Breaking Up the Lecture: The Power of Active Learning

Write Medicine

Breaking Up the Lecture: The Power of Active Learning

September 27, 2023

Breaking Up the Lecture: The Power of Active Learning

I’m really excited to have today’s conversation with  Dr. Barbie Honeycutt, a faculty development consultant and host of the podcast Lecture Breakers.  Barbi is an expert in the field of active learning and is known for her work on creating engaging and effective learning experiences for students. She is the founder of FLIP It® and Interactive Lectures, two popular strategies for incorporating active learning in the classroom.

Here’s what you’ll learn in today’s episode. 

1. Start with the learner’s experience and where they are in their learning journey. Note their preferences for engaging with learning materials.

2. There’s a continuum of active learning strategies to engage learners from low to high intensity, from think-pair-share at one end of the continuum to project-based assignments at the other. 

3. As we know in CME/CE, it’s vital to align activities to learning outcomes. For example: If critical thinking is a key outcome, use case studies.

4. Consider developing your content via inclusive course design principles that use Universal Design for Learning, draw on a diversity of voices, and offer learners choices about which content is most relevant and how to access that content. 

5. Finally, mobile and microlearning are expanding in CME/CE. These are terrific tools for creating bite-sized content for busy professionals to learn as needed. An example might be 2-minute lessons that health professionals can complete on their phones and apply right away.

Bucklin B et al. Making it stick: use of active learning strategies in continuing medical education. BMC Medical Education. 2021, 21(44).
➡️ Universal Design for Learning guidelines
Six Thinking Hats from the de Bono group
Quick tips to break up lectures

Connect with Barbi
Barbi’s website:
Lecture Breakers podcast

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