#42, Vijay Kedar, Tomorrow Health

AWS Health Innovation Podcast

#42, Vijay Kedar, Tomorrow Health

Tomorrow Health, a company building technology that improves the way home-based care is ordered, delivered, and paid for.
February 6, 2023

#42, Vijay Kedar, Tomorrow Health

Joe Shonkwiler is joined by Vijay Kedar, CEO and co-founder of Tomorrow Health, a company building technology that improves the way home-based care is ordered, delivered, and paid for.

Vijay and I discuss how stakeholder value compounds across the healthcare ecosystem, why he prefers “support” to “empowerment” when building solutions for patients and caregivers, and why he believes so much of the newest technology in healthcare must be custom built with an insider’s view.

Learn more about Tomorrow Health ( and how AWS enables healthcare & life sciences startups to grow and thrive ( and

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