#271: Balancing Responsibilities: Organizational and Individual Approaches to Well-Being

The TRU Leader Podcast

#271: Balancing Responsibilities: Organizational and Individual Approaches to Well-Being

In this episode, workplace burnout and the shared responsibility between individuals and organizations are discussed, along with the mental health crisis among workers. The Surgeon General’s framework for workplace well-being…
September 18, 2024

#271: Balancing Responsibilities: Organizational and Individual Approaches to Well-Being

In this episode of The TRU Leader Podcast, Tracy and Michelle discuss the rising issue of workplace burnout, emphasizing that both individuals and organizations share the responsibility for alleviating it. They highlight the mental health crisis among workers, citing factors like unsustainable workloads and lack of support, with 76% of US workers experiencing mental health symptoms and 84% attributing these challenges to workplace conditions. The discussion references the Surgeon General’s framework for workplace well-being, which includes protection from harm, connection and community, work-life harmony, mattering at work, and opportunities for growth. These elements address safety, social support, autonomy, dignity, and learning. The episode also stresses the need for leaders to create supportive workplace cultures that prioritize employee well-being, addressing the historical shift from individual to organizational responsibility in maintaining mental health.

The episode highlights societal norms that glorify busyness and overworking, contributing to burnout, and suggests the need to differentiate between problems and polarities, emphasizing systemic changes alongside individual responsibility. Leaders and organizations are key players in addressing burnout, supported by reports from the US Surgeon General and National Academies of Medicine. Balancing individual well-being and organizational support is crucial for a healthy workforce, with positive outcomes like environmental changes, leadership commitment, and a well-being culture. Individuals must also take ownership of their actions to prevent burnout by managing energy between work and home, creating new norms, and developing healthy habits. Leaders should model healthy behaviors and foster a supportive culture by examining work demands, providing flexibility, and involving workers in decisions.

Tracy and Michelle recommend leveraging polarities to combat burnout, mentioning the book “Polarity Intelligence: The Missing Logic in Leadership” as a resource, and concludes with an invitation to a free webinar titled “From Stress to Success: The Formula for Leader to Excel Professionally and Personally” which you can join by registering here:

For full show notes and links, visit

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