158 – Public health and the digital agenda, Demogene Smith, Mid North Coast Local Health District NSW

Talking HealthTech

158 – Public health and the digital agenda, Demogene Smith, Mid North Coast Local Health District NSW

July 21, 2021

158 – Public health and the digital agenda, Demogene Smith, Mid North Coast Local Health District NSW

Are you appealing to the real foundational issues in digital healthcare, or are you just creating widgets?

Demogene Smith is currently the e-health Program Manager for Mid North Coast Local Health District NSW. He is a Senior technologist with a passion for driving digital change.

MNCLHD covers the Port Macquarie Hastings Local Government Area in the south, to Coffs Harbour Local Government Area in the north and provides a diverse range of services to a population of more than 215,000 people.

In this episode, Pete and Demogene discuss the challenges facing public health with a digital agenda in the real world and how we might, as an industry, really deliver positive outcomes for organisations, clients, and the community.

Tune into this episode to learn how you can connect with healthcare organisations to solve the real issues they are having. This episode also explores the challenges facing public health with a digital agenda in the real world and the future of digital health. 

Check out the episode and full show notes here.

To see the latest information, news, events and jobs on offer at MNCLHD, visit their Talking HealthTech Directory here

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