A New Hope: Cancer Care Redefined with Adam Pellegrini, CEO and Co-Founder of Jasper Health

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A New Hope: Cancer Care Redefined with Adam Pellegrini, CEO and Co-Founder of Jasper Health

August 14, 2023

A New Hope: Cancer Care Redefined with Adam Pellegrini, CEO and Co-Founder of Jasper Health

Part of cancer care entails supporting cancer patients and caregivers psychosocially.

In this episode, Adam Pellegrini talks about providing support, reducing stress, and improving the overall experience for cancer patients and their caregivers within the healthcare system with Jasper Health. He explains how the company offers a digital solution, collaborating for better care and focusing on psychosocial well-being and a “hope index” for improved outcomes.

Listen and learn how Jasper Health is revolutionizing cancer care with an innovative psychosocial support platform! (add link)

Click this link to the show notes, transcript, and resources:

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