#23, Adam Odessky, Sensely

AWS Health Innovation Podcast

#23, Adam Odessky, Sensely

Sensely, an empathy-driven virtual assistant platform designed to enhance member experience, elevate brand preference, and influence behavior.
September 26, 2022

#23, Adam Odessky, Sensely

Joe Shonkwiler is joined by Adam Odessky, CEO and co-founder of Sensely, an empathy-driven virtual assistant platform designed to enhance member experience, elevate brand preference, and influence behavior. Adam and Joe discuss why engagement matters for individual patients and systems as a whole, how text to speech technology has advanced in recent years, opening up additional opportunities for virtual patient engagement, and what it meant to him and his team for Sensely to be patients’ primary point of contact following a diagnosis with COVID-19.

Learn more about Sensely ( and learn more about healthcare and life science startups on AWS ( or

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