Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy – Edward Kliphuis
On this Wednesday’s #TheShot of #DigitalHealth Therapy, Jim Joyce and I got into topics with our guest that we never thought we would, even for a meticulously unproduced show. That guest today is the brilliant Edward Kliphuis who also speculated on him starting a new amazing job at Sofinnova Partners in just a few hours from now 🥳 :
🧳 Conferences are back… few like HealthXL, Frontiers Health, HLTH, EMERGE GHI
🧳 Board structure advice
🧳 Why Edward is bullish on science in Europe but…
🧳 Can the Transcarent model work in Europe?
🧳 .. what are the barriers for European startups to spread across EU
🧳 What do oversized clothes have t do with SPACs and valuations?
🧳 oh and…. why Ed got held up in Azerbaijan?
Fun mentions as always: Edward Cox William Taranto Glen Tullman Jessica DaMassa WTF Health Lina Wenner Eddie Martucci Akili Interactive Corey McCann Pear Therapeutics Martin Kelly