Refugee Series/Boban Stojanović : Triumph Over Trauma – A Tale of Hope, Resilience, and Acceptance (Ep.26)

Healthcare for Humans

Refugee Series/Boban Stojanović : Triumph Over Trauma – A Tale of Hope, Resilience, and Acceptance (Ep.26)

August 15, 2023

Refugee Series/Boban Stojanović : Triumph Over Trauma – A Tale of Hope, Resilience, and Acceptance (Ep.26)

In this episode of “Healthcare for Humans” from the North American Refugee Conference, Dr. Raj Sundar records guest Boban Sojanovic, a Serbian Canadian peace and LGBTQ+ human activist, to share his incredible journey of resilience and hope. B

Boban faced death threats in his homeland and had to flee to Canada, where he dealt with melanoma and the suicide of his father. Through poetry and therapy, Boban found healing and transformed his pain into a source of strength. Dr. Sundar emphasizes the importance of listening and bearing witness to the stories of refugees and trauma survivors while highlighting Boban’s four powerful life lessons: embracing life’s circumstances, celebrating personal transformation, recognizing the abundance of love and understanding in the world, and holding on to hope amidst challenges.

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