TownHall: Burnover, Virtual Training, and Culture of Wellness with Liz Griffith

This Week Health: Conference

TownHall: Burnover, Virtual Training, and Culture of Wellness with Liz Griffith

April 9, 2024

TownHall: Burnover, Virtual Training, and Culture of Wellness with Liz Griffith

April 9: Today on TownHall Jake Lancaster, Chief Medical Information Officer at Baptist Memorial Health Care talks with Liz Griffith, Director of EHR Education at uPerform. In their conversation they delve into the intertwined issues of burnout and turnover in the healthcare sector, a phenomenon Liz Griffith dubs as “burnover.” Liz, with her extensive background in healthcare technology and EHR satisfaction research, sheds light on how the pandemic has drastically altered the landscape of training within healthcare systems. But how exactly do EHR systems contribute to this burnover? And more importantly, what innovative solutions can mitigate these challenges? How can healthcare systems better align their priorities with the needs of frontline workers to combat burnover effectively?

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