CTJ: The Lean Prescription: Understanding Lean and Six Sigma in Healthcare with Al Da Silva, Founder and CEO of DaSilva Consulting

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CTJ: The Lean Prescription: Understanding Lean and Six Sigma in Healthcare with Al Da Silva, Founder and CEO of DaSilva Consulting

October 18, 2023

CTJ: The Lean Prescription: Understanding Lean and Six Sigma in Healthcare with Al Da Silva, Founder and CEO of DaSilva Consulting

How can Lean and Six Sigma principles transform operations in healthcare organizations?

In this episode, Al Da Silva introduces Lean and Six Sigma principles and how they can be applied in healthcare settings. He highlights the importance of streamlining processes, reducing waste, and implementing Lean and Six Sigma, emphasizing the need for a change management strategy and a culture of excellence in healthcare.

Tune in for a solid foundation on the transformative impact of Lean and Six Sigma principles in healthcare operations.

Click this link to the show notes, transcript, and resources:

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