Taking Action in this Staffing Crisis with Jesse and Jay

The Medical Management Podcast

Taking Action in this Staffing Crisis with Jesse and Jay

September 8, 2021

Taking Action in this Staffing Crisis with Jesse and Jay

Recruiting and retaining employees is one of the most pressing issues in any industry right now.

After over 15 months of the covid-19 pandemic, managers see that many applicants are scheduling interviews, but they never show up. Workers across all industries are tired or burnt out, and having little pick-me-ups can help as an incentive. These incentives can come in a taco truck on a specific day or mental health resources available. Another piece of advice Jesse gives is restructuring the workflows to see where can holes are supported and dealt with. Their final thought goes about leaders in this precise moment and how they have to double-check themselves to take care of their team.

Join Jesse and Jay to recognize the roots of what is going on in management right now.

For the full transcript, show notes, and resources to help you level up your practice, visit us at 


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