266 – Accelerating innovation in healthcare; Dren Xerxa, LuminaX
An initiative to enhance innovation and the health tech startup experience
Dren Xerxa is the program director at Cohort Innovation Space and LuminaX.
LuminaX is a fourteen-week accelerator program for health businesses, mostly in health technology.
In this episode, Pete is joined by Dren Xerxa from the LuminaX HealthTech Accelerator.
A lot of brilliant people in Australia have amazing ideas that could revolutionise healthcare. However, they don’t have the right support and guidance. This episode explores the efforts of one company that has made it their duty to help turn those ideas into actual products and services.
Check out the episode and full show notes here.
To see the latest information, news, events and jobs on offer at LuminaX, visit their Talking HealthTech Directory here.
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