Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy –  Carlos Rodarte

Shot of Digital Health Therapy

Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy – Carlos Rodarte

Things are just getting even more intense on #TheShot of #DigitalHealth Therapy. Jim and I had our first dog on our show making an appearance along with our awesome guest…
January 27, 2021

Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy – Carlos Rodarte

Things are just getting even more intense on #TheShot of #DigitalHealth Therapy. Jim and I had our first dog on our show making an appearance along with our awesome guest Carlos Rodarte and we chatted about:

🐶 Patient Communities and the early days of PatientsLikeMe, LLC.

🐶 Carlos’s time in a suit at #JPM while he was at Health Catalyst

🐶 Are #DigitalHealth companies doing enough tackling SDOH, diversity & inclusion?

🐶 Carlos hinted at his new stealth-mode company hint: #DTx space

🐶 oh and you have to watch all 3 of us doing pushups during the show and then trying to catch our breath #mentalhealth

Fun mentions as always: Marco Mohwinckel Jamie Heywood André Blackman (shamed him), Nikhil Krishnan and his awesome piece on communities, Chandana Fitzgerald, Ritesh Patel, Daniel Couchman Kendall, Pierre Leurent, Voluntis, Gilles Frydman

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