How To Get Shit Done?

Archive-High Performance Nursing

How To Get Shit Done?

January 23, 2023

How To Get Shit Done?

How’s your planning with that impossible goal that we discussed last week? Have you laid it all out, all the things that you’re going to do to achieve that impossible goal?

In this episode, I discussed 3 essential keys to achieve your goals. First, is intentional thinking. Prep ourselves to be that person that you want to be. Fake it to make it, right? Second, I will share with you how to plan it out. From macro to microsteps or reverse and have the calendar as your best friend. And lastly, feelings. Yes, feelings. Learn that feelings are normal and you need to feel it, respect it, and lean with it because you are human. 

To sum it up, doing these 3, and respecting these will help you achieve emotional flexibility which is one concept that will help you with that impossible goal. 

Let’s discuss further in the episode. Hear it out. Let me know your thoughts. 

Key takeaways:

1:39 How to get shit done?

3:17 Intentional Thinking

8:47 Break it down

11:08 Why your brain hates planning

15:37 Obey the Calendar

18:01 Emotions and goals

22:57 Fight the resistance


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