FORMIDABLE: Navigating nursing with a moral compass for clarity, discernment, and the courage to be disliked.


FORMIDABLE: Navigating nursing with a moral compass for clarity, discernment, and the courage to be disliked.

COURSE DESCRIPTION Any nurse who works in an arena where the words: “CODE BLUE, ROOM BLAH… CODE BLUE, ROOM BLAH,” are as common as a missed lunch-break, will tell you…
March 18, 2022

FORMIDABLE: Navigating nursing with a moral compass for clarity, discernment, and the courage to be disliked.


Any nurse who works in an arena where the words: “CODE BLUE, ROOM BLAH… CODE BLUE, ROOM BLAH,” are as common as a missed lunch-break, will tell you that going back to the “A-B-Cs”: A – Airway, B – Breathing, C – Circulation, is an antidote to doubt and indecision. Amber Moore brings the same kind of simplicity and clarity to her ‘modus operandi’ as a clinical nurse, nurse manager and educator, by illustrating how to lead with a MORAL COMPASS. She shares how her own moral compass was refined by the wisdom and resilience gained from her life and career experiences.


Upon completion of this course participants will be able to:

  1. Understand how to identify the specific area of nursing or healthcare you wish to pursue.
  2. Identify the challenges of being an OR Nurse
  3. Explain how to effect cultural change at your place of employment
  4. Understand how to utilize the experience gained in a nursing specialty to create a side-gig (ex: medical expert witness)


I.   Introductions/Get to know Amber

     A. Always an advocate

     B. Personal background roots

     C. Professional background

     D. How personal & professional challenges became compost for the ‘formidable’ to grow

II.   The car accident that created a nurse

     A. Trauma

     B. OR

III.   Nurses’ challenge of getting your foot in the door they want

IV.   Patient challenges of vetting the right surgeon

V.    Things are getting better

VI.   Nurses’ “implicit oath” of sworn protection of the patient, not the hierarchy

V.    Practical advice to prevent the same mistake twice

VII.  Creating a culture of reporting for improvement

VIII.  Lessons as a medical expert witness

IX.   How nurses are most vulnerable to blame

     A. No secrets in Epic

     B. Anecdotes of managing an OR moral compass

X.    Contact


Amber Moore, BSN, RN, CNOR has a meaty nursing resume. She’s a Certified Perioperative Nurse (CNOR,) and 20+ year veteran of all-things O.R: OR nurse, OR manager, and OR educator.

In addition to her diverse roles in the OR specialty – and her other part-time, 168-hour/week job as a wife and mother – Amber is also a certified EPIC Trainer (noun and adjective forms of the word “EPIC” equally apply,) and Expert Witness.

The consistency and progression of her experience in a singular nursing specialty for 2 decades is certainly impressive, but what makes Amber Moore exceptional – as a nurse, and a human – isn’t itemized on her resume, but it should be the subtitle to her name:

“Lives and Works Through A Moral Compass.”

Amber Moore’s superpower is discernment. She leads and teaches with a foundation of common sense, and embodies a clean-and-clear expression of truth in her professional and personal life.


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