How Can Data Governance Address the Stress in Health IT: Alert Fatigue, Burnout, and Staff Shortage

This Week Health: Conference

How Can Data Governance Address the Stress in Health IT: Alert Fatigue, Burnout, and Staff Shortage

July 22, 2022

How Can Data Governance Address the Stress in Health IT: Alert Fatigue, Burnout, and Staff Shortage

July 22, 2022: Today we talk to Dr. Anna Dover, Director, Product Management at First Databank (FDB). We hit on staff shortages, clinician burnout, drug databases, alert fatigue, and governance. What does it take to create and deliver the world’s most trusted drug databases? What can we do to reduce physician and nurse stress? What challenges do pharmacists face in both retail and health system settings? How do we address the overabundance of drug-related clinical decision support alerts? How is healthcare technology resolving some of the drug-related over-alerting and how are the tools available today different from those in the past? What are some other ways that these drug-related CDS tools can help clinicians and improve patient care? What does the future hold in this area?

Key Points:

  • The one line item on everybody’s P and L right now, which is just absolutely killing them, is the contract labor line
  • The hard part with alerts is if you fire them off too many times, they become white noise
  • Unfortunately the workflow of care for a patient can be frenetic
  • The biggest players in healthcare analytics tend to be the EHR software vendors
  • First Databank

Webinar: How’s Your Front Line? Recruit, Retain and Optimize Your Cybersecurity Team – Thu Aug 11 @ 1pm ET / 10am PT

“Cybersecurity-what’s your emergency?”

“We need help. It’s an attack.”

“Hello? Hello!”

What can we do about the staffing shortage in cybersecurity? With research suggesting that nearly a third of the cybersecurity workforce is planning to leave the industry in the near future, organizations are left in a worrisome position, especially as attack surfaces are growing. So, where do we move forward from here knowing that we are facing low numbers in the field already and it’s likely to get even worse? Register here

Webinar: Don’t Pay The Ransom – Thu Aug 18 @ 1pm ET / 10am PT

Is your health system paying out for attacks on your data? How can we stop the cycle? Rubrik is offering incredible insight into the arising issues in cyber resilience in ransomware attacks, cloud data management with securing Epic in Azure, and unstructured data. In this webinar, we analyze the best practices to initiate in our hospital systems. Register here


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