Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy – Fredrik Debong
In our first ever pre-announced #TheShot of #DigitalHealth Therapy, Jim Joyce and I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with a dear friend Fredrik Debong, co-founder of mySugr and now – we unpacked so much wisdom there:
π₯ Dumbest & Smartest move made at mySugr
π₯ 7 Deadly sins for big impact in health
π₯ Tattoos and love for products
π₯ Black Mirror of Diabetes
π₯ Combining insuretech, fintech and healtech – aka
π₯ Health Expense Accounts
π₯ oh.. and pondering about scaling #digitalhealth in Europe
Fun mentions as always: Lisa Suennen and her new definition of SPAC, Zayna Khayat, Martin Kelly, Robert Garber 7wireVentures , Min-Sung Sean Kim Sebastian Gruber