Healthcare Cybersecurity is in Critical Condition. What’s the Prescription for Health Systems? with Erik Decker from Intermountain Healthcare & Julie Chua from the U.S. HHS

Outcomes Rocket

Healthcare Cybersecurity is in Critical Condition. What’s the Prescription for Health Systems? with Erik Decker from Intermountain Healthcare & Julie Chua from the U.S. HHS

In recognition of the 19 annual National Cyber Security Awareness Month, The Outcomes Rocket Network has launched a 10-part podcast series to elevate Cyber Security Awareness in Healthcare on our…
October 13, 2022

Healthcare Cybersecurity is in Critical Condition. What’s the Prescription for Health Systems? with Erik Decker from Intermountain Healthcare & Julie Chua from the U.S. HHS

In recognition of the 19 annual National Cyber Security Awareness Month, The Outcomes Rocket Network has launched a 10-part podcast series to elevate Cyber Security Awareness in Healthcare on our main channel, the Outcomes Rocket Podcast. Partnering with leaders in healthcare cybersecurity in their capacity as members of the Health Sector Coordinating Council, the podcast aims to illuminate advances made in protecting critical healthcare infrastructure and patient safety, and areas that need further focus to put a stop to Cyber Crime.

What are some basic things that we should be doing to combat prevalent threats that healthcare systems are facing?

In this episode, Saul Marquez had a conversation full of valuable information with Erick Decker, Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer for Intermountain Healthcare, and Julie Chua, Director of the Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance division within the HHS Office of Information Security. Healthcare cybersecurity is in critical condition and so members of the healthcare industry and the Health and Human Services (HSS) have joined forces to improve it. After different task force research efforts were made, the Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices (HICP) document was published. Erick and Julie break down what this publication is all about, the process that took place to write it, and its importance as a manual to protect patient safety with cybersecurity. In the end, cyber safety is patient safety, let us not forget that.

Tune in to this episode to learn about the Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices document that will help healthcare organizations and professionals keep their cybersecurity on point!

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