Which Birth Control Option is Right for You? | Dallas Barnes & Thara Vayali
Birth control is a $65 billion industry. However, according to Reya Health, which is helping people find the right birth control for them, 75% of people who use birth control have some sort of side effect and1/3 take 5 methods and 2 years to find the right solution.
Dallas Barnes, Founder and CEO of Reya Health and Thara Vayali, a Naturopathic Doctor and Medical Advisory, speak about the following to address this challenge.
- Why is it important for patients to be informed about the different types of birth control available?
- Why is it important to learn which birth control is right for you?
- What are common birth control side effects?
- How do you determine which birth control option to take?
- How do you know when it might be time to switch your birth control?
“It does not have to be behind the gate of the physician that says, “We did not want to tell you that you weren’t actually getting a period.” We can tell people. They can handle it. Then they can make the decisions they want to make.” – Thara Vayali
“In my personal opinion, birth control should not make someone uncomfortable. There is an adjustment period. You want to be prepared for it. If you are experiencing something you are uncomfortable with, let’s have a conversation. What are you going to do about it?” – Dallas Barnes
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**The information shared by Fempower Health is not medical advice but for information purposes to enable you to have more effective conversations with your doctor. Always talk to your doctor before making health-related decisions. Additionally, the views expressed by the Fempower Health podcast guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.**
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About Reya Health:
A company founded by a birth control user for other birth control users. After experiencing years of grueling trial and error trying to find a suitable contraceptive, Reya’s founder and CEO set out to change the way we approach our search. Too often, birth control is seen as a “one-size-fits-all.” Of course, we are not all one size. Here at Reya, we put the individual user at the center and create a personalized experience to guide them through their birth control journey. We want everyone using contraceptives (hormonal and non-hormonal) to have personalized and reliable information to make informed decisions for their unique situation.
Dallas Barnes (Founder & CEO):
Dallas is a graduate from Sauder School of Business at UBC. Before Reya, Dallas mentored and coached small businesses, working closely with Indigenous entrepreneurs and helping them form strong business plans and growth strategies. Her negative experience navigating birth control and the notorious trial and error process inspired her to create the solution that she wished she had.
Thara Vayali (Medical Advisor):
Thara is a Naturopathic Doctor with over a decade of experience in women’s reproductive health, contraceptive counseling and female hormonal management. Thara ran a holistic health clinic for 10 years and now oversees technology solutions in clinical contexts. She speaks internationally for health literacy initiatives.