Strengthening the Stroke Chain of Survival at UC Health

Know Stroke Podcast

Strengthening the Stroke Chain of Survival at UC Health

Dr Christopher Richards from UC Health speaks to the learnings of launching one of nations first mobile stroke units in the US.
April 21, 2023

Strengthening the Stroke Chain of Survival at UC Health

Episode 50 of the Know Stroke Podcast is here! This has been a milestone we’ve had our eye on for a few months now and we’re super excited to share this episode with you. We start off with an introduction from Mike and David speaking to some of the feedback and impact they’ve received since launching the podcast – these stories are what keep us going.

In this episode we were joined by Dr. Christopher Richards. He is the Medical Director of the UC Health Mobile Stroke Unit and Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. Dr. Richards and his team work with 15 partner fire/EMS departments across Greater Cincinnati to bring emergency department-level stroke care to community members who need it through a mobile stroke unit.

Episode highlights:

  • The rich history of innovative stroke care at UC Health
  • Bringing the stroke unit to the curbside with the UC Health Mobile Stroke Unit
  • Analyzing data from 911 calls to better understand how people describe stroke symptoms
  • Standardizing MSUs into the stroke care of survival nationally
  • Balancing the clinical outcomes with cost-effectiveness for Mobile Stroke Units

Follow Dr. Richards on Twitter @CTRMDMS

Show Credits:

Music intro credit to Jake Dansereau, connect at JAKEEZo on Soundcloud @user-257386777.

Our intro welcome is the voice of Caroline Goggin, a stroke survivor and our first podcast guest! Please listen to her inspiring story on Episode 2 of the podcast.

Until next time, be sure to give the show a like and share, +follow and connect with us on social or contact us to support us as a show sponsor or become a guest on the Know Stroke Podcast. Visit our new website to apply here:

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