The Power of Data Accuracy in Healthcare’s AI Transformation with Charles Boicey & Rick Shephardson

This Week Health: Conference

The Power of Data Accuracy in Healthcare’s AI Transformation with Charles Boicey & Rick Shephardson

September 5, 2023

The Power of Data Accuracy in Healthcare’s AI Transformation with Charles Boicey & Rick Shephardson

September 5: Today BIll is joined by the Clearsense team of Charles Boicey, Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer and Rick Shepardson, Chief Strategy Officer to delve into the world of data integration and AI in healthcare. What will it take for us to be able to educate AI models to be able to use them to interact with humans? Is healthcare data in a form that is usable by these models and if not, how can we get them to a place where they are? How can we clean data so that little input variations are standardized, and what considerations does that uncover? How do Charles and Rick feel about the pace of AI, and where do they see it heading in the near future?

Sign up for our webinar: Leader Series: Our AI Journey in Healthcare – Thursday, September 7th at 1pm ET / 10am PT.

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