Lowering Eye Medication Costs and Increasing Adherence with Nanodropper with Jennifer Steger and Mackenzie Andrews of Nanodropper

Outcomes Rocket

Lowering Eye Medication Costs and Increasing Adherence with Nanodropper with Jennifer Steger and Mackenzie Andrews of Nanodropper

 In this episode, we are privileged to have two special guests on the podcast. Mackenzie Andrews is the Chief Commercialization Officer and Dr. Jennifer Steger is the Chief Scientific Officer…
February 24, 2021

Lowering Eye Medication Costs and Increasing Adherence with Nanodropper with Jennifer Steger and Mackenzie Andrews of Nanodropper

 In this episode, we are privileged to have two special guests on the podcast. Mackenzie Andrews is the Chief Commercialization Officer and Dr. Jennifer Steger is the Chief Scientific Officer of Nanodropper, an affordable FDA-listed adaptor for eye drop bottles that makes drop smaller.

Mackenzie and Jennifer discuss how their company helps reduce waste and cost of eyedrop treatments while improving access points and eye health. They share what drives their passion for healthcare, educated us on eye medications, medication adherence, and health waste. They also talk about clinical trials and programs they launch to help improve low-income individuals like the Give the Gift of Vision program.

This is an exciting conversion about eye care so tune in!

Click this link to the show notes, transcript, and resources:

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