#70, 8 Drops to Diagnosis, the Future of Blood Tests with Jay Srinivasan of Truvian

AWS Health Innovation Podcast

#70, 8 Drops to Diagnosis, the Future of Blood Tests with Jay Srinivasan of Truvian

Imagine the convenience of getting a full suite of blood tests completed in just 30 minutes during a routine visit to your GP. Truvian Health's CEO Jay Srinivasan presents their…
November 14, 2023

#70, 8 Drops to Diagnosis, the Future of Blood Tests with Jay Srinivasan of Truvian

Imagine the convenience of getting a full suite of blood tests, completed in just 30 minutes, during a routine visit to your GP. That’s the reality Truvian Health is making possible. On this episode of the AWS Health Innovation Podcast, host Alex Merwin and Truvian CEO Jay Srinivasan discuss how Truvian is transforming blood diagnostics, offering rapid, lab-accurate health tests, and setting a new precedent in a field once marred by controversy.

  • Truvian’s Mission [02:03]: Truvian is on a mission to bring central lab quality testing closer to patients, providing results from only 300 microliters of blood within half an hour.
  • A New Diagnostic Era [07:04]: Jay shares his vision for democratizing healthcare through accessible, high-quality diagnostics, building on past industry challenges.
  • Evidence-Based Innovation [11:07]: An inside look at Truvian’s clinical trials and proactive FDA engagement to deliver reliable healthcare solutions.
  • Go to Market Strategy [16:45]: How Truvian plans to penetrate high-need markets and enable point-of-care diagnostics to streamline healthcare and reduce costs.
  • Zero to One [20:40]: The origin story of Truvian, the scientific and technological innovation driving its development, and the challenges they overcame during the pandemic.
  • Cultivating Diverse Talent [26:00]: The company culture that fosters leadership and innovation across a varied team of experts.
  • Truvian’s Ambition [31:10]: The roadmap to introducing seamless diagnostic data flow and integration within healthcare systems.
  • Digital Twins [36:58]: Exploring the future of personalized care through the lens of digital health twins and the potential for Truvian to play a key role role.

Discover Truvian’s work in revolutionizing blood testing and how their groundbreaking diagnostic device could redefine patient experiences and clinical outcomes. Visit Truvian’s website to learn more about their cutting-edge technology.

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