Up My Nursing Game

Up My Nursing Game

Educational podcast for curious bedside nurses

Cardiac Pressures

In this episode critical care nurse educator, Sarah Vance, discusses intra-cardiac pressures including central venous pressures (CVP), pulmonary artery pressures (PAP and PAOP), fluid responsiveness, and venous oxygen saturation (SvO2). Check out Nicole Kupchik's exam reviews and practice questions at Use the promo code UPMYGAME20 to get 20% off all products. Do you need help with your resume, interviewing, or need career coaching? Check out Sarah at New Thing Nurse: Get 15% off of her resume and cover letter templates using the promo code UPMYGAME Nursing students and new grad career services  Experienced RN career services NP career services
September 24, 2024

Altered Mental Status with Christian Guzman, APRN

Altered mental status (AMS) can be an early warning sign of serious conditions, yet it's often overlooked or dismissed as simple confusion. In this episode, critical care nurse practitioner Christian Guzman breaks down the complexities of AMS and its many causes. Christian walks us through a systematic approach to assessing and managing patients with AMS, from performing key neurological exams to interpreting critical lab values. You'll learn about surprising medications that can affect cognition, especially in older adults, and how to differentiate between common causes of confusion and more urgent scenarios. Check out Nicole Kupchik's exam reviews and practice questions at Use the promo code UPMYGAME20 to get 20% off all products. Do you need help with your resume, interviewing, or need career coaching? Check out Sarah at New Thing Nurse: Get 15% off of her resume and cover letter templates using the promo code UPMYGAME Nursing students and new grad career services  Experienced RN career services NP career services
July 1, 2024

Hypovolemic Shock with The Q Word Podcast’s Lisa and Nyssa, RN

While the concept of hypovolemic shock may seem straightforward compared to the other types of shock, it's various causes and vastly different treatment approaches may catch you off guard. In this episode, flight nurse Nyssa from The Q Word Podcast vividly illustrates the key differences between fluid volume depletion and blood volume loss. You'll learn to spot the ominous clinical presentations of hemorrhagic shock. But most importantly, Nyssa equips you with the critical life-saving interventions for massive hemorrhage - from using tourniquets to transexamic acid. Whether you're an emergency nurse or just want to solidify your knowledge, this masterclass on managing hypovolemic shock's most high-stakes form will drastically elevate your nursing game. This episode is part of Nurses' PodCrawl 2024. Check out other episodes from these excellent nurse podcasters: Obstructive Shock: Critical Care Scenarios and Rapid Response RN Distributive shock: Straight A Nursing and How Not to Kill Your Patient Cardiogenic Shock: Nurse Dose Podcast and Up My Nursing Game Check out Nicole Kupchik's exam reviews and practice questions at Use the promo code UPMYGAME20 to get 20% off all products. Do you need help with your resume, interviewing, or need career coaching? Check out Sarah at New Thing Nurse: Get 15% off of her resume and cover letter templates using the promo code UPMYGAME Nursing students and new grad career services  Experienced RN career services NP career services
May 12, 2024

Cardiogenic Shock with Sean from the Nurse Dose Podcast

In this in-depth episode, cardiac nursing expert Sean from the Nurse Dose Podcast vividly illustrates how acute coronary syndromes, valve dysfunction, arrhythmias, and mechanical complications can all culminate in cardiogenic shock. You'll learn to spot the ominous signs like falling cardiac output, rising filling pressures, and poor end-organ perfusion. But most importantly, Sean equips you with the critical interventions - from revascularization to advanced circulatory support devices like balloon pumps and Impella pumps. Whether you're an ICU nurse or just want to solidify your knowledge of this high-stakes condition, this masterclass on cardiogenic shock is a must-listen. This episode is part of Nurses' PodCrawl 2024. Check out other episodes from these excellent nurse podcasters: Obstructive Shock: Critical Care Scenarios and Rapid Response RN Distributive shock: Straight A Nursing and How Not to Kill Your Patient Hypovolemic shock: The Q Word Podcast and Up My Nursing Game From this episode: Listen to the Nurse Dose Podcast Check out Nurse Dose on IG! @NurseDosePodcast Check out Nicole Kupchik's exam reviews and practice questions at Use the promo code UPMYGAME20 to get 20% off all products. Do you need help with your resume, interviewing, or need career coaching? Check out Sarah at New Thing Nurse: Get 15% off of her resume and cover letter templates using the promo code UPMYGAME Nursing students and new grad career services  Experienced RN career services NP career services
May 11, 2024

Anaphylaxis and Med Errors: A Case Study with Dave Dovell, RN

Imagine being a nurse faced with a patient who has taken a fistful of someone else's medications, leading to a life-threatening allergic reaction. This was the reality Dave Dovell, a registered nurse and author, confronted in a fascinating case study he shares during this podcast episode. He takes listeners on a deep dive into the clinical presentation and management of anaphylaxis and offers insights into providing compassionate care. This powerful case study underscores the multifaceted challenges nurses face and the importance of prioritizing patient-centered care even in the most demanding situations. Mentioned in this episode: The New RN: A blog and more for new nurses and student nurses Brand New Nurse, by Dave Dovell Check out Nicole Kupchik's exam reviews and practice questions at Use the promo code UPMYGAME20 to get 20% off all products. Do you need help with your resume, interviewing, or need career coaching? Check out Sarah at New Thing Nurse: Get 15% off of her resume and cover letter templates using the promo code UPMYGAME Nursing students and new grad career services  Experienced RN career services NP career services See the show notes at
May 1, 2024

Triage Fundamentals: Emergency Severity Index (ESI)

The emergency severity index, or ESI, is meant to swiftly triage patients based on urgency and resource needs. In this episode emergency nurse, Kevin MacFarlane, shares his techniques for determining ESI scores, from identifying true level one resuscitation cases to non-urgent level five medication refills. You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of how ESI goes beyond just categorizing medical emergencies to account for quality of life impacts. Kevin also offers a glimpse into the future role of AI in revolutionizing triage protocols - a must-listen for any nurse committed to providing the right care at the right time. Mentioned in this episode: The Art of Emergency Nursing Podcast How Not to Kill Your Patient Podcast Check out Nicole Kupchik's exam reviews and practice questions at Use the promo code UPMYGAME20 to get 20% off all products. Do you need help with your resume, interviewing, or need career coaching? Check out Sarah at New Thing Nurse: Get 15% off of her resume and cover letter templates using the promo code UPMYGAME Nursing students and new grad career services  Experienced RN career services NP career services See the show notes at
April 16, 2024

Spontaneous Awakening Trials with Kali Dayton, DNP

Sedation and delirium can derail even the strongest patient's recovery in the ICU - but spontaneous awakening trials (SATs) can empower nurses to get ahead of this vicious cycle. In this candid episode, I pick the brain of Kali Dayton, an ICU nurse practitioner fervent about early mobility. Kali pulls back the curtain on SATs, a tragically misunderstood intervention that involves stopping sedatives each day to reconnect with the patient. With a mix of hard data and bedside wisdom, Kali reveals SATs as a game-changer for bettering outcomes like delirium, ventilator days, and the chance of discharge to home. You'll hear practical tips on everything from managing agitated awakenings to recruiting family as awakening coaches. Whether you're routinely pawing through SAT policies or clueless about this critical care practice, this lively dialogue will upend assumptions about sedation and empower you to maximize your impact. Mentioned in this episode: RASS survey Check out Nicole Kupchik's exam reviews and practice questions at Use the promo code UPMYGAME20 to get 20% off all products. Do you need help with your resume, interviewing, or need career coaching? Check out Sarah at New Thing Nurse: Get 15% off of her resume and cover letter templates using the promo code UPMYGAME Nursing students and new grad career services  Experienced RN career services NP career services See the show notes at
March 19, 2024

Getting the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Score (RASS) Right: How to Assess and Why It Matters

Proper sedation management is critical for improving outcomes, yet studies show a widespread problem of inaccurate Richmond Agitation-Sedation Score (RASS) assessments by nurses. In this revealing episode, Kali Dayton DNP, shares her technique to accurately and objectively measure the RASS and why this matter for our patient's outcomes. Check out Nicole Kupchik's exam reviews and practice questions at Use the promo code UPMYGAME20 to get 20% off all products. Do you need help with your resume, interviewing, or need career coaching? Check out Sarah at New Thing Nurse: Get 15% off of her resume and cover letter templates using the promo code UPMYGAME Nursing students and new grad career services  Experienced RN career services NP career services See the show notes at
March 5, 2024
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Up My Nursing Game

Up My Nursing Game is an educational nursing podcast for curious and driven acute, emergency, and critical care nurses who seek a deeper understanding of clinical subjects and want to broaden their understanding of patient care in the hospital setting.

No boring lectures here! Join Annie, RN, as she delivers high-value content, including interviews with members across the healthcare team that address common clinical questions, share unique perspectives, and covers what was missed in nursing school.


Annie Fulton

Annie Fulton

Annie has been a nurse since 2014 with experience in medical-oncology, emergency, and intermediate care unit.

She is a wife and proud mother of a wonderfully silly seven-year-old boy. In her free time she enjoys traveling, working out, reading, and cooking.

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