#33, Michelle Wagner, Mindstrong (re-release)

AWS Health Innovation Podcast

#33, Michelle Wagner, Mindstrong (re-release)

Mindstrong, a company that helps thousands of members manage anxiety, depression, PTSD, and serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, with quality care and cutting-edge technology.
March 13, 2023

#33, Michelle Wagner, Mindstrong (re-release)

On this re-release, Joe Shonkwiler is joined by Michelle Wagner, CEO of Mindstrong, a company that helps thousands of members manage anxiety, depression, PTSD, and serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, with quality care and cutting-edge technology. Michelle and Joe discuss why integrating data collected between treatment sessions can be a game changer for behavioral health, why selling digital health products via large employers can look a lot like direct-to-consumer sales, and why entrepreneurs in healthcare must learn to embrace iterative change as part of a large and complex system.

Learn more about Mindstrong ( You can also learn about healthcare and life science startups on AWS ( or

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