How We Can Balance and Understand the Unique Struggles We Face with Caregiver Fatigue, Compassion Fatigue, and Decision Fatigue with Counselor Rose Reif

Once Upon A Gene

How We Can Balance and Understand the Unique Struggles We Face with Caregiver Fatigue, Compassion Fatigue, and Decision Fatigue with Counselor Rose Reif

October 7, 2021

How We Can Balance and Understand the Unique Struggles We Face with Caregiver Fatigue, Compassion Fatigue, and Decision Fatigue with Counselor Rose Reif


How We Can Balance and Understand the Unique Struggles We Face with Caregiver Fatigue, Compassion Fatigue and Decision Fatigue with Counselor Rose Reif

Rose Reif is a therapist with over 20 years experience specifically tailored to those with disabilities and caregivers and she’s back to share her knowledge about the three types of fatigue we face and how we can find more balance.


What can we do as caregivers when the things we’re doing for ourselves aren’t enough?

Ask someone devoted to you and ask what they see you doing that could be delegated to someone else. Usually it’s not the things you’re doing for yourself that’s a problem, but it’s the things you’re doing to maintain everyone else. While we as humans like routine, we also get bored easily, so consider if the things you’re doing for yourself aren’t fulfilling or valuable anymore. 

How do you handle potentially negative feedback if you get it?

I encourage people to think of their lives as a compelling story where they’re the hero. If we think of all the heroes we love, the characters have a guide and every hero needs a guide and truths along the way. Remember there’s a reason you’ve gotten to the point you are where you’re burned out and tired and acknowledge the greatness of having people in your life who speak honestly and make suggestions. 

Can you explain what self care is?

It’s not the weekend mountain retreat doing yoga. Self care is boring. Self care is sitting down and doing a budget at the beginning of the month so you have accountability, can make wise decisions for yourself and avoid money stress through the month. Self care is brushing your teeth, making yourself doctor’s appointments and committing to little acts through the day to care for yourself. 

What is compassion fatigue?

Compassion fatigue is when you experience a secondary traumatization, spending so much time with people who have gone through traumatic events that a person inherits the trauma experience. Compassion fatigue has physical ramifications in overall health and has a physical drain on the body. Compassion fatigue leads to an experience of trauma responses, dis-associating and going numb, losing the ability to care. Compassion fatigue is being newly studied in parents raising disabled kids.

Can you describe Decision Fatigue?

It has more to do with the decision maker and their wellbeing than the decision at hand. I encourage people to pre-make decisions and find ways to cut down on how many decisions you have to make in a day, especially where big decisions may be ahead.


ONCE UPON A GENE – EPISODE 027 – Therapy Check-in with Rose Reif

Taking Care with Rose Reif on The Disorder Channel

Reif Counseling Services



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