EIT Health Germany-Switzerland Ep. 9: What expectations should we have in regard to the European Health Data Space?

Faces of Digital Health

EIT Health Germany-Switzerland Ep. 9: What expectations should we have in regard to the European Health Data Space?

November 30, 2022

EIT Health Germany-Switzerland Ep. 9: What expectations should we have in regard to the European Health Data Space?

The European Health Data Space is supposed to be implemented in a bit more than two years, by 2025. Two goals are at the forefront: to create the infrastructure for a European health data pool for researchers and innovators, and secondly, to enable patients to pick up their medications outside their home country and give doctors across Europe access to their patient information, if in need of medical care while abroad in Europe. On 18 November, EIT Health Germany-Switzerland and EIT Health Spain organized a joint symposium titled Right to privacy vs. duty to protect lives: Health Data Management in Focus. Speakers discussed patients’ perspectives on Health Data use and the EHDS, balancing health data privacy and AI development, ongoing approaches for data solutions, and more. I managed to speak with Nick Schneider, Head of division 511 on new technologies and data use at the Germany Federal Ministry of Health to discuss: 

  • Where is EHDS at the moment
  • Will it be implemented by 2025
  • What are still the biggest open questions
  • And how Germany is advancing with its digital transformation. 


EIT Health Statement on the European Health Data Space: 

Joint Symposium with EIT Health Spain – EIT Health Germany (

eHealth Services across Europe: 

This episode is supported by EIT Health Germany-Switzerland,  which is one of eight Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) currently funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). EiT Health Germany connects 150 renowned partners from industry, research and education from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Find out more:

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