S2E05 – The Rise of Sensors

DOCSF – Digital Orthopaedics Conference San Francisco

S2E05 – The Rise of Sensors

How sensing things can help us understand
June 11, 2019

S2E05 – The Rise of Sensors

The use of sensors in healthcare and in particular in Orthopedics is very hot which is why the second of our Focus Lectures is dedicated to sensors. In this next segment we asked Duncan Bradley, Dr. Ashish Atreja and Dan Kendall. Duncan Bradley, from McLaren, the automotive company, discusses how sensors revolutionized his industry, starting with F1 cars. It is an instructive story for technology changed the game for an entire industry. Dr. Ashish Atreja, the CIO at MountSinai, shares his vision of how sensor data will impact the delivery of care. This session is moderated by Dan Kendall, the host and founder of Digital Health Today, the leading digital health podcast.

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