The Financial Outlook of Healthcare in 2022 with Rob DeMichiei
January 21, 2022: Rob DeMichiei, Board Director, Strategic Advisor and Former CFO is back with Bill to break down J.P. Morgan 2022. Healthcare is becoming as much about the for-profits, the IPO’s and the private equity investors as it is the non-profits. These worlds are really converging. Providers are realizing that they can’t survive just being a fee for service, acute care hub. They need to expand their offerings and acquire assets for the whole continuum of care. Baby boomers are aging which means 10,000 new consumers of Medicare every day. Labor inflation is going to be around for a while. Bon Secours Mercy talked about diversifying. Ascension has 55 different EMRs running in 140 different hospitals. Advent spent $750 million on their Epic install. And the critical battlefield of the future? Owning and unifying your digital front door.
Key Points:
00:00:00 – Intro
00:12:50 – How are you changing your care delivery to deal with the nursing shortage?
00:16:40 – Being heavy in labor assets and infrastructure is a really bad formula for the traditional healthcare provider
00:25:00 – The stimulus dollars would have been better used on the struggling health systems because they’re still struggling