Keynote: Priorities for 2023: A CIO Discussion with Academic Medical Centers
May 12, 2023: A Live Webinar featuring Neal Patel (CIO at Vanderbilt University Medical Center), Craig Kwiatkowski (SVP & CIO at Cedars-Sinai), and Michael Restuccia (SVP & CIO of Penn Medicine)discussing AMC Priorities in 2023. What are the priorities of academic medical center leaders for 2023, and how do they plan to achieve them? What areas are ripe for automation and what areas are still in the exploratory phase? How is clinical research transforming with the digital age, and what challenges are associated with it? What is the significance of having a centralized platform for data management in clinical research, and how can data security be maintained? How are employees coping with isolation during remote work and are they starting to return to the office?
Key Points:
- Automation
- Revenue cycle space
- Online patient scheduling
- Remote work
- Leveraging telemedicine for better patient care
- Precision medicine
- Digital transformation, Technical challenges, and Data management in clinical research
“The Future of Care Spaces” is an upcoming webinar that explores the latest healthcare technologies and solutions transforming care spaces in America. Hospitals, clinics, and at-home treatments are all affected by the advancements in healthcare technology, which can improve workflows, treatments, and patient outcomes. What are the latest remote monitoring tools, advanced telehealth solutions, and other innovative technologies transforming care spaces across America? Join us June 8th, 2023 1:00 PM ET and Register Here.
Donate: Alex’s Lemonade Stand: Foundation for Childhood Cancer