YOU are not Broken! Sex advice from Dr. Casperson

Archive-HOT for your Health

YOU are not Broken! Sex advice from Dr. Casperson

Welcome to episode 6 of season 6 of the HOT for your Health podcast where we offer you bleeding edge conversations on health, science and culture with leading medical experts…
August 12, 2021

YOU are not Broken! Sex advice from Dr. Casperson

Welcome to episode 6 of season 6 of the HOT for your Health podcast where we offer you bleeding edge conversations on health, science and culture with leading medical experts and fascinating people from all walks of life.  In season 6, we revisit themes from the “Best of Life” Summit where the membership community was launched for 40-60+yo women living Ageless. Authentic. Indefinable in passionate pursuit of the BEST of LIFE.   Sound like a place for you?  Check it out at

YOU are not Broken!  HOT for your health is thrilled to bring back Rockstar Urologist and Life Coach Dr. Kelly Casperson as she unwinds female desire, the anatomy of great sex and her best advice for making intimate sexual experiences into the forefront of your relationships.  The world just can’t get enough of Dr. Kelly’s advice and neither can we!

Find more HOT for your Health advice from Dr. Casperson on her podcast, YOU are not Broken, on IG @KellyCaspersonMD

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