Expert Coronavirus Updates with Harry Pliskin | Session 31

Passionate Pioneers with Mike Biselli

Expert Coronavirus Updates with Harry Pliskin | Session 31

December 10, 2020

Expert Coronavirus Updates with Harry Pliskin | Session 31

This episode’s Community Champion Sponsor is Ensemble Health Partners. To learn more about their inspiring work: CLICK HERE

While in the midst of a crisis, like the COVID-19 pandemic, I believe there is an excellent opportunity to challenge old norms and to create an environment for new ideas, innovations, and technologies to take flight.  

One area ripe for new thinking and innovation is the age-old topic of indoor air quality. 

During today’s episode, we are joined by a national thought leader and business executive who has been leading the charge on the importance of addressing indoor air quality for more than a decade. 

Harry Pliskin is the President of Atreo, an industry-leading organization that designs and installs pneumatic transport solutions in highly complex environments of all sizes and geographical locations.

While together, Harry shares with us how his clients are adjusting to the realities and needs the pandemic has created and how he is leading the charge in reimagining designs and solutions for indoor air quality well after the pandemic is behind us. 

Join us for this meaningful and encouraging conversation about the importance of indoor air quality during the Coronavirus outbreak and beyond. 

Episode Highlights:

  • The importance of indoor air quality before, during and after COVID-19
  • Simplifying and managing critical air quality information about COVID-19
  • Opportunities for improved indoor air quality and innovation beyond COVID-19

About Our Guest: 

Harry Pliskin is President of Atreo, a Colorado-based environmental services and management company. He has worked with hundreds of clients to design and implement science-based, cost-effective infection prevention and indoor air quality solutions. Harry and his team of engineers, researchers, project managers and technicians have worked with customers in multiple industries including hospitals and universities, office buildings, hotels, residential developments, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations. Clients have included Mayo Clinic, Stanford University, Penn Medicine, and the University of Texas. Harry participated in the Sloan Foundation’s Microbiome Project at the University of Chicago and is a frequent speaker on the most effective and efficient science-based strategies and tools to mitigate the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. He has been warning about the transmission of airborne viruses and bacteria and recommending a more robust response in the private and public sector for more than the past decade. 

Prior to Atreo, Harry was founder and CEO of TeleWeb Worldwide, one of the first business process outsourcing companies providing services from locations around the world (now FirstSource – Previously, Harry worked in Washington, D.C. overseeing legislative advocacy efforts for maintaining the affordability of telecommunications and energy at the state and federal levels for one of the country’s largest advocacy group. Harry graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a B.A., Economics, and a J.D. from George Washington University.

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