A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

The Innovation Engine at Atrium Health

All Episodes

E114: Bob Moesta – Learning to Build Through 847 Notebooks

Ben and Jay welcome back the one and only Bob Moesta for a record 4th episode.  Bob is a founding father of Jobs to Be Done theory, CEO of The ReWired Group (which has a great new website) and author of the recently published Learning to Build: 5 Bedrock Skills of Innovators and Entrepreneurs.  Hear Bob talk about why he wrote the book, a couple of non-JTBD topics from the book, and what he's focusing on in his remaining 1,890 days.  Yes, it's morbid, but it will be explained.  And hopefully it's much longer than that.Learn about another of Bob's mentor's, David T. Lord here, and his book The Visual System of Work here.All Things Twitter, while it lasts:Bob MoestaA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show
November 23, 2022

E113: Perry Klebahn – The Practice of Ideaflow

For our penultimate episode of 2022, we interview Perry Klebahn about his soon-to-be-published book Ideaflow: The Only Business Metric that Matters, co-authored with Jeremy Utley. Perry is an Adjunct Professor and Director of Executive Education at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design--the Stanford University. Prior to his role at the, Perry was CEO of Timbuk2 and COO of Patagonia. He's also an avid surfer. Perry posits that innovation is not an event, a workshop, a sprint, or a hackathon, but rather the result of mastering ideaflow. Put simply, ideas / time = ideaflow. When applied, ideaflow is an effective approach to problem-solving that reduces effort, minimizes risk, and magnifies results. To illustrate this concept, Perry shares personal stories of when he has (and hasn't) applied ideaflow to gnarly business problems, and how he, Jeremy, and the team promulgate this approach to their students, startups, and large corporations.  "Once you fully understand what ideas are, where they come from, and how to separate the winners from the losers, you can finally put that lightning rod down and start making lightning." Pre-order Ideaflow today and learn more by visiting Twitter:@SherpaPod@JayGerhart@TheBenReport@jeremyutleySupport the show
October 19, 2022

E112: Mona Baset – Translating Marketing, Technology, and Innovation

Ben & Jay reconnect with a former colleague and friend of innovation, Mona Baset, Vice President, Digital Services at Intermountain Healthcare.   During her career prior to Intermountain, Mona has held a variety of leadership positions in marketing and technology at Atrium Health and Bank of America.  While at Atrium Health, she participated in the very first cohort of the Innovation Engine's Catalyst Program, a hands-on design thinking course featured in Episode 35: Catalyzing an Environment of Innovation.  Today, Mona leads digital engagement strategy and transformation, including the development and implementation of the digital technology road map at one of the country's leading and most respected health care systems.  Hear Mona talk about her career journey, enhancing the health care consumer experience, and the importance of design thinking in her approach.All Things Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show
September 7, 2022

E111: Ruth Hartt – An Opera Singer Walks Into a Think Tank and Meets a Theory

Ben & Jay dig again into Jobs to Be Done, this time from a fascinating perspective with Ruth Hartt, Chief of Staff to the President at the Christensen Institute and creator of Culture for Hire.  Ruth, a former opera singer and vocal teacher, is passionate about bringing customer-centric innovation to arts marketing.  Classical music audiences have declined nearly 50% since 1997.  Hear how Ruth applies Jobs to Be Done theory to help arts organizations reverse this trend and expand their notion of their audience and how reach them.  The Art of Relevance by Nina SimonAll Things Twitter:Ruth HarttA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show
August 10, 2022

E110: Talking Jobs to be Done Philosophy with Scott Burleson

Ben & Jay have a fun Jobs to Be Done deep dive with Scott Burleson, Senior Vice President at the AIM Institute, a company on a mission to change B2B innovation.  Scott is an expert in Outcome-Driven Innovation, with deep product management and innovation experience at John Deere and Strategyn.  He is author of The Statue in the Stone: Decoding Customer Motivation with the 48 Laws of Jobs-To-Be-Done Philosophy and co-host the the Product Quest podcast.Hear Scott talk about why he views Jobs to Be Done as a philosophy, why value propositions present us with a paradox, and his attempt to break JTBD through a dialogue about chicken wings and chicken tenders.Alchemy - the Rory Sutherland book Scott referencesAll Things Twitter:Scott Burleson (@newproductdog)A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show
July 20, 2022

E109: Kapil Kane on Helping Inventors Become Intrapreneurs

Ben & Jay venture into technology, invention and intrapreneurship with Kapil Kane, Director of Innovation for Intel Corporation in China.  Kapil co-founded and leads GrowthX, an award-winning corporate - startup accelerator that has launched multiple new businesses generating $400M+ in projected revenues through bottoms-up innovations in areas of AI, IOT, 5G & new silicon technology.  Hear about how Kapil developed this platform for inventors, as well as his experiences at Apple in the days of Steve Jobs.View Kapil's TEDx talkThe Sherpas on Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show
June 29, 2022

E108: Michele Hansen – Deploying Empathy

Ben & Jay are joined by Michele Hansen, author of Deploy Empathy, A Practical Guide to Interviewing Customers.  Michele is co-founder of Geocodio, an indie SaaS, and co-host of the Software Social podcast.  Hear about Michele's journey from sending interview tips to founders by email to a newsletter to a book, her aspiration for the book, and about being a fan of Jobs to be Done.All Things Twitter:Michele HansenDeploy EmpathySoftware Social podcastA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show
June 8, 2022

E108: Michele Hansen – Deploying Empathy with Your Customers and in Your Life

Ben & Jay are joined by Michele Hansen, author of Deploy Empathy, A Practical Guide to Interviewing Customers.  Michele is co-founder of Geocodio, an indie SaaS, and co-host of the Software Social podcast.  Hear about Michele's journey from sending interview tips to founders by email to a newsletter to a book, her aspiration for the book, and about being a fan of Jobs to be Done.All Things Twitter:Michele HansenDeploy EmpathySoftware Social podcastA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show
June 8, 2022

E107: Kyushik Nam – Learning & Doing Design

Ben & Jay are joined by Kyushik Nam, an MFA candidate in Design Management at the Savannah College of Art & Design.  Kyushik was mentored by our teammate Isabelle Magnin for his master's thesis.  This episode is a great opportunity to hear about the design process from the perspective of a student on a live project, making a difference from individuals struggling to manage Type 2 diabetes.  Kyushik not only brings insights and perspective from his graduate work, but from his professional experiences with Michelin, Gulfstream Aerospace, and Google.All Things Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show
May 18, 2022

E106: Roy Rosin – Matching Innovators' Passion to Customer Problems

Ben & Jay welcome a multi-industry innovation hall of famer, Roy Rosin, Chief Innovation Officer at UPenn Health System.  Roy leads The Center for Health Care Innovation, which facilitates the rapid, disciplined development, testing, and implementation of new strategies to reimagine health care delivery for dramatically better patient outcomes, value, and experience.  The Center comprises four coordinated teams – the Acceleration Lab, the Center for Digital Health, the Nudge Unit, and Way to Health.  Prior to going UPenn, Roy worked 18 years at Intuit, becoming its first innovation leader, building a highly regarded innovation culture.Hear Roy cover a range of topics including his approach at UPenn, his passion for behavioral economics and what he learned from Scott Cook at Intuit.All Things Twitter:Roy RosinThe Center for Health Care InnovationA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
April 27, 2022

E105: Bradley Schurman – Designing Products and Organizations in the Super Age

Ben & Jay talk with demographic futurist Bradley Schurman, founder & CEO of the research and advisory firm The Super Age and author of a fascinating book by that name.  Brad spent a significant portion of his career with AARP as a Senior Advisor and Global Director for Partnerships and Strategic Engagements.  He specializes in helping organizations understand the challenges and harness the opportunities of demographic change with a focus on population aging.  Adults have grown-up. Today, they represent the fastest growing group of workers and consumers in the world. They are superagers; a social and economic force unlike any other.  Bradley speaks regularly at thought leader forums around the world, and has advised national governments and major business on their longevity strategies.The Super AgeVideo: Nagoro, Japan - Valley of the DollsAll Things Twitter:The Super AgeBradley SchurmanA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
April 6, 2022

E104: Kip Lee – Crafting Arguments by Design

Innovation Sherpas Ben and Jay interview Kip Lee, Vice President of Innovation & Product Strategy at University Hospitals, and a Managing Director of UH Ventures. He’s pursuing a Doctorate in Design and Innovation at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, and serves as an editor of the journal, Design Issues, published by MIT Press. In this inspiring conversation, Kip shares a bit about his background--such as designing at Marriott International--and the lessons healthcare innovators can apply from the hospitality industry. He describes the origin story of the UH Ventures group and how they worked as nomads across the University Hospitals organization, developing empathy and conducting ethnographic research simultaneously. We are thrilled to have our listeners listen to and learn from this wise and kind innovation leader. Kip's TEDxCLE talk: out Kip's blog: us on Twitter@SherpaPod@JayGerhart@TheBenReport@KipumSupport the show (
March 16, 2022

E103: Mike Eppehimer on Improvisational Leadership

Ben & Jay find another opportunity to weave improv into your innovation expedition, joined by Mike Eppehimer, founder of ThreefoldYes.  Prior to starting ThreefoldYes, Mike was a seasoned senior healthcare executive who integrated his experience in the creative arts with improvement science.  Mike talks about his unique career arc and numerous practical insights on improvisational leadership that he shares in his recent TEDx talk "The Performance of a Lifetime".  Ben participates in a fun and useful exercise on shifting status.  And if you stick around past the exit music, Mike and Jay improvise at opera.All Things Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
February 23, 2022

E102: The Innovator's Prescription Renewed (Part 1)

In 2009, Professor Clayton Christensen published The Innovator's Prescription:  A Disruptive Solution for Health Care, with co-authors Dr. Jerome Grossman and Dr. Jason Hwang.  Well over a decade later, Ben & Jay revisit this robust and insightful body of work with Ann Christensen, President & CEO of the Clayton Christensen Institute and Ann Somers Hogg, Senior Research Fellow, Health Care at the Institute.  Much has happened in health care since 2009.  But where are we in terms of disruptive solutions?  These four Sherpas dig in deep on the past, present and future, guided by great theories.Please offer your thoughts to us on Twitter or LinkedIn!  This will not be our last dialogue...Find Ann Somers' outstanding blog posts here and subscribe to their newsletterThis fine piece by Aaron Martin is an excellent accompaniment - and launching pad for further dialogue!All Things Twitter:Clayton Christensen InstituteAnn ChristensenAnn Somers HoggA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
February 2, 2022

E101: Nora Herting on the Power of Pictures for Visual Leadership

Ben & Jay welcome in a new year with Nora Herting, CEO and co-founder of ImageThink, world's leading visual strategy firm.  Nora is author of "Draw Your Big Idea" and a frequent keynote speaker.  Hear Nora share her insights on:Founding a firm that uses the tools of graphic facilitation, visual theory and design thinkingThe neuroscience behind the effectiveness of visual techniquesHow organizations can solve problems and develop strategy using visual techniquesHow your team can bring visual techniques into your work today in simple waysNora's podcast Ask the Experts!See Nora's photography hereAll Things Twitter:ImageThinkA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
January 12, 2022

E100: A Sherpa Centennial Celebration!

Ben & Jay reflect upon and celebrate 100 episodes of A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation.  We look back, look forward, and express our appreciation for our guests and listeners.  Ann Somers Hogg drops in to say hello and talk about her new role at the Clayton Christensen Institute.  Read Ann Somers' latest blog post here:  All Things Twitter:Christensen InstituteAnn Somers HoggA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
December 14, 2021

E91: Shannon Clute – Creating an Innovation Flywheel to Empower Students

Ben & Jay continue to learn from innovation leaders with novel career journeys, this time talking with Shannon Clute, Inaugural Director of The Hatchery, Emory Center for Innovation in Atlanta.    The Hatchery supports student innovators and entrepreneurs from all Emory University schools, and covers all stages of innovation from inspiration and learning to projects and startups. This 15,000 square foot center opened in February 2020 - which required a quick pivot after just "two great weeks" due to COVID-19.   From academia to the super early days of podcasting to Turner Classic Movies to university-based innovation, Shannon consistently works at the intersection of learning, innovation and brand strategy.  And he's really good with language.Emory Innovators (Podcast)Might Could - Stories of Innovation in the ATL (Podcast)Out of the Past:  Investigating Film Noir (Podcast)Noircast.netAll Things Twitter:Shannon CluteA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
April 21, 2021

E90: Tanqueray Edwards – Inventing, Caring, Leading Change in Innovation

Ben and Jay have an exceptional conversation with Tanqueray Edwards, Global Innovation & Program Director at JLL, a global real estate and investment management firm.  Tanqueray talks about standing up an innovation function at JLL during the pandemic and her subsequent new role with the organization, including the role of change management in innovation.  She also provides important insights on the impact of race and gender intersectionality in the workplace, her efforts to lead change in diversity and inclusion, and how this connects to innovation.All Things Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
April 7, 2021

E89: Slices of Healthcare Insights with Andy Mychkovsky

Join Sherpa Host Ben Tingey as he interviews Andy Mychkovsky, a growth and product consultant for healthcare startup companies and the founder and writer of And nope, it's not a pizza company. Rather, it's a blog that serves up slices of healthcare insights about digital health, value-based care, and other industry innovations  in an entertaining and thought-provoking way. We talk about:His decision to strike out on his own as a consultant and writerAssessment of the flurry of digital health investment over the last 12 monthsThe advantages health systems possess amidst the onslaught of  disruptionA potential playbook for health systems who want to successfully partner with startupsWhat he would whisper to President Joe Biden about health policy as he collects the White House garbageSubscribe to the Healthcare Pizza newsletter HERE.Andy also serves up slices of insights on his Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, so be sure to follow!On Twitter:@SherpaPod@HealthcarePizza@TheBenReportSupport the show (
March 24, 2021

E88: Javier Lozano – Market-Creating Innovation for Diabetes Care

Ben & Jay have an inspiring conversation with Javier Lozano, Founder and CEO of Clínicas del Azúcar, a growing chain of "one-stop shops" for diabetes care in Mexico.  Armed with a willingness to explore, a passion for helping people in need (including his mother) and the theories of Dr. Clayton Christensen, Javier has created a truly disruptive innovation focused on the consumer's Jobs To Be Done and the concept of non-consumption.  His work is literally saving lives.  Readers of Clay's 2018 book, The Prosperity Paradox, co-authored with Karen Dillon and Efosa Ojomo, will remember Javier's story, which was featured as a live case study in market-creating innovation.  For more on market-creating innovation, see the Global Prosperity content published by The Christensen Institute, authored by Efosa Ojomo and Lincoln Wilcox.Also, The International Finance Corporation, an affiliate of The World Bank, authored an excellent case study of Clínicas del Azúcar.   Download and read here.All Things Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
March 10, 2021

E86: Ben Tingey – Empathizing, Teaching, Serving

In our first new episode of 2021, Jay exchanges chairs with your Sherpa host Ben Tingey!  Ben covers a lot of ground about learning/doing/teaching innovation over the past few years, a recent project related to physician burnout that's making a big impact on him and Atrium Health, and much more.  All Things Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
February 10, 2021

E85: Remembering Dr. Clayton M. Christensen

This episode was originally released on January 28, 2020.  Ben & Jay reflect on what Dr. Clay Christensen has meant to each of them, their experience meeting Clay and his wife, Christine, and a few parting thoughts in gratitude for this amazing man.memoriesofclay.comHow Will You Measure Your Life?The Clayton Christensen InstituteThe Forum for Growth and Innovation at Harvard Business SchoolSupport the show (
January 27, 2021

E82: Dr. Ellen Beckjord – At The Intersection of Love & Science

Ben & Jay have a wide-ranging conversation with Dr. Ellen Beckjord, Associate Vice President, Population Health & Clinical Transformation at UPMC Health Plan.  Ellen is a behavioral scientist and epidemiologist working a the intersection of population and digital health.  In addition to her great work at UPMC Health Plan, Ellen talks about two additional passions, the global PinkSocks movement and a recent book she co-created with photographer Anita Buzzy-Prentiss, PORCHRAITS - Pittsburghers on Their Porches During Quarantine.Buy Porchraits HereConsider donating to PinkSocks Life to spread love, joy and hug across the world!Other references:Susan A. MurphyScience & Human Behavior by B.F. SkinnerBuilding HAll Things Twitter:Ellen BeckjordFollow #PinkSocksA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
November 25, 2020

E81: Scott Kirsner of Innovation Leader – Insights on Big Company Innovation

Ben & Jay talk with Scott Kirsner, CEO of Innovation Leader, a media and events company focused on Chief Innovation Officers, senior R&D execs, and intrapreneurs at large organizations who are responsible for making change happen.  Scott is also a columnist for the Boston Globe and has contributed content to a number of other publications such as Fast Company, WIRED, Variety and others.  Scott talks about the differences between innovation at startups and innovation within large companies, his recent piece entitled "7 Tough Truths About Corporate Innovation in 2020," and other insights gleaned from years of covering a wide range of innovation leaders.Innovation Answered PodcastInnovation Answered - Inside the Mind of Clay ChristensenAll Things Twitter:Scott KirsnerA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
November 11, 2020

E80: Is Ice Cream for Breakfast Funny or Weird? Taddy Hall on Jobs to Be Done

Ben and Jay complete an epic three-episode Jobs to Be Done arc with Taddy Hall, Senior Partner at Lippincott.  A best-selling author and global innovation authority, Taddy drives growth through new product development and systematic improvements to innovation processes. He collaborated with Harvard Business School’s Clayton Christensen for the last 20 years, including Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice. Taddy's storytelling, energy and humor shine through this engaging discussion that sits at the intersection of innovation and brand.Watch a recent webinar from Taddy: (see Episode 2 in the Lippincott series)Great reads from Taddy and friends:Marketing Malpractice: The Cause and the CureSearching for New Ideas in the Curious Things Your Customers DoAll Things Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartTaddy HallSupport the show (
October 28, 2020

E79: Jim Kalbach – The Jobs To Be Done Playbook

Ben & Jay talk to Jim Kalbach, Head of Customer Experience at MURAL and author of The Jobs To Be Done Playbook, Mapping Experiences, and Designing Web Navigation.  Jim shares his perspective on Jobs To Be Done as a mindset, how an organization can start using it, and how it can influence various aspects of the organization.  Since the episode was recorded, Jim has also launched a new Jobs To Be Done learning platform, JTBD Toolkit.  Jim also has a web site, Experiencing Information, where you can learn more about him and book office hours.  Stick around after the discussion for a special musical treat courtesy of Jim!See Jim discuss customer journey mapping as compared to job mapping through the lens of the chicken crossing the road.All Things Twitter:Jim KalbachJTBD ToolkitA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
October 14, 2020

E77: Dr. Debbie Salas-Lopez – The Girl From The Bronx

Ben & Jay have a memorable and inspiring conversation with Dr. Debbie Salas-Lopez, SVP of Community and Population Health at Northwell Health.  Beyond her formal role, she is a nationally recognized speaker and educator for women leaders in medicine, with a focus on healthcare disparities and equity in care, cultural awareness and language appropriate services, and the impact of social and economic factors on access to care.  Furthermore, Dr. Salas-Lopez has recently published a gripping memoir entitled "The Girl from The Bronx - A True Story of Struggle, Resiliency, and Courage", in collaboration with Dr. Llewellyn J. Cornelius. Daughter of Puerto Rican immigrants, she took an unexpected path to where she is today, learning - and teaching - many life lessons along the way.Where to find Dr. Salas-Lopez:TwitterInstagramLinkedIn@SherpaPod- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodnet - Support the show (
September 16, 2020

E76: How Are You Doing? No, How Are You Really Doing?

Patrick Mulvaney & Victor Armstrong have very different but very important roles in the increasingly critical area of mental health and wellness.  Patrick is Chef Owner at Mulvaney’s Building & Loan, a farm to fork restaurant in Sacramento, California. Victor is Director of the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, Substance Abuse Services at the NC Department of Health and Human Services.  Both are passionate about suicide prevention and both, as you will soon learn, are great storytellers in this powerful episode.Patrick has spearheaded the I Got Your Back Project, an innovative pilot program focused on mental health in the restaurant industry.  Victor is a nationally recognized mental health leader and advocate, also known for his strong and effective social media presence, raising awareness and reducing stigma.Resources if you need help:If you need help now from anywhere, call 1-800-273-8255 or text 741741.If you need assistance in North Carolina, call the Hope 4 NC Crisis Counseling Services Hotline at 1-855-587-3463 (FIND) anytime day or night.Health care professionals, emergency medical specialists, first responders, other staff who work in health care settings and their families throughout the state who are experiencing stress from being on the front lines of the state’s COVID-19 response can call The Hope4Healers Helpline (919-226-2002).All Things Twitter:Victor Armstrong (Easy Like Sunday Morning)I Got Your Back ProjectPatrick MulvaneyA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
September 2, 2020

E75: A Pandemic, Recession & Revolution Walk Into a Bar – Anniedi Essien Serves Up Wellness

Ben and Jay celebrate A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation's "diamond" episode 75 with a real jewel, a woman who's on a mission to revolutionize wellness: Anniedi Essien - Chief Swagger Officer, CEO and Founder of Idem Spark.  Anniedi talks about her personal and professional transformation from seasoned strategy and innovation consultant to a bold new entrepreneur.  Get an inside view of a newly minted start-up - how she is adapting to a dynamic environment, bringing her unique blend of leadership development and well-being practices to healthcare consumers.  Stick around to the end for a discount code for Career Swagger services!All things Anniedi:Idem Spark websiteHer founder videoHer personal websiteLinkedInFacebookInstagramWalmart HealthBen, Jay and the Pod On Twitter:Ben TingeyJay GerhartA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationSupport the show (
August 19, 2020

E74: Unlocking Oceans of Demand – Avoiding The Prosperity Paradox

Ben & Jay are delighted to welcome back two researchers and thought leaders from the Christensen Institute, Efosa Ojomo and Rich Alton, to discuss their recent paper “Avoiding The Prosperity Paradox: How to build economic resilience in a post-COVID world.” This paper is a follow-up to the 2019 book Efosa co-authored with Dr. Clayton Christensen and Karen Dillon, The Prosperity Paradox:  How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of Poverty. It serves as a playbook, bringing this big idea of market-creating innovation to an actionable level.This episode covers questions such as:How do you build economic resiliency in a country so that it can deal with unexpected shocks like a global pandemic?How do you size a market that isn’t there?How do you spot the market that isn’t there?We also discuss how the lessons of The Prosperity Paradox can be applied in the United States, where despite being the most affluent country in the world, has significant economic disparities and development needs.Everyone’s home in the Twitterverse:The Christensen InstituteGlobal CCIEfosa OjomoRich AltonBen TingeyJay GerhartA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationHealth Podcast NetworkSupport the show (
August 5, 2020

E71: Designing for Behavior Change with Amy Bucher, PhD

This episode’s guest is Amy Bucher, PhD, Vice President of Behavior Change Design at Mad*Pow, a strategic design consultancy working with industry leaders to create social impact. Amy is an expert in motivational design, behavior change, health, and happiness, and how technology can support them. She previously worked at CVS Health and Johnson & Johnson, and recently released an exceptional book published by Rosenfeld Media entitled Engaged: Designing for Behavior Change, which is the subject of our conversation. We touch on, among many others:The self-determination theory of motivation and how designers and innovators can apply it to their workMotivational interviewing techniques that health providers can use to encourage behavior changeHow to incorporate behavior change principles in UX ad service design workHow the COM-B model can supplement JTBD analysisUse this 20% off Promo code through July 15, 2020: sherpapod0620 Order Engaged: Designing for Behavior Change here: more about Amy's research on her blog: www.amybucherphd.comWe reference the Behaviour Change Wheel@amybphd @madpow @rosenfeldmedia @sherpapod @thebenreport - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
June 17, 2020

E70: ILN – A Springboard to Move Innovation Forward

How might we move innovation forward in the Covid-19 era and beyond? If you're an innovator in healthcare, you need to connect with the Innovation Learning Network. This episode features members of the ILN Core Team: Christi Zuber - Executive Director, Cynthia Bazan - Events & Operations, and Tim Rawson - Growth & Insights. In the words of Zayna Khayat, PhD, "the ILN helps turbo-charge our innovation work." This fun-filled conversation features topics like:The purpose and impact of the Innovation Learning Network (think "curbside consults")How a member organization like ILN has adapted in the Covid-19 eraHow Covid-19 has acted as an accelerant to innovationTips for virtual meetingsThe future vision of the Innovation Learning NetworkAnd as we mentioned in the conversation, here's a link to a recent ILN Virtual Thursday:Pandora Forward Looking Cell: Foresight Planning for Unfolding Crisis Response | an ILN Virtual Thursday @ILNmuse @czuber @cynbazwash @noswarAspen Labs  @hopelab@SherpaPod @TheBenReport- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
June 5, 2020

E67: Reflections from an Innovation Gladiator – Dr. Jean Wright

It's another closet studio edition! For episode 67 we have the privilege of listening to the brilliant mind and disarming wit of our Innovation Gladiator, Dr. Jean Wright, as she reflects on her impending retirement and the things she's learned as the Chief Innovation Officer at Atrium Health, such as: Innovation is actually code for change managementHow she got her "Gladiator" nicknameAdvice to aspiring innovatorsHow to get back up after getting "thrown off the porch"The enduring impact of COVID-19 on the field of innovationThroughout the episode you'll hear some surprise tributes sprinkled into the conversation as we bid a fond farewell to our leader. Thank you, Jean, for your years of wise leadership, creativity, and generosity. @drjeanwright @thebenreport @SherpaPod @atriumhealth- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation podcast is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
April 22, 2020

E64: Zayna Khayat on The Future of Aging

Ben & Jay welcome back Dr. Zayna Khayat, Future Strategist of SE Health to discuss their new book, The Future of Aging.  Zayna is also on the faculty of Singularity University and the Rothman School of Management. The Future of Aging is an exciting collaboration between SE Health and Idea Couture, a global strategic innovation and experience design firm.  As "a counter-argument to the common thinking and discourse around aging put forth in academia, business and popular culture", this book will appeal to many leaders, healthcare or otherwise, with a vested interest in serving older adults through products or services.  And it's thought-provoking, if not moving, at a personal level.Buy and review the book on AmazonFollow Zayna and her team on Twitter:  @ZaynaKhayat @SEFuturesFollow us on Twitter:  @SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhartAlso by Idea Couture:  The Futures of Health: Spaces Places of CareSupport the show (
March 11, 2020

E62: Seth Ervin – Libraries as Platforms of Community Change

Can you name an institution more welcoming and inclusive than a library? Probably not. In this episode, we learn from Seth Ervin, Chief Innovation Officer at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, about how he applies innovation principles to design the library experience of the future. Libraries are a critical social infrastructure (a phrase elucidated by Professor Eric Klinenberg in his exceptional book Palaces for the People) and Seth and his team believe the library can act as a platform of community change. How? - Exceptional service design and rapid prototyping of ideas like mobile libraries, makerspaces, coding labs, community media, and more that will impact data literacy, economic mobility, and social determinants of health. Seth is also an author! Check out his books here: @KeysofCandor @SethErvin @CMLibrary @SherpaPod @TheBenReportCNN – Americans went to the library more often than they went to the movies, poll finds. How did we meet Seth? Thanks to @wearewily for hosting the Design Sprint training with @jakekAnother innovative Library system: Calgary Central Library- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
February 12, 2020

E60: Kelly Leonard from The Second City – Improv is Human Being Practice

Ben and Jay open a new decade with an improvisational theatre, organizational learning, and human behavior rock star, Kelly Leonard.  Kelly is the Executive Director of Insights and Applied Improvisation at Second City Works, overseeing The Second Science Project with the Center for Decision Research at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.  He’s the author of the critically acclaimed book “Yes, And”, a multiple TEDx speaker, and host of the podcast “Getting to Yes, And”.  Kelly talks about the connection between improv and innovation, improv and general business skills, improv and behavioral science, improv and caregiving.  You get the idea – the principles of improv are connected deeply to basic principles of functioning better as a human being.Twitter handles:  @KLsecondcity @JayGerhart @TheBenReport Subscribe/listen to "Getting to Yes, And" podcastBuy Kelly's book hereKelly's TEDx Talks:Learning Lesson Through Improv Embracing Your FailuresExploring The Idea of Strategic DiscomfortReferences:Caring Across Generations  @aijenpooSupport the show (
January 22, 2020

E59: 2019 Sherpa State of the Union

Fellow innovators, esteemed podcast listeners, ladies, and gentlemen – We enter 2020 grateful for the wonderful 2019 behind us. Join us (Jay & Ben) as we review and reflect on the brilliant guests and special moments of 2019, conduct an assessment of the hypothesized Jobs to Be Done of listening to the podcast, and preview some exciting episodes coming down the pike. Thanks for listening, and stay tuned for more in 2020!Support the show (
January 9, 2020

E56: The Chris Elmore – 5,000 Cold Calls, Bootstrapping, and a Beard You Can Hear

Chris Elmore rolls into the Sherpa studio--Company Evangelist for AvidXchange, a fintech unicorn based in Charlotte, North Carolina, as well as author, teacher, speaker, father of four, and husband of 25 years.  Referring to someone as “one of a kind” can be kind of cliché, but Chris lives up to the billing.  He’s a dynamic and authentic purveyor of innovation and entrepreneurship wisdom.  Hear his perspectives on innovation, as well as the outlook for a blooming innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Charlotte.  Can you hear his beard?  Listen closely . . .@thechriselmore @AvidXchange@SherpaPod @TheBenReportTheChrisElmore.comCreative Mornings Charlotte: Taming the Chaos in Your Life, by Chris ElmoreShout out to Stacy Cassio at the Pink Mentor Network- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodnet - Support the show (
November 13, 2019

E55: Everyone is Creative and Everyone is Welcome

“Everyone is creative. Everyone is welcome.” Long-time friends and Charlotteans Matt Olin and Tim Miner are the co-founders of Charlotte is Creative, a not for profit organization that develops programs and initiatives designed to break the Charlotte mold and re-make it with creativity—into a city that draws people in, excites them, and inspires them to invest their financial, social, and creative capital. Learn about some of the unique ways Matt and Tim foster a culture of creativity in Charlotte, such as hosting CreativeMornings/Charlotte, H.U.G. Micro-grants, the Queen City Quiz Show, and their multimedia site The Biscuit. Listen to this episode and “don’t wait, create!”  @cltiscreative @cm_clt @mattolincreates @afewminertweaks @SherpaPod @TheBenReport - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
October 30, 2019

E54: Michael B. Horn – The Jobs to Be Done of Education

Benjamin Franklin said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Learn more about the Jobs to Be Done for which we hire education throughout our lives by listening to this episode, the third in our series on innovation in higher education, with co-author Michael B. Horn of the recently released book Choosing College: How to Make Better Learning Decision Throughout Your Life.  Michael is the Chief Strategy Officer for the Entangled Group, an education technology studio, and a senior partner for Entangled Solutions, which offers innovation services to higher education institutions. He is also the co-founder of and a distinguished fellow at the Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation. An expert on disruptive innovation, online learning, blended learning, competency-based learning, and how to transform the education system into a student-centered one, Michael has authored several books including Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns with Clayton Christensen, and the Amazon-bestseller Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools. He also co-hosts a podcast entitled Future U, in partnership with Jeff Selingo. Listen to this episode, and then go read his books!@michaelbhorn @EntangledSOL @EntangledGroup @christenseninst@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhart- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @Healthpodnet  - Support the show (
October 17, 2019

E52 Part 2: Bob Moesta – Choosing Better for Learning and Healthcare

In the second segment of our super-sized “Bobcast”, uber-innovator and Jobs to Be Done expert Bob Moesta digs deeper into his recently released first book, Choosing College: How to Make Better Learning Decisions Throughout Your Life, co-authored with Michael Horn.  The book isn’t just about the college decision--it encompasses life-long learning, whether it’s executive education, bootcamps, or on-line classes.  Since many parallels can be made between the higher education and health care industries, Ben & Jay also engage Bob about the struggles in making health care decisions and their similarities to education decisions. Having helped many companies develop thousands of products, Bob is now on a mission to help consumer be better consumers, in many aspects of their lives.  Whether its education or healthcare, if people can prepare themselves better by helping them understand their own context and the outcome they are seeking, they will choose better--making the implicit explicit. As you will come to realize, choosing the right learning experience is just a beginning for Bob’s work to enable people to make better choices.@bmoesta @michaelbhorn @ChristensenInstLearn more about Choosing College HEREPurchase a copy HERE Examples cited:@snhuprez - Paul LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University (@SNHU)Fullstack Academy @fullstack  K Health @KHealthInc  @JayGerhart @TheBenReport @SherpaPod- A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
September 18, 2019

E52 Part 1: Bob Moesta – The Grad School Jobs to Be Done Interview

Bob Moesta rejoins the podcast during the release of his first book, Choosing College: How to Make Better Learning Decisions Throughout Your Life, co-authored with Michael Horn.  In Part 1, Bob and Jay put Ben in the hot seat, conducting a live Jobs to Be Done interview about Ben’s process of picking a graduate school.  This episode not only introduces Choosing College but also provides our listeners with another example of Bob’s renowned JTBD interview technique.  Hear the Master compile Ben’s story and identify which of the five higher education Jobs to be Done that Ben pursued.  As you listen to the interview, notice a few of the hallmarks of Bob’s technique:Adopt a beginner’s mindsetUnpack language to uncover intentBuild the story so that you as an interviewer can play it back to a high degree of accuracyStay tuned for Part 2 to hear more about Choosing College, as well as common themes between higher education and health care.@bmoesta @michaelbhorn @ChristensenInstLearn more about the book HEREPurchase your copy HERE  @JayGerhart @TheBenReport @SherpaPod- A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @healthpodnet - Support the show (
September 18, 2019

E51: A Healthcare Renaissance Man – Dr. Nisarg Patel

“I have a problem liking too many things.” Learn from Dr. Nisarg Patel, a healthcare renaissance man, about his journey into the world of medicine. Unafraid to “dive into the deep end,” Dr. Patel is a scientist and researcher of computational cancer genomics, synthetic gene circuits for engineered probiotic therapeutics, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated bacterial genome engineering, as well as applying machine learning to health policy and economics. He also worked in venture capital at Bessemer Venture Partners in their Life Sciences division. While most medical students take classes and apply it to their clinical practice, Dr. Patel did that and then also founded Memora Health, a Y Combinator funded technology company providing HIPAA-compliant patient texting. He has also written about health policy, medicine, strategy, and economics for Slate Magazine, STAT, Huffington Post, and on Medium. In this episode, he shares his perspective on shopping for healthcare, the future of primary care, where healthtech works and doesn’t work, and how he fills his insatiable urge to write. Don’t be afraid to dive into the deep end with Dr. Nisarg Patel!@nxpatel @Memora @SherpaPod @TheBenReport @annsomerswhWe highly recommend his articles on Medium: A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
September 4, 2019

E50: The Design Value of Health with Steve Downs

What would it look like if Netflix was helping you stay healthy? Learn about how we can make health an inherent design feature in our everyday lives from Steve Downs, Chief Technology and Strategy Officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. In this, our 50th podcast episode, Steve paints a picture of a world intentionally designed to make it easier for individuals and communities to choose healthy behaviors. How do we get there? Listen and find out! We discuss behavior change theories, promoting a culture of health, persuading tech companies that health is a value expressed horizontally across product lines, and the three phases of Steve’s lunchtime routine.  @stephenjdowns @RWJF@SherpaPod @WillBehrmann @TheBenReport StairsDesigning Everyday Life to Be Healthier – Health Experience Design Conference 2019  - A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
August 21, 2019

E48 Part 1: Designing for Cultural Competency and an Inclusive Workforce

Our world is becoming increasingly complex and wonderfully diverse. How can organizations keep pace with this expanding diversity and design with cultural competency? Episode #48 Part 1 features Kinneil Coltman, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer at Atrium Health; Elizabeth Watson, Manager of Innovation; and Ben Tingey, Manager of Innovation and, for this episode, in a hybrid role as host and guest.Listen and learn about how a large healthcare system champions diversity and inclusion, adapts services to meet culturally unique needs, includes cultural groups in the design process, and improves health outcomes and community trust as a result.@KinneilC @ElizCLT @TheBenReport @SherpaPod A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
July 26, 2019

E45: Reframing Healthcare with Zeev Neuwirth, MD

For episode #45, it’s our privilege to welcome our Atrium Health colleague Dr. Zeev Neuwirth, Senior Medical Director of Population Health, to our podcast. Zeev is the author of the recently released book Reframing Healthcare: A Roadmap for Creating Disruptive Change and is the host of the Creating a New Healthcare podcast. This episode began in a different way. Typically, we speak into the microphones while seated. Our episode’s guest, Dr. Zeev Neuwirth, invited us to ditch the chairs, adjust the microphones upward, and stand for the episode recording. True to form, he reoriented and reframed our podcast experience. In this episode, Dr. Neuwirth will reorient your perspective so we can collectively reframe healthcare. Among many other things, you’ll learn about the launch of Zeev’s book and his articulation of the “Marketing Mindset,” the imperative for design thinking to become an industry competency, the many people who have influenced his thinking and writing, and what makes him dance in his pajamas. You’ll also witness an on-air induction into the #pinksocks tribe!Additionally, we have a special announcement for our listeners! All those who give us a rating and a review on iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher before June 5th, 2019 will be entered into a raffle to win a free and signed copy of Dr. Neuwirth’s book. Once you submit the rating and review, let us know you did on Twitter using the hashtag #innovationengine. One rating = one raffle submission. So, if you provide a rating on all three sites you can get up to three raffle submissions!@SherpaPod @ZeevNeuwirth @JayGerhart @TheBenReport @AtriumHealth - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
May 23, 2019

E44: Designing for People with Intermountain Healthcare’s Todd Dunn

Episode #44 features a man we admire from an organization we admire: Todd Dunn, Director of Innovation at Intermountain Healthcare.  This inspiring innovator, compelling storyteller and self-described family man shares his go-to list of innovation books, lifelong principles that influence his learning, why empathy should be at the heart of healthcare, and the three C’s of design disease. He’s also a big fan of Clay Christensen’s theories and contributed to the writing of Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovation and Consumer Choice, co-authored by Clay Christensen, Karen Dillon, David S. Duncan, and Taddy Hall. If your desired progress is to learn about how a world-class healthcare leader designs for people, then this episode is for you!@SherpaPod @TToddDunn @Intermountain #pinksocksWhat We Learned from a Watch and a Question7 Deadly Startup Sins3 Cs of Design DiseaseLucky Iron Fish- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -  Support the show (
May 9, 2019

E43: Turning Information into Innovation – Health Datapalooza Conference Recap

Episode 43 features perspectives from Atrium Health teammates who attended the 10th anniversary Health Datapalooza conference on March 27-28 in Washington, DC. Hosted by AcademyHealth, Health Datapalooza brings together a diverse group of healthcare leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and data analysts to discuss collaboration opportunities at the intersection of policy, data, and innovation. A sponsor at this year’s event, Atrium Health also sponsored the attendance of several Charlotte-area patients who were able to contribute their insights to the national conversation on how to harness the power of data to improve the health of our country. Our very own Dr. Rasu Shrestha, EVP and Chief Strategy Officer, kicks off our interviews. You’ll also hear some new voices, including Dr. Ed Kim, Chair of the Department of Solid Tumor Oncology at Levine Cancer Institute; Jason Schneider, Senior Director of Corporate Communications; and Allyson Cochran, Senior Clinical Data Manager for the Carolinas Center for Surgical Outcomes Science. Tune in and . . . #pinksocks! @hdpalooza @AcademyHealth @RasuShrestha @AtriumHealth @LevineCancer @EdKimMDLCI ‏ @theNCI @CancerResrch @ASCO@JSchneide12 Atrium Health Datapalooza site. Learn about the Pink Socks movement.  - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
April 25, 2019

E42: Karen Dillon – Bringing Great Theory to Life

Ben & Jay have the unique pleasure of speaking with Karen Dillon, NYT best-selling author and former editor of the Harvard Business Review, about her being in “the front seat of the Clay Christensen experience” through years of collaboration with Clay and some of their incredible colleagues.  Karen may refer to herself as “semi-retired”, but she sounds pretty busy and is having great impact on the world as a co-author of The Prosperity Paradox with Clay and Efosa Ojomo (featured in Episode 40), and as Editorial Director of BanyanGlobal Family Business Advisors.  In addition to talking about The Prosperity Paradox, Karen provides a master class on writing, reflects on her collaboration with Clay and James Allworth on How Will You Measure Your Life, and what it was like to work with Bob Moesta on Competing Against Luck.  Take a “time dash” with the Sherpas and Karen to hear how Clay’s theories have evolved – and how they can impact an individual on a personal basis.@KarDillon #ProsperityParadox @CompetingvsLuck #HowWillYouMeasureYourLife@claychristensen @jamesallworth @EfosaOjomo @bmoestaStick around past the closing music for an outtake on how Twitter fulfills a Job to be Done for Karen and Jay.Medium - Why I Hired Twitter - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
April 11, 2019

E40: Efosa Ojomo Turns Theory Into Hope – The Prosperity Paradox

Ben & Jay are honored to speak with Efosa Ojomo, Global Prosperity Lead at Clayton Christensen Institute and co-author of The Prosperity Paradox with Dr. Clayton Christensen and Karen Dillon.  Efosa talks about how he came to think that business might be the answer for developing countries, why not all innovations are created equal, and why “pull” strategies can work better than “push” strategies for all stakeholders.  In addition, we discuss how The Prosperity Paradox can inspire and instruct social innovators close to home, even in generally prosperous geographies.@EfosaOjomo @GlobalCCI @christenseninst @HarvardHBS @HBS_Forum #ProsperityParadox@KarDillon @claychristensen@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhart #InnovationEngine- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
March 14, 2019

E39: #HIMSS19 – Caped Crusaders, Precision Medicine and #pinksocks

"Ah, the HIMSS conference. . . If you don’t own it, it will own you.” Hear what else the Innovation Sherpas have to say about their recent trip down to the Sunshine State for the 2019 Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Conference in Orlando.  We have Dr. Jean Wright (Chief Innovation Officer), Emilie Pandullo (Investment Fund Director), and Michael Johnson (Director, Innovation) in the studio to relive their HIMSS experience. Among other things, they discuss the shift from patient engagement to patient activation, validated business models in population health, interoperability moving from a desire into a reality, genomics, and precision medicine. They also reveal the secret identity of one of the caped Champions of Health. If you want a recap of the conference or are considering attending in the future, this episode is calling out to you. #HIMSS2019 @SherpaPod @ghiafixer @drjeanwright #InnovationEngine#pinksocks A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
February 28, 2019

E35: Catalyzing an Environment for Innovation

Our human-centered design Sherpas Elizabeth Benfield Watson and Sally Baek are joined by a special guest, John Tartt, AVP of Enterprise Risk Management at Atrium Health, to talk about the Innovation Engine’s Catalyst Program.  Risk management may sound out of place in the world of innovation, but John is a great friend of our team and he’s a terrific example of how the mindset of human-centered design can grow in an organization when you properly plant and cultivate the seeds.  Hear about how the Catalyst Program, now in its fourth year, originally sprouted, and how it has grown and evolved.  Honorable mentions to Kaiser Permanente Innovation Consultancy and Intuit’s Innovation Lab for providing early inspiration to our team as we seek to build the environment for innovation at Atrium Health.@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @ElizCLT @Robertos_Tank #innovationengine@kpinnovation - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation Podcast is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
January 17, 2019

E34: A Sherpa Holiday Podcastpalooza!

Ben & Jay do a short recap of the last year of A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation, highlighting some memorable moments.  We hope current listeners enjoy reliving the memories, and new listeners get a taste of what they’ve been missing.  You’ll hear from previous awesome guests Dr. Zayna Khayat, Bob Moesta, Derek van Bever, and David Phillips – plus Innovation Engine Sherpas Michael Johnson, Lindsay Deneault and Elizabeth Benfield Watson.  And you won’t want to miss the magic of Ben’s clever intros!@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhart #Innovation EngineA Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is on Medium- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
December 20, 2018

E33: Objectively Creative & Subjectively Analytical – Design Strategist Lee Fain

There exists a hidden world of which the average consumer has no knowledge—the world of design and innovation that crafts nearly everything we see and use. Join Design Strategist Lee Fain as he takes us on a storytelling adventure using Joseph Campbell's Hero’s Journey framework to a new world of creativity, design, prototyping, and customer discovery. Lee is co-head of design strategy at IdeaCouture, a global design and innovation consultancy. In this episode, Lee shares his wisdom on the business value of design, common design pitfalls, the power of physical artifacts to manifest the intangible, his original DOES framework, and the genuine joy he finds in the creative process. And don’t leave the theater too soon—there’s a BONUS portion after the outro music that you won’t want to miss!@_leefain @IdeaCouture @Cognizant @SCADdotedu @jcf_org @SherpaPod @theBenReport #InnovationEngine- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
December 6, 2018

E32: Disrupt to Improve vs. Disrupt to Destroy

Your disruptive innovation Sherpas are back to discuss how the theory may be playing out in healthcare.  Will Behrmann, Jay Gerhart and Ann Somers Hogg cover a lot of ground on the complex and ever-changing healthcare landscape.  Is disruption truly occurring?  Why does it matter? Do we really want it to occur?  What will it look like?  Weighty questions indeed.  CVS/Aetna, primary care disruptors, health care system talent joining large tech companies, personalized care moving into the home…and Ben performs some Shakespeare.@SherpaPod @WillBehrmann @JayGerhart @annsomerswh @TheBenReport #InnovationEngineHealthcare Innovation: Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. By Kenneth Kaufman and Eugene Woods - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
November 23, 2018

E31: Sherpa Showdown: Fast Company Innovation Festival vs. Impact 2018

Two great conferences – two Innovation Engine Sherpas facing off to extol their virtues!  Ann Somers Hogg and Will Behrmann each recently attended a stellar innovation conference and share their experiences via a good-natured duel, making the case for why YOU should attend the conference they attended next year. Which conference wins our Sherpa Showdown? Will it be the Impact 2018 conference hosted by Innovation Leader or the Fast Company Innovation Festival? What’s the Job to Be Done of attending a conference, and which of the many conferences should healthcare innovators select? Listen and find out, then add it to your list of conferences to attend next year!@FastCompany @InnoLead #FCFestival@SherpaPod @WillBehrmann @annsomerswh @TheBenReport #Innovation Engine @tamadear@barre3 #barre3- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
November 8, 2018

E30: The (Cult)ivation of Failure: ILN 2018 InPerson Meeting Highlights

Jay takes the show on the road for the Innovation Learning Network’s InPerson Meeting (absolutely not a conference) in Sacramento, California, hosted by The Shop at VSP.  He first talks on-site with ILN Executive Director Chris McCarthy and Christine Folck, Manager & Leader of Operational Strategy at VSP Global to set the stage for the meeting.  Then he talks with Jay Sales, Co-Director, VSP Global and Keynote Speaker Chef Patrick Mulvaney about the local mental health issue that ILNers rolled up their sleeves to address.  Once safely home and free of jet lag, Jay joins Ben in the Sherpa studio to recap this unique event that has hopefully left its mark on Sacramento in a big, meaningful way.Twitter:  @ILNmuse #ILN18 @VSPVisionCare @McCarthyChris @ChangeAsUsual @soupsales @MulvaneysBL @JayGerhart @TheBenReport #InnovationEngine inspired by Liz Salmi: @TheLizArmyWhat’s that pink sock reference all about?  #pinksocks Support the show (
October 25, 2018

E28: The Sherpas Make Time to Sprint with Jake Knapp!

Join your Sherpas as Ben & Jay give you a play by play of a recent Design Sprint bootcamp taught by Sprint author Jake Knapp himself! Hosted by the team at Wily, the 2-day Design Sprint Bootcamp was a condensed, accelerated, and supercharged training to teach the attendees the Sprint framework for rapid product design and testing. You’ll hear from Jake Knapp about how Sprint came to be, as well as his latest book Make Time. Eric Gorman, designer and founder of Wily, shares some opening thoughts about the genesis of the bootcamp, and you’ll also hear from master prototyper Jeff Grant of InVue, who facilitated Day 2 of the Sprint. Be sure to "make time" to listen to this episode on Sprint! Check out our Medium site for pictures from the event, including a unique and creative tribute to Jake from Wily. @jakek @wearewily @campnorthend @SherpaPod @jaygerhart @thebenreport #innovationengine - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
September 27, 2018

E25: Digital Innovation, Experience Enablement, and Customized Optionality

Get your gear ready for this episode on digital innovation, courtesy of Skookum’s own Jason Rome and Michael Ifkovits, along with our summer intern and technophile Nkechi “NC” Nwoko. They share their stories as digital innovators about how to enable the experiences consumers want that nail the Job to Be Done through tech solutions. We cover a lot of ground—what a typical client engagement is like, customer discovery methods, agile vs. design thinking, healthcare’s future in a digital world, mass customization, and their favorite quotes and podcasts. “Simplify and go!” Skookum is an award-winning strategy, design, and development firm based in Charlotte, NC. @Skookum @mifkovits @nc_nwoko @TheBenReport @SherpaPodBetter Health and Care for AllEvil by DesignNPR PodcastsWorklife- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
August 2, 2018

E23: “Yes, And” Now for Something Completely Different!

Your Sherpas enter unexpected territory when Jay has a transformative improv adventure at The Second City in Chicago – Improv & Innovation. Ben & Jay discuss how improv can help you be a better innovator and leader – and even bring it to life in the studio! Many, many thanks to The Second City Training Center, Second City Works & Kelly Leonard for mucho inspiration. @SecondCityWorks @KLsecondcity @SecondCityChiTC@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhart #InnovationEngine   Jay’s Medium posts about his experience at The Second City: Part 1Part 2Some examples of blending improvisation, innovation and design: Collective CapitalMindhatchThink Like an Actor to Empower Breakthrough Innovation - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
July 5, 2018

E22: Design Thinking: Tales from the Wild

We again welcome Innovation Provocateur David Phillips of Faster Glass to join our own Sherpa Elizabeth Watson to hear their insights on learning, teaching and practicing Design Thinking. Of course, you’ll hear about empathy, empathy, empathy – but how about design thinking as a risk mitigation approach? How did David & Elizabeth come to drink the Kool-Aid? Where have they succeeded – and failed? The first of many conversations we will have on human-centered design – enjoy! @FasterGlass @ElizCLT @TheBenReport #ForwardFaster  IDEOStanford d.schoolCatalyst Program- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -  Support the show (
June 22, 2018

E21: Special Edition: ILN Spring 2018 Highlights – We’re All In This Together

Your on-the-spot correspondent Ben Tingey captures live reflections and insights from a star-studded Innovation Learning Network roster. Your Innovation Engine Sherpas were proud to co-host the ILN Spring 2018 in-person meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina with the Business Innovation Factory. Hear from participants as they experience “Risky Business”! @ILNMuse @TheBIF@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhart  #InnovationEngine Our ILN podcast all-stars: Terrence Hibbert, University of Mississippi Medical Center Stacey Chang, Design Institute for Health Michelle Ossman, Steelcase Health Dennis Bolin, Health Plan Alliance Tim Rawsom, ILN Clint Hinman, Centura Health Heather Kutschia, Kaiser Permanente Meghan O’Brien, Sutter Health Hiyam Nadel, Partners HealthCare Chris McCarthy, ILN & Hopelab Vlad Voiculescu, Former Health Minister of Romania Ross Barker, Mars Petcare Megan Moyer, Sutter Health Will Kammerer, Business Innovation Factory Cynthia Bazan, ILN Ellie Krumpholz, ILN- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
June 7, 2018

E20: HLTH 2018 – Quinoa and Carrots, Unlikely Pairings, & “Activated” Employers

Was your mind blown when you heard some of the news that came out of the inaugural HLTH conference in Las Vegas? Join Lindsay Deneault, Michael Johnson, and Emilie McKenna and get an insider perspective as they talk about their first-hand experience attending the conference, how and when their minds were blown, and the emergence of unlikely organizational pairings that may become the norm. You can also learn why Michael is no longer shopping at Walmart. @LindsayDeneault @ghiafixer @TheBenReport @HLTHEVENT #HLTH2018 #HLTH2019 Support the show (
May 24, 2018

E19: Risky Business – Business Model Innovation & Evolution

Your Innovation Engine Sherpas welcome Dr. Derek van Bever, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Forum for Growth and Innovation at Harvard Business School to the studio. As a close colleague of Dr. Clayton Christensen and an entrepreneur, Derek shares his great insights and experiences across various innovation and management domains to build and sustain a successful enterprise. We deeply appreciate Derek’s visit, as he served as keynote speaker for the Innovation Learning Network’s in-person meeting in Charlotte, NC, May 8-10. #Innovation Engine @van_bever_derek @HBS_Forum @HarvardHBS @WillBehrmann @annsomerswh @TheBenReport @ILNmuse #ILN18 The Capitalist's Dilemma - Harvard Business Review More on Derek van Bever: Rita McGrath – Discovery-Driven Planning Innovation Learning Network: Intercom: Support the show (
May 17, 2018

E17: Startups, Plug and Play, and Swiss Army Knives

Your Innovation Engine Sherpas are proud to host Dr. Matt Hanley, Chief Medical Officer – Metro Group at Atrium Health, Lindsay Deneault, and Michael Johnson (Commercialization and Technology Sherpas at the Innovation Engine). This is a fun team discussing the interplay between startups and large healthcare organizations – how they can best work together to solve complex problems. In addition, the team will provide insights and highlights from recent events hosted by Plug and Play, the world’s largest startup accelerator. You’ll also hear about camping trips, mountain lions, and vintage Corvettes.@SherpaPod #InnovationEngine @TheBenReport @LindsayDeneault @ghiafixer C’mon Matt, get on Twitter! This is seriously cool, have your team compare:How Tech Owns Your Day- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
April 26, 2018

E15: Special SXSW Edition – Welcome to the Jungle…And the Future

Join the Innovation Engine Sherpas as they provide a behind the scenes tour of the SXSW conference, recently held in Austin, TX. SXSW is an innovator’s playground, chock full of analogous learning opportunities and the chance to see emerging trends in various industries, including healthcare. There’s BBQ, bread, breakfast tacos and a lot more. Will and Sally discuss the insights gained from their first time, while seasoned attendee Lindsay explained how she played a role in hosting and guiding top leaders in the healthcare industry, so they could optimize their SXSW experience. Trust us, if you haven’t been to SXSW then after hearing this episode you’ll be ready to sign up for next year’s conference. Our apologies to Will and listeners for minor audio issue during the first half. There are times we do try to mute him, but not for our podcast! #InnovationEngine @LindsayDeneault @WillBehrmann @sally_baekSupport the show (
March 22, 2018

E6: Special Edition – Health 2.0 Fall Conference, Let's Disruptivate!

Our start-up and tech sherpas, Lindsay Deneault, Michael Johnson and Emilie McKenna share their experiences at Health 2.0 11th Fall Conference in Santa Clara. Please provide feedback on Twitter to #InnovationEngine @LindsayDeneault (our startup queen) @ghiafixer (Michael Johnson, our blockchain dude)Support the show (
November 3, 2017

E7: The Sky is Falling? Or Not?

Your disruptive innovation Sherpas are back to sort out the kerfuffle (and scuttlebutt) around Amazon, Apple and Google causing all kinds of disruption in health care. This is a continuing conversation - Join us!Please offer feedback, opinions and ideas on Twitter @SherpaPod and/or #InnovationEngine @JayGerhart @annsomerswh @WillBehrmann @TheBenReport- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
November 3, 2017

E5: Special Edition – Dr. Jean Goes to Holland #ILN17

Dr. Jean Wright, Chief Innovation Officer of Carolinas HealthCare System (now Atrium Health) and head sherpa of the #InnovationEngine, highlights the Innovation Learning Network (ILN) 2017 on-site meeting in Nijmegen, Netherlands. And she'll teach you how to pronounce Nijmegen. We gratefully acknowledge the ILN for our partnership and the incredible innovators worldwide with whom we have the pleasure to learn and journey together. @SherpaPod @ILNmuse @drjeanwright- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
October 24, 2017

E3: Not for the Faint of Heart

Your Sherpas discuss how incumbents disrupt themselves (successfully or not so much), and the concept of Dual Transformation.Dual Transformation: How to Reposition Today's Business While Creating the Future - Clark G. Gilbert, Mark W. Johnson and Scott D. AnthonyDual Transformation Mini Guide PDF@SherpaPod @InnosightTeam- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
October 17, 2017

E2: Coaches, Clinics and Spitting Into a Tube

Your Sherpas talk about several disruptions within the healthcare industry. References and Show Notes: Exponent Podcast - Ben Thompson and James Allworth The Innovator's Prescription - Clayton M. Christensen and Jason HwangSupport the show (
October 16, 2017

B. Behind the Scenes with the Sherpas

Ben and Jay go deeper into why the Innovation Engine is doing this podcast, some of their podcast influences and early learnings in the development process.Support the show (
October 10, 2017

E99: Paul Puopolo – Leading Everyday Innovators at DFW Airport

Ben & Jay have a deep-dive on building corporate innovation from the ground up with Paul Puopolo, Executive Vice President of Innovation at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport. Following a career as a naval aviator, Paul built and led innovation teams at Humana, Highmark and MetLife.  Paul has outstanding insights on not only building an innovation function from scratch with a well-defined, discipline process, but also on fostering an innovation culture that reaches every employee at DFW.View Paul's excellent February 2020 talk at Skookum (now Method) hereAll Things Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation Ben TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
November 3, 2021

E98: Dr. Bon Ku – Leading The Avengers of Health Care

Ben & Jay are joined by Dr. Bon Ku, Director of Jefferson Health Design Lab in Philadelphia.  Dr. Ku is well-known on a number of fronts - a practicing emergency medicine physician; a leader in teaching design to medical students and physicians; a co-author of Health Design Thinking; host of Design Lab podcast; and from his prominent role in TNT's Chasing the Cure.Hear Bon talk about the amazing work he and his team do to help the most vulnerable communities in Philadelphia, how Design Lab is like a small restaurant, and his other creative projects.See and hear more Bon Ku:Dr. Ku at Mayo Transform 2017Dr. Ku on Masters of Scale Rapid ResponseDr. Ku on InstagramAll Things Twitter:Bon KuDesign Lab PodcastA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
October 13, 2021

E97: Abrea Armstrong – How an Innovation District Creates Space for a Community’s Potential

Ben & Jay return from a short break to talk with a rising star - Abrea Armstrong, Senior Marketing & Communications Coordinator for the Innovation Quarter.  The iQ is an innovation district in downtown Winston-Salem, NC, bringing together forward-thinking companies in the areas of research, business and education in biomedical science, information technology, clinical services and advanced materials.  Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist has led the development of the Innovation Quarter in partnership with city, county and state government, local businesses, developers and community members,Hear Abrea talk about the origins of iQ, what brought her there, and how iQ has an impact on the community.  In addition, hear about her own business, 91-2-Infinity, which provides a full suite of marketing services and digital strategy from an inclusion-perspective.  A storyteller, a poet, an entrepreneur, a connector, a journalist - you will quickly appreciate Abrea's passion and creativity.LinkedIn:Abrea ArmstrongInnovation QuarterAbrea on InstagramThe Sherpas on Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
September 22, 2021

E96: Concordia's Matt Swift on Convening for Collaborative Change

An episode 20 years in the making! For our 96th episode, Ben welcomes long-time friend Matthew Swift, co-founder and CEO of Concordia, to discuss how he innovates in the world of public affairs.  Concordia is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to actively fostering, elevating, and sustaining cross-sector partnerships for social impact, including hosting the annual Concordia Summit. Matt described Concordia as "A forum discussing the world not as one person sees it but as a broader collective sees it, with no bias towards political party or political movement, and no bias for public sector or private sector."Learn how the idea for Concordia started at a student auction at Georgetown University, and how the Concordia Annual Summit began as a small event with 100 people (mostly friends and family, Matt admits) to now hosting nearly 4000 attendees with  representatives from 90 countries and 17 sitting heads of state.Additionally, Matt shares his insights on how to convene leaders to drive change, as well as:Counsel for healthcare innovators about how to approach public/private partnershipsThe experience design of a Concordia Summit eventWhy the response to Covid-19 is perhaps the greatest public/private partnership in historyOn Twitter:@MatthewASwift@ConcordiaSummit@SherpaPod@TheBenReportSupport the show (
July 14, 2021

E95: David Duncan – A Real-Life Market Detective

Ben & Jay are joined by David Duncan, Managing Director at Innosight and author of The Secret Lives of Customers:  A Detective Story About Solving the Mystery of Customer Behavior.  This new book is a fresh and creative approach to demonstrating and teaching the language, methods and mindset of Jobs To Be Done theory.   Hear why Dave choose a fictional narrative approach to the majority of the book, some of his own real-life experiences as a "market detective", and his experience collaborating with Dr. Clayton Christensen, Karen Dillon and Taddy Hall on Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice.All Things Twitter:David DuncanInnosightA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
June 30, 2021

E94: Coonoor Behal – Reframing Quitting to a Process for Progress

Ben & Jay are joined by Episode 27 guest Coonoor Behal, author of the newly published "I Quit!  Life-Affirming Joy of Giving Up".  Coonoor is the Founder & CEO of Mindhatch, a consultancy that helps organizations create the conditions for innovation and creativity to thrive. Through Mindhatch, Coonoor delivers her unique mix of expertise in Design Thinking, Organizational ImprovTM, Innovation Facilitation, and Diversity & Inclusion. Her new book, published by New Degree Press in April 2021, seeks to help readers rethink and reframe quitting by sharing stories from everyday people who summoned the courage to quit things in their lives.Hear what caused Coonoor to write this important book, how it connects to her design thinking work, and the connection of quitting and privilege.  And of course, Ben & Jay find a connection to Jobs To Be Done theory, because they just can't help themselves.  Stick around after the outro music for an improv bonus from Coonoor & Jay!Find Coonoor on Instagram:  @coonoorbehal, @iquitbook, @mindhatchllcFacebook:  @mindhatchllcTwitter:  @mindhatchllcThe podcast and its hosts on Twitter:@SherpaPod@TheBenReport@JayGerhartSupport the show (
June 16, 2021

E93: Arthur Daemmrich – Inspiring Generations of Inventors & Innovators

Ben & Jay have a fascinating conversation from a historical and education perspective, with Arthur Daemmrich, Director of the Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation at the Smithsonian Institution.  The vision of the Center is: A world in which everyone is inventive and inspired to contribute to innovation.  Hear about the physical and virtual experiences the Center creates to inspire inventors and innovators of all ages and its efforts to foster a diverse and inclusive ecosystem.  Along the way, Arthur sprinkles stories of interesting inventors and innovators that you may not have heard of.  You are likely to book your next trip to Washington, D.C. after this episode!All Things Twitter:@SI_Invention@SherpaPod@TheBenReport@JayGerhartSupport the show (
May 26, 2021

E92: Liz Markle of Open Source Wellness – Community is Medicine

Liz Markle PhD believes innovation in health and wellness isn't a new pill or superfood or wearable but a return to the universally applicable and radically simple advice to move, nourish, connect, and be. Tired of patients not making progress in between doctor visits, Liz wanted to make it easier for people to design their lives so that healthy behaviors were the default. Enter Open Source Wellness, a "behavioral pharmacy" that is high-touch and powered by connection, leading to health transformation. Listen to learn more about: Liz's career arc The genesis story of Open Source WellnessOSW's business modelHow a hypothetical $10b grant from the Gates Foundation would scale OSWVideo: What is Open Source Wellness?Credit to Mad*Pow and the Health Experience Design Conference for making the connection.On Twitter:@DrElizMarkle@OpenSourceWell@SherpaPod@TheBenReport@JayGerhartSupport the show (
May 12, 2021

E91: Shannon Clute – Creating an Innovation Flywheel to Empower Students

Ben & Jay continue to learn from innovation leaders with novel career journeys, this time talking with Shannon Clute, Inaugural Director of The Hatchery, Emory Center for Innovation in Atlanta.    The Hatchery supports student innovators and entrepreneurs from all Emory University schools, and covers all stages of innovation from inspiration and learning to projects and startups. This 15,000 square foot center opened in February 2020 - which required a quick pivot after just "two great weeks" due to COVID-19.   From academia to the super early days of podcasting to Turner Classic Movies to university-based innovation, Shannon consistently works at the intersection of learning, innovation and brand strategy.  And he's really good with language.Emory Innovators (Podcast)Might Could - Stories of Innovation in the ATL (Podcast)Out of the Past:  Investigating Film Noir (Podcast)Noircast.netAll Things Twitter:Shannon CluteA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
April 21, 2021

E90: Tanqueray Edwards – Inventing, Caring, Leading Change in Innovation

Ben and Jay have an exceptional conversation with Tanqueray Edwards, Global Innovation & Program Director at JLL, a global real estate and investment management firm.  Tanqueray talks about standing up an innovation function at JLL during the pandemic and her subsequent new role with the organization, including the role of change management in innovation.  She also provides important insights on the impact of race and gender intersectionality in the workplace, her efforts to lead change in diversity and inclusion, and how this connects to innovation.All Things Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
April 7, 2021

E89: Slices of Healthcare Insights with Andy Mychkovsky

Join Sherpa Host Ben Tingey as he interviews Andy Mychkovsky, a growth and product consultant for healthcare startup companies and the founder and writer of And nope, it's not a pizza company. Rather, it's a blog that serves up slices of healthcare insights about digital health, value-based care, and other industry innovations  in an entertaining and thought-provoking way. We talk about:His decision to strike out on his own as a consultant and writerAssessment of the flurry of digital health investment over the last 12 monthsThe advantages health systems possess amidst the onslaught of  disruptionA potential playbook for health systems who want to successfully partner with startupsWhat he would whisper to President Joe Biden about health policy as he collects the White House garbageSubscribe to the Healthcare Pizza newsletter HERE.Andy also serves up slices of insights on his Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, so be sure to follow!On Twitter:@SherpaPod@HealthcarePizza@TheBenReportSupport the show (
March 24, 2021

E88: Javier Lozano – Market-Creating Innovation for Diabetes Care

Ben & Jay have an inspiring conversation with Javier Lozano, Founder and CEO of Clínicas del Azúcar, a growing chain of "one-stop shops" for diabetes care in Mexico.  Armed with a willingness to explore, a passion for helping people in need (including his mother) and the theories of Dr. Clayton Christensen, Javier has created a truly disruptive innovation focused on the consumer's Jobs To Be Done and the concept of non-consumption.  His work is literally saving lives.  Readers of Clay's 2018 book, The Prosperity Paradox, co-authored with Karen Dillon and Efosa Ojomo, will remember Javier's story, which was featured as a live case study in market-creating innovation.  For more on market-creating innovation, see the Global Prosperity content published by The Christensen Institute, authored by Efosa Ojomo and Lincoln Wilcox.Also, The International Finance Corporation, an affiliate of The World Bank, authored an excellent case study of Clínicas del Azúcar.   Download and read here.All Things Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
March 10, 2021

E87: Kristen Berman – Filling Holes in Human Behavior

Ben and Jay revisit the fascinating topic of behavioral science with Kristen Berman, CEO of Irrational Labs.   Kristen co-founded Irrational Labs, a behavioral product design company, with Dan Ariely, helping companies and nonprofits understand and leverage behavioral economics to increase the health, wealth and happiness of their users.  She also co-founded Common Cents Lab, a Duke University initiative dedicated to improving the financial well-being for low to middle Americans.Hear Kristen talk about:The application of behavioral science in healthcare, including how we might encourage better adoption of public health measuresThe connection between Jobs To Be Done theory and behavioral scienceHow her partner using social influence to get her to have Lasik surgeryHer early experience at Intuit, a company admired for its approach to innovationWatch Kristen's TED Talk hereCheck out the Behavioral Design BootcampAll Things Twitter:Kristen BermanA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
February 24, 2021

E86: Ben Tingey – Empathizing, Teaching, Serving

In our first new episode of 2021, Jay exchanges chairs with your Sherpa host Ben Tingey!  Ben covers a lot of ground about learning/doing/teaching innovation over the past few years, a recent project related to physician burnout that's making a big impact on him and Atrium Health, and much more.  All Things Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
February 10, 2021

E85: Remembering Dr. Clayton M. Christensen

This episode was originally released on January 28, 2020.  Ben & Jay reflect on what Dr. Clay Christensen has meant to each of them, their experience meeting Clay and his wife, Christine, and a few parting thoughts in gratitude for this amazing man.memoriesofclay.comHow Will You Measure Your Life?The Clayton Christensen InstituteThe Forum for Growth and Innovation at Harvard Business SchoolSupport the show (
January 27, 2021

E84: Dr. Rasu Shrestha & Todd Dunn – Looking Back & Ahead

Ben & Jay bring back two former guests and Atrium Health strategy and innovation leaders - Dr. Rasu Shrestha & Todd Dunn.  Rasu and Todd reflect back on what makes them #AtriumHealthProud during a unforeseen and unprecedented 2020, and paint a picture of what innovation at Atrium Health looks like going forward.  Plus, what have been their favorite A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation episodes?  What a great way to wrap up 2020 with two insightful and thoughtful leaders who don't shy away from bring their heart and their empathy to the workplace.  Thank you all for listening and we look forward to 2021, which will bring our 100th episode!All Things Twitter:Dr. Rasu Shrestha (as if you're not following him already!)Todd DunnA Sherpas' Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
December 23, 2020

E84: Dr. Rasu Shrestha & Todd Dunn – Looking Back & Ahead

Ben & Jay bring back two former guests and Atrium Health strategy and innovation leaders - Dr. Rasu Shrestha & Todd Dunn.  Rasu and Todd reflect back on what makes them #AtriumHealthProud during a unforeseen and unprecedented 2020, and paint a picture of what innovation at Atrium Health looks like going forward.  Plus, what have been their favorite A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation episodes?  What a great way to wrap up 2020 with two insightful and thoughtful leaders who don't shy away from bring their heart and their empathy to the workplace.  Thank you all for listening and we look forward to 2021, which will bring our 100th episode!All Things Twitter:Dr. Rasu Shrestha (as if you're not following him already!)Todd DunnA Sherpas' Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
December 23, 2020

E83: Terik Tidwell – “Venture Humanist”

One of our favorite things to do is spotlight the incredible innovators located right here in our backyard of Charlotte, NC. This episode features Terik Tidwell, Director of the STEM Innovation Initiative and Executive Director of the Smith – Tech Innovation Center at Johnson C Smith University.  Learn about the work Terik and his team have done to boost innovation and entrepreneurship in the community and the unique role a University plays in the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem. A little more about Terik: He's a multi-industry innovator himself, with experience developing and managing projects intersecting with higher-education, economic development, international affairs, and more. Through the U.S. Department of State, Terik has served in several roles such as US-China Entrepreneurship and Innovation Fellow, Global Innovation Fellow, Young Leaders of Americas Fellow, and an Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Fellow. A member of Harvard Business Review’s Advisory Council, Terik also focuses his energies by supporting organizations like VentureWell and the Greenlight Fund, as well as local organizations like NC Idea, Startup Weekend, and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation. On Twitter:Terik TidwellA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartHealth Podcast NetworkSupport the show (
December 9, 2020

E82: Dr. Ellen Beckjord – At The Intersection of Love & Science

Ben & Jay have a wide-ranging conversation with Dr. Ellen Beckjord, Associate Vice President, Population Health & Clinical Transformation at UPMC Health Plan.  Ellen is a behavioral scientist and epidemiologist working a the intersection of population and digital health.  In addition to her great work at UPMC Health Plan, Ellen talks about two additional passions, the global PinkSocks movement and a recent book she co-created with photographer Anita Buzzy-Prentiss, PORCHRAITS - Pittsburghers on Their Porches During Quarantine.Buy Porchraits HereConsider donating to PinkSocks Life to spread love, joy and hug across the world!Other references:Susan A. MurphyScience & Human Behavior by B.F. SkinnerBuilding HAll Things Twitter:Ellen BeckjordFollow #PinkSocksA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
November 25, 2020

E81: Scott Kirsner of Innovation Leader – Insights on Big Company Innovation

Ben & Jay talk with Scott Kirsner, CEO of Innovation Leader, a media and events company focused on Chief Innovation Officers, senior R&D execs, and intrapreneurs at large organizations who are responsible for making change happen.  Scott is also a columnist for the Boston Globe and has contributed content to a number of other publications such as Fast Company, WIRED, Variety and others.  Scott talks about the differences between innovation at startups and innovation within large companies, his recent piece entitled "7 Tough Truths About Corporate Innovation in 2020," and other insights gleaned from years of covering a wide range of innovation leaders.Innovation Answered PodcastInnovation Answered - Inside the Mind of Clay ChristensenAll Things Twitter:Scott KirsnerA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
November 11, 2020

E80: Is Ice Cream for Breakfast Funny or Weird? Taddy Hall on Jobs to Be Done

Ben and Jay complete an epic three-episode Jobs to Be Done arc with Taddy Hall, Senior Partner at Lippincott.  A best-selling author and global innovation authority, Taddy drives growth through new product development and systematic improvements to innovation processes. He collaborated with Harvard Business School’s Clayton Christensen for the last 20 years, including Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice. Taddy's storytelling, energy and humor shine through this engaging discussion that sits at the intersection of innovation and brand.Watch a recent webinar from Taddy: (see Episode 2 in the Lippincott series)Great reads from Taddy and friends:Marketing Malpractice: The Cause and the CureSearching for New Ideas in the Curious Things Your Customers DoAll Things Twitter:A Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartTaddy HallSupport the show (
October 28, 2020

E79: Jim Kalbach – The Jobs To Be Done Playbook

Ben & Jay talk to Jim Kalbach, Head of Customer Experience at MURAL and author of The Jobs To Be Done Playbook, Mapping Experiences, and Designing Web Navigation.  Jim shares his perspective on Jobs To Be Done as a mindset, how an organization can start using it, and how it can influence various aspects of the organization.  Since the episode was recorded, Jim has also launched a new Jobs To Be Done learning platform, JTBD Toolkit.  Jim also has a web site, Experiencing Information, where you can learn more about him and book office hours.  Stick around after the discussion for a special musical treat courtesy of Jim!See Jim discuss customer journey mapping as compared to job mapping through the lens of the chicken crossing the road.All Things Twitter:Jim KalbachJTBD ToolkitA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
October 14, 2020

E78: Bob Moesta on Avoiding Hans, Selling Jay a Tesla & Demand-Side Sales 101

Ben & Jay welcome back Bob Moesta for the third time, talking about his new book Demand-Sides Sales 101:  Stop Selling and Help Your Customers Make Progress, co-authored with his partner at The ReWired Group, Greg Engle.  Bob is a lifelong innovator and coarchitect of the “Jobs to be Done” theory with Dr. Clayton M. Christensen.  He's a teacher, builder, entrepreneur, and co-founder at The ReWired Group, a designfirm in Detroit, Michigan. Bob has developed & launched over 3,500 products and sold everything from design services, software, and houses to consumer electronics, and investment services. He’s an adjunct lecturer at Kellogg School at Northwestern University, lectures on innovation at Harvard and MIT, and enjoys mentoring at incubators.Midway through this spirited conversation, Bob conducts a mini-interview on Jay about an upcoming car purchase.  This interview demonstrates a few key elements from his book and his technique applying Jobs To Be Done theory:We aren't usually caused to buy or take action based upon one factor - there are usually clusters of forces acting upon us.The deeper you talk to people and the more questions you ask, you continue to uncover these forces.You can help people move through their purchasing timeline, to help them make better progress, on their terms.All Things Twitter:Bob MoestaA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
September 30, 2020

E77: Dr. Debbie Salas-Lopez – The Girl From The Bronx

Ben & Jay have a memorable and inspiring conversation with Dr. Debbie Salas-Lopez, SVP of Community and Population Health at Northwell Health.  Beyond her formal role, she is a nationally recognized speaker and educator for women leaders in medicine, with a focus on healthcare disparities and equity in care, cultural awareness and language appropriate services, and the impact of social and economic factors on access to care.  Furthermore, Dr. Salas-Lopez has recently published a gripping memoir entitled "The Girl from The Bronx - A True Story of Struggle, Resiliency, and Courage", in collaboration with Dr. Llewellyn J. Cornelius. Daughter of Puerto Rican immigrants, she took an unexpected path to where she is today, learning - and teaching - many life lessons along the way.Where to find Dr. Salas-Lopez:TwitterInstagramLinkedIn@SherpaPod- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodnet - Support the show (
September 16, 2020

E76: How Are You Doing? No, How Are You Really Doing?

Patrick Mulvaney & Victor Armstrong have very different but very important roles in the increasingly critical area of mental health and wellness.  Patrick is Chef Owner at Mulvaney’s Building & Loan, a farm to fork restaurant in Sacramento, California. Victor is Director of the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, Substance Abuse Services at the NC Department of Health and Human Services.  Both are passionate about suicide prevention and both, as you will soon learn, are great storytellers in this powerful episode.Patrick has spearheaded the I Got Your Back Project, an innovative pilot program focused on mental health in the restaurant industry.  Victor is a nationally recognized mental health leader and advocate, also known for his strong and effective social media presence, raising awareness and reducing stigma.Resources if you need help:If you need help now from anywhere, call 1-800-273-8255 or text 741741.If you need assistance in North Carolina, call the Hope 4 NC Crisis Counseling Services Hotline at 1-855-587-3463 (FIND) anytime day or night.Health care professionals, emergency medical specialists, first responders, other staff who work in health care settings and their families throughout the state who are experiencing stress from being on the front lines of the state’s COVID-19 response can call The Hope4Healers Helpline (919-226-2002).All Things Twitter:Victor Armstrong (Easy Like Sunday Morning)I Got Your Back ProjectPatrick MulvaneyA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationBen TingeyJay GerhartSupport the show (
September 2, 2020

E75: A Pandemic, Recession & Revolution Walk Into a Bar – Anniedi Essien Serves Up Wellness

Ben and Jay celebrate A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation's "diamond" episode 75 with a real jewel, a woman who's on a mission to revolutionize wellness: Anniedi Essien - Chief Swagger Officer, CEO and Founder of Idem Spark.  Anniedi talks about her personal and professional transformation from seasoned strategy and innovation consultant to a bold new entrepreneur.  Get an inside view of a newly minted start-up - how she is adapting to a dynamic environment, bringing her unique blend of leadership development and well-being practices to healthcare consumers.  Stick around to the end for a discount code for Career Swagger services!All things Anniedi:Idem Spark websiteHer founder videoHer personal websiteLinkedInFacebookInstagramWalmart HealthBen, Jay and the Pod On Twitter:Ben TingeyJay GerhartA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationSupport the show (
August 19, 2020

E74: Unlocking Oceans of Demand – Avoiding The Prosperity Paradox

Ben & Jay are delighted to welcome back two researchers and thought leaders from the Christensen Institute, Efosa Ojomo and Rich Alton, to discuss their recent paper “Avoiding The Prosperity Paradox: How to build economic resilience in a post-COVID world.” This paper is a follow-up to the 2019 book Efosa co-authored with Dr. Clayton Christensen and Karen Dillon, The Prosperity Paradox:  How Innovation Can Lift Nations Out of Poverty. It serves as a playbook, bringing this big idea of market-creating innovation to an actionable level.This episode covers questions such as:How do you build economic resiliency in a country so that it can deal with unexpected shocks like a global pandemic?How do you size a market that isn’t there?How do you spot the market that isn’t there?We also discuss how the lessons of The Prosperity Paradox can be applied in the United States, where despite being the most affluent country in the world, has significant economic disparities and development needs.Everyone’s home in the Twitterverse:The Christensen InstituteGlobal CCIEfosa OjomoRich AltonBen TingeyJay GerhartA Sherpa's Guide to InnovationHealth Podcast NetworkSupport the show (
August 5, 2020

E73: Leaps of Faith and Logic – Josh Shabtai of Lowe's Innovation Labs

Learn about the Lowe's Innovation Labs from Josh Shabtai, Senior Director of Ecosystem, and how they use narrative-driven principles to imagine, explore, test. and create the future for Lowe's customers through emerging and exponential technologies. In this episode, we hear from Josh about:his background in advertising and video games, including a Star Wars game!how he ended up leading one of three Innovation Labsa new program, Lowe's for Pros JobSight, which allows plumbers, electricians and other home professionals to consult virtually with customershow his team develops narratives with supporting prototype materials to help senior leaders envision the future@joshshabtai @LowesLabs @Lowes @LowesMedia@TheBenReport @SherpaPod @WillBehrmann- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
July 22, 2020

E72: Spreadsheets Don’t Build Empathy – Steve Koch of Cast & Hue

Ben and Jay welcome Steve Koch, co-founder and Senior Vice President at customer experience consultancy Cast & Hue.  Steve talks about his career transition from marketing and advertising to human-centered design, and the critical connection of customer experience to brand.  He discusses how to overcome barriers to employing human-centered design to enhance the healthcare experience and how Jobs To Be Done enhances design work at Cast & Hue.  In addition, Steve offers helpful advice for conducting virtual design work, and a preview of upcoming Cast & Hue research on telemedicine customer experience during COVID-19.Cast & Hue Research Report - Rebuilding Patient Volume in a Time of Fear & UncertaintyMckinsey & Company - The Business Value of DesignOn Twitter:Steve KochCast & HueBen TingeyJay GerhartA Sherpa's Guide to Innovation- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
July 1, 2020

E72: Spreadsheets Don’t Build Empathy – Steve Koch of Cast & Hue

Ben and Jay welcome Steve Koch, co-founder and Senior Vice President at customer experience consultancy Cast & Hue.  Steve talks about his career transition from marketing and advertising to human-centered design, and the critical connection of customer experience to brand.  He discusses how to overcome barriers to employing human-centered design to enhance the healthcare experience and how Jobs To Be Done enhances design work at Cast & Hue.  In addition, Steve offers helpful advice for conducting virtual design work, and a preview of upcoming Cast & Hue research on telemedicine customer experience during COVID-19.Cast & Hue Research Report - Rebuilding Patient Volume in a Time of Fear & UncertaintyMckinsey & Company - The Business Value of DesignOn Twitter:Steve KochCast & HueBen TingeyJay GerhartA Sherpa's Guide to Innovation- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
July 1, 2020

E71: Designing for Behavior Change with Amy Bucher, PhD

This episode’s guest is Amy Bucher, PhD, Vice President of Behavior Change Design at Mad*Pow, a strategic design consultancy working with industry leaders to create social impact. Amy is an expert in motivational design, behavior change, health, and happiness, and how technology can support them. She previously worked at CVS Health and Johnson & Johnson, and recently released an exceptional book published by Rosenfeld Media entitled Engaged: Designing for Behavior Change, which is the subject of our conversation. We touch on, among many others:The self-determination theory of motivation and how designers and innovators can apply it to their workMotivational interviewing techniques that health providers can use to encourage behavior changeHow to incorporate behavior change principles in UX ad service design workHow the COM-B model can supplement JTBD analysisUse this 20% off Promo code through July 15, 2020: sherpapod0620 Order Engaged: Designing for Behavior Change here: more about Amy's research on her blog: www.amybucherphd.comWe reference the Behaviour Change Wheel@amybphd @madpow @rosenfeldmedia @sherpapod @thebenreport - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
June 17, 2020

E70: ILN – A Springboard to Move Innovation Forward

How might we move innovation forward in the Covid-19 era and beyond? If you're an innovator in healthcare, you need to connect with the Innovation Learning Network. This episode features members of the ILN Core Team: Christi Zuber - Executive Director, Cynthia Bazan - Events & Operations, and Tim Rawson - Growth & Insights. In the words of Zayna Khayat, PhD, "the ILN helps turbo-charge our innovation work." This fun-filled conversation features topics like:The purpose and impact of the Innovation Learning Network (think "curbside consults")How a member organization like ILN has adapted in the Covid-19 eraHow Covid-19 has acted as an accelerant to innovationTips for virtual meetingsThe future vision of the Innovation Learning NetworkAnd as we mentioned in the conversation, here's a link to a recent ILN Virtual Thursday:Pandora Forward Looking Cell: Foresight Planning for Unfolding Crisis Response | an ILN Virtual Thursday @ILNmuse @czuber @cynbazwash @noswarAspen Labs  @hopelab@SherpaPod @TheBenReport- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
June 5, 2020

E69: Bermon Painter & the Job to Be Done of the EY wavespace™

Catch the wave! Bermon Painter is the EY Innovation and Strategy Director at the Charlotte EY wavespace™. He has spent the past 20 years with a focus on product strategy, customer experience, user experience design, and enterprise application development across numerous industries. He frequently speaks at conferences and facilitates workshops around the world on digital transformation, product strategy, and leadership. Bermon is also the president of IxDA Charlotte, a non-profit aimed at evangelizing human-centered design methods and connecting the broader UX community. In this episode, Bermon shares his thoughts on the Job to Be Done of workshops, effective facilitation tips, how the EY wavespace™ is helping to foster an innovation community in Charlotte, and his roots in graphic design.@bermonpainter @ey_us @EYnews @ixdacharlotte@SherpaPod @TheBenReport- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation podcast is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
May 21, 2020

E69: Bermon Painter & the Job to Be Done of the EY wavespace™

Catch the wave! Bermon Painter is the EY Innovation and Strategy Director at the Charlotte EY wavespace™. He has spent the past 20 years with a focus on product strategy, customer experience, user experience design, and enterprise application development across numerous industries. He frequently speaks at conferences and facilitates workshops around the world on digital transformation, product strategy, and leadership. Bermon is also the president of IxDA Charlotte, a non-profit aimed at evangelizing human-centered design methods and connecting the broader UX community. In this episode, Bermon shares his thoughts on the Job to Be Done of workshops, effective facilitation tips, how the EY wavespace™ is helping to foster an innovation community in Charlotte, and his roots in graphic design.@bermonpainter @ey_us @EYnews @ixdacharlotte@SherpaPod @TheBenReport- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation podcast is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
May 21, 2020

E68: Design at a Distance

Sherpa Host Ben Tingey talks with two Sherpa's Guide to Innovation podcast vets and innovation pros,  David Phillips of Faster Glass and Eric Gorman of Wily LLC, about the rapid pivot to innovating virtually during COVID-19.  Hear about what's worked well (technical moderators!), what's challenged them (customer discovery/ethnography), and what might endure for facilitating innovation work once we can gather in-person again. Design Sprint BootcampOct 20-21, 2020Charlotte, NCWily was cited in Jake Knapp's new Remote Design Sprint Guide! Check it out here: Tools referenced in the episode: dscoutMURALMiro@FasterGlass @wearewily @SherpaPod @TheBenReport- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation podcast is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
May 6, 2020

E67: Reflections from an Innovation Gladiator – Dr. Jean Wright

It's another closet studio edition! For episode 67 we have the privilege of listening to the brilliant mind and disarming wit of our Innovation Gladiator, Dr. Jean Wright, as she reflects on her impending retirement and the things she's learned as the Chief Innovation Officer at Atrium Health, such as: Innovation is actually code for change managementHow she got her "Gladiator" nicknameAdvice to aspiring innovatorsHow to get back up after getting "thrown off the porch"The enduring impact of COVID-19 on the field of innovationThroughout the episode you'll hear some surprise tributes sprinkled into the conversation as we bid a fond farewell to our leader. Thank you, Jean, for your years of wise leadership, creativity, and generosity. @drjeanwright @thebenreport @SherpaPod @atriumhealth- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation podcast is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
April 22, 2020

E66: Debunking Design Thinking Myths with Jason Rome

Jason Rome of Skookum joins us on A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation podcast again, this time talking about the common misconceptions and misapplications of design thinking. He pulls in his customer experience insights, just as he did on Episode 25, to explain how the value of design thinking is not found in the workshop event but in the subsequent iterations and execution of the work. Collected from years of human-centered design work with large organizations, Jason shares such nuggets of wisdom as: Balance desirability, feasibility, and viability.Fall in love with the right problem, not a solutionDesign for who people simply are, not who we wish they wereThe essence of strategy is choosing what not to doRespect the engineers!This episode is another closet studio edition as we grapple with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. With much of the nation now working remotely, Jason also shares some recommendations about remote work-life balance and how to conduct virtual workshops—topics he recently wrote about for Skookum’s blog. @Skookum @GlobalLogic@SherpaPod @AtriumHealth @theBenReport- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
April 8, 2020

E65: Necessity is the Mother of Invention

Ben & Jay come to you from their closets, reflecting on the sudden and dramatic changes occurring as a result of COVID-19.  They discuss working (and podcasting) at home, what COVID-19 might permanently change, and how constraints unleash innovation.Politico: Coronavirus Will Change the World Permanently. Here’s How.Magnet Theatre – Virtual Improv ShowsAtrium Health launches virtual hospital care at home for COVID-19 patientsCharlotte Latin raising funds to 3D print face shields for medical personnel@TheBenReport @JayGerhartSupport the show (
March 25, 2020

E64: Zayna Khayat on The Future of Aging

Ben & Jay welcome back Dr. Zayna Khayat, Future Strategist of SE Health to discuss their new book, The Future of Aging.  Zayna is also on the faculty of Singularity University and the Rothman School of Management. The Future of Aging is an exciting collaboration between SE Health and Idea Couture, a global strategic innovation and experience design firm.  As "a counter-argument to the common thinking and discourse around aging put forth in academia, business and popular culture", this book will appeal to many leaders, healthcare or otherwise, with a vested interest in serving older adults through products or services.  And it's thought-provoking, if not moving, at a personal level.Buy and review the book on AmazonFollow Zayna and her team on Twitter:  @ZaynaKhayat @SEFuturesFollow us on Twitter:  @SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhartAlso by Idea Couture:  The Futures of Health: Spaces Places of CareSupport the show (
March 11, 2020

E63: What's Behind Door #3? Interdependence & Modularity!

Ben, Jay & Will geek out on a great but less well-known theory of Dr. Clayton M. Christensen - Interdependence and Modularity.  How do you develop a business model that fits your unique circumstances? From the first automobiles to light bulbs to Tesla and Electronic Medical Records, your Sherpas discuss a framework for product architecture and how to look at the dynamics of your industry value chain.  They even dare to talk about single payor health care systems... References:Michael Horn - Education, Disrupted (MIT Sloan Management Review)Ben Thompson, Stratechery - Netflix and the Conservation of Attractive ProfitsXealth - Digital Health at ScaleThe Innovator's Solution - Chapters 5 and 6Find us on Twitter: @TheBenReport @JayGerhart @WillBehrmannSupport the show (
February 26, 2020

E63: What's Behind Door #3? Interdependence & Modularity!

Ben, Jay & Will geek out on a great but less well-known theory of Dr. Clayton M. Christensen - Interdependence and Modularity.  How do you develop a business model that fits your unique circumstances? From the first automobiles to light bulbs to Tesla and Electronic Medical Records, your Sherpas discuss a framework for product architecture and how to look at the dynamics of your industry value chain.  They even dare to talk about single payor health care systems... References:Michael Horn - Education, Disrupted (MIT Sloan Management Review)Ben Thompson, Stratechery - Netflix and the Conservation of Attractive ProfitsXealth - Digital Health at ScaleThe Innovator's Solution - Chapters 5 and 6Find us on Twitter: @TheBenReport @JayGerhart @WillBehrmannSupport the show (
February 26, 2020

E62: Seth Ervin – Libraries as Platforms of Community Change

Can you name an institution more welcoming and inclusive than a library? Probably not. In this episode, we learn from Seth Ervin, Chief Innovation Officer at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, about how he applies innovation principles to design the library experience of the future. Libraries are a critical social infrastructure (a phrase elucidated by Professor Eric Klinenberg in his exceptional book Palaces for the People) and Seth and his team believe the library can act as a platform of community change. How? - Exceptional service design and rapid prototyping of ideas like mobile libraries, makerspaces, coding labs, community media, and more that will impact data literacy, economic mobility, and social determinants of health. Seth is also an author! Check out his books here: @KeysofCandor @SethErvin @CMLibrary @SherpaPod @TheBenReportCNN – Americans went to the library more often than they went to the movies, poll finds. How did we meet Seth? Thanks to @wearewily for hosting the Design Sprint training with @jakekAnother innovative Library system: Calgary Central Library- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
February 12, 2020

E61: Remembering Dr. Clayton M. Christensen

Ben & Jay reflect on what Dr. Clay Christensen has meant to each of them, their experience meeting Clay and his wife, Christine, and a few parting thoughts in gratitude for this amazing man.memoriesofclay.comHow Will You Measure Your Life?The Clayton Christensen InstituteThe Forum for Growth and Innovation at Harvard Business SchoolSupport the show (
January 28, 2020

E60: Kelly Leonard from The Second City – Improv is Human Being Practice

Ben and Jay open a new decade with an improvisational theatre, organizational learning, and human behavior rock star, Kelly Leonard.  Kelly is the Executive Director of Insights and Applied Improvisation at Second City Works, overseeing The Second Science Project with the Center for Decision Research at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.  He’s the author of the critically acclaimed book “Yes, And”, a multiple TEDx speaker, and host of the podcast “Getting to Yes, And”.  Kelly talks about the connection between improv and innovation, improv and general business skills, improv and behavioral science, improv and caregiving.  You get the idea – the principles of improv are connected deeply to basic principles of functioning better as a human being.Twitter handles:  @KLsecondcity @JayGerhart @TheBenReport Subscribe/listen to "Getting to Yes, And" podcastBuy Kelly's book hereKelly's TEDx Talks:Learning Lesson Through Improv Embracing Your FailuresExploring The Idea of Strategic DiscomfortReferences:Caring Across Generations  @aijenpooSupport the show (
January 22, 2020

E59: 2019 Sherpa State of the Union

Fellow innovators, esteemed podcast listeners, ladies, and gentlemen – We enter 2020 grateful for the wonderful 2019 behind us. Join us (Jay & Ben) as we review and reflect on the brilliant guests and special moments of 2019, conduct an assessment of the hypothesized Jobs to Be Done of listening to the podcast, and preview some exciting episodes coming down the pike. Thanks for listening, and stay tuned for more in 2020!Support the show (
January 9, 2020

E58: The Christensen Institute Asks the Theory About AVs, Tesla & AI

Ben & Jay close out 2019 with our good friends at the Christensen Institute.  In a thought-provoking conversation, Rich Alton, Director of Emerging Research at the Christensen Institute and Chandrasekar Iyer, visiting fellow of Emerging Research and consultant at Tata Consultancy Services delve into their recent paper The Race for Autonomous Ride-Hailing: Developing a Strategy for Success.  This is a great case study for applying the theory of disruptive innovation--why it's important to understand the categorization of innovations and how to predict success for new entrants and incumbents.Rich and Chandra also weigh in on Jay's December 2018 Medium post, "Elon, Clay & Disruption," as well as AI in the healthcare setting.  Get your gear ready for a robust disruptive innovation geek out session!Find everyone on the Twitters:@richalton@C_Iyer87@TCS@TCS_na@ChristensenInst@TheBenReport@JayGerhartShout Out to Exponent Podcast:@exponentfm@benthompson@jamesallworthShout Out to Our Health Podcast Network friends:@healthpodnet@NEJM@FrontiersHealth@BeckersHR@THTpodcast@peterjbirchSupport the show (
December 18, 2019

E57: Christi Zuber – Matrix Moments, Microclimates & Bridgebuilding

Ben talks to pioneer practitioner, leader and researcher on innovation and human centered design, Christi Zuber.  Christi provides dynamic leadership to two progressive and collaborative innovation organizations – Aspen Labs and the Innovation Learning Network (ILN).  Hear about her career journey, bridging the gap between innovation research and practice,  her vision for the ILN, and who’s been inspiring her lately.Jean Liedtka: Carlgren: Theory and Human-Centered Design: Bevan: and Healthcare Innovation: the show (
December 4, 2019

E56: The Chris Elmore – 5,000 Cold Calls, Bootstrapping, and a Beard You Can Hear

Chris Elmore rolls into the Sherpa studio--Company Evangelist for AvidXchange, a fintech unicorn based in Charlotte, North Carolina, as well as author, teacher, speaker, father of four, and husband of 25 years.  Referring to someone as “one of a kind” can be kind of cliché, but Chris lives up to the billing.  He’s a dynamic and authentic purveyor of innovation and entrepreneurship wisdom.  Hear his perspectives on innovation, as well as the outlook for a blooming innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Charlotte.  Can you hear his beard?  Listen closely . . .@thechriselmore @AvidXchange@SherpaPod @TheBenReportTheChrisElmore.comCreative Mornings Charlotte: Taming the Chaos in Your Life, by Chris ElmoreShout out to Stacy Cassio at the Pink Mentor Network- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodnet - Support the show (
November 13, 2019

E55: Everyone is Creative and Everyone is Welcome

“Everyone is creative. Everyone is welcome.” Long-time friends and Charlotteans Matt Olin and Tim Miner are the co-founders of Charlotte is Creative, a not for profit organization that develops programs and initiatives designed to break the Charlotte mold and re-make it with creativity—into a city that draws people in, excites them, and inspires them to invest their financial, social, and creative capital. Learn about some of the unique ways Matt and Tim foster a culture of creativity in Charlotte, such as hosting CreativeMornings/Charlotte, H.U.G. Micro-grants, the Queen City Quiz Show, and their multimedia site The Biscuit. Listen to this episode and “don’t wait, create!”  @cltiscreative @cm_clt @mattolincreates @afewminertweaks @SherpaPod @TheBenReport - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
October 30, 2019

E54: Michael B. Horn – The Jobs to Be Done of Education

Benjamin Franklin said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Learn more about the Jobs to Be Done for which we hire education throughout our lives by listening to this episode, the third in our series on innovation in higher education, with co-author Michael B. Horn of the recently released book Choosing College: How to Make Better Learning Decision Throughout Your Life.  Michael is the Chief Strategy Officer for the Entangled Group, an education technology studio, and a senior partner for Entangled Solutions, which offers innovation services to higher education institutions. He is also the co-founder of and a distinguished fellow at the Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation. An expert on disruptive innovation, online learning, blended learning, competency-based learning, and how to transform the education system into a student-centered one, Michael has authored several books including Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns with Clayton Christensen, and the Amazon-bestseller Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools. He also co-hosts a podcast entitled Future U, in partnership with Jeff Selingo. Listen to this episode, and then go read his books!@michaelbhorn @EntangledSOL @EntangledGroup @christenseninst@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhart- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @Healthpodnet  - Support the show (
October 17, 2019

E53: Health Design Lab – A Bank Vault, MD Designers & a Custom Airstream

What does it look like when an organization has fully committed to human-centered design? It looks like this: Learn from Robert Pugliese, Director of Innovation Design, and Dr. Kristy Shine, Director of Education and Research, about the Jefferson Health Design Lab, a creative space where people from different backgrounds come together to solve challenges and design a healthier future. In this engaging conversation, Kristy and Rob discuss how they gravitated to design, why and how they train physicians in human-centered design, and how they retrofitted an Airstream to become a social innovation tool that promotes conversations about healthy living in Philadelphia. Have a listen, then watch their fearless leader Dr. Bon Ku and the team on the TNT show “Chasing the Cure” with host Ann Curry. @JeffInnovation @kristyshines @RSPugliese@SherpaPod @TheBenReport- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
October 2, 2019

E53: Health Design Lab – A Bank Vault, MD Designers & a Custom Airstream

What does it look like when an organization has fully committed to human-centered design? It looks like this: Learn from Robert Pugliese, Director of Innovation Design, and Dr. Kristy Shine, Director of Education and Research, about the Jefferson Health Design Lab, a creative space where people from different backgrounds come together to solve challenges and design a healthier future. In this engaging conversation, Kristy and Rob discuss how they gravitated to design, why and how they train physicians in human-centered design, and how they retrofitted an Airstream to become a social innovation tool that promotes conversations about healthy living in Philadelphia. Have a listen, then watch their fearless leader Dr. Bon Ku and the team on the TNT show “Chasing the Cure” with host Ann Curry. @JeffInnovation @kristyshines @RSPugliese@SherpaPod @TheBenReport- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
October 2, 2019

E52 Part 2: Bob Moesta – Choosing Better for Learning and Healthcare

In the second segment of our super-sized “Bobcast”, uber-innovator and Jobs to Be Done expert Bob Moesta digs deeper into his recently released first book, Choosing College: How to Make Better Learning Decisions Throughout Your Life, co-authored with Michael Horn.  The book isn’t just about the college decision--it encompasses life-long learning, whether it’s executive education, bootcamps, or on-line classes.  Since many parallels can be made between the higher education and health care industries, Ben & Jay also engage Bob about the struggles in making health care decisions and their similarities to education decisions. Having helped many companies develop thousands of products, Bob is now on a mission to help consumer be better consumers, in many aspects of their lives.  Whether its education or healthcare, if people can prepare themselves better by helping them understand their own context and the outcome they are seeking, they will choose better--making the implicit explicit. As you will come to realize, choosing the right learning experience is just a beginning for Bob’s work to enable people to make better choices.@bmoesta @michaelbhorn @ChristensenInstLearn more about Choosing College HEREPurchase a copy HERE Examples cited:@snhuprez - Paul LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University (@SNHU)Fullstack Academy @fullstack  K Health @KHealthInc  @JayGerhart @TheBenReport @SherpaPod- A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
September 18, 2019

E52 Part 1: Bob Moesta – The Grad School Jobs to Be Done Interview

Bob Moesta rejoins the podcast during the release of his first book, Choosing College: How to Make Better Learning Decisions Throughout Your Life, co-authored with Michael Horn.  In Part 1, Bob and Jay put Ben in the hot seat, conducting a live Jobs to Be Done interview about Ben’s process of picking a graduate school.  This episode not only introduces Choosing College but also provides our listeners with another example of Bob’s renowned JTBD interview technique.  Hear the Master compile Ben’s story and identify which of the five higher education Jobs to be Done that Ben pursued.  As you listen to the interview, notice a few of the hallmarks of Bob’s technique:Adopt a beginner’s mindsetUnpack language to uncover intentBuild the story so that you as an interviewer can play it back to a high degree of accuracyStay tuned for Part 2 to hear more about Choosing College, as well as common themes between higher education and health care.@bmoesta @michaelbhorn @ChristensenInstLearn more about the book HEREPurchase your copy HERE  @JayGerhart @TheBenReport @SherpaPod- A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @healthpodnet - Support the show (
September 18, 2019

E51: A Healthcare Renaissance Man – Dr. Nisarg Patel

“I have a problem liking too many things.” Learn from Dr. Nisarg Patel, a healthcare renaissance man, about his journey into the world of medicine. Unafraid to “dive into the deep end,” Dr. Patel is a scientist and researcher of computational cancer genomics, synthetic gene circuits for engineered probiotic therapeutics, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated bacterial genome engineering, as well as applying machine learning to health policy and economics. He also worked in venture capital at Bessemer Venture Partners in their Life Sciences division. While most medical students take classes and apply it to their clinical practice, Dr. Patel did that and then also founded Memora Health, a Y Combinator funded technology company providing HIPAA-compliant patient texting. He has also written about health policy, medicine, strategy, and economics for Slate Magazine, STAT, Huffington Post, and on Medium. In this episode, he shares his perspective on shopping for healthcare, the future of primary care, where healthtech works and doesn’t work, and how he fills his insatiable urge to write. Don’t be afraid to dive into the deep end with Dr. Nisarg Patel!@nxpatel @Memora @SherpaPod @TheBenReport @annsomerswhWe highly recommend his articles on Medium: A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
September 4, 2019

E50: The Design Value of Health with Steve Downs

What would it look like if Netflix was helping you stay healthy? Learn about how we can make health an inherent design feature in our everyday lives from Steve Downs, Chief Technology and Strategy Officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. In this, our 50th podcast episode, Steve paints a picture of a world intentionally designed to make it easier for individuals and communities to choose healthy behaviors. How do we get there? Listen and find out! We discuss behavior change theories, promoting a culture of health, persuading tech companies that health is a value expressed horizontally across product lines, and the three phases of Steve’s lunchtime routine.  @stephenjdowns @RWJF@SherpaPod @WillBehrmann @TheBenReport StairsDesigning Everyday Life to Be Healthier – Health Experience Design Conference 2019  - A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
August 21, 2019

E49: Industry Integration and Serendipitous Collisions with Mike Biselli

Episode 49 features Mike Biselli, a healthtech entrepreneur and community-building pioneer with a bold vision for reimagining healthcare. Learn about how Mike planted a flag in the ground and determined to create a built environment that would foster serendipitous collisions to catalyze innovation and transformational change. The result: Catalyst HTI, a 180,000 square-foot industry integrator campus designed to bring health-tech start-ups and established health care entities together under one roof, located in Denver, Colorado. Additionally, Lindsay Deneault shares her experience facilitating similar collisions at TMC Innovation Institute in Houston, Texas. This episode nearly melted the walls of our podcast studio, so drink up your 5-Hour Energy, kick back, and enjoy this animated conversation about the power of vision and collision!  @mikebiselli @CatalystHTI @LindsayDeneault @TMCInnovation @SherpaPod @TheBenReport @AtriumHealth  - A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
August 8, 2019

E48 Part 1: Designing for Cultural Competency and an Inclusive Workforce

Our world is becoming increasingly complex and wonderfully diverse. How can organizations keep pace with this expanding diversity and design with cultural competency? Episode #48 Part 1 features Kinneil Coltman, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer at Atrium Health; Elizabeth Watson, Manager of Innovation; and Ben Tingey, Manager of Innovation and, for this episode, in a hybrid role as host and guest.Listen and learn about how a large healthcare system champions diversity and inclusion, adapts services to meet culturally unique needs, includes cultural groups in the design process, and improves health outcomes and community trust as a result.@KinneilC @ElizCLT @TheBenReport @SherpaPod A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
July 26, 2019

E48 Part 2: Designing for Cultural Competency and an Inclusive Workforce

Our world is becoming increasingly complex and wonderfully diverse. How can organizations keep pace with this expanding diversity and assemble an inclusive workforce? Episode #48 - Part 2 features André Blackman and Touré McCluskey of Onboard Health, an organization dedicated to building a dynamic ecosystem of career acceleration opportunities to cultivate a powerful, inclusive workforce that is well equipped to solve some of our most pressing issues. When talented individuals who reflect the diverse fabric of our society build new ventures or have a seat the table of innovative companies, the solutions that come will inherently reflect the complex needs of our society. Listen and learn to build a more human company!@onboardhealth @mindofandre @touremccluskeyOnboard HealthThe Sustainable Future Blog"Why I Started Onboard Health"The Human Company Playbook & Manifesto@SherpaPod @TheBenReport- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
July 26, 2019

E47: A Passion for Product – Tom Schlegel of Radio Flyer

Ben & Jay talk to Tom Schlegel, Chief Innovation Officer of Radio Flyer, the iconic 102-year old company that’s on a mission to bring smiles to kids of all ages.  During his 16 years at Radio Flyer, he has been a key leader in the evolution of the company from a steel wagon manufacturer to a customer-driven design and development powerhouse.  Tom talks about how he has employed Dr. Clay Christensen’s theories of disruptive innovation and Jobs to be Done to help Radio Flyer hold potential disruptors at bay and continue to develop products that create warm memories for kids of all ages.  It’s not just little red wagons anymore!  Innovators of all walks of life will enjoy hearing Tom’s journey from studying engineering and industrial design at Notre Dame to leading product development, sales and marketing at one of our country’s recognized best places to work. Check out this beautiful Emmy Award winning short film capturing the essence of the Radio Flyer purpose brand, and then learn about the history of Radio Flyer. @RadioFlyer @SherpaPod @JayGerhart @TheBenReport- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
July 10, 2019

E46: An Abundance Mindset with Robin Glasco

Get ready to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance in this episode of A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation featuring Robin Glasco, co-founder and Managing Partner of Bambü Global Healthcare Advisors. Robin is a healthcare strategy and innovation dynamo, co-founding Bambü after serving as EIR with the Nason Group, Chief Innovation Officer of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, and an executive at Kaiser Permanente. She serves on several non-profit boards in the Boston area, and is passionate about disruptive innovation theory, advancing investment in high performing minority startups, and helping organizations fall in love with a problem, not a solution. Tune in and learn more Robin’s career, her new venture Bambü Global Healthcare Advisors, what the formula OO + NT = EOO means, why health equity is crucial for improving maternal health, and how a video about a shopping cart sparked her interest in innovation. “I’m telling you, Bannister, this girl is fun. F-U-N!” @BuffGirlRobin @bambuhealth @americantelemed @BostonHarborNow @CommunityServ @BUILDNational The IDEO shopping cart video- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNetSupport the show (
June 6, 2019

E45: Reframing Healthcare with Zeev Neuwirth, MD

For episode #45, it’s our privilege to welcome our Atrium Health colleague Dr. Zeev Neuwirth, Senior Medical Director of Population Health, to our podcast. Zeev is the author of the recently released book Reframing Healthcare: A Roadmap for Creating Disruptive Change and is the host of the Creating a New Healthcare podcast. This episode began in a different way. Typically, we speak into the microphones while seated. Our episode’s guest, Dr. Zeev Neuwirth, invited us to ditch the chairs, adjust the microphones upward, and stand for the episode recording. True to form, he reoriented and reframed our podcast experience. In this episode, Dr. Neuwirth will reorient your perspective so we can collectively reframe healthcare. Among many other things, you’ll learn about the launch of Zeev’s book and his articulation of the “Marketing Mindset,” the imperative for design thinking to become an industry competency, the many people who have influenced his thinking and writing, and what makes him dance in his pajamas. You’ll also witness an on-air induction into the #pinksocks tribe!Additionally, we have a special announcement for our listeners! All those who give us a rating and a review on iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher before June 5th, 2019 will be entered into a raffle to win a free and signed copy of Dr. Neuwirth’s book. Once you submit the rating and review, let us know you did on Twitter using the hashtag #innovationengine. One rating = one raffle submission. So, if you provide a rating on all three sites you can get up to three raffle submissions!@SherpaPod @ZeevNeuwirth @JayGerhart @TheBenReport @AtriumHealth - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
May 23, 2019

E44: Designing for People with Intermountain Healthcare’s Todd Dunn

Episode #44 features a man we admire from an organization we admire: Todd Dunn, Director of Innovation at Intermountain Healthcare.  This inspiring innovator, compelling storyteller and self-described family man shares his go-to list of innovation books, lifelong principles that influence his learning, why empathy should be at the heart of healthcare, and the three C’s of design disease. He’s also a big fan of Clay Christensen’s theories and contributed to the writing of Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovation and Consumer Choice, co-authored by Clay Christensen, Karen Dillon, David S. Duncan, and Taddy Hall. If your desired progress is to learn about how a world-class healthcare leader designs for people, then this episode is for you!@SherpaPod @TToddDunn @Intermountain #pinksocksWhat We Learned from a Watch and a Question7 Deadly Startup Sins3 Cs of Design DiseaseLucky Iron Fish- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -  Support the show (
May 9, 2019

E43: Turning Information into Innovation – Health Datapalooza Conference Recap

Episode 43 features perspectives from Atrium Health teammates who attended the 10th anniversary Health Datapalooza conference on March 27-28 in Washington, DC. Hosted by AcademyHealth, Health Datapalooza brings together a diverse group of healthcare leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and data analysts to discuss collaboration opportunities at the intersection of policy, data, and innovation. A sponsor at this year’s event, Atrium Health also sponsored the attendance of several Charlotte-area patients who were able to contribute their insights to the national conversation on how to harness the power of data to improve the health of our country. Our very own Dr. Rasu Shrestha, EVP and Chief Strategy Officer, kicks off our interviews. You’ll also hear some new voices, including Dr. Ed Kim, Chair of the Department of Solid Tumor Oncology at Levine Cancer Institute; Jason Schneider, Senior Director of Corporate Communications; and Allyson Cochran, Senior Clinical Data Manager for the Carolinas Center for Surgical Outcomes Science. Tune in and . . . #pinksocks! @hdpalooza @AcademyHealth @RasuShrestha @AtriumHealth @LevineCancer @EdKimMDLCI ‏ @theNCI @CancerResrch @ASCO@JSchneide12 Atrium Health Datapalooza site. Learn about the Pink Socks movement.  - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
April 25, 2019

E42: Karen Dillon – Bringing Great Theory to Life

Ben & Jay have the unique pleasure of speaking with Karen Dillon, NYT best-selling author and former editor of the Harvard Business Review, about her being in “the front seat of the Clay Christensen experience” through years of collaboration with Clay and some of their incredible colleagues.  Karen may refer to herself as “semi-retired”, but she sounds pretty busy and is having great impact on the world as a co-author of The Prosperity Paradox with Clay and Efosa Ojomo (featured in Episode 40), and as Editorial Director of BanyanGlobal Family Business Advisors.  In addition to talking about The Prosperity Paradox, Karen provides a master class on writing, reflects on her collaboration with Clay and James Allworth on How Will You Measure Your Life, and what it was like to work with Bob Moesta on Competing Against Luck.  Take a “time dash” with the Sherpas and Karen to hear how Clay’s theories have evolved – and how they can impact an individual on a personal basis.@KarDillon #ProsperityParadox @CompetingvsLuck #HowWillYouMeasureYourLife@claychristensen @jamesallworth @EfosaOjomo @bmoestaStick around past the closing music for an outtake on how Twitter fulfills a Job to be Done for Karen and Jay.Medium - Why I Hired Twitter - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
April 11, 2019

E41: #SXSW2019 – Human Connections, Analogous Learning & 147 Cheeses

Yeehaw! The Sherpas of the southeast went to SXSW in Austin, TX and lived to tell the tale. Listen to Lindsay, Jay, Sally, and Ben recap the sessions they attended, their tried and true success strategies for navigating SXSW, some of the overarching conference themes, the piles of delicious food they sampled, and the applications to innovation and healthcare they uncovered. You’ll learn that SXSW offers a Texas-sized assortment of innovation learning opportunities for any industry. You’ll also share Ben’s joy in his new favorite breakfast spot, Sally’s renewed passion for movie-going, and what put Jay and Lindsay into a dairy-related coma. If you haven’t been to SXSW yet, GO! If you have, GO AGAIN! Either way, check out this episode and enjoy the “South By” experience. @SXSW #SXSW #SXSW2019 @VisitAustinTX #innovationengine @healergizing #pinksocks @SherpaPod @LindsayDeneault @JayGerhart @TheBenReport @Robertos_Tank - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
March 28, 2019

E41: #SXSW2019 – Human Connections, Analogous Learning & 147 Cheeses

Yeehaw! The Sherpas of the southeast went to SXSW in Austin, TX and lived to tell the tale. Listen to Lindsay, Jay, Sally, and Ben recap the sessions they attended, their tried and true success strategies for navigating SXSW, some of the overarching conference themes, the piles of delicious food they sampled, and the applications to innovation and healthcare they uncovered. You’ll learn that SXSW offers a Texas-sized assortment of innovation learning opportunities for any industry. You’ll also share Ben’s joy in his new favorite breakfast spot, Sally’s renewed passion for movie-going, and what put Jay and Lindsay into a dairy-related coma. If you haven’t been to SXSW yet, GO! If you have, GO AGAIN! Either way, check out this episode and enjoy the “South By” experience. @SXSW #SXSW #SXSW2019 @VisitAustinTX #innovationengine @healergizing #pinksocks @SherpaPod @LindsayDeneault @JayGerhart @TheBenReport @Robertos_Tank - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
March 28, 2019

E40: Efosa Ojomo Turns Theory Into Hope – The Prosperity Paradox

Ben & Jay are honored to speak with Efosa Ojomo, Global Prosperity Lead at Clayton Christensen Institute and co-author of The Prosperity Paradox with Dr. Clayton Christensen and Karen Dillon.  Efosa talks about how he came to think that business might be the answer for developing countries, why not all innovations are created equal, and why “pull” strategies can work better than “push” strategies for all stakeholders.  In addition, we discuss how The Prosperity Paradox can inspire and instruct social innovators close to home, even in generally prosperous geographies.@EfosaOjomo @GlobalCCI @christenseninst @HarvardHBS @HBS_Forum #ProsperityParadox@KarDillon @claychristensen@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhart #InnovationEngine- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
March 14, 2019

E39: #HIMSS19 – Caped Crusaders, Precision Medicine and #pinksocks

"Ah, the HIMSS conference. . . If you don’t own it, it will own you.” Hear what else the Innovation Sherpas have to say about their recent trip down to the Sunshine State for the 2019 Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Conference in Orlando.  We have Dr. Jean Wright (Chief Innovation Officer), Emilie Pandullo (Investment Fund Director), and Michael Johnson (Director, Innovation) in the studio to relive their HIMSS experience. Among other things, they discuss the shift from patient engagement to patient activation, validated business models in population health, interoperability moving from a desire into a reality, genomics, and precision medicine. They also reveal the secret identity of one of the caped Champions of Health. If you want a recap of the conference or are considering attending in the future, this episode is calling out to you. #HIMSS2019 @SherpaPod @ghiafixer @drjeanwright #InnovationEngine#pinksocks A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
February 28, 2019

E38: Niyum Gandhi – Population Health in the City that Never Sleeps

In this episode, we welcome Niyum Gandhi, Executive Vice President and Chief Population Health Officer at Mount Sinai, to discuss health system transformation, and how he tackles it in one of the most diverse cities in the world. Niyum shares the story behind his transition from Oliver Wyman to Mount Sinai, and the role key questions and visionary leaders took in making his leap. Hear Niyum talk about finding the leader who wasn’t afraid to be first to start the marathon of transforming a health system with a population health division to a population health management company that happens to own hospitals. He shares his insights on how we can shift from a health system designed to prevent death and treat illness to one designed to prevent illness and manage health. It starts with defining the problem differently. From there, we can design more creative and effective solutions. He’ll also share the importance of people in this transformation process. Ultimately our models are all about those we serve, and they are powered by those we work alongside.  Take a listen to one of the brightest minds in health care who is paving a way for a better future. You’ll be both impressed and inspired! @niyumgandhi @SherpaPod @annsomerswh @TheBenReport #InnovationEngine@OWHealthEditorLab100 Overview - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
February 21, 2019

E37: Dr. Rasu Shrestha – Passion, Purpose & A Plan

In this episode we welcome Dr. Rasu Shrestha to the Atrium Health family as our new EVP and Chief Strategy Officer. Formerly, Dr. Shrestha was Chief Innovation Officer at UPMC and EVP of UPMC Enterprises. Get to know this dynamic healthcare leader as he reflects on experiences and influences that have shaped his approach to leadership and innovation, and his exuberance as he anticipates guiding strategy for Atrium Health. He also gives a teaser for his upcoming HIMSS presentations, what #pinksocks means to him, and what he's been leading lately.  Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you Dr. Rasu Shrestha, innovation and strategy thought leader extraordinaire!@RasuShrestha @AtriumHealth @SherpaPod @TheBenReport  #innovationengine@HIMSS #HIMSS19 @UPMC @UPMCEnterprises #pinksocks @JohnCarreyrou #badblood  @TomFriedman @GavinNewsom @primantibros #primantibros - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
February 7, 2019

E36: Healthcare Disruption & Precision Innovation with Rebecca Fogg

Rebecca Fogg, Senior Research Fellow of the healthcare practice at the Christensen Institute, joins the Innovation Sherpas from across the pond to talk disruption, air ambulances, Jobs to Be Done, and why she switched from consumer financial services to research on healthcare business model innovation. Rebecca shares some of her finely tuned insights on why the healthcare industry is so difficult to disrupt, how she identifies and evaluates business models with disruptive potential, and what’s next on the horizon for her research. Check out her research and blog series on the Christensen Institute site, then prepare to be enlightened by her exceptional disruptive innovation analysis. If you’re sick and the doctor prescribed more disruptive innovation, this episode is the medicine! Read Health for Hire@RebFogg  @ChristensenInst  @SherpaPod @WillBehrmann @TheBenReport #innovationengine- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
January 31, 2019

E35: Catalyzing an Environment for Innovation

Our human-centered design Sherpas Elizabeth Benfield Watson and Sally Baek are joined by a special guest, John Tartt, AVP of Enterprise Risk Management at Atrium Health, to talk about the Innovation Engine’s Catalyst Program.  Risk management may sound out of place in the world of innovation, but John is a great friend of our team and he’s a terrific example of how the mindset of human-centered design can grow in an organization when you properly plant and cultivate the seeds.  Hear about how the Catalyst Program, now in its fourth year, originally sprouted, and how it has grown and evolved.  Honorable mentions to Kaiser Permanente Innovation Consultancy and Intuit’s Innovation Lab for providing early inspiration to our team as we seek to build the environment for innovation at Atrium Health.@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @ElizCLT @Robertos_Tank #innovationengine@kpinnovation - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation Podcast is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
January 17, 2019

E34: A Sherpa Holiday Podcastpalooza!

Ben & Jay do a short recap of the last year of A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation, highlighting some memorable moments.  We hope current listeners enjoy reliving the memories, and new listeners get a taste of what they’ve been missing.  You’ll hear from previous awesome guests Dr. Zayna Khayat, Bob Moesta, Derek van Bever, and David Phillips – plus Innovation Engine Sherpas Michael Johnson, Lindsay Deneault and Elizabeth Benfield Watson.  And you won’t want to miss the magic of Ben’s clever intros!@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhart #Innovation EngineA Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is on Medium- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
December 20, 2018

E33: Objectively Creative & Subjectively Analytical – Design Strategist Lee Fain

There exists a hidden world of which the average consumer has no knowledge—the world of design and innovation that crafts nearly everything we see and use. Join Design Strategist Lee Fain as he takes us on a storytelling adventure using Joseph Campbell's Hero’s Journey framework to a new world of creativity, design, prototyping, and customer discovery. Lee is co-head of design strategy at IdeaCouture, a global design and innovation consultancy. In this episode, Lee shares his wisdom on the business value of design, common design pitfalls, the power of physical artifacts to manifest the intangible, his original DOES framework, and the genuine joy he finds in the creative process. And don’t leave the theater too soon—there’s a BONUS portion after the outro music that you won’t want to miss!@_leefain @IdeaCouture @Cognizant @SCADdotedu @jcf_org @SherpaPod @theBenReport #InnovationEngine- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
December 6, 2018

E32: Disrupt to Improve vs. Disrupt to Destroy

Your disruptive innovation Sherpas are back to discuss how the theory may be playing out in healthcare.  Will Behrmann, Jay Gerhart and Ann Somers Hogg cover a lot of ground on the complex and ever-changing healthcare landscape.  Is disruption truly occurring?  Why does it matter? Do we really want it to occur?  What will it look like?  Weighty questions indeed.  CVS/Aetna, primary care disruptors, health care system talent joining large tech companies, personalized care moving into the home…and Ben performs some Shakespeare.@SherpaPod @WillBehrmann @JayGerhart @annsomerswh @TheBenReport #InnovationEngineHealthcare Innovation: Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. By Kenneth Kaufman and Eugene Woods - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
November 23, 2018

E31: Sherpa Showdown: Fast Company Innovation Festival vs. Impact 2018

Two great conferences – two Innovation Engine Sherpas facing off to extol their virtues!  Ann Somers Hogg and Will Behrmann each recently attended a stellar innovation conference and share their experiences via a good-natured duel, making the case for why YOU should attend the conference they attended next year. Which conference wins our Sherpa Showdown? Will it be the Impact 2018 conference hosted by Innovation Leader or the Fast Company Innovation Festival? What’s the Job to Be Done of attending a conference, and which of the many conferences should healthcare innovators select? Listen and find out, then add it to your list of conferences to attend next year!@FastCompany @InnoLead #FCFestival@SherpaPod @WillBehrmann @annsomerswh @TheBenReport #Innovation Engine @tamadear@barre3 #barre3- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
November 8, 2018

E30: The (Cult)ivation of Failure: ILN 2018 InPerson Meeting Highlights

Jay takes the show on the road for the Innovation Learning Network’s InPerson Meeting (absolutely not a conference) in Sacramento, California, hosted by The Shop at VSP.  He first talks on-site with ILN Executive Director Chris McCarthy and Christine Folck, Manager & Leader of Operational Strategy at VSP Global to set the stage for the meeting.  Then he talks with Jay Sales, Co-Director, VSP Global and Keynote Speaker Chef Patrick Mulvaney about the local mental health issue that ILNers rolled up their sleeves to address.  Once safely home and free of jet lag, Jay joins Ben in the Sherpa studio to recap this unique event that has hopefully left its mark on Sacramento in a big, meaningful way.Twitter:  @ILNmuse #ILN18 @VSPVisionCare @McCarthyChris @ChangeAsUsual @soupsales @MulvaneysBL @JayGerhart @TheBenReport #InnovationEngine inspired by Liz Salmi: @TheLizArmyWhat’s that pink sock reference all about?  #pinksocks Support the show (
October 25, 2018

E29: On the Road with Ann Somers & Elizabeth – Mayo Transform 2018

Join Innovation Sherpas Ann Somers Hogg and Elizabeth Watson in a continuation of their Twitter barrage sharing their experiences and highlights from their recent attendance at Mayo Clinic’s Transform 2018 Conference in Rochester, Minnesota. Learn about the industry’s focus to meet people where they really are, move from incremental to transformational change, and why moving care from the clinic to the home is critical for that transformation. Hear about Ann Somers and Elizabeth’s side trip and how it involves a use for the country’s growing number of vacated malls.  If you attended the Transform 2018 Conference this episode will be an engaging recap, and for those who haven’t attended you’ll quickly see why you should! @MayoClinic @MayoInnovation #txfm2018 @SheraPod @annsomerswh @ElizCLT @TheBenReport Conference speaker biosIntelligence Squared DebateA Healthy Dose Podcast - Marcus Osborne of WalmartYMCA Equity Innovation CenterNew Minneapolis YMCA If you didn’t quite get Ben’s introduction and hat tip to Reid Hoffman, check out A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
October 12, 2018

E29: On the Road with Ann Somers & Elizabeth – Mayo Transform 2018

Join Innovation Sherpas Ann Somers Hogg and Elizabeth Watson in a continuation of their Twitter barrage sharing their experiences and highlights from their recent attendance at Mayo Clinic’s Transform 2018 Conference in Rochester, Minnesota. Learn about the industry’s focus to meet people where they really are, move from incremental to transformational change, and why moving care from the clinic to the home is critical for that transformation. Hear about Ann Somers and Elizabeth’s side trip and how it involves a use for the country’s growing number of vacated malls.  If you attended the Transform 2018 Conference this episode will be an engaging recap, and for those who haven’t attended you’ll quickly see why you should! @MayoClinic @MayoInnovation #txfm2018 @SheraPod @annsomerswh @ElizCLT @TheBenReport Conference speaker biosIntelligence Squared DebateA Healthy Dose Podcast - Marcus Osborne of WalmartYMCA Equity Innovation CenterNew Minneapolis YMCA If you didn’t quite get Ben’s introduction and hat tip to Reid Hoffman, check out A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
October 12, 2018

E28: The Sherpas Make Time to Sprint with Jake Knapp!

Join your Sherpas as Ben & Jay give you a play by play of a recent Design Sprint bootcamp taught by Sprint author Jake Knapp himself! Hosted by the team at Wily, the 2-day Design Sprint Bootcamp was a condensed, accelerated, and supercharged training to teach the attendees the Sprint framework for rapid product design and testing. You’ll hear from Jake Knapp about how Sprint came to be, as well as his latest book Make Time. Eric Gorman, designer and founder of Wily, shares some opening thoughts about the genesis of the bootcamp, and you’ll also hear from master prototyper Jeff Grant of InVue, who facilitated Day 2 of the Sprint. Be sure to "make time" to listen to this episode on Sprint! Check out our Medium site for pictures from the event, including a unique and creative tribute to Jake from Wily. @jakek @wearewily @campnorthend @SherpaPod @jaygerhart @thebenreport #innovationengine - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
September 27, 2018

E27: Coonoor Behal of Mindhatch – At the Intersection of Improv & Innovation

Ben & Jay have a lively conversation with Coonoor Behal, founder of Mindhatch, a creative consultancy that blends design thinking, organizational improv and innovation facilitation. Coonoor has had a fascinating career arc that spans entertainment, an NGO, a major consulting firm and now her own firm. Oh, and along the way, she happened to become an accomplished improv comedian and teacher! Coonoor talks in depth about how she brings improv skills and mindsets to organizations to help them innovate and enhance performance – and even how to hire the right people. And Ben shows some impressive improv skills! Connect with Coonoor!Mindhatch @mindhatchllc Coonoor has a number of excellent articles you should check out on MediumThe Sherpas are on Twitter: @SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhart #InnovationEngine - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
September 13, 2018

E26: Bob Moesta – Following Language & Energy Through Time & Space

Welcome to the Bobcast! We’re thrilled to have our Jobs to be Done sensei, Bob Moesta, sharing his innovation wisdom across a wide range of topics. Bob is President and CEO of The ReWired Group, and one of the pioneers and principal architects of Jobs to Be Done theory. This fascinating conversation ranges from the next steps in his life journey, focusing more on teaching a full range of innovation skills – to his relationship with Clay Christensen – to how his family uses Jobs to be Done theory – to healthcare – and to memorable Jobs to be Done interviews. Wow. If you’re already a follower, you will love this – if you are not familiar with Bob, you will gain an appreciation for a truly brilliant innovator and a generous human being. @bmoesta @SherpaPod @JayGerhart @TheBenReport #InnovationEngine MediumThere are a number of ways to learn from Bob. We encourage you to take advantage of all of them. Every single time you listen you will learn something valuable. Here are some: The Rewired Group - Our ThinkingJTBD Radio Podcast - Bob's podcast"No one wants a loan." Stern Speakers ProfileBob has worked with Intercom. They liked Jobs to be Done so much, they wrote a book about it, and they have a great podcast too. Thanks Des Traynor! Unpacking Customer MotivationsPodcast interview with Scott Engler of The Talent Angle podcast- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
August 16, 2018

E25: Digital Innovation, Experience Enablement, and Customized Optionality

Get your gear ready for this episode on digital innovation, courtesy of Skookum’s own Jason Rome and Michael Ifkovits, along with our summer intern and technophile Nkechi “NC” Nwoko. They share their stories as digital innovators about how to enable the experiences consumers want that nail the Job to Be Done through tech solutions. We cover a lot of ground—what a typical client engagement is like, customer discovery methods, agile vs. design thinking, healthcare’s future in a digital world, mass customization, and their favorite quotes and podcasts. “Simplify and go!” Skookum is an award-winning strategy, design, and development firm based in Charlotte, NC. @Skookum @mifkovits @nc_nwoko @TheBenReport @SherpaPodBetter Health and Care for AllEvil by DesignNPR PodcastsWorklife- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
August 2, 2018

E24: Futurespeak with Zayna – People-Powered, Digical & More!

Dr. Zayna Khayat, Future Strategist with SE Health, joins Ben & Ann Somers on a wide-ranging conversation about the future of health and how to drive innovation. Before recently joining SE Health (formerly Saint Elizabeth Health Care), Zayna served as “Innovation Sherpa in Chief” at the REshape Health Innovation Centre at Radboud University Medical Centre in Nijmegen, Netherlands. Yes, she is truly a Sherpa, so of course we are thrilled to have her as our first international guest! Zayna has been on faculty of Singularity University’s Exponential Medicine stream since 2016. She is also an adjunct faculty with the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management in the Health Sector Strategy stream.@ZaynaKhayat @SEFutures@TheBenReport @annsomerswh #InnovationEngine - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
July 19, 2018

E23: “Yes, And” Now for Something Completely Different!

Your Sherpas enter unexpected territory when Jay has a transformative improv adventure at The Second City in Chicago – Improv & Innovation. Ben & Jay discuss how improv can help you be a better innovator and leader – and even bring it to life in the studio! Many, many thanks to The Second City Training Center, Second City Works & Kelly Leonard for mucho inspiration. @SecondCityWorks @KLsecondcity @SecondCityChiTC@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhart #InnovationEngine   Jay’s Medium posts about his experience at The Second City: Part 1Part 2Some examples of blending improvisation, innovation and design: Collective CapitalMindhatchThink Like an Actor to Empower Breakthrough Innovation - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
July 5, 2018

E22: Design Thinking: Tales from the Wild

We again welcome Innovation Provocateur David Phillips of Faster Glass to join our own Sherpa Elizabeth Watson to hear their insights on learning, teaching and practicing Design Thinking. Of course, you’ll hear about empathy, empathy, empathy – but how about design thinking as a risk mitigation approach? How did David & Elizabeth come to drink the Kool-Aid? Where have they succeeded – and failed? The first of many conversations we will have on human-centered design – enjoy! @FasterGlass @ElizCLT @TheBenReport #ForwardFaster  IDEOStanford d.schoolCatalyst Program- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -  Support the show (
June 22, 2018

E21: Special Edition: ILN Spring 2018 Highlights – We’re All In This Together

Your on-the-spot correspondent Ben Tingey captures live reflections and insights from a star-studded Innovation Learning Network roster. Your Innovation Engine Sherpas were proud to co-host the ILN Spring 2018 in-person meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina with the Business Innovation Factory. Hear from participants as they experience “Risky Business”! @ILNMuse @TheBIF@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhart  #InnovationEngine Our ILN podcast all-stars: Terrence Hibbert, University of Mississippi Medical Center Stacey Chang, Design Institute for Health Michelle Ossman, Steelcase Health Dennis Bolin, Health Plan Alliance Tim Rawsom, ILN Clint Hinman, Centura Health Heather Kutschia, Kaiser Permanente Meghan O’Brien, Sutter Health Hiyam Nadel, Partners HealthCare Chris McCarthy, ILN & Hopelab Vlad Voiculescu, Former Health Minister of Romania Ross Barker, Mars Petcare Megan Moyer, Sutter Health Will Kammerer, Business Innovation Factory Cynthia Bazan, ILN Ellie Krumpholz, ILN- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
June 7, 2018

E20: HLTH 2018 – Quinoa and Carrots, Unlikely Pairings, & “Activated” Employers

Was your mind blown when you heard some of the news that came out of the inaugural HLTH conference in Las Vegas? Join Lindsay Deneault, Michael Johnson, and Emilie McKenna and get an insider perspective as they talk about their first-hand experience attending the conference, how and when their minds were blown, and the emergence of unlikely organizational pairings that may become the norm. You can also learn why Michael is no longer shopping at Walmart. @LindsayDeneault @ghiafixer @TheBenReport @HLTHEVENT #HLTH2018 #HLTH2019 Support the show (
May 24, 2018

E19: Risky Business – Business Model Innovation & Evolution

Your Innovation Engine Sherpas welcome Dr. Derek van Bever, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Forum for Growth and Innovation at Harvard Business School to the studio. As a close colleague of Dr. Clayton Christensen and an entrepreneur, Derek shares his great insights and experiences across various innovation and management domains to build and sustain a successful enterprise. We deeply appreciate Derek’s visit, as he served as keynote speaker for the Innovation Learning Network’s in-person meeting in Charlotte, NC, May 8-10. #Innovation Engine @van_bever_derek @HBS_Forum @HarvardHBS @WillBehrmann @annsomerswh @TheBenReport @ILNmuse #ILN18 The Capitalist's Dilemma - Harvard Business Review More on Derek van Bever: Rita McGrath – Discovery-Driven Planning Innovation Learning Network: Intercom: Support the show (
May 17, 2018

E18: Developing an Innovation Ecosystem – Collecting & Connecting the Dots

In a milestone episode, Ben brings our first two guests from outside Atrium Health into the Sherpa studio, Amy Chiou (former Executive Director of Queen City Forward) and David Phillps (founder of innovation consultancy Faster Glass). If you’re someone who’s not satisfied with the status quo, you’ll enjoy hearing about Amy and David’s extensive experience fostering innovation across a community. And no, David did not misremember Bad Idea Jeans! (see the great SNL skit below) @amychiou @FasterGlass @TheBenReport #Innovation Engine #ForwardFaster Weird Ideas that Work: How to Build a Creative Company by Robert I. Sutton Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation by Steven Johnson Saturday Night Live – Bad Idea Jeans Support the show (
May 4, 2018

E17: Startups, Plug and Play, and Swiss Army Knives

Your Innovation Engine Sherpas are proud to host Dr. Matt Hanley, Chief Medical Officer – Metro Group at Atrium Health, Lindsay Deneault, and Michael Johnson (Commercialization and Technology Sherpas at the Innovation Engine). This is a fun team discussing the interplay between startups and large healthcare organizations – how they can best work together to solve complex problems. In addition, the team will provide insights and highlights from recent events hosted by Plug and Play, the world’s largest startup accelerator. You’ll also hear about camping trips, mountain lions, and vintage Corvettes.@SherpaPod #InnovationEngine @TheBenReport @LindsayDeneault @ghiafixer C’mon Matt, get on Twitter! This is seriously cool, have your team compare:How Tech Owns Your Day- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
April 26, 2018

E16: Disruptive Innovation: From the Classroom, to the Bedside, to the Home

Your Innovation Engine Sherpas are proud to host two Atrium Health senior leaders to discuss how they are applying their learnings from Clay Christensen’s HBX Disruptive Strategy course and their perspectives on disruptive innovation in healthcare. Dr. Scott Rissmiller, Deputy Chief Physician Executive and Collin Lane, Senior Vice President, share a wide range of experiences and insights across topics such as Jobs to be Done in health care, primary care disruption, home-based care delivery, innovative facility construction and more. And they are very tall. #InnovationEngine @TheBenReport @JayGerhart Support the show (
April 12, 2018

E15: Special SXSW Edition – Welcome to the Jungle…And the Future

Join the Innovation Engine Sherpas as they provide a behind the scenes tour of the SXSW conference, recently held in Austin, TX. SXSW is an innovator’s playground, chock full of analogous learning opportunities and the chance to see emerging trends in various industries, including healthcare. There’s BBQ, bread, breakfast tacos and a lot more. Will and Sally discuss the insights gained from their first time, while seasoned attendee Lindsay explained how she played a role in hosting and guiding top leaders in the healthcare industry, so they could optimize their SXSW experience. Trust us, if you haven’t been to SXSW then after hearing this episode you’ll be ready to sign up for next year’s conference. Our apologies to Will and listeners for minor audio issue during the first half. There are times we do try to mute him, but not for our podcast! #InnovationEngine @LindsayDeneault @WillBehrmann @sally_baekSupport the show (
March 22, 2018

E14: Proactive Health Part 2 – Creating a New Frontier

Your Innovation Engine Sherpas welcome back Dr. Greg Weidner in a "How We Built This" episode on Proactive Health - primary care, reimagined. He and Ann Somers Hogg discuss how the partnership of Proactive Health and the Innovation Engine emptied the innovation toolbox, moving from theory to application in the development of a new value-based primary care model at Atrium Health. In an extraordinary turn of events, Ann Somers actually kinda sorta pulls off a sports analogy! Then Ben sings Pink Floyd. And they all talk about pirate ships. You just don't get that from your typical health care innovation podcast. With gratitude to Dr. Clay Christensen for his incredible visionary thinking, and to Bob Moesta (@bmoesta) for being our Jobs to be Done sensei, teaching us a new and better way of talking to our customers. The advice: Go big or go home, disruptive innovations require autonomy. For those of you who use "the Twitter": @DrWeidner @annsomerswh #InnovationEngine Some of the inspiration for Proactive Health: The Experience Economy - B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg Blue Zones - Dan Buettner The Patient Will See You Now/The Creative Destruction of Medicine - Eric Topol Dual Transformation - Scott Anthony Support the show (
March 2, 2018

E13: Proactive Health Part 1 – Cool Doesn't Get it Done, Progress Does

Picture in your mind a reimagined primary care experience that focuses on your total health and wellness, provided by a team of health professionals who seamlessly engage with you in the rhythm of your life. What you've just conceptualized actually exists in the form of Proactive Health, a newly launched primary care practice in Charlotte, NC. Don't believe it? Listen as Dr. Greg Weidner and Ann Somers Hogg describe this innovative model of care and the value patients are getting as subscribers. @DrWeidner @annsomerswh @SherpaPod @TheBenReport #InnovationEngine Lessons learned, strides made towards consumer-focused care - MobiHealthNewsInnovating Primary Care for a New Future - Digital and Personal Connected HealthThe Experience Economy - B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet - Support the show (
February 25, 2018

E12: An Exponentially Fine Lens – Amazon, Berkshire & JP

Your Innovation Engine Sherpas explore the new Amazon-Berkshire Hathaway-J.P. Morgan Chase venture through the lens of Aggregation Theory. So what's that? Don't worry, we'll explain it! Special thanks (an understatement) to Ben Thompson of Stratechery and the ExponentFM Podcast and his podcast partner James Allworth. Ben's understanding of Amazon's strategy and business model, and his formulation of Aggregation Theory are absolute must-reads for anyone trying to sort out what might transpire in the years ahead. We are grateful to Ben and James for their insight, and for teaming up on our favorite podcast. Yes, some of us in health care are listening, and we totally grok it! Support the show (
February 11, 2018

E11: How Do You Make a Sherpa?

Are innovators born or made? Your Innovation Engine Sherpas get up close and personal, discussing experiences that have been helpful to them on their innovation career journeys - including decompression chambers, wet concrete and high school musicals. Where do you find resilience, hustle and comfort with the unknown? Dr. Jean Wright, Jay Gerhart and Lindsay Deneault (A Boomer, a Gen X, and of course, a Millennial) share their stories and have a little fun - stick around past the exit music for some outtakes! Twitter: #InnovationEngine @drjeanwright @JayGerhart @LindsayDeneault Why did Jay hire Twitter: Support the show (
January 28, 2018

E10: Mr. Magoo, Field Trips & Sparks of Curiosity

Your Innovation Sherpas kick off 2018 showing how Intentional Serendipity helps you find new ideas and perspectives. And Ben speaks in seven languages in addition to English. Our Chief Sherpa Dr. Jean Wright is back, joined by the one and only Elizabeth Benfield Watson, making her maiden podcast voyage. Ping us on Twitter or LinkedIn - we'll share our Intentional Serendipity "Teal Paper". #InnovationEngine @drjeanwright @ElizCLT @JayGerhart Shout out to: @alan_gregerman Author of The Necessity of Strangers (find him on YouTube)Support the show (
January 11, 2018

E10: Mr. Magoo, Field Trips & Sparks of Curiosity

Your Innovation Sherpas kick off 2018 showing how Intentional Serendipity helps you find new ideas and perspectives. And Ben speaks in seven languages in addition to English. Our Chief Sherpa Dr. Jean Wright is back, joined by the one and only Elizabeth Benfield Watson, making her maiden podcast voyage. Ping us on Twitter or LinkedIn - we'll share our Intentional Serendipity "Teal Paper". #InnovationEngine @drjeanwright @ElizCLT @JayGerhart Shout out to: @alan_gregerman Author of The Necessity of Strangers (find him on YouTube)Support the show (
January 11, 2018

E9: Jobs to be Done – It's Not About Us, It's About You

Your Innovation Sherpas continue their series on Jobs to be Done. Why is this theory so well suited to the healthcare industry? How has Carolinas HealthCare System used Jobs to be Done to enhance its services and develop new products? #InnovationEngine @JayGerhart @annsomerswh @WillBehrmann Special thanks to: The Christensen Institute and Innosight for “HEALTH FOR HIRE: Unleashing patient potential to reduce chronic disease costs” by Clayton Christensen, Rebecca Fogg and Andrew Waldeck And to Dr. Elizabeth Teisberg, PhD, Executive Director of the Value Institute for Health and Care and Professor at The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School for inspiring us to ask how the patient is doing, not just how we are doing. Support the show (
December 13, 2017

E8: Jobs to be Done – Start with the Why

Your Innovation Sherpas start a multi-episode series on Jobs to be Done. Why does this theory resonate so well? What jobs arise in your life? And the only way we've ever managed to stymie Ann Somers - old guy references. #InnovationEngine @JayGerhart @annsomerswh @WillBehrmann We are indebted to the following for inspiration, professional and personal growth: Clayton Christensen, Karen Dillon, Taddy Hall and David Duncan for writing Competing Against Luck Bob Moesta and the ReWired Group - our JTBD senseis. Listen to all of their podcasts and watch any video you find online. Simon Sinek - Start With Why TedXPugetSound: Jay on Medium, Why I Hired Twitter: the show (
December 6, 2017

E6: Special Edition – Health 2.0 Fall Conference, Let's Disruptivate!

Our start-up and tech sherpas, Lindsay Deneault, Michael Johnson and Emilie McKenna share their experiences at Health 2.0 11th Fall Conference in Santa Clara. Please provide feedback on Twitter to #InnovationEngine @LindsayDeneault (our startup queen) @ghiafixer (Michael Johnson, our blockchain dude)Support the show (
November 3, 2017

E7: The Sky is Falling? Or Not?

Your disruptive innovation Sherpas are back to sort out the kerfuffle (and scuttlebutt) around Amazon, Apple and Google causing all kinds of disruption in health care. This is a continuing conversation - Join us!Please offer feedback, opinions and ideas on Twitter @SherpaPod and/or #InnovationEngine @JayGerhart @annsomerswh @WillBehrmann @TheBenReport- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
November 3, 2017

E5: Special Edition – Dr. Jean Goes to Holland #ILN17

Dr. Jean Wright, Chief Innovation Officer of Carolinas HealthCare System (now Atrium Health) and head sherpa of the #InnovationEngine, highlights the Innovation Learning Network (ILN) 2017 on-site meeting in Nijmegen, Netherlands. And she'll teach you how to pronounce Nijmegen. We gratefully acknowledge the ILN for our partnership and the incredible innovators worldwide with whom we have the pleasure to learn and journey together. @SherpaPod @ILNmuse @drjeanwright- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
October 24, 2017

E4: Special Edition – Mayo Clinic Transform 2017 Conference Highlights

Ben and Jay share their experience at the Mayo Clinic Transform 2017 Conference - Closing the Gap Between People & Health. We gratefully acknowledge the terrific work of the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation for hosting the conference and all of the speakers who were so inspiring to us. The Transform conference "continues to emphasize the human perspective to guide innovation that will boldly create a sustainable future for health care." @SherpaPod @JayGerhart @TheBenReport - A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
October 18, 2017

E3: Not for the Faint of Heart

Your Sherpas discuss how incumbents disrupt themselves (successfully or not so much), and the concept of Dual Transformation.Dual Transformation: How to Reposition Today's Business While Creating the Future - Clark G. Gilbert, Mark W. Johnson and Scott D. AnthonyDual Transformation Mini Guide PDF@SherpaPod @InnosightTeam- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
October 17, 2017

E2: Coaches, Clinics and Spitting Into a Tube

Your Sherpas talk about several disruptions within the healthcare industry. References and Show Notes: Exponent Podcast - Ben Thompson and James Allworth The Innovator's Prescription - Clayton M. Christensen and Jason HwangSupport the show (
October 16, 2017

E1: Is There Still a Travel Agency Industry?

Your Sherpas dive into Airbnb to apply low-end and new-market disruption theory. The Innovator's Solution - Clayton M. Christensen and Micheal E. RaynorWhat Airbnb Understands About Customers' Jobs to Be Done - Karen Dillon, Harvard Business Review, August 16, 2016@SherpaPod @TheBenReport @JayGerhart @annsomerswh @WillBehrmann- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
October 16, 2017

B. Behind the Scenes with the Sherpas

Ben and Jay go deeper into why the Innovation Engine is doing this podcast, some of their podcast influences and early learnings in the development process.Support the show (
October 10, 2017

A. Teaser Trailer – Sherpas?

Ben and Jay introduce listeners to the Innovation Engine, why they should hire this podcast, and what they can expect.@SherpaPod- A Sherpa's Guide to Innovation is a proud member of the Health Podcast Network @HealthPodNet -Support the show (
October 8, 2017

About A Sherpa’s Guide to Innovation

Are you looking to better understand and apply innovation theories, methods and tools? Do you need to think about your business or industry in a different way? Join the Sherpas as they conduct spirited conversations and tell compelling stories to guide you along your innovation expedition. Get your gear ready! Business Model Innovation, Human-Centered Design and Strategic Partnerships

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