If Simone Biles were a doctor she would be vilified, not praised
“Just as Simone Biles has her detractors, there will always be physicians unable to empathize with their mentally ill colleagues, believing psychological struggles are a constant state of being human. But if taking care of oneself means temporarily leaving the workforce to receive professional treatment, then so be it. Physicians are beginning to feel empowered to protect themselves. Their acts of self-care can be seen as the first step in protecting and preserving mental health. Being mentally tough for practicing medicine is no different than being mentally tough for competing for a gold medal. In either case, it does not mean sacrificing your sanity. It’s time medical schools and institutions were on board with this notion.”
Arthur Lazarus is a psychiatrist.
He shares his story and discusses his KevinMD article, “If Simone Biles were a doctor she would be vilified, not praised.” (https://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2021/07/if-simone-biles-were-a-doctor-she-would-be-vilified-not-praised.html)
Read his story mentioned on the show: “The Most Memorable Patient I Never Saw.” (https://alphaomegaalpha.org/pharos/PDFs/2014-3-Lazarus.pdf)