Care and Technology:  Empowering Families as Collaborators in Healthcare (Tanja Ahlin, Ep 32)

Healthcare for Humans

Care and Technology: Empowering Families as Collaborators in Healthcare (Tanja Ahlin, Ep 32)

November 6, 2023

Care and Technology: Empowering Families as Collaborators in Healthcare (Tanja Ahlin, Ep 32)

In this episode,” we continue our conversation with Tanja Ahlin, a researcher and anthropologist. We delve into the complex dynamics that arise when family members bring their own healthcare knowledge into the mix. As a family medicine physician, I’ve come to realize the significance of this phenomenon and the valuable insights that family members can offer. However, there is often skepticism or hesitation from healthcare professionals. In this episode, we discuss the importance of fostering trust and encouraging family participation in the care process. Join us as we explore the concept of care collectives and how digital technologies have facilitated communication and support for transnational families.

Timestamped Overview

[00:01:35] Family insights are valuable, but healthcare skepticism persists.

[00:05:44] Mediated presence is important, but physical visits are vital.

[00:07:26] Virtual communication as a distant bridging experience.

[00:11:38] Transition to practical transnational care collectives, including remittances and formalized healthcare for immigrant families.

[00:16:40] Nurses give parents medical advice, it works.

[00:18:21] Encouraging openness among healthcare professionals for transnational care.

[00:22:29] Transnational care collective uses emotions for effectiveness.

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