How Do I Stay Safe In The Heat? (with Josh Blomgren, DO)
IT’S HOT! This July sets record as the hottest in recorded history. Headlines are coming fast and furious recently regarding the heat waves throughout the world, including the southern United States. Temperatures have been hitting triple digits for multiple weeks in a row in places like Phoenix and Florida.
These dangerous levels of heat have led to increased rates of heat illness and even death. It’s another story of the climate affecting our health.
What is heat illness? Why does it happen? Who is at risk? And ultimately what you should do if you find yourself in a place with a dangerous heat warning?
Our expert today is Josh Blomgren, DO!
- Dr. Blomgren is our friend and colleague, a Sports Medicine Physician at Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush for close to 15 years.
- He is the Chief Medical Officer for the Chicago Red Stars as well as team physician for Willowbrook High School.
- Perintent to today’s topic, Josh has volunteered annually since 2007 at the Chicago Marathon overseeing the medical tents that are responsible for over 40,000 runners each year, a percentage of which will experience heat illness, our topic today!
Key highlights in this episode include:
What’s the basic physiology behind heat illness?
What are the most common symptoms people develop with heat illness?
How can you tell if someone may be suffering from heat illness?
How hot is too hot? At what temperature should we be cancelling events?
Do different activities have different risks in the heat?
What goes into calculating the “heat index”?
What is a wet bulb globe temperature?
Who is the most at risk for heat illness?
How can you cool someone down most effectively?
Dr. Blomgren recommends the following resources to learn about heat illness:
Resources from the American Academy of Pediatrics, including: “Climatic Heat Stress and Exercising Children and Adolescents“
“Top Safety Tips for Preventing Heat, Sun-Related Illnesses in Children this Summer“
“Extreme Heat: Keeping Kids Safe When Temperatures Soar”.
The Korey Stringer Institute- information on “heat illnesses“.
Cooling Centers by State– by the National Center for Healthy Housing.
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