# 3 Patient and Clinician Satisfaction: It's not an either or choice
Today we are exploring a major crux polarity in the healthcare system that is often looked at as two separate or independent issues. The topic today is the patient satisfaction and clinician satisfaction polarity. While this pair appears to be opposites, they have an interdependent relationship. Achieving positive sustainable outcomes cannot be accomplished by focusing on one or the other – heck no! It’s a both/and opportunity.
In this episode we will discuss the current realities surrounding this polarity. Why an over-emphasis on patient satisfaction actually got healthcare leaders into trouble over time and how the Triple Aim may have contributed to our current realities.
This episode invites you to consider your own experience as a healthcare leader and/or practicing clinician and expand your thinking to see patient and clinician satisfaction as a “good tension” that can be leveraged to create organizations that are the best for patients to receive care and for clinicians give care.
If you are a first time listener, we suggest you listen to Episode #1 to gain a foundational understanding of polarities before listening to other episodes.