Ep 5: Small Steps, Big Changes: Preventing Type 2 Diabetes with Exercise and Sleep

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes Podcast

Ep 5: Small Steps, Big Changes: Preventing Type 2 Diabetes with Exercise and Sleep

November 12, 2023

Ep 5: Small Steps, Big Changes: Preventing Type 2 Diabetes with Exercise and Sleep

Preventing type 2 diabetes isn’t just about eating healthy—getting regular exercise, sleeping enough, and reducing stress are all important lifestyle changes too. But you don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to be healthy. Even small steps can lead to big changes!

In this episode of the Preventing Type 2 Diabetes Podcast, we hear from people living with prediabetes about how they made tweaks to their daily routines and share easy tips and resources for adopting an exercise plan that works for you. Whether you’re a beginner or unsure where to start, we provide tips and tricks to help you create an exercise plan that works for you.

Additionally, we explore how reducing stress and improving sleep can lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Don’t miss out on these valuable insights to support your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.


For links to resources and information covered in this series, visit our website at


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