Speak Up For Your Health

Speak Up For Your Health

A podcast empowering you to advocate for the medical care you want and need

Medical Gaslighting in the ER: Sarah’s Story

At 29, Sarah Carthen Watson was only days away from her wedding when she experienced chest pain. Her visit to the ER became a stark example of medical gaslighting, where health care professionals appeared to dismiss or overlook her concerns. Medical gaslighting not only erodes trust but also risks missing diagnoses and delaying treatment. Key Takeaways Lean on family and friends for advocacy support. Be specific about the diagnosis you're most concerned about. Ask: "Has every (reasonable) test been done to make sure I don't have ________?" If a healthcare professional refuses to do any tests, labs, or x-rays, demand that they document your request and their denial in the electronic health record. Get in touch with Archelle Email: [email protected] Instagram: Facebook:
July 23, 2024

Information Blocking By Your Provider Is Illegal (Republished/Updated Episode)

Over 60% of patients say that having fast electronic access to their complete medical record is important. It is a safety issue, a quality issue and your legal right. The 21st Century Cures Act went into effect in 2021, but the Federal Government just decided on the penalties incurred by providers if they create any unnecessary hassle in making your records available. Kelsey's story is about the hassle she faced in the healthcare system including how hard it was to simply get a copy of her radiology report. Key Takeaway: Know Your Rights Under the 21st Century Cures Act Examples of Information Blocking Requesting lab, xray or biopsy results and being told, "Wait for your next visit so the doctor can discuss it with you." Lack of access to the clinical notes written about you in the office or hospital by your doctor, specialists or other ancillary providers (ie physical therapist, social work) Charging excessive fees for access to your medical records. Tip: Request digital/electronic access to information because the "reasonable" cost for paper requests can get pricey. Delay or refusal to transfer of medical records to another doctor/specialist/provider What To Do If You Think Information Blocking Is Happening To You Know how to log in to your healthcare portal Sign any forms required for sharing/transferring information Mention your right to information under the 21st Centure Cures Act. Contact the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to report potential information blocking. Use the OIG Hotline via the web at or by phone at 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477). How to get in touch with Archelle Email: [email protected] Instagram: Facebook:
July 2, 2024

Experiencing Unconscious Bias From Your Provider? Storytelling Can Help

In this episode, the guest, Eyenga Bokamba, shares how she advocated for her mother who was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. When Eyenga sensed that negative stereotyping was limiting her mom’s treatment options, she used storytelling to help the care team “see” her mom beyond just the diagnosis.  Key takeaways: ·     You are ALWAYS more than your diagnosis. Don’t refer to yourself as a "cancer patient" or "diabetic." You are a person with cancer or someone who has diabetes. ·     Tell your story. When you are with a medical provider, share something interesting about yourself – a work project, a hobby, something fun you did recently. ·     Invite a friend or a family member to your visits. They can amplify your story. ·     Role-play before medical visits to help you visualize how various treatment alternatives will unfold and identify questions that you might not have thought about. Links: See Eyenga Bokamba’s work: To get in touch with Archelle: Email: [email protected] Instagram: Facebook:
June 18, 2024

“I felt unheard by my provider”: Advice For Patients’ Most Common Complaint

In this conversation, Archelle speaks with Kelly and Michelle – two women who share their stories about feeling dismissed by their providers. Then Dr. Karen Lawson offers advice on how they to navigate these interactions. Key Takeaways: Use Non-Violent Communication Techniques 4 Steps of Non-Violent Communication Describe objective observations. Express how you feel. State your needs. Make a request. More on techniques and worksheets: Links: More on Dr. Karen Lawson: Get in touch with Archelle Email: [email protected] Instagram: Facebook:
May 28, 2024

Don’t Hesitate Getting A 2nd (3rd, 4th or 8th!) Medical Opinion

Getting a second opinion can give you peace of mind that a diagnosis is right and that you know all the possible treatment options. In this episode, John talks about his journey with prostate cancer and the steps he took to get multiple second opinions before selecting the treatment that felt right for him. Was it hard? Yes. Was it worth the effort? Absolutely. Key Takeaways ·     Get educated about your medical condition. Don’t just rely on what the doctor explains in the office. ·     Get a 2nd opinion (and 3rd and 4th ones if necessary) if you have ANY question about your diagnosis or treatment plan. The physicians you choose should be in a different practice so they offer a completely objective opinion regarding your care. ·     Tap into your network of family, friends and colleagues to find other patients with a similar medical condition. Zoom in on the doctors whose name keeps coming up, and then do online research to check their credentials and read patient reviews. ·     Getting in to see specialists can be slow. If you want to get in sooner….get yourself on a waiting list, get to know the office staff, and keep calling back. And, of course, be pleasant. Links Article about waiting times: Get in touch with Archelle Email: [email protected] Instagram: Facebook:
May 14, 2024

Embracing Career Plan B When A Chronic Condition Interferes with Plan A

Many medical condition aren't life-threatening – but they can be life-altering. An injury, infertility, or sometimes, something as simple as a medication can be a barrier to to the life you imagined for yourself. How do you re-imagine a different future and not only survive, but thrive? Dr. Herman Williams survived a cardiac arrest when he was 31. But being an orthopedic surgeon was no longer possible. He had to create and advocate for a different future for himself. Herman shares his story and talks about the biggest barrier he had to overcome to live a life he never dreamed of.  Takeaways: Plan A is not the only option. Here's how to embrace Plan B. See a therapist. This is especially important if you have depression, anxiety or PTSD. But, even if you don’t, having a few sessions with a therapist – or a coach – can help you re-imagine your future. Acknowledge your fear. If fear is holding you back from moving on …tell your doctor. They can't read your mind so be straightforward: “I am really REALLY scared and here’s what I am afraid of”. They will hear you and depending on the situation, they might suggest additional testing, medication adjustment, or recommend extra monitoring to help put you at ease. Friends and family are a lifeline. Appreciate and accept support from those who are closest to you. But also – remember – that YOUR medical condition has an impact on them because being a caregiver – whether its emotional or physical – take a toll.   Links: Read more about Dr. Herman Williams story in his book, "Clear Living the Life You Never Dreamed Of." Get in touch with Archelle Email: [email protected] Instagram: Facebook:
April 30, 2024

Living Fully: Roxane’s Inspirational Goodbye

Roxane has been on a nine month journey with pancreatic cancer and now has only days or weeks to live. She explains why she chose to get aggressive treatment early on and later decided to stop treatment and transition to hospice. Roxane's story and optimistic outlook are uplifting because she is living every moment...while she's dying. Key Takeaways Use every living moment wisely. Even if you're getting aggressive treatment and have hope that cancer treatment will be successful, take advantage of all the time you have. Address the details that give you comfort and control; this will eventually decrease the burden on your family. Hospice is not something to be afraid of. Studies have shown that patients in hospice actually live longer than those with a similar diagnosis who don't receive hospice care. Unfortunately, over 1/2 of all patients are only in hospice for 17 days or less because patients are referred so late in their illness. Get in touch with Archelle Email: [email protected] Instagram: Facebook:
April 16, 2024

Overcoming Weight Bias: A Clinical Psychologist’s Perspective

Is obesity a mental health issue? Is it “right” for people to take the new obesity drugs if they aren’t obese but simply want to lose weight? This episode is not a patient story, but the perspective and experience of a clinical health psychologist who specializes in eating and weight-related issues. Dr. Robyn Pashby talks about the vicious shame-blame cycle of obesity and how patients have autonomy when discussing weight with their doctor. Key Takeaways: Erase a FAULT mindset. Yes, obesity is complex…but it's not someone's fault. Shaming and blaming yourself – or others – simply makes it worse. This bias is embedded in our society, but you have control of your own mindset. Ask for consent. Robyn talked about the importance of clinicians asking permission from patients before talking to them about their weight. But, asking for consent also applies when you approach a friend, a sibling, a parent, a spouse, or even your child who is struggling with weight or body image issues. Ask their permission and be ready to accept and respect “no” as an answer. Links: More about Dr Robyn Pashby: Robyn's Instagram: @robynpashbyphd Get in touch with Archelle Email: [email protected] Instagram: Facebook:
April 2, 2024
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Speak Up For Your Health

Advocating for your health is important, but it’s not easy.

In Speak Up For Your Health, Dr. Archelle Georgiou talks with patients about how they overcame feeling intimidated by today’s complex medical system and used their voice to finally get the care they needed.

These personal stories along with Archelle’s practical tips will empower you to have a balanced (non-paternalistic) relationship with your healthcare provider.


Archelle Georgiou, MD

Archelle Georgiou, MD

Physician, author, and health journalist, Dr. Archelle Georgiou has helped thousands of people get better medical care by showing them how to advocate for themselves. In Speak Up For Your Health, Archelle interviews real patients about how they overcame feeling intimidated by today’s complex medical system and used their voice to finally get the care they needed. Listen to a new guest tell their story every 2 weeks.

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