Sleep Wellness with Dr Vonda Wright

Archive-HOT for your Health

Sleep Wellness with Dr Vonda Wright

On this week’s episode of HOT for you Health, Dr Wright talks about a subject she used to ignore and now is a critical part of staying in peak performance....…
September 30, 2021

Sleep Wellness with Dr Vonda Wright

On this week’s episode of HOT for you Health, Dr Wright talks about a subject she used to ignore and now is a critical part of staying in peak performance…. Sleep.

Just the word is dreamy isn’t it? Well, it’s supposed to be, but is it? How are you sleeping these days?  Sleep is like the spine to our overall wellbeing. We think better, work better, feel better, and relate better when we sleep better. So why does something so fundamental to an active healthy lifestyle cause us so much trouble? 

Dr Wright talks about the three critical parts of creating an optimal environment for getting Back to Sleep.

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