The Impacts Of Bullying Within The Healthcare Profession With Tammy Copley

Archive-High Performance Nursing

The Impacts Of Bullying Within The Healthcare Profession With Tammy Copley

May 18, 2022

The Impacts Of Bullying Within The Healthcare Profession With Tammy Copley

We see bullying in various forms and in different parts of our society. We may think that bullying can only be seen in schools, but it’s rampant even in workplaces. Today, we’ll be speaking about the impacts of bullying within the healthcare profession with Tammy Copley.

She’s been a long-time advocate of stopping bullying in the health industry hence the creation of  Nurses and Midwives Against Bullying Australia

In this week’s episode of the High Performance Nursing, I welcome back the amazing Tammy Copley. The last time we had her on the show, Tammy explained the bullying and harassment nursing pandemic. 

Now, she gives an in-depth discussion of what bullying is all about, it’s impacts, how is it reinforced and how can nurses get out of it. 

Although bullying can be deeply embedded in one’s work culture, it’s still possible to eradicate it. Tammy leads this possibility by showcasing her own bullying experience and what she did to put an end to it. 


  • The similarities between Domestic Violence, Bullying and Coercive Control (02:45)
  • How can nurses get out of the bullying? (11:17)
  • Why bullying is all about projection (19:10)
  • How does competition reinforce bullying (22:20)
  • The value of being open to self-coaching and self-leadership (27:25)
  • Why it’s important to learn the Code of Conduct (29:30)
  • Tammy’s experience of being bullied as a manager (32:27)
  • Liam’s bullying experience in his career (35:49)
  • Self-care and self-compassion (38:12)
  • What are you running that no longer serves you? (39:42)
  • Tammy’s tips for nurses experiencing domestic violence or bullying (43:35)



Connect with Tammy on LinkedIn

Learn more about Nurses and Midwives Against Bullying Australia here and Nursing and Midwifery Advocacy Solutions here.

Check out the YouTube Channel of Nurses and Midwives Against Bullying Australia here.


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