High Performance Nursing: Burnout No More For Healthcare Professionals with Athol Hann

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High Performance Nursing: Burnout No More For Healthcare Professionals with Athol Hann

February 24, 2022

High Performance Nursing: Burnout No More For Healthcare Professionals with Athol Hann

In this episode, I have a fascinating conversation with Athol Hann. He’s a Clinical Emergency Nurse, Founder of AtholTech, and fwards app and known for his Burnout No More courses.

Athol experienced first-hand what burnout feels like for healthcare professionals and started questioning if he can stay with his profession in the long run. 

Surprisingly, he wasn’t aware that he was experiencing burnout until he had hateful feelings towards work. He went from someone who loves the nursing profession to someone who hated it. 

 All the little stress in the workplace piled up, and he knew that something needs to be done otherwise he might end up harming himself or others.

He eventually developed a process that allowed him to better deal with burnout and this gave rise to the Burnout No More Courses. He encourages nurses to tune in with themselves, write journals and ask for colleagues’ help. 

Nurses share the same stress and problems in the workplace, it’s a powerful strategy to learn how others are coping with burnout. They have to realize that they’re not alone and doing so helps boost their morale and guides them out of the burnout pit. 


  • Athol’s journey into his nursing profession (01:41)
  • Advantages of going against the traditional nursing route (05:38)
  • How he built the fwards app (08:08)
  • Realizations that led to fwards development (13:59)
  • Athol’s biggest lessons from his tech venture (16:25)
  • How did non-clinical training help Athol’s clinical practice (20:50)
  • How Athol handled his burnout phase (24:37)
  • The Burnout No More Course (30:25)
  • Rapid-fire questions with Athol Hann (32:18)



Connect with Athol on LinkedIn

Get a copy of Athol’s Burnout No More Courses here.

Download the fwards app here.


Connect with me on Instagram

PS. I have launched my signature “8 week Clinical Career Accelerator Program” to help clinicians (just like you) achieve their career goals, with confidence, clarity and mentorship from me! If this sounds like something you are interested in – reply with the word “Accelerate” for more info!

P.P.S Whenever you are ready… here are 3 ways I can help you build your healthcare career.

1) Click here to Join my private Facebook Community “High-Performance Nursing – How to build your healthcare career” where I share all the career tips, strategies, and planing you need to thrive. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TO GET ACCESS

2) Subscribe and listen to the High Performance Nursing Podcast available on all major podcast platforms! I would love if you could leave a review!

3) Check out my Instagram@highperformancenursing and join your HPN peers!

This episode originally aired February 8, 2022 on High Performance Nursing with Liam Caswell. Listen, follow and subscribe for more.

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