Turkey Soup for the Soul

Once Upon A Gene

Turkey Soup for the Soul

November 26, 2020

Turkey Soup for the Soul

The Once Upon a Gene Merch Shop is open for pre-orders through December 6th. Check out the new products added to the shop before it’s too late!

Based on the Chicken Soup for the Soul books, filled with feel-good stories that lift your spirit, Tyra Skibington and I present this special feature just in time for Thanksgiving– Turkey Soup for the Soul. Grab the tissues and enjoy these heartwarming, uplifting stories of friendship, inclusion, community, perseverance and kindness.

Respite Rescue

We had a trip to Italy planned for our 20th wedding anniversary and all of the respite set up in plenty of time beforehand. Just a week before leaving, we were told our respite had to be cancelled. We were about to resign ourselves to cancelling our trip of a lifetime, as we had never asked friends to help us out this way. When one of our longest friends’ husband, who had been recently laid off, hopped on his motorcycle and headed out to our place to watch Ben while we were away. He had never watched Ben for us. We were so overwhelmed and we were so grateful. And then our business partners who had also never cared for Ben stepped in and offered to keep him for one week as well. This was a huge deal for someone who has never dealt with a special needs child despite the fact that he was having a lot of seizures at the time. I remember sitting on a patio in Venice sipping on prosecco with tears in our eyes just thinking about how our friends stepped up in the most amazing way for us. It might not sound like much, but it is a big deal to have friends like that. It’s just amazing. 

Silver Linings of 2020

There is so much to be thankful for, but there are two significant things that quickly come to mind. In a bit of a bizarre way, I’m grateful for the opportunity to slow down and reset. Although the global pandemic of 2020 has caused more harm than good, more loss than gain and more pain than joy, it has also caused me to take stock of what is important to me. In a sense, it has helped me identify the difference between things that are distracting and things that are meaningful. I’m also grateful for a career in a field that is considered essential that has taken precautions to protect the health of individuals while also keeping me employed. I’m thankful that, while many things have been stressful, I have not had to worry about my income, allowing me to help others in my community. 

A Poem for Jared

These tears that I hide inside, I hide for you. 

The smiles that I smile, I smile for you. 

The walls that confine you try to beat you down. 

But that isn’t your style, 

And that makes me proud. 

From the beginning, you’ve been joy. 

The years haven’t changed you a bit, my boy. 

You have a wonder in your eyes, the world in your heart. 

Nothing can stop you. 

{continue reading on our website}


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