Career Clarity

If you're feeling lost in your career, or like you're just not quite sure what you want to do next, don't worry - you're not alone. Many people feel this way at some point in their lives. The good news is that there are things you can do to get clarity on what you want and where your career is headed.  In this episode, I am going to show you a 6-step framework to get career clarity and start moving forward again. You've probably had moments where you've asked yourself, "What am I doing with my life?"  It can be hard to figure out what we want to do and even harder to know how to get there. But without a clear idea of what we want to do with our lives, it's difficult to make progress towards our goals. One of the biggest reasons for this is that without career clarity, we can't set effective goals. We might have vague ideas about what we want, but without a specific target in mind, it's tough to know what steps we need to take to get there.  Without career clarity, it's also difficult to stay motivated; after all, if we don't know what we're working towards, it's hard to see the point in our efforts. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Step 1: Get Curious About Yourself (3:17) Step 2: Learn to Observe Your Thoughts (7:01) Step 3: Conduct a Career Assessment (10:50) Step 4: Network (12:55) Step 5: Sample and Experiment (14:53) Step 6: Build a Professional Career Brand (17:31) PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
March 21, 2022

Build Your Career on Your Terms with Jess Lucia

In this week’s episode of High-Performance Nursing, I have a fascinating conversation with Jess Lucia. She is a nurse and a nurse coach at the same time who has helped hundreds of healthcare professionals be at their best. Her passion for healthcare professionals led her to become a coach, specifically for nurses. She knows how it goes with being a nurse, and she understands how difficult the job can be. In our conversation, Jess and I talk about how nurses can find their passion in life and continue to be at their best. She also shares some great tips on how to stay resilient in the nursing profession. Being a nurse is not easy. It’s a demanding job that can be physically and emotionally draining. However, if you find your passion in life and continue to be at your best, you can make a difference in the lives of others. If you are a nurse looking for ways to find your passion and be at your best, then Jess Lucia is the coach for you. She understands the profession and knows how to help nurses find their passion and resilience. Her coaching can help nurses achieve more in their careers and find ways to be happier in their work. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: All about Jess (0:49) Jess’s nursing experience (5:47) Jess’s advice to people who doubts on changing career (9:14) Why Jess chose to coach health care professionals (13:00) Challenges of transitioning from being a nurse to being a life coach (19:28) Canada’s healthcare scenario (23:32) Making defying decisions for industry or organization leaders (27:16) Creating a space for yourself (36:14) Jess’s nursing program for nurses (45:17) Ideas that can contribute positively to the stress of people (55:45) The best advice that Jess could give (56:30) PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
March 14, 2022

Gain Your Power Back with Nurul Norzahari

Nurses know that they have a passion for helping and taking care of others, but knowing this is never enough to get them through the difficult times. Even before the whole pandemic situation, one may see some nurses losing enthusiasm for their work. In this episode of High Performance Nursing, I chat with the fabulous Nurul Norzahari. She is a Registered Nurse, Personal Trainer, and the Founder of FitNurseCo. Her 10 years of combined work experience has been moving and motivating health professionals for the benefit of their well-being Nurul is here to talk about how nurses can gain their power back. To do this, she advises nurses to truly know themselves, assess their emotions, and write their goals. Nurul also showcased the importance for nurses to understand deeply their why.  Nurses should know how to take back power over their lives and don’t let a stressful work or person control them. As a result, their mind and body reach homeostasis and their personal and professional lives become more aligned. They become motivated to do well in their careers, and they greatly appreciate who they are outside work.  WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: What led Nurul to RN and PT work? (01:37) The challenges in the nursing practice (07:33) The significance of listening to body symptoms (14:19) 3 things to help nurses gain power back (17:55) Why we need to know why we do our professions (23:25) Key learnings from starting FitNurseCo. (29:09) Nurul's advice to her younger nursing self (39:00) Rapid-fire questions with Nurul Norzahari (43:48)  PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
March 7, 2022

Creating Your Intentional Life with Beth Montano from Autonomic

In this episode of High Performance Nursing, I speak with the amazing Beth Montano. She is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Medical Oncology and the CEO & Founder of Autonomic.  Beth has over 12 years of nursing experience and through Autonomic, she’s on a mission to help nurses to love their work. It’s no secret that working as a nursing professional or in most healthcare industries is extremely tiring and nurses experience burnout and constant stress. For nurses to love their work, it’s essential to go back to basics and reflect on what they want from nursing. It starts with what Beth coined as RCA - require, change, and accept. Nurses should assess what they require from their work, the changes they want to happen, and the things they have to accept. Some nurses also feel stuck because they’ve made their careers their entire identities. For Beth, being a nurse should only be a part of your identity and not the entirety of it. Beth also advises nurses to constantly seek both formal and informal support in times of stress. This not only helps their well-being but also has a positive influence on their work performance.  In times of crisis like this global pandemic where the demand for healthcare is high, nurses might question if they really love their work. However, with the right support and mindset, nurses can create an intentional life where they stay true to their passion and commitment to taking care of others and themselves. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Beth's career to date (01:25) Her life-changing experiences in India (02:50) A day in a life of Beth as a clinical nurse specialist (11:55) Beth's advice for nurses who are holding themselves back (14:50) The history of Autonomic (17:09) The changes Beth would implement in the nursing profession (23:03) Love Your Work (25:05) Beth's recommendations to nurses managing current stress (30:45) Rapid-fire questions with Beth Montano (32:49) CONNECT WITH BETH MONTANO Connect with Beth on Instagram and Facebook  Visit Beth’s website CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
February 28, 2022

4 Non-Typical Ways to Find Your Next Nursing Role

In this solo episode, I had a quick talk on the 4 key areas nursing professionals need to explore during a job search. Typically, nurses would only use one platform when it comes to seeking opportunities and I would often get asked where is the best place to look for jobs. What nursing professionals don’t realise is that there are lots of opportunities out there, they just have to create them. Nurses would usually use cold email outreach and look for jobs in ways they are familiar with  - going to local health district’s websites, Indeed, Glass door, and sending applications online. Other ways to send applications include using the connections you’ve made in previous work or even in undergraduate training, going after your dream nursing role, and partnering with healthcare recruiters. When you tap into these non-typical ways to find a nursing opportunity, there’s a huge possibility that you’ll come across off-market jobs which are not available if you simply just do an online search.  Broaden your job opportunity horizon by using out-of-the-box ways, and you might just end up getting the role you’ve always dreamt of.  WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Cold market outreach (01:12)  Warm market outreach (01:59) Ideal role outreach (03:33) Recruitment outreach (06:12) CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
February 21, 2022

Aesthetic's Nursing & Nursepreneurship In The UK with Charlotte Reynolds

In this episode, I had a fun and informative talk with Charlotte Reynolds, who has been a colleague back in the UK. She is an ICU nurse and a nurseprenuer at the same time with her very own aesthetics clinic. Charlotte had years of experience as an ICU nurse until she gave birth and realized that she needed to do something different. And that’s where the aesthetics clinic started.  At first, she was afraid of venturing into something she wasn’t really familiar with. She is afraid of what other people will think or if she can really make it until she learns to care less about others' opinions.  In this episode, Charlotte also shares what it was like to be an ICU nurse when the COVID-19 pandemic started. According to her, the hardest part was seeing other people suffer and not having a definite plan to handle the situation.  On the brighter side, she says they got the support they needed in such tough times. The hospital that she has been working at has helped her cope, especially on the emotional side, with everything going on around.  To sum it up, Charlotte, like any other nurse in the world, wants to do something different at some time too. Working in the hospital can be draining, and that's when nurses start to look for options. And there’s nothing wrong with it, actually. After all, nurses are still humans who need an outlet to destress and find another path at the same time. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Charlotte’s nursing journey (01:45) What is outreach nursing services in the UK look like (04:05) How Charlotte discovered a new path (09:07) What it's like to be a nurse during COVID (12:02) Charlotte’s experience as an ICU nurse (17:05) How Charlotte established her aesthetic business (22:15) What it was like to take the first payment in Charlotte’s business (24:50) Charlotte’s advice to those who are planning to start an aesthetics company (28:12) Charlotte’s definition of high-performance nursing (31:00) Charlotte's advice to health workers who are planning to do something different (36:35) What keeps Charlotte going (40:00) CONNECT WITH CHARLOTTE REYNOLDS Connect with Charlotte on Instagram and Facebook  Visit Charlotte’s CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
February 14, 2022

Burnout No More For Healthcare Professionals with Athol Hann

In this episode, I have a fascinating conversation with Athol Hann. He’s a Clinical Emergency Nurse, Founder of AtholTech, and fwards app and known for his Burnout No More courses. Athol experienced first-hand what burnout feels like for healthcare professionals and started questioning if he can stay with his profession in the long run.  Surprisingly, he wasn’t aware that he was experiencing burnout until he had hateful feelings towards work. He went from someone who loves the nursing profession to someone who hated it.   All the little stress in the workplace piled up, and he knew that something needs to be done otherwise he might end up harming himself or others. He eventually developed a process that allowed him to better deal with burnout and this gave rise to the Burnout No More Courses. He encourages nurses to tune in with themselves, write journals and ask for colleagues’ help.  Nurses share the same stress and problems in the workplace, it’s a powerful strategy to learn how others are coping with burnout. They have to realize that they’re not alone and doing so helps boost their morale and guides them out of the burnout pit.  WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Athol's journey into his nursing profession (01:41) Advantages of going against the traditional nursing route (05:38) How he built the fwards app (08:08) Realizations that led to fwards development (13:59) Athol's biggest lessons from his tech venture (16:25) How did non-clinical training help Athol's clinical practice (20:50) How Athol handled his burnout phase (24:37) The Burnout No More Course (30:25) Rapid-fire questions with Athol Hann (32:18) Resources:  Beating Stress and Burnout - with Elaina Mullery and Lauren Bell From the bedside to the Boardroom, how uPaged founder Zara Lord is modernising on demand work in Australia! CONNECT WITH ATHOL HANN Connect with Athol on LinkedIn Get a copy of Athol’s Burnout No More Courses here. Download the fwards app here. CONNECT WITH LIAM CASWELL Connect with me on Instagram PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
February 8, 2022

Setting Your Impossible Career Goals

In this episode, I dive deep into the topic of setting your impossible career goals. In today's society, you are often told that we should set modest goals and not aim too high. But what if you don't want to live a life of mediocrity? What if you're the type of person who wants to push yourself to your limits and achieve great things?  If this feels exciting to you, then it’s time to go ahead and set impossible goals! You may be excited at the initial thought, but also tempted to give up before you've even started. However, if you’re brave enough to continue, the feeling of accomplishment when you reach your goal is unbeatable.  Today, I will walk you through setting impossible goals – goals that are challenging yet still within your reach. I'll give you some tips on making sure your impossible goal is realistic, and also how to get started on achieving it.  Setting impossible goals is a great way to achieve more than you ever thought possible. When you set your sights high and push yourself to reach the unreachable, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve. So don't be afraid to set impossible goals - just make sure that you're willing to put in the hard work necessary to reach them! WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Setting impossible goals and expanding your horizon (02:56) What is an impossible goal (04:00) Why SMART goals might not be the best for you (04:47) What if your goal didn’t feel achievable (06:25) The beauty of having an impossible goal (08:22) Taking no as a growth opportunity (09:35) Why you need to fail (11:40) Three things that you need to be conscious about yourself (16:12) Why you need to have a real good understanding of your impossible goal (19:32) Three truths about setting impossible goals (20:50) Steps to creating your impossible goals (22:23) QUOTES:  “Failure is the first attempt to learn.” -Liam Caswell  “The worst thing that can happen to you is a feeling.” -Liam Caswell “Not trying equates to nothing.” -Liam Caswell “If you’re not comfortable, you’re not making it happen.” -Liam Caswell PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
January 31, 2022

What’s your Career WHY?

In this episode, let’s kick off the new year by reconnecting with our "Career Why." The healthcare industry is currently facing significant challenges. And exploring more about our Why will assist us, nurses, in determining what our career goals are. Assisting us in making informed decisions about our careers and future. For many of us, change equates to uncertainty. Everything changes as we progress through our careers. And as humans, it is our inability to maintain stability that holds us back. Returning to our Career Why ensures us that we know where we are moving forward. In this episode, I will walk you through some questions that will help you craft your Why. We'll dig deeper on how indecision, fear, and change affects it. And creating a compelling Why statement that is uniquely yours to keep as you move forward.  Creating a compelling Why pushes you through the hard times. It will help you step outside your comfort zone, and stop you from being stuck in indecision. Having that deep heart compelling Why can make anything possible for you in your career. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Diving deep into what is your true career (02:27) Your WHY as a vision (04:14) The first step in overcoming the feeling of being stuck (08:43) Being more intentional in moving forward (11:45) Creating your WHY (12:31) Is your WHY weak or hard? (13:31) Connecting your WHY on a deep emotional level (18:34) Realigning with your WHY to achieve clarity (20:20) Mapping out your WHY (25:46) Getting a feedback (26:27) Knowing the indications through your achievements (26:57) Identifying the theme (27:49) Your WHY statement (28:09) QUOTES:  “Growth lies on the other side of the fear. Fear is just a fantasized experience appearing real.” -Liam Caswell  “When you start to understand that you can feel all the feelings and that it doesn't shake you, it doesn't rock you and that you're stable and that you are all good and the life goes on, you have taken all your power back and you will be invincible.” - Liam Caswell “When your WHY is so strong and deeply connected on an emotional level, you can achieve anything that you want.” - Liam Caswelll “If you're at a point in your life where there's a lot of change happening, allow it to evolve and change.” - Liam Caswell PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
January 26, 2022

1 Year Celebrations of The High Performance Nursing Podcast

Can you believe that we are celebrating our anniversary episode of High-Performance Nursing? I still remember that fateful day of January 17, 2021, when I was full of fears about the launch of this podcast. Now I can confidently say that I’m glad I chose courage and did not let my fears or doubts consume me. This courage also helped me build a community of high-performance nurses and healthcare professionals from all over the world. Today’s episode highlights what we have achieved as a community through five amazing guests namely, Rachel Longhurst, Tammy Copley, Lauren Bell, Hannah Sawyer, Elaina Mullery. This consists of snippets from previous highly rated episodes based on the number of downloads and the feedback that I have received personally. Join me as we look back at the wisdom and valuable information that helps healthcare professionals with their career growth. And as always, I hope you enjoy and learn a thing or two with this episode, let’s dive in! WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: All things intensive/critical Care with Rachel Longhurst (05:30) Bullying and harassment in healthcare environment Tammy Copley (12:59) Wealth and mindset mentoring with Lauren Bell (30:55) Find your Inner Queen and empower your mindset with Hannah Sawyer (50:44) Self-Compassion and dealing with burnout with Elaina Mullery (1:05:47) Resources: Developing A Resilient Mindset With Hannah Sawyer Wealth and Mindset Mentoring for Heart-Centred Professionals with Lauren Bell (RN & Author) Self compassion with The Happy Nurse The bullying and harassment nursing pandemic with Tammy Copley Critical Care Nursing (ICU/CCU) with Nurse Educator Rachel Longhurst PS. I have launched my signature "8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program" to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in - reply with the word "Accelerate" for more info! P.P.S Whenever you are ready... here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career. 1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community "High-Performance Nursing - How to build your healthcare career" where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS 2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review! 3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!
January 17, 2022

2021 Reflection – What are you proud of?

Happy 2022 Beautiful people! In this first episode of the year, I want you to take a moment to reflect on what you achieved and were proud of last year. It was a beautiful experience to see how much we had all changed and grown. It might have been confronting for most of us, but it was so nice to just be there and see how much everyone had grown and developed as individuals. We make new year's resolutions on a regular basis. But what I've realized is that when we make resolutions, we tend to focus on what we haven't accomplished or done yet. In this episode, I wanted you to consider what you are proud of in your life. What did you accomplish in the year 2021? Let us begin the year with gratitude and pride in what we've accomplished thus far. The past year has been challenging for us as a health care clinician. We've been so busy that we've forgotten to pause, practice gratitude, and celebrate our accomplishments. As we begin this year, I want you to pause and reflect on your journey, no matter where you are. Allow yourself to sit in the joy and happiness of the present moment. Let us choose to begin this year with great pride! WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Starting the year with gratitude (01:51) The missing step - Celebrating (04:53) The Achievement List (08:58) Liam’s achievements from 2021 (10:21) Therapy and Coaching (12:33) QUOTES: “Reflecting back on the year before us allows us to see how far we've come.” - Liam Caswell (04:47) “How many times have you taken a minute to just stop and practice gratitude and to be grateful of what you've achieved and what you've done?”- Liam Caswell (05:21) “We all have different trajectories, paths, and lives. And there's no need or reason for us to compare because it doesn't bring us any joy or happiness.” - Liam Caswell (09:46) Resources: Interview Notes Template Resus your CV with Liam Caswell  There are a few ways you can connect with me to start taking those steps to build your healthcare career: Download my application freebies Download Freebies Here! Join my exclusive HPN PRIVATE Facebook community to help clinicians build their career! Check out @highperformancenursing on Instagram Have a sneak peak on my Website Send me an email @[email protected] Stay Curious! Liam :)
January 12, 2022

Top Tips for Nailing Interview Questions!

In today’s episode of High Performance Nursing, let’s talk about some top tips for responding to interview questions. We are diving deeper into a couple of key components that I would love you to get your head around so that you can approach your interviews confidently. There is a lot of work, but preparation is the key for making it work and getting your dream job. In this episode, we will be covering three different types of questions that you will come across in the interview and how to respond to those three types of questions, ensuring that you use effective strategies throughout to help you confidently respond under pressure. As clinicians, we put a lot of work and preparation to be able to go in and perform at our highest level. Always remember that it will be worth it. You'll have a new job. You'd be really happy in this new role because it's what you want to do. Make the preparation and nail those interview questions with confidence! WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Interview notes as safety net (02:31) The introductory icebreaker question (05:48) Key question themes (07:20) A list of sentences (10:59) The STAR example question (12:50) The scenario based response (14:25) Importance of using professional language in communicating (20:47) The STAR process and behavioral examples (22:24) QUOTES: “If you don't get it the first time, do not beat yourself up.” - Liam Caswell (02:14) “They want to see that we have the underlying knowledge. They don't necessarily look for the perfect answer.”- Liam Caswell (10:42) “If you really, really want something, you will make the time.” - Liam Caswell (36:05) Resources: Interview Notes Template Resus your CV with Liam Caswell  There are a few ways you can connect with me to start taking those steps to build your healthcare career: Download my application freebies Download Freebies Here! Join my exclusive HPN PRIVATE Facebook community to help clinicians build their career! Check out @highperformancenursing on Instagram Have a sneak peak on my Website Send me an email @[email protected] Stay Curious! Liam :) Book your tickets for the “Beating Stress & Burnout - Unleash Your Happy Nurse!” online seminar here.
December 13, 2021

How To Prepare For Your Next Nursing Interview

In this episode of High Performance Nursing, I will walk you through the exciting process of preparing for your next nursing interview. What if you can feel more confident and happy with what you can do and achieve in your interview? When we receive a call or email from a potential future employer and land an interview, we immediately go into fight or flight mode. It is because of our self-limiting beliefs and inner critic that we are unable to get past the interview. In this episode, we'll talk about how to prepare for a Nursing interview and the best strategies and red flags to pay attention to during the interview process. I'll give you some key points on how to be more confident and present during the interview so you can secure the dream job you applied for. For clinicians considering applying for jobs in 2022, now is the time to really level up your interview skills. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Getting started with interview coaching preparation (01:36) Overcoming your inner critic (02:12) Assessing your facts through thought downloads  (06:24) Compiling strategic interview prep notes (13:35) The panel secrets (17:18) The star response and ideal buzzwords (19:34) The power of delay tactics (23:47) Ending the interview with the safety net (26:37) Do’s and don'ts when asking questions for the panel  (28:55) Post-interview email follow up and self-care (36:00) The top tip for internal interview (39:42) QUOTES: “The ideal answer doesn't mean that there is a one size fits all response. It is more that they have ideal words that they need or want to hear from you during the interview.” -Liam Caswell “Remember you have a choice. Ultimately, you make the choice about whether or not you take the job. You want to take the right job for you. Not just any job. ” - Liam Caswell “We know that all of those things running through our mind are just thoughts. We have a choice over whether or not we want to believe them.”  - Liam Caswelll “Questions that make the panel feel something are the best questions.” - Liam Caswell There are a few ways you can connect with me to start taking those steps to build your healthcare career: Download my application freebies Download Freebies Here! Join my exclusive HPN PRIVATE Facebook community to help clinicians build their career! Check out @highperformancenursing on Instagram Have a sneak peak on my Website Send me an email @[email protected] Stay Curious! Liam :) Book your tickets for the “Beating Stress & Burnout - Unleash Your Happy Nurse!” online seminar here.
December 6, 2021

Self Leadership As A Clinician with Lauren Bell

In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing, I'm sharing a Heart to Heart chat I had with Lauren Belle on self leadership and leading others. Nurses are among the most trusted professionals, and leading by example is how we begin to develop our self-leadership. It’s about us doing the work and understanding who we are at our core. I hope that this episode empowers nurses to thrive in their careers and helps to fill some of the gaps as they advance and avoid burnout so that they have a true sense of who they are. If you are a clinician who wants to improve your Self-Leadership, join us as we chat about career, self-leadership, self-care, wellbeing, and wealth in this episode. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Liam's transformational journey to Australia (02:57) Becoming a Multi Passionate Clinician (05:26) A continual process to Self-Leadership (08:42) The Importance of Unlearning (10:54) How do we learn who we are? (12:42) Creating a psychologically safe working environment (17:55) The standard you walk versus The standard you accept. (24:04) Owning ourselves and Setting up Boundaries (26:48) How does Liam help clinicians move to leadership with ease and confidence? (30:09) QUOTES: “Realize where your strengths, your opportunities to know your lessons, like where all of those things lie, and how you can use them to your advantage to build the life that you want to live intentionally.” -Liam Caswell (09:20) “I think when you realize that no one's coming to pull you out of it, and you have to do it yourself, and that you're strong enough to do it yourself. That's, I think, when the shift starts to happen.” -Liam Caswell (12:26) Resources: Big Magic: How to Live a Creative Life, and Let Go of Your Fear - Elizabeth Gilbert BIO Lauren Bell has been a registered nurse for over 30 years and in this career, she noticed that a lot of heart-centered professionals are trapped in a victim or blame cycle. Lauren helps people in various industries discover what the world could offer in return and know their worth. She does this by implementing programs and strategies that will break down barriers and lead the way to discover their true potential. CONNECT WITH LAUREN BELL Connect with Lauren on Facebook There are a few ways you can connect with me to start taking those steps to build your healthcare career: Download my application freebies Download Freebies Here! Join my exclusive HPN PRIVATE Facebook community to help clinicians build their career! Check out @highperformancenursing on Instagram Have a sneak peak on my Website Send me an email @[email protected] Stay Curious! Liam :) Book your tickets for the “Beating Stress & Burnout - Unleash Your Happy Nurse!” online seminar here.
November 29, 2021

Nursing Career Insights From a Leading Healthcare Recruiter with Kay Reynoldson

In this week’s episode of High Performance Nursing. I have a lovely chat with Kay Reynoldson, founder and full-time director of SustainHealth Recruitment. Kay may not be a nurse, but a nurse’s blood runs within her, she comes from a family of nurses and carers. She has seen firsthand how hard the nursing profession can become and what kind of vocation it truly is. In this episode, Kay shares her nursing career insights as a leading healthcare recruiter. Kay makes sure that she knows the story behind every resume that lands on her desk. Doing so ensures that she partners every carer with the best clients. She believes that recruitment should always be done “with a heart” so values can be established early on.  Also, this helps her recognize the area of nursing the candidate is suited for. If you are a nurse wanting to explore other career avenues in nursing or healthcare, you’ll know how top recruiters like Kay executes the process. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Kay's relocation journey to Australia (03:45) Landscape changes in the nursing workforce (09:38) Kay's process of analyzing the story behind every resume (18:58) How can nurses tell their unique stories? (22:35) What is the ideal nursing candidate? (31:20) Ways to develop a strong team culture (37:33) Exploring potential career avenues for nurses (45:00) The growth areas of SustainHealth (47:00) What does Kay need to keep re-learning as a recruiter? (49:57) QUOTES: “There's so much you can tell and sell about  yourself just from the things you do day to day.” -Kay Reynoldson (23:53) “We don't want to hear ten cliché interviews in a row, we want somebody to stand out. And you stand out by being authentically yourself.” -Liam Caswell (34:53) “The great thing is I'm not scared of making a mistake because we're in it together, the principles and the values bring us all back to the same page.” -Kay Reynoldson (41:45) RESOURCES: Sustain Health CONNECT WITH KAY REYNOLDSON Connect with Kay on LinkedIn There are a few ways you can connect with me to start taking those steps to build your healthcare career: Download my application freebies Download Freebies Here! Join my exclusive HPN PRIVATE Facebook community to help clinicians build their career!  Check out @highperformancenursing on Instagram  Have a sneak peak on my Website  Send me an email @[email protected] Stay Curious! Liam :)
November 22, 2021

Beating Stress and Burnout – with Elaina Mullery and Lauren Bell

In this unique episode of High Performance Nursing, I have a fabulous conversation with Elaina Mullery and Lauren Bell. Elaina is the founder of The Happy Nurse. When Elaina noticed that there was a rise in fatigue, stress, and burnout in healthcare workers, it prompted her to launch her advocacy. For her, self-care is an important factor in making sure that nurses offer the best version of themselves to patients, themselves, and their families. While Lauren is a Wealth and Wellness Coach committed to helping professionals gain meaning, understand their purpose, and know their value. She helps clients acknowledge the barriers holding them back from well-being including financial wellbeing. Lauren directs her clients to the path that allows them to realize their true potential and embrace goals and dreams. In this episode, we’ll give a sneak peek of what’s going to happen on the Beating Stress & Burnout - Unleash Your Happy Nurse Online Seminar set on November 25th. It’s so easy to experience stress and burnout especially for people working in healthcare industries. We are here to help you recognize and go through this phase, so you can continue giving outstanding service not only to patients but also in your personal life. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: Elaina's advocacy through The Happy Nurse (02:45) Evaluating the burnout journey (03:35) Lauren’s career story (04:09) The creation of  Beating Stress & Burnout - Unleash Your Happy Nurse webinar (05:05) What can people expect from the webinar (06:28) The pandemic's effects on the nurses' burnout (10:37) The Burnout Cycle (11:25) Reasons why the webinar is beneficial  (13:17) The outcomes that people can walk away with after the workshop (19:15) Final remarks from Lauren, Elaina, and Liam (24:35) QUOTES: “If you can't lead yourself, how the hell are you going to lead somebody else.” - Liam Caswell (08:48) Resources: Beating Stress & Burnout - Unleash Your Happy Nurse! Online Seminar CONNECT WITH ELAINA MULLERY Listen to Elaina’s “The Happy Nurse Podcast” here. CONNECT WITH LAUREN BELL Connect with Lauren on Facebook There are a few ways you can connect with me to start taking those steps to build your healthcare career: Download my application freebies Download Freebies Here! Join my exclusive HPN PRIVATE Facebook community to help clinicians build their career! Check out @highperformancenursing on Instagram Have a sneak peak on my Website Send me an email @[email protected] Stay Curious! Liam :) Book your tickets for the “Beating Stress & Burnout - Unleash Your Happy Nurse!” online seminar here.
November 17, 2021

Healing and Empowering Carers With Nurse Jacqui O’Connor

In this week’s episode of High-Performance Nursing, I speak with Nurse Jacqui O’ Connor of Heart Place New Zealand. Jacqui is an advocate of healing and empowering carers. Her unique life experiences, deep spiritual connection, and practitioner tools are an indicator that she is not your average, traditional coach. It is Jacqui’s mission to offer the kind of care that has long been missing. Through this, caring professionals feel supported and develop their self-confidence and self-worth. In this episode, Jacqui shares her lifelong belief that in order for carers to become and offer the best version of themselves, they have to heal from within. When carers become advocates for themselves, they continue doing what they love. For caring professionals experiencing compassionate fatigue or burnout, this episode is definitely for you. What you'll discover in this episode: Lockdown and vaccination status in Auckland (02:20) Jacqui's coaching career (03:50) Heart Place with Nurse Jacqui (05:03) Feeling empowered after the burnout (06:15) Healing and mindset modalities (07:23) Empowered period workshop (09:07) The healing process for carers (12:45) The butterfly language (14:25) Quotes: “Wellness needs to be accessible.” - Jacqui O'Connor (10:20) “We need to fly our freak flag, we need to stand there and be true and authentic to who we are.” - Liam Caswell (13:25) “As much as I practice compassion for myself, I practice compassion for others.” - Jacqui O'Connor (16:52) Resources: Heart Place with Nurse Jacqui Bio Nurse Jacqui began her career in nursing wanting to care for the world, just as she had been cared for. She left her career in nursing wanting to care for the carers, just as she hadn’t been cared for. Nurse Jacqui’s role is to provide the kind of care that can keep carers in their roles rather than tapping out. She advocates healing and empowering carers to become the best version of themselves. There are a few ways you can connect with me to start taking those steps to build your healthcare career: Download my application freebies Download Freebies Here! Join my exclusive HPN PRIVATE Facebook community to help clinicians build their career! Check out @highperformancenursing on Instagram Have a sneak peak on my Website Send me an email @[email protected] Stay Curious! Liam :)
November 12, 2021

Developing A Resilient Mindset With Hannah Sawyer

This week on the High Performance Nursing Podcast, I catch up with the remarkable Hannah Sawyer. Hannah is a registered nurse for 7 years, a timeline therapist, a master NLP practitioner, and a dog mom to a mastiff. Hannah is the founder of The Breakthrough Nurse, and she is on a mission to empower nurses. By helping nurses heal from their past traumas, acknowledge limiting beliefs and hindrances they become the best version of themselves. In this episode, Hannah shares the importance of doing the inner work and developing a resilient mindset to continue thriving in any healthcare practice. When nurses feel empowered, they offer the best kind of service to others and to themselves. This casual conversation I had with Hannah is something that you will gain so much knowledge from. WHAT YOU’LL DISCOVER IN THIS EPISODE: What's keeping Hannah and Liam busy these days (02:15) The importance of having a mindset in career-driven people (04:20) Why leaders need to be in touch with who they are (06:07) Q&A With Liam and Hannah (16:00) How to identify limiting beliefs (16:05) The Ego voice (21:00) Ways to know your worth (26:55) Shifting to intensive care (31:12) Toxic bullying nurses (34:18) How to deal with burnout and not getting support from managers (42:42) QUOTES: “There's so much more to nursing than just being a good clinician.” -Liam Caswell “The inner work is more important than professional development.” - Hannah Sawyer “If you want to be an exceptional leader, you have to take that inside-out approach alongside knowing your clinical knowledge.”  - Hannah Sawyer "If you're waiting to be ready to apply for that job, you're never going to be ready, just do it." -Liam Caswell Resources: The Breakthrough Nurse The Untamed Program BIO Hannah specialises in working with nurses because she’s been where they are. Her huge journey all throughout her career made her realize that there isn’t enough help for nurses. She is an advocate of helping nurses become the queen of their minds, so they can show up as their most authentic, confident, and grounded selves. CONNECT WITH HANNAH SAWYER Connect with Hannah on Facebook There are a few ways you can connect with me to start taking those steps to build your healthcare career: Download my application freebies Download Freebies Here! Join my exclusive HPN PRIVATE Facebook community to help clinicians build their career! Check out @highperformancenursing on Instagram Have a sneak peak on my Website Send me an email @[email protected] Stay Curious! Liam :)
November 3, 2021

Saving Humans from Bad Leaders with Tim Ferris (Private Strategic Advisor to CEOs & Leadership Expert)

In what I think is the most exciting episode yet, I chat with Tim Ferris, a private strategic advisor to CEO's and CEO of Leadership genius.  Tim is one of Australia’s leading strategic advisors to CEOs having had particular success in leading, coaching, and developing CEOs who are new to their role to unlock their leadership genius. He has served as a business advisor for the past 15 years, along with leading companies and large mission-based not-for-profits. Tim specialises in saving humans from bad leaders and in this episode we talk about all things leadership, culture mindset and how they apply to healthcare.  There are so many amazing insights from Tim in this episode that if you allow them, will change your idea and perspective about leadership! Be ready to have your mind blown! Please share, screenshot and review this podcast to let us know your thoughts!!  FREE BOOKS and Professional development: Tim is kindly offering all HPN listeners access to order not one, but two free books to help you learn more about leadership, culture and your development as a leader in healthcare (Exclusive only to HPN listeners!) You can sign up for the FREE books below:  CLICK HERE TO GET A COPY OF TIM'S BOOKS Connect with Tim here: Care Industry Leadership and Culture Tools: There are a few ways you can connect with me to start taking those steps to build your healthcare career:  Download my application freebies Download Freebies Here! Join my exclusive HPN PRIVATE Facebook community to help clinicians build their career! Check out @highperformancenursing on Instagram Have a sneak peak on my Website Send me an email @[email protected] Stay Curious! Liam :) 
October 20, 2021

Wealth and Mindset Mentoring for Heart-Centred Professionals with Lauren Bell (RN & Author)

In this episode of HPN, I interview the amazing Lauren Bell, Wealth Mindset Mentor who helps heart centred professionals make a difference in the world by overcoming burnout and helping professionals understand what they are truly worth. Lauren has over 30 years of clinical experience and throughout this time has amassed exceptional coaching, counseling and mentoring skills to assist and support professionals in the move from surviving to thriving within their careers. In this episode, we talk about common mindset challenges faced by clinicians, the victim blame/shame cycle, money mindset and amassing more wealth as a clinician and so much more! Join Lauren and I, as we unpack how we can optimise our potential as clinicians and build a thriving mindset and amass more wealth. Make sure you tag us on social media when you listen! Find out more about Lauren here Download Laurens book chapter here: There are a few ways you can connect with me to start taking those steps to build your healthcare career: Download my application freebies Download Freebies Here! Join my exclusive HPN PRIVATE Facebook community to help clinicians build their career! Check out @highperformancenursing on Instagram Have a sneak peak on my Website Send me an email @[email protected] Stay Curious! Liam :)
October 3, 2021

Nursing Careers, Education and Nursepreneurship with Cynarra (Health Insight HQ)

This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Cynarra from Health Insight HQ. A nurse mentor/coach who helps nurses thrive in their career search, applying for roles and managing their university workload!  Cynarra shares her career insights from working in the private system in Gynae, Anaesthetics, Recovery, Tertiary education and how that led to setting up her business Health Insight HQ.  In this episode, we have a good laugh and bust some common myths that come up when we coach nurses throughout their career lifespan.  Furthermore, we tackle the challenges faced by nurses when setting up their own business and how they can navigate such challenges! You are not alone!  Make sure you stick around to the end, where we unpack how to position yourself for success in the current job market!  I trust that you will love this episode and learn heaps from Cynarra.  Follow/ Work with Cynarra Here:  Health Insight Hq  @healthinsighthq on insta/FB. There are a few ways you can connect with me to start taking those steps to build your healthcare career: Download my application freebies Download Freebies Here! Join my exclusive HPN PRIVATE Facebook community to help clinicians build their career! Check out @highperformancenursing on Instagram Have a sneak peak on my Website Send me an email @[email protected] Stay Curious! Liam :)
September 22, 2021

“Your mess is your message” with The Breakthrough Nurse Hannah Sawyer

On this episode of High Performance Nursing, I had the privilege of interviewing the founder of The Breakthrough Nurse, Hannah Sawyer.  Hannah Sawyer is a Registered Nurse of 7 years, a dog mum and Master NLP practitioner and Timeline Therapist. She is the founder of The Breakthrough Nurse. A brand on a mission of empowering nurses to heal from their past trauma, limiting beliefs and everything holding them back so that they can be the most empowered, confident, authentic version of themselves at work and in their life. In this episode, we talk about all things self care, self-limiting beliefs, how to manage your thoughts, how your subconscious is where the gold lies and how to live your best life as a self aware and conscious nurse.  We talk about how any nurse can step into nurseprenuership and create their own wealth and shape their own career trajectory.  This is a fabulous episode, with the amazing Hannah, I am sure you will gain so much from this conversation! Please note we had some audio issues throughout, apologies, the content is still friggin awesome so I couldn't not put it out into the world! You can learn more about The Breakthrough Nurse here: Keep in touch with Liam here: Instagram Facebook Website
September 9, 2021

What does the future of nursing look like post pandemic? (Solo episode)

On this episode of High Performance Nursing, I share my thoughts, concerns and genuine worries for the future of the nursing workforce.  Over the last 2 years we have as a profession faced some unprecedented challenges not seen for over 100 years.  I unpack some of the challenges we face in our day-to-day work, our career sustainability, our progression as nurses among many other key challenges.  This episode is heavily influenced by my thoughts and opinions and does not reflect my employers.  I would love to hear your thoughts on my channels below - we are in this together!  You can follow/work with Liam here: Instagram Facebook Website
September 1, 2021

From the bedside to the Boardroom, how uPaged founder Zara Lord is modernising on demand work in Australia!

On this episode of High Performance Nursing, I catch up with Zara Lord (RN), the founder of uPaged an on-demand healthcare marketplace solution to connect healthcare facilities, nursing agencies & compliant clinicians in a single, fully integrated ecosystem. Zara was first and foremost a proud ICU and shares her career experiences whilst working in a busy tertiary hospital ICU. Zara's discusses how by stepping back and getting innovative within her spare time, she was able to identify a significant gap in the market for on-demand work to be streamlined, cost less for the hospital whilst improving the nurse's experience! Genius! We talk about the future of on-demand work utilizing the uPaged system and how nurses with fabulous ideas can harness their full potential and solve frustrating clinical programs often created by non-clinicians! Finally, we discuss how you can join uPaged, whether you are a workplace or a clinician, you can get in touch with Zara and her team to discuss further (for free)! You can learn more about uPaged here: You can follow/work with Liam here:  Instagram Facebook Website Upto 1000+ scholarships are open to all nurses across the globe!  You can access more information and links to apply for the Dignity Health Global Health Education scholarships below: I know it's too good to be true - but it is true! Sign up! What do you have to lose?
August 12, 2021

I Quit! Why I left my >160K per year nursing job & what I learnt in the process!

In this week's episode of HIgh-Performance, Nursing Liam gets deep as he talks about quitting a very high-paying dream job( >160K per year) after being in the role for 4 weeks! Liam talks about the challenges of finding a role that is in alignment with your personal values and professional career goals. Chasing your dreams doesn't always result in happiness, especially if you are chasing the wrong thing! This has been ongoing learning that Liam wants to share within the High-Performance Nursing Community.  As high performers, we push, we win, we thrive and we grow but sometimes it's at the cost of being true to ourselves. Listen as Liam unpacks the key learnings from being misaligned in a job and how you can take steps within your role to recentre, focus and follow your true bliss.  Warning, this episode may encourage you to take career action & start doing the inner work! You're Welcome!  Work with & follow Liam here:
August 4, 2021

High Performance Nursing Mindsets – Fixed vs Growth

In this episode of High-performance Nursing, Liam unpacks the two common types of mindsets that exist and how we can navigate them within a clinical nursing context. Drawing upon his personal learnings, studies, and experiences Liam dives into what affixed mindset is, how it may present, and how to spot it on your peers and self. Liam explores how you can coach someone with a fixed mindset to move on the mindset continuum towards growth. Furthermore, Liam unpacks what it means to adopt a growth mindset and how this will propel your personal and professional development forward in your home and work lives. 10 minutes of jam-packed goodness, to help you thrive within your nursing career – no matter what stage you are at! Follow & inquire about working with Liam here:
July 29, 2021

Caring for the Carer, with Nurse Jacqui O' Connor (HeartPlace NZ)

This week on the High Performance Nursing Podcast, I was lucky enough to interview the amazing Nurse Jacqui O' Connor from Heart Place New Zealand. Jacqui is a champion of carers, noting the importance of carers (nurse, AIN's, students, PSA's, NDIS carers, OT's, Physios etc) filling their cup first allowing them to give more to the vulnerable they care for holistically via natural osmosis. Jacqui dives into her backstory, where she courageously shares her episode of burnout and her "aha moment" of realizing she was "Unhealed" prior to joining the nursing workforce and how that need for healing became a central component of her self discovery journey and in founding Heart Place. If you are a carer who feels out of alignment, has lost their passion for their career, and/or is beginning their own self-discovery journey, this episode is not to be missed! We cover the importance of values, boundaries, self-discovery, self-worth, mindset, reframing, meditation and so much more! You can follow Jacqui here and learn more about what she has to offer (which is lots!): Make sure you check out Liam here:
July 13, 2021

How to save time and prepare your job application – do your research!

In this episode of High Performance Nursing, I share with you the top tips that I have tried and tested to ensure that you have all the information and more required, prior to putting pen to paper and applying for the role!  In this episode, I talk about how doing your research about the role you are interested in (yes even if you are a graduate nurse) can make a huge difference and potentially save you from the dreaded toxic healthcare workplace. I also share some insights from the recruiters perspective to help you understand fully what it is that nurse managers are looking for when you submit that application package!  Stay curious & enjoy!  Please rate, review, share and subscribe! Lets elevate nursing! Join Liam on the HPN journey! Follow me on insta @highperformancenursing  Follow me on facebook @nurseliam  If you would like to land your next nursing role you can chat to me about working together BOOK HERE or email me [email protected] WANT SOME FREEBIES - Check out this link and download to help you on your journey! 
July 8, 2021

Using STAR to write Selection Criteria

In this episode of High Performance Nursing, Liam gives us insight into the tips, tricks and tools he shares with his nurses to tackle the dreaded selection criteria and cover letter.  Liam dives into how to utilise the STAR approach to tackling complex Selection Criteria questions to ensure you brand yourself optimally, to increase your chances of securing a nursing interview!  This episode is an excellent FREE resource for grads, established nurses and nurses seeking a promotion to help them put their best application forward.  If you enjoy the episode, please rate, review and subscribe! Oh don't forget to share too! If you would like to work with Liam to help you hone your resume writing skills you can check him out here: Join his Facebook: Insta: Tiktok:
June 29, 2021

Resus your CV with Liam Caswell

In this week's episode of HPN Liam takes you through the simple, practical steps to make your CV a stand out at your next job application, he shares his views on your CV being your entry way into a new role + just how critical it is as part of the application.  Although it may sound boring, thoroughly evaluating the format, layout, font and length of your CV is paramount when aligning yourself with the right role for you.  He also chats about the preparation you can do to make sure the job role you are applying for is not a mismatch therefore preventing time wasting on a workplace that doesn't tick all your boxes in terms of culture, values and vision. Reach out to seek CV writing/coaching support with Liam here: Join the HPN community here:
June 24, 2021

Person centred care and learnings from Social Work with Dunja Radosavljevic

In this episode of HPN Liam chats with Dunja, social worker and case manager about her accidental journey into working with her heart in social work. Together they unpack what it means to listen to the inner voice and passion of yourself and how doing good in an area that does good for your heart also, is rewarding on so many levels.  As a nurse health care professional, both Liam and Dunja dissect the cost of doing the job of caring and talk about how to confidently and politely call out bad behaviours in the workplace so it can be a safe and feel good working environment for everyone. Dunja gifts us with two tools that social workers have, to benefit your relationship with yourself and your patients showing us that invaluable insight identifying your values can be have in the job and that using it as a guiding light when you are tired or close to burnout can be incredibly beneficial.  Lastly, Liam and Dunja dispel the myth of hierarchy and that people in senior roles, or who have worked for longer or are older than you, know better... a lesson both health professionals have learnt on the job. Work with Liam here:
June 17, 2021

Self compassion with The Happy Nurse

This week on HPN Liam chats with The Happy Nurse Elaina Mullery, listen as they both share their personal experiences with stress and burnout having both experienced it twice in their careers. Elaina explains how getting external help from a therapist who helped her understand Cognitive Behavioural Therapy ignited a passion in her for personal development that ultimately led to the birth of The Happy Nurse.  We hear about the power of self awareness and self reflection, and how really it comes down to the compassion element we have for ourselves, the ability to be our own best friend versus listening to the inner critic that makes all the difference.  Elaina also tells us about an amazing coaching tool that is so quick and easy to implement into our life when the inner critic starts to really ramp up and that they key to recognising overwhelm stage can actually help you avoid burnout.   For any nurse who has teetered on the edge of stress, overwhelm, fatigue and exhaustion this one is for you!  Follow Liam here; Work with Liam here; The Happy Nurse; The Happy Nurse Podcast
June 10, 2021

Insights from completing Brené Brown's Dare To Lead Workshop

Liam shares with us his learnings after attending a Brené Brown workshop on leadership. He shares his personal insights around adapting the takeaways to the healthcare industry and highlights the need for more vulnerability and courageous leadership. Pointing out that work cultures that don't shame or blame are often more inclusive, effective and have better outcomes.  Liam shares that the definition of vulnerability focuses on 3 key components; risk, uncertainty and emotional exposure and that embracing the suck actually makes for a more flexible and authentic leader. He explores that part of being a great leader is the ability to have the hard conversations in real time and that embracing failure in all it's forms is actually a healthy path of progress and change in the workplace.  He also poses two great questions for you to ponder... How authentic are you in leadership?  How sustainable is it? If you have ever wanted to work on your leadership skills this is the episode for you! Find Liam here;
June 3, 2021

International Public Health (Fiji) with Darisha Datt (Fiji Cancer Society)

Crossing international waters we chat with Darisha Datt, Program Manager at the Fiji Cancer Society in this episode of HPN to highlight the underpinning public health has on the work nurses do and of course the different paths you can take with your nursing career. With 12 years experience in the Public Health sector as Program Manager Darisha's core focuses are on cancer prevention and cancer care support. Liam's internship at Medical Services Pacific in Fiji where he met Darisha opened his eyes to the astounding difference between first and third world Public Health systems.... not only are they shatteringly under resourced but the impact that not being able to care properly for patients has on the medical professionals working on the frontline demonstrates just how much we take for granted in a well funded health system. Darisha shares with us the challenge of trying to provide healthcare without things as simple as adult incontinence pads, stoma bags or even access to enough medication such as panadol,, highlighting the fundamental things that should be supplied by the ministry but just aren't. An eye opening chat you don't want to miss! If you wish to help & donate to the Fiji Cancer Society efforts to help oncology patients, please donate any amount you can here; Fiji Cancer Society BSB 039001 Acc 1271099900 You can follow, like and share Darisha and the Fiji Cancer Societies efforts here: Connect with Liam;
May 26, 2021

Emergency Medicine and using NLP in clinical practice

In this episode of the HPN podcast Liam chats with Dr Bhushan Joshi, not only one of the most senior doctors in a busy Sydney ED department but also Founder of the Australian Association for LBGTQI Doctors + Dentists. This fascinating chat illuminates the way Dr Bhushan intertwines his knowledge of NLP to improve not only his patient outcomes but also his interpersonal relationships + depth of life outside of medicine. He attributes his life outside of work as the grounding to excel in his high intensity career + shares with us what being vulnerable as a senior clinician can accomplish within the work place. Dr Bhushan drops multiple pearls of wisdom for effective, authentic + holistic leadership whilst pointing out a massive reframe for those big, tricky emergencies that plague the ED. He shows us what moving through the conscious/unconscious cycle to mastery can look + feel like for ultimate mastery plus gives us the things he is doing to uplift workplace culture + improve staff wellbeing. You don't want to miss this one! Follow GLADD Here: Find out more about NLP Worldwide:
May 20, 2021

Solo episode: Navigating your nursing job search

Listen to the most powerful episode of HPN yet as Liam shares his real time experience searching for a new nursing job after moving interstate. He talks to the pressure felt as he embarks on this process + how identifying what he wants from a new job role really helps him stay focused. He shares with us how he busts through his limiting beliefs as they play havoc on his psyche, really unpacking Imposter Syndrome + describing his process for moving through this so that he can get comfortable being uncomfortable. Liam breaks down his real life experience for us about how to translate clinical experience into a non clinical role or vice versa, giving you the questions you really need to ask yourself when writing your CV + cover letter. Liam shines a light on the role ego plays when navigating your nursing job search, asking you to reflect on making meaning out of things + explains the difference between seeking unhealthy validation + healthy co-regulation. This really is an episode full of golden nuggets for those looking for new roles, starting out in their career or looking to move sectors, with value delivered sentence after sentence this episode feels like a 1:1 coaching session with Liam! Keen to engage Liam in coaching - find him here:
May 12, 2021

The bullying and harrassment nursing pandemic with Tammy Copley

This is perhaps one of the most important episodes for HPN to date... Liam chats with Tammy Copley an extraordinary skilful leader with a heart as big as her selfless vision. Listen as we dive deep into the bullying culture alarmingly common in the nursing and midwifery culture, as Tammy starts off by giving us the context of her vast and esteemed career.  Tammy tells us how the Nurses and Midwives against bullying Facebook page was born and her thoughts on why bullying has become so commonplace, sharing a frightening statistic that says nurses and midwives are four times more likely than the general population to die by suicide. She dissects with Liam how bullying has become so rife and what to do if you're feeling like you are potentially being bullied at work, giving practical tips and advice on how to identify it by explaining the difference ways bullying can occur. An episode not to be missed! Nurses and Midwives against bullying Facebook page Vote for Tammy Copley here Follow Liam here: Facebook Website LinkedIn
March 29, 2021

Nursing through a unique lens, utilising nursing and lived experience to positively enhance patient outcomes with RN Nichola Browning

Liam chats with Nichola Browning who has an impressive & extensive nursing career spanning many specialities & disciplines, we hear her baptism of fire in the UK as Nichola speaks to the impact the mentorship of key senior nurses had on her burgeoning career to progress, grow & lead. We also hear her unpack the vitally important part debriefing & reflection have on processing emotionally challenging times to avoid burnout as Liam asks Nichola about her time in MDT practice within an ICU. Nichola shares a personal story of her time as a project manager in organ transplant that perfectly demonstrates the fact that, as nurses, when we are not at the bedside we often don't feel like we have the skills to offer new roles, however transferable skills really are evident when you look. This episode also tackles Imposter Syndrome, transition shock & psychological safety among peers and leadership within units, cultivating the qualities of being curious to grow.  Lastly Nicola tells us her lived experience on the other-side of the healthcare system when she recounts the moments her daughter suffered a stoke and how moving through that time has opened up opportunities to be a voice of change for young people in the same position. Learnt more about the Stroke Foundation here: Connect with Nichola here: Follow Liam here: Facebook LinkedIn Website
March 22, 2021

Crossing continents & cultivating nursing careers with guest Dan Mabon

In this episode of HPN Liam chats with Dan Mabon about the differences between the Australian + British health care systems + just how lucky Australia is in the face of a global pandemic. We hear about our nursing colleagues in the UK on the frontline who are not only extremely underpaid but undervalued in the world's most trusted profession of nursing + as a result, both men chat about their contribution to alleviate the pressure Covid has brought to our shores. We also about the moment every nurse has... of sitting with someone as they pass away + how that has shaped nurses to being extremely empathetic even after the patient has passed. They both dig into the unique quality nursing brings to life, the ability to reflect not just on the job but in all areas, using the data from that reflection as fuel to move forward. Dan also reveals the work involved in setting up a HDU + how that has strengthened his management style, defining what makes a good leader by giving his key tips + tricks for creating a great, cohesive environment that more reflects a family than a workplace. Follow Liam here: Facebook Instagram Website
March 8, 2021

Career planning for a nursing promotion…

In this episode of HPN Liam shares with us the essential planning + strategy that experienced nurses need when thinking it's time to step up + take that exciting next step in their career. He delivers the key focus areas you may need to grow in to make your next nursing promotion a reality, speaking to the criteria management look for in candidates. Liam also points out that often it's the nurses feeling they deserve the promotion or 'have it in the bag' that are left reeling... with demonstrated leadership abilities featuring as a strong reflector on your application. Using his brilliant sense of humour + uncanny ability to cut to the chase, Liam unpacks the limiting beliefs that may be holding you back + how to begin overcoming them plus dives into the importance of self-awareness when it comes to applying for promotions + planning out your career trajectory. Find out more from Liam here: Website Facebook Instagram
February 23, 2021

Nursing & navigating career change with Christine Pfeiffer

In this episode of HPN Liam chats with Christine Pfeiffer about her leap of faith moment which saw her change career. The two start off by dissecting the jump between studying nursing & beginning your nursing career, speaking to the gaps currently present in the university system & how best you may be able to prepare for the emotional component or 'soft skills' of nursing. They then dive into the real importance of checking in with yourself, your nervous system & understanding you can evolve as a nurse... swap roles, change units & navigate different pathways so that you're growing in a way that feels both healthy & rewarding in your career. This is truly a valuable episode that unpacks the good, the bad & the ugly of nursing told from lived & loved experience! Follow Liam here: Facebook Instagram Website Find Christine here: Website
February 8, 2021

Graduate Nursing: Securing a role & not securing a role

In this episode I speak specifically to new graduates, giving out valuable advice for those who have just landed their roles + those that are yet to secure a position! This is everything I wish I had known my first year - from how to consolidate skills + knowledge, to offering you a very practical step that will help alleviate any anxiety you may be feeling before starting. I cover off the questions you should be asking yourself + your manager as you start your first role, plus I also unpack the SWOT model + how it is an essential resource as an emerging + developing nurse. I speak to the ways you can improve your chances of landing new roles + how to identify what came between you + your successful role. I give CV advice + some great pointers of what social media to use to broaden your nursing horizons, highlighting the advantages that can come from working in a casual capacity leading you to clearly identify where your natural skills + curiosity can serve you the most. A jam packed episode with all the secret sauce to becoming a high performance nurse - enjoy! Find the SWOT template here: For more amazing resources + advice follow me on; Facebook Instagram Website
February 1, 2021

Critical Care Nursing (ICU/CCU) with Nurse Educator Rachel Longhurst

In this episode of HPN Liam chats to clinical nurse educator for Intensive + Coronary units at Calvary public hospital in Canberra, Rachel Longhurst. We hear how Rachel became a clinical nurse educator, as she walks us through her career trajectory that was shaped early on by positive experiences + skills investment from an important mentor. She unpacks for us the strategy used for going from L1 RN to L3 + the unlikely side effects that come from studying + gaining extra qualifications that reaped huge benefits in her performance as a clinician. We hear what Rachel's inspiration is that keeps her striving for more + uncover the depth of an ICU educator role, sighting the most under utilised skill that contributes to being a great leader + educator in nursing. Lastly listen to Rachel's detailed description of the attributes most important in an ICU nurse + we debunk common myths related to the ICU department. Link to ACCCN 2021 Conference as mentioned by Rachel: Contact Liam for mentoring or further education here: Facebook Instagram Website
January 25, 2021

Welcome to High Performance Nursing with Liam Caswell

In this inaugural episode of the high performance nursing podcast I take you through the baptism of fire that began my nursing career + why creating a platform for nurses to share their stories is so very important to me. I speak to my experience of nurse burnout + how that implanted a passion in me that led to becoming a nurse career coach, mentor + trainer. I delve into how coming from a familial line of clinicians has shaped my nursing career + my belief in gaining experience in a vast array of specialities internationally has made me a high performance nurse now, leaving you with some very practical tips for those wanting to take the next steps in their nursing career. Welcome to the best platform to equip you with skills, knowledge, insight + learnings as a health professional! Follow Liam here: Facebook Instagram Website
January 17, 2021

About High Performance Nursing

High Performance Nursing with Liam Caswell is a podcast that will help you thrive in navigating all aspects of your personal and professional development as a nurse and health professional.

Join Liam and the community of high performance nurses in our mission to create a psychologically safe working environment for nurses to thrive within their careers!

If you are a AIN, Student Nurse, New Graduate or a seasoned nurse, High Performance nursing will meet all your nursing development needs with a big dose of the giggles along the way - welcome!


Liam Caswell, Nurse Coach and Founder

Liam Caswell, Nurse Coach and Founder

Liam Caswell (RN, MHM, MIPH, CERT IV TAE, NLP Practitioner) is a registered nurse with over 10 years international nursing experience, gained across the UK, Australia and Fiji. Liam's career has allowed him to work from a hospital career to a Nurse Unit Manager, where he has gained unique insights into the challenging world of healthcare and nursing.
Since 2020 Liam has been dedicated to sharing his skills and knowledge with the global nursing workforce, empowering them to take control of their nursing careers, their mindset and the personal and professional development, on the journey to becoming the highest version of themselves. Liam has helped transform hundreds of nurses lives, helping them achieve their wildest dreams via his coaching programs.
In 2021, Liam launched the High Performance Nursing Podcast to provide a platform for clinicians to challenge their beliefs about traditional nursing careers and empower them to create their own unique career and life path.

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