Medical Marijuana: How To Educate & Empower Patients (with Ashley Wynn-Grimes BSN, RN, Founder of Cannabis Nursing Solutions, LLC)

Ask Nurse Alice

Medical Marijuana: How To Educate & Empower Patients (with Ashley Wynn-Grimes BSN, RN, Founder of Cannabis Nursing Solutions, LLC)

March 14, 2022

Medical Marijuana: How To Educate & Empower Patients (with Ashley Wynn-Grimes BSN, RN, Founder of Cannabis Nursing Solutions, LLC)

Medical marijuana has been a hot topic for several years. First legalized in California in 1996, now more than two-thirds of U.S. states and the District of Columbia have legalized it for medical treatments and more are considering bills to do the same.  Then in 2012 Colorado and Washington became the first two states to legalize it for recreational use, and in a similar fashion, while only 18 states currently approve it recreationally, other states are expected to do the same. 

But sadly healthcare has not done a great job with educating our healthcare professionals with this changing policy. How many of us fully understand the benefits and risks of cannabis? How is it consumed? How is it dosed? How does it work? What are the side effects? When should it be added to the care plan? And even for our patients using it recreationally and even sometimes illegally – how do we educate people around usage to keep them safe?

In this episode Nurse Alice speaks with Ashley Wynn-Grimes BSN, RN is the Founder of Cannabis Nursing Solutions, LLC, Executive Director Of Cannabis Patient Advocacy Association. Wynn-Grimes, a registered nurse for more than 12 years,  is dedicated to empowering patients and nursing professionals to make informed medical cannabis care choices with impactful educational medical programs that also serve to promote diverse representation and medical equality in cannabis.

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