Nurse Invents Bras and Underwear For Healthcare Workers (with Virginia Lynn Peterson, SWOOP Founder)

Ask Nurse Alice

Nurse Invents Bras and Underwear For Healthcare Workers (with Virginia Lynn Peterson, SWOOP Founder)

June 20, 2023

Nurse Invents Bras and Underwear For Healthcare Workers (with Virginia Lynn Peterson, SWOOP Founder)

In this episode of the Ask Nurse Alice podcast, invites Virginia Lynn Peterson, founder of Swoop, a company that creates underwear and bras for medical care workers, to discuss the importance of comfortable undergarments for healthcare professionals. They discuss how uncomfortable undergarments can affect the quality of care provided and the benefits of wearing undergarments designed for healthcare workers.

Listen Ahead to These Key Moments!

[00:01:11] Why we need comfortable undergarments for nurses.

[00:07:19] Growing an Alaskan lingerie business for healthcare workers

[00:16:58] The importance of pursuing passions outside nursing.

[00:17:43] How to balance being a nurse entrepreneur and have a work-life balance.

[00:21:51] How to delegate and ask for help

[00:28:28] How to support Swoop bras for nurses

>>Read about Virginia Lynn Peterson here!

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