Definitively Speaking

Definitively Speaking

Data-driven conversations on the biggest trends in healthcare.

Episode 46: Can you harness capitalism to accelerate health equity? Squire Servance of Syridex Bio says yes

Health equity is a hot topic these days. There’s no question that certain populations have better and more frequent access to healthcare – not to mention sometimes dramatic variations in the quality of care. Health inequities drive roughly $320 billion in annual healthcare spending – money that could be better spent elsewhere if we could just figure out a way to address this issue. While there is no silver bullet to addressing health equity, Squire Servance, founder and managing partner at Syridex Bio, is trying to do his part. Syridex Bio is an impact-driven, life sciences-focused firm investing in therapies that address the needs of underserved communities. Squire joins Justin for the final episode of Definitively Speaking to explore the social and economic costs of healthcare disparity, the challenge of developing treatments for underserved groups, and why investing in health equity is both good business sense and just plain good.
February 1, 2024

Episode 45: Free global healthcare is the dream—Charles Nader of explains how blockchain, AI, and virtual care might make it a reality

Most everyone agrees that basic healthcare is a human right, but having a right to care doesn’t necessarily make it easily accessible or reliable for everyone. Charles Nader, CEO and founder of, is on a mission to deliver free basic healthcare to the entire world using a foundational philosophy of access, analytics, and transparency. Charles joins Justin to explain how artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and a business model inspired by brick-and-mortar pharmacies have enabled his company to provide free virtual care consultations to more than 600,000 patients from a platform that can function in any market—all while helping doctors provide the kind of patient-centered care about which they’re passionate.
January 18, 2024

Episode 44: Could 2024 be the Year of Value-based Care? Brian Drozdowicz of PointClickCare explains why HCIT interoperability could finally accelerate the industry transition

Hospitals might seem like the quintessential healthcare setting, but only about 11% of care episodes actually occur in these facilities, according to the National Institutes of Health. The other 89% of care is delivered through a complex continuum of outpatient settings that span everything from primary care offices to ambulatory surgery centers to long-term care facilities, just to name a few locations. Brian Drozdowicz, SVP and GM of acute and payor markets at PointClickCare, joins Justin to chat about the technological, legal, and incentive barriers to coordinating value-based care (VBC) across the healthcare ecosystem. Brian draws from more than two decades of leadership experience in healthcare tech to share his perspectives on VBC: how accountable care organizations are using data to improve outcomes at lower cost, why the rest of the industry always seems to be just one year away from activating VBC, and why 2024 may be the year that VBC truly, finally takes off.
January 4, 2024

Episode 43: How to build a business from a university lab discovery – The story of Acera Surgical with Dr. Matthew MacEwan

Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent on medical research and development each year by large corporations, small start-ups, and university labs around the world. If you’re working in a lab, and you discover a game-changing innovation, it can seem daunting to build a business around it. But it doesn’t have to be—and Dr. Matthew MacEwan, chief science officer and co-founder of Acera Surgical Inc., can tell you how he did it. Dr. MacEwan joins Justin to explain how he and his collaborators transformed years of research in material science into Restrata, an electrospun fiber matrix that aims to revolutionize soft tissue repair. Dr. MacEwan walks us through the journey of building a company out of a university laboratory, the lessons he learned from the patent process, and why navigating through complex clinical standards is a bit like steering the Titanic.
December 14, 2023

Episode 42: Who cares for the care providers? Gail Gazelle, MD, talks physician burnout, mental health, and mindfulness

Medical professionals are leaving the industry in droves, and those who remain are burning out over untenable workloads and business pressures. Our doctors are responsible for caring for us. But who’s responsible for caring for them? And why do so many doctors not take the time to take care of themselves? Dr. Gail Gazelle, a physician coach, author, and Harvard assistant professor, joins Justin to explain why healthcare professionals are so prone to burnout and how they can – and must – preserve their mental well-being. Dr. Gazelle discusses the four signs of burnout, the systemic factors that contribute to it, and how mindfulness can help physicians avoid handing over their happiness.
November 30, 2023

Episode 41: Healthcare investing is a lot like dating—so what makes Sam Hendler of Thomas H. Lee Partners swipe right?

What’s it like being an investor in the healthcare space? It’s a little like dating for a living, if all your dates only want to talk about work and money. Sam Hendler, managing director of business development at Thomas H. Lee Partners, joins Justin to discuss what’s hot—and what’s not—in the world of healthcare investment, from major M&A activity to the growing challenges of interoperability. Learn what investors really look for in their prospects, why healthcare can’t seem to master revenue cycle management, and how working with the government as a private equity firm is kind of like keeping a pet tiger.
November 16, 2023

Episode 40: Who says that a hospital actually needs a building? Riffing on the future of the US Healthcare System with Jonathan Bush of Zus Health

Whether you place the blame on wonky demand curves or misaligned incentive structures, there’s no getting around it: the massive U.S. healthcare system just isn’t delivering on its $4.3 trillion investment. Is it time for a medical Manhattan Project? In this special episode, Justin is joined by Jonathan Bush, founder and CEO of Zus Health, and Robert Musslewhite, Definitive Healthcare CEO, to debate the future of the US healthcare system – what’s broken and who has what responsibility to fix it. Justin, Jonathan, and Robert discuss who’s really at-fault – is it the government, the payors, or the healthcare systems themselves? One thing’s for sure: it’s not the patient’s fault – or is it? They debate ideas for aligning payors, providers, employers, and patients. And they discuss the industry’s long, winding, and never-ending road to IT interoperability, and why that interoperability might not be the panacea that so many people think it could be.
November 2, 2023

Episode 39: It’s tough out there! How healthcare providers can grow (even in a challenging economy) with Bill Moschella of Definitive Healthcare

It’s tough being an executive at a healthcare delivery network these days. Competition for patients is brutal, doctors are leaving in droves, and insurance companies are squeezing your margins. And by the way, your board wants you to grow your revenues and your profits at the same time. So what’s the magic answer? Well, there isn’t really one, but Bill Moschella has some ideas on what you can do. Bill leverages his experience of building seven successful start-ups for the provider market to expert insights on how to deliver operational excellence amid unprecedented financial and competitive pressures, why it’s more important than ever to lean into innovation, and his no-nonsense formula for succeeding in the dynamic and complex healthcare market.
October 19, 2023
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Definitively Speaking

The healthcare industry is complicated—so let’s talk about it. Justin Steinman, chief marketing officer at Definitive Healthcare, is your host for data-driven conversations with thought leaders from every corner of this $4 trillion industry. Justin and his guests discuss healthcare’s biggest trends, consider where the industry might be heading, and break down what it means for you.


Justin Steinman

Justin Steinman

Justin Steinman is passionate about data and its ability to transform how we think about healthcare. With years of industry expertise, he’s developed a knack for helping others see the opportunities in healthcare’s complexities. When he’s not leading Definitive Healthcare’s marketing strategy, development and execution, you can find him coaching Little League baseball or reading a good book on the beach.

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