Why Human Connection Is Medicine, and How is Tech an Enabler

Faces of Digital Health

Why Human Connection Is Medicine, and How is Tech an Enabler

December 27, 2023

Why Human Connection Is Medicine, and How is Tech an Enabler

Technically, we’ve never been more connected or had relationships with as many people as we do today, thanks to social networks on the internet. Yet, while these platforms bring convenience, they are also increasing loneliness and reducing face-to-face interactions. However, technology isn’t solely a problem; it can facilitate the easier pairing of individuals who wish to assist those lacking a real-world social network. Take Papa, for example, a company that provides social support by pairing older adults and families with trained and vetted companions known as Papa Pals. In this brief episode, you will listen to a discussion with Ellen Rudy, the former Head of Research and Social Impact, whom I met at HLTH 2023. Ellen shares her insights on the causes of solitude and the potential of technology to mitigate loneliness.


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