Building Global Stroke Support Networks: Insights from Sarah Belson of the World Stroke Organization
About this Episode:
For episode 49 of the podcast we sat down with Sarah Belson, International Development Manager at the World Stroke Organization; leading, developing and implementing a program of capacity building activities for new and emerging patient stroke support organizations (SSOs) around the world.
Some of the highlights from our interview:
- Global mapping of SSOs: One of the key challenges that stroke patients and their families face is a lack of awareness and support for their condition. To address this, the World Stroke Organization has been working to map SSOs around the world and develop a comprehensive database of resources and contacts for patients and their families.
- Framework for long-term sustainability: Another challenge that SSOs face is maintaining their operations over the long term. To address this, the World Stroke Organization has developed a framework for building capacity and ensuring the sustainability of SSOs. This includes training and support for organizational development, fundraising, and advocacy.
- Stroke Connector: Stroke Connector is an online platform developed by the World Stroke Organization to connect stroke survivors, caregivers, and advocates around the world. The platform includes a directory of SSOs, resources for patients and their families, and a forum for sharing experiences and best practices.
- Collaboration with SAFE: The World Stroke Organization has also been working closely with the Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE) to support Life After Stroke programs across Europe. This includes training and capacity building for SSOs, advocacy for better stroke care and support, and raising awareness about the impact of stroke on patients and their families.
Overall, the World Stroke Organization’s efforts to support SSOs around the world are crucial for improving the lives of stroke patients and their families, and for raising awareness and advocacy for better stroke care and support.
Links that were mentioned in todays episode:
Show Credits:
Music intro credit to Jake Dansereau, connect at JAKEEZo on Soundcloud @user-257386777.
Our intro welcome is the voice of Caroline Goggin, a stroke survivor and our first podcast guest! Please listen to her inspiring story on Episode 2 of the podcast.
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