100 Ultimate Tips from 100 Episodes of Write Medicine

Write Medicine

100 Ultimate Tips from 100 Episodes of Write Medicine

February 26, 2024

100 Ultimate Tips from 100 Episodes of Write Medicine

We’ve reached a major milestone here at the Write Medicine podcast – episode 100.

When I started this podcast, my mission was to foster a spirit of community, connection, and support among peers and colleagues in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. This mission has evolved and is increasingly focused on providing you. Write Medicine friend, with practical strategies and tools to advance your career and support your work as a CME/CPD professional, whether you are a planner, strategist, analyst, reviewer, or writer.

So to celebrate making it to episode 100, I’ve compiled 100 tips covered by our conversations on the podcast. Consider today’s episode the cheatsheet you need to:

– Optimize CME programming, evaluation, and modalities

– Craft high-quality content

– Master efficient research strategies

– Grow as a CME/CPD professional

Take what serves you in your journey from this curated list across 10 key categories that this podcast explores.

Time Stamps

(01:26) Writing and content creation tips

(02:37) Research and evidence tips

(04:04) Career development tips

(05:32) Communication and collaboration tips

(06:52) Industry insight tips

(08:18) Personal growth and productivity tips

(09:43) Ethics and professionalism tips

(11:00) Professional development tips

(12:30) Navigating challenges tips

(13:41) Technology tips

(15:20) Next up on Write Medicine

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